Ontario Nominations Received On Thursday IKE CANADIAN PRESS Total to date PC 145 73 ND 110 SC 12 Com 11 other 6881 Wanama LunenhnrzArchl bald Burks Shelburne ermnulh Clara Vlclor nos NDP tamMm Denrborn Kent NJbLangis noblchlud SC NThomu PC Kiri 0nlxsdncy ClunIl Glenurrylmml Inland Cholcllu SC Thyme DAIJnrlhxfllld Scot mow York Humvqu mm PC Tomnh llvkdlbWflllnm Dy mond PC llized many Ideas that spell sums of camlon far the lucky owner of this home The pmlectlva overhang on the gar Mutual Mnlxanncuv Rale monl chnnnd Dmux NDP Mm dn laup funn ununosnlro Gandmn Malml Jcquu Cnrurr nIIoJohn Pull PC Manual Llwmm HIV learn nEInn Chamber PC nu nnymnnd anolnu NDP OntarioNorman Onlik BruceJohn Laney PC In 1ng Gordon Skinner PCL undo IL lrvlna PCL MIA xW IL Icflgbukr hutsHector I10 IRADFORD ST nut Ilumldlly pr hm mm juulum lul ml new wlnlar cquzhl duty In dry nun Proud your hm wnllpnprr curl1m doorl olluo plum ngnlnu dnmnxlnl mohluro Inn 4750 OUR DESIGNERS have ut 6250 MOD ATlm Dry Rooms Make For Trouble MOBIL Anvm DOMINION TIRE STORES GET YOUR FREE HUMIDITY CHART EXAMINER HOME0ETHEWEEK MADE DY LICIROIIOME lHIl Waterloo North Donald Wlbcl thlnnd Frank Haslam Comm Wcmnnon South xAliredD Halo PC Cochran Pnlnnglo PC 33 5t hnlInpdnn unmnlgm so Emu Swill CurreMMlple CrltkAfl Johnson NCI QuApprIla xAlvln Hamilton PCD Tho nnuldoranxmbert Hor ncr PC Moon Mounlalnxk IL Sou lhnm PC Mnekrnxle George Johnson SCL wmin DAuphlnxElmar Forbes PC nrqndqnsquyliAlyln Bus age provides an all wmihnr shelter that will be npprecialed when goinginlonrirom the garage Thelivinmining room with its expansive sliding We IIIAD cnrry tompltlu nokcllon bathroom ï¬x tum FLOOR SERVICE 41 Illh PA um thlmlc Ind Vlnyl Mouln Floor wJII Ceramic Floor Wall Tilo PROGRESSIVE PA MN and lth noon Ind GARAGE 1051 20 DESIGN No 482 unm EFESQ Garage Vancouvermum axTom Berger NDP Vancouvzr SoulhACHH Greer NFP Coma Albern All Crunch PC VlclovlnDnvid Gmos LL xmambc1 at last houm anominnlcd pmvluusly TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lHll xulcsrtérb window wall overlooking or race and striking ï¬replace has been planned or years of com fortnbieliving and is ndap table to various furnishings ant bedrooms are twintype separated by folding wall multiuse feature but if pre ferred these rooms could be divided by permanent wall Rear bedroom has builtin desk and two closets The kit chen is located in the front convenient Io both outside doors basement stairs and extra lavatory Construction is rams will brick accent but details for building in brick are supplied Standard Builders blueprints for this design No 162 cost $1500 for the first set and $500 for additional sets They are available in Canada by return mail Ontario res ideanmust remit per cent IMPRPIIE YlilIR Complno Stock of CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION ANSWER Marble nlng pepnrnllnn are available marv housewares nnd hurdwurn denlm lollaw lnbcl lnslnlcllolu benm In lho back yard 01 vacnllon nme we recently purchased badly paintAnnd ms slnincd Apparently it was used wurk and playlnhle or children previous owners 15 there any way to clcnn up the mnrbia ourselm ANSWER Parceinln ï¬xture can only he relnishcd by pm lessIunnls or complete sallslac uon Cansult the classified Inle phone dIreclory under Farce laln Enamel Repairing and Re flnlshlng QTAINED mum QUESTION Wu recently haught ah1y old house In generally good condillon 0n the bath tub is badly warn nnd discolored and we preler not rcplaclng lmmedlalely Can this be mlinlshedl The giazier may have omitt ed applying coat priming pain before puiiying or caulk ing on metal surface this pm vides roughened surfucoior beller adhesion And uiler the puny or caulking or glazing compound dried pain should be applied to seal and