Im nookch were made by boh lhe elves and tho kulples whllu the lnirics made In dud or 12 Inch rulers with each member comrlbullng lhe lenglh In pen Inlcs hand drawn plclure of hmwnlu wn well lramed wlh nnles by he unnmcs and lmlc pcnple oulllnrd their own six rmhlcm with lhelr contributions By MARIE MARTIN Packs and companies through out Kempcnlell Dlvision all join ed their sisters lhronghoul lhe world In Thinking Day can monles The Bmwnics oi Seventh Bur tle held their birthdny party at the pnck meeting on Feb 20 with guests commiï¬ioner Craig head Mrs Curler nnd Mrs Martin present In shnre in the celebration Altar the usual opening he brownies sat in closed circle and one by one made link of gold crepe pnpnr until lrlendshlp chain was complclcd with each link rcprcsenling member oi the World Assoclnv llun ol Girlcuidcs and Girl 53 awn Six hard working bruwnles received 11 total oi badges wiih presentations being made by Commissioner Craighcnd nnd nuhiic miuiinns secretary Mrs Mnrtln Recipients oi the much mveied goidcn hand badge in riudcd Ii Brcnncman Trudy Cole Penny Fnrquhnrson Mariorio Knowles and Bonnie Martin Collrclor badges were award ed to Peggy Fnrquhnrson mxdy Cole Marjorie Known and Car olyn chger who had also earned hm huusp orderlyInggc In ur pmilciency badges loymnkcr lhrin writ er and bwklovcr were pre acplcd to Bonnlc Mnnln Each slx was responsible this year or collecting and unmet ively displaying their nwn Waer Fricndshlp Fund domflions and flu result proved the Ingenuity and mnginminn or he gran News Of Kempenielt Division Of The Girl Guides Of Canada Members oltlle Kempcnlclt Chapter IODE were in charge of the program the monthly meeting Barrics Club 50 Highlights at the eve These lnys mznlc nn un usual bnrk mm or Ihc party lab centred uilh lull Kold candles und the lrmllllnnnl birth To the following firms who donated mor chnndise and prizes 10 1he 1963 Winter Cnrnlvnl Queen Contest Committee KOlMAR OF CANADA WHITE TOWER MOTEL CONSUMERS GAS ROXY THEATRE lAKEVlEW DAIRY McKINNON FURS EATONS OF CANADA BARRIE FENDLEYS FLOWERS BEIZANT NURSERIES AVIS RENTACAR BERTRAM BROS lTD MRS GRACE MURPHY DARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA SINGER SEWING lENAS lINGERIE Mym SINGERS ENTERTAIN AT CLUB 50 MEETING AGAIN THANK YOU THE BARRIE JAYCETYES Sincovo day cake In honor of Lon nudLady pm ll unit gus of the pack signalled Happy Birthday in semaphore and each brownle made wish or brownies In other lands as Commlssloner leghend cut the cake The third Barrie pack used variation the birthday cake ihcme by having our cakes to represent he our comers oi lho earth and each brownie placing tiny World Fla or spcyiiiq ember couni Ench chxld xcéeived acuxr cake and lit candle on lor the country she reprcscnled CHURCH PARADES Baden Poucll Sunday was observed by number church migng thyoughnul Ihe givis Barrie braw nio packs aiong wiih ii firsi Barrie guide company held their parade in Trinity Anglican Church while the lhird pack and lhird company nccompmiied by District Commissioner KII gour flilcndcd Si Andrewl ircshylo Church The Allandnlo groups were welcomed In St Georges Am licnn Church nnd the Shanty Buy Diskict paraded to Zlon Uyllcd BAKE SALE lng included selenium popular melodies hylhe Ros Caldwell Singers The mectlng was held nl the Odd Fellows llall Collier 51 last evenlnu nets oi Allnndalc and Innislil are Joining Iorccs on March 15 when lhoy will hold bake sale SL Gmrgel Pnrish Hull Proceeds 1mm this nlc will be glven In the div IE on district is oxpcclcd to da it share lnwurd raising tho necessary ï¬nances lo keep the diyision running smoothly hold us sale and Allnndulu and Innlslil have their plnns well hndcrwny so lhnt those re mulnlng district would do well In start planning their project nnw SET RECORD record 19000 persons lcndcd the monthlong lloynl Canndlnn Arademy of Am hm exhihlllan at tho Toronto 1m Gallery Members of the Ben Slgma PM Sorority met at the home of Mrs Eélly Ruwbollnm Blake Street The meeting was open ed by he prcsldcnl Mrs Barb ara Nlchol The secretary Mrs Dorothy Merritt called the roll and read the minutes the last meeting Mrs Nichol dislribulcd pledge cards or he Imhmmlng blood donor clinic sponsored by the Red Cross Society The cards are Io be turned in by March Miss Dorm Richards the soclal commillec outlined ï¬nal den or he sleigh ride to be held from Maggs in New In vmll March The president read leucr re cclvcd mm the lnlcmaunnnl headquarters of Bela Sigma Phi reminding chuMcrs send the annual donatinn to the Inlcrnn lonal Endowment Fund and Loan Fund Mrs Jenn Fair and Mrs Bel ly Ilowbouom prescnlcd pro gram in two parts namely Nn lurcs Landscape and Du Im Isgg Lan pc Shown al the meeting mm the let me Bill Bell pianist with the singing gmup Mrs Jnck Dullnlv IDOE Re gent Mrs Gordon Wnll Ed Cnvnnnugh Mrs Gordon Roach and Ross Caldwell oth er members of the 101 al tcndlng were Mrs lllggs Mrs llocy Mrs Muc Donald Mrs lllacDonnld Mrs Don Magce Mrs Rullnson Mrs Spurhnm Mlss Rhoda Young and Mrs ll Mavens Examiner BSP Sorority Plan Sleighride Mr snmey md 01 Rose sum will be the hostess or lhe nex mcctlng Pholbb oi Ina service in Eng iLsh French and Japanese hnva bccndlstribuied to more than 500 centres in Canada by the meena interChurch Council of Canada and many ethnic prom are given copies to dup mm an heir own Tomorrqw Canadian Winner will gather in lam dlLdiuh clues prairie arm houses and wen in Eskimo Igloo to pray or peace and braillede with wamep mm us other coun tries The Tin Friday In Lent the Womens World Day Pmyer In which Canadians have participated Int35 yea J44 BAYFIELD ST The theme this year Mare than Conquerorafl and the service which will he used by all countries was written by committee headed by Mrs David Chung of Korea Mrsi Chung came to Canada in 1956 to study wamena work In the United Church Canada and than accompanied her hus band an Yale University where she studied Christian education AROUND THE WORLD By DAV JEAN RAIN in any bout with bulges pn cislon exercise is the streamlin ing measure Our young model use 21 who hated exxdse with purple passlun now ind shapeup xheer delight in wt weeks she ha rcducedseven pounds and slimmed oil levcn inches Nice going SpeCial Service Weight 149 lbs Bus Upper arm 13 Waist 23 Abdomen 38 Hips 416 Tidth 25 Cal 15 Ankla Hlpa Thigh 75 Call 15 Ankle Im most pleased with the tape measure results know lhnt exercise will ha pm of my daily ritual Just huh new Aii well and led In rifle to my lhe lense Not only am hnp that am in11y doing the Km that hava put oil for pom long but 91 grant physically too even enjoy not avoreaiing Idonl think could stand ihal sickening lecllng being ovmiufled again While lhnve last only pounds huvn sense oi well being which is most encounl lng ldn Jen keep mum my KEEP IN THE TRIM Contributions made at servi ShapeUps Are SheeriDelight With Daily Precision Exercises lIITIlHlt BUILT SPRINGFILLED MAlllll ESCovcrcll In lop grldo wuvcn Irish damask llcklng 10year cmmlructlon guarantee lmbulll brml All nllcx llogulnr 7050 SALE PRICE cu are used to qld 96 causes Thou made by Canadian wom en are used mainly to help quees and to publish nnd dia uxgme ghgistipn Women In the United State held their first day prayer In 1w b4922 Canadian wo men Joined them for the um lntematlonaluday of prayer By 1927 the movement had taken hold In Europe Latin America Asia and Airica and since man the participating countries have taken ulm wrï¬ing the serviqe Mrs Bell president of Slmcoe Presbyterian United Chmd Women will be me speaker at the math which will be hebd Burton Avenue United Church townow alter nle movament L1 Mrdinatad by committee the United Church Women or the United Sutu man ciluncmzs ln Blrrle World Day ol Prayer lervlces wlll be held at mm lupus mum Clapper vn 54 when Mrsl Ross Ad arm wlll be speaker The ser vice wlll conungnpe at 230 sell 111 the concluded joyonsly This girl has will Io wln In prevlou loner our model reported lhal shp is planning and designing our new onlllll or spring to spur myself to ward my goal am making the mulls size 111 Im sure heck pullinz lot of lime and energy inlo Ihl ventureso will have to keep my promise In mych and to you Well In he glrl wllh goal who wins Instead of callus du Ind surlellcd wllh excess food sh enjoys no overeating The the ML And 5215 ï¬nds an her pleased Ishnlshment that excr cm far from belng bore and mchm help hm eel ter Chem Well be eager for February report For elderly mi convnles en menu Excdlenc hell cg orupglvntg lemlprlvule Ha mdcnii water In rooms Rexlskcr ed Nuno in attendance II STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 114 TORONTO VISITORS Mr and Mrs Garnet Johnston of Innlsnl Street accompanied by Miss Minn Huddleslon of Hayï¬eld Street were In Toronto Wednesday and visncd Miss Huddlcslona sister Mrs Johnnon patlcnt at Toronln Hospital Weston REGISTERED NURSES Mrs Earl Hunter Reid Street was hostess the meet Ing of the Reglslcrcd Nurses Registry held Tuesday evening social héur allowed short buslnmr scsslon EUCIIRE PARTY cm Bnrrlo Lawn Bowling Club were entertnlned at nuchro putty held lho burn Mr nnd Mrs Frank Perklns Cluppcxlon Skeet prim or high lndy was won by meeting spade Inter es lo Registered Nurse in the area was held by the Reg lslcred Nurses Assnclnllan at Luldlaw residence last eve VnunlnA New Comm m5 Robert and Sams Cnllkr use PA mu Excllemrnt TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE IOINS IN DISCUSSION Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Conlmn PA 66511 From The Ludlu llllr Slylllll PEOPLE AND PLACES Mn John Balclwlor and prize for hlgh man went to Tom Pa londen low score was held by Flrman Mm Violet Garvin won the lucky draw prllu bouquct spring flowers centred the In table at the rccnpllon held lnllowlng the Cumin Ceremony or the Class of 65 of Royal Vlctorla Hospi tal yesterday The ceremony was held At the Laidan resid ence One of the hlghllghts the afternoon was the proscn mlon the Cnnadlnn Nurse Award for the hlnhat Made mlc standing to Mls Eileen Pennant of Frederick SL 01 CAPPING RECEPTION nlng Miss Dar Glbney ol the provincial omce RNAO Toronto wnductod discussion groups and answered uesï¬nm pertainan to the Co lose $0M nï¬mï¬Mhmm Wmme Now you can own your own modern homo this conveniont low cost way We will build an Imperial SelfHelp on your lot comsziutcly ï¬n ished for you on your lot complete ï¬nished for you or you um do the ï¬nishing yourself WHY PAY RENT YOUGANBUYAN SELFHELPHOMEFOR lESS THAN RENT Chm from mnny now Inw mat llmgnnnll modem wmfnrtnbln humeu fur cll or mhuvb or countrqunu will be erprim the law mqqqfly plynppï¬n gm yuur huuw will be paid to cBEï¬iouiy lziiurii Llc plum no ulm mu when you flnlsh your own homa 100 FINANCING ON YOUR LAND illia Presiding at he lea labia during 0112 nilcrnoon wcije Mrs Fred Epleil Mrs John Mirch inson Mrs