pmiecL For good light water seal the pain should be lapping slightly over on the glass and he um number oi cools appiied as are on the window frame QUESTIO an 11 foot picture window with vmi cal bar and two hnrizonti blrs dividing ii into nine panes of unequal site in driving nin water invariably come through forms puddles on iha horiwntai bars trickling down ihe vertical bars Outside windows have been puitiui and reputlied and caulk ed nudrecauiked by the glaz ier in no avail What might be dam to remedy situation shim oi insiniiing storm window ANSWER You dont stale whether the tame and but me metal or wood For metal window there any two kinds of metal sash putty or lnterlor and exleï¬or use the Interior should never be uscd outsldo windows BEFINISIIING WORN TUB ANSWER ï¬he press nt covering on that tightly and securely you mlgh dull any gloss an the surface the same time removan any trace amuse grime etc by rub blag with ï¬ne stcel way and turpentine menapplying the fugue accordan lomanu acturera sknlluloizdlrectlons rlght over this Humoan dil iculz without dnmazu lo dry wallsurlace QUESTION want to replace unnieumtype covering an my bathroom walls with plastic 111 The trouble is that the walls are dry wall and the present camlug an quite securely and cant em to mmovl Have you any sug gestions on mm mg mg uriouéum FIRSTjAID FOR THE HOME 30 um ho Ulmm Ouullly Imm lhl your Bulldor um Barnum ISm Produm 429 BLAKE ST mam LB0254 4x8 550 4x7 460 hullemul vrnpplng BEBTBAM BROTHERS SPECIALS FINISHED MASONITE Ind ADITIIII By ROGER WAllBOARD Cull Ind Curry Prlcel Cherry DOlTNOW 4x8 550 4x7 480 LTD ANSWER Use 11 mlx one part portland cement th purl clean coarsu sand and an filth as much hydrated limu cement Dlg out loose mort ur in the lolnu for at least hall an lnchl using cold chlsel beer can opcner or old mew driver Brush out all lo ose pnrtlcle and mnlsleu the brlck surface with wnter then apply the martnr wllh palated masona trowel Latex pat chlng cement can also be used for small nreas thls ls avnllublu at many hardware and masonry supplies dealers QUESTION have mlhog any tabla whlch had lhel onlopi Xremnvad he smell lenvlnz wo hula un each long side 01 lbs coflee table the size dime approximamy How can the halex If they wont show lhauzht of veneer tape How that put on Do you have any other suggestions ANSWER punyIlka mater lr In slick arm is nvallabla In many hardware housewares nnd plywood dealers this cam es In most popular wood anion and can b3 used to ill halos dents etc or use plastic wood stained to match the mahogany flEPOINflNG BRICK STOOP QUESTION My brick sloop needs repoanng nt several places What momr mlx ls recommended or this QUESTION hnva an ald reed pump organ which needs main Who cquldl contact or service service ANSWER Consult your local classified telephone directory under Grainsmnlngand Rev pairing and Guam rllQLEs IN MAHOGANY to us rarelully0r try the lallvwinz treatment which is very eflecdve or remnving most stains and flirt irom mar hie exposed to weather well as paint and rust Make thick paste or powdergd whiting nr thu ahsnrhent powder strong hot Aolution ni Ml soda Cover the discolnred mar hie 5ch with thick layer and allow to remain several hours ovanight is good Tin soda acts solvent paint grease and other stains and the whiting like hloller to draw the material out in the morning wash oil thepainl with clear warm water and wlpa dry with clean not cloth Repeat tmtment it neo emry HEATING was Phone PA 66531 112 35 BARRIE ImPd 4x8 515 Ioorr FunJIM gvent In His life ChHszrchm as wimssemonly 1hr Inner lhree HI d13 dples those closest to mm and he only one prlvlleged lowlt nus certain of H1 experiences such as in theflmien Seth semane These hm are Peter James and John the apostle who were most active In the cuï¬y lhgchurch in addition to Christ and Hi three chosen apostles two oth erswere present at Hi Tran iigurationvEliJah and Moses who represented the Old Testa men in its two great aspects law Moses and Prophecy Eli jah The npostier represented the covenant oi the Gospel These two great Old Testament iigures give iurther emphasis to the overwhelming rizniiieancn of Christ EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH mm ll The wuss awed by their appearance are Inclined to rate them in haste as equal Inc indicated by Peter suggestion rt SamaraMull um uni SPEER JONES Christs unlque mmblnallon ol dlvlnlty and humanlly is no where more sharply set forth than ln todayslesson wherein Mark relates In immediate suc cesslnn the Transï¬guration at Christ and HI vary human healing demonqldden buy hu aloryopens slx days alter Hla concludlng eplsoda 01 Int weekl lesson Peters nonres slon of Christ In Caesnrea Phil lppl Partly for thls reason scholars eel quite sure that the Transllguratlon tool placa on mountain called Mt Hermon which ll just six days journey 1mm Caturea Phlllppllt la peak 10000 teat hlzh the great neithernlnnglmark al Palestlne an Visib esflue 1THisTHumanity 48 ANNE ST The Men To See Y0 For HOME MODERNIZING BALL Mdbéhmzme home remodellan project lodey demand the nervlm or speclallsl whose services include eulmellng plnnnlng Ind llnnnclng The quellly ml lcrlall Installed by clpnble lredelmen from Bell Plenlnx Mlll ensure the home owner complete nlllfecllan In every dale Our record mvlce or 107 yem Is one the we wlll mllnuln or you me ATHOMI Esmems NO OBLIGATION Call Up Todey This new tree alht mvmpri or am puma MILL co no 3w successful service offered by Bill Planlng M111 provides complate lhome esllmatlng or all your remodelllng and repairing needs hufldlnx each um booth or tabernacle God Hlnuell than Intervene In make it clear that Even Moses and Elijah are In ummcant éumpared to they own leader Christ One or 1119 great purposes of meï¬nnfllguudon was In Em vldg lha apostle liter Clu cmculxlon with some solace and hope bum HI resume lion flung ChflsL uteriny and ï¬guratively ducénds the mountain to flu valley very nrdln men ona whom desperat leekl HI hdp In curing his alluded son The Importance ol lhh occulon heIKhlened by the fact that this funicular act of healingn wh 211 the disciple had tried and lulleddepended enlhcly gnmlh pot all on rower Thus Chris has come mm the moat exalted to an Inns humqu form of Ictlon prayer This L1 the Inn rnnleol grenlne mutated by For nullity Brick stone Ind much work renou IIIII prim BI SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR séhVICIs PA 60966 he Eulmnlu Bill Henry Bob Scruton lorne Carruthers when ltd lean mu The kitchen but npponltd mu Iho mos Ind hll Inlnlnu Nu been concmlrnld on maunl cullom lllthrnn with many wrk In luhlru To elhfl wllh lho iencaL lnllnrd by ullnu my 00 Dobl mcceu wllh Idlan ulemltml um nddlllonl has yur wan due In pm In lhI experience In xnlncd in MI own bullnul over many yam The Ichmllng then mm waived mu mlde them fully qunllllcd lo pmvlda lhc 11th answer prlte Lorna widel hum throughout In Coun Be In la to devote wealth ol ape ence to your remodelling Ideal ll capablo ol esllmnllng rolecu mm mrnflofl mom to tum uudlnxx at rtflal well qunll Icnm ol home mndcrnlxlnfl remun PA 60902 SARJEANT CO LTD PA 82461 cam The remainder arm chum In devoted to another vmphecyWf Christs camlnl tenth and resurrection Mark 913 and to Iva great leach lngs given by Him to H1 db clples 0ng TEXT lood to do he wlll fllm who lent MI Ind to no cnmpulh uh workJahn huvnnlSunnoN wagon pmucu yuur uqmpmmq mm In Ipnlllly mumd mm mutant Icanamcll mm um Ia Suuozu ma SUNUGU anon run IHE LUNfl nun HEATING onq ï¬g Run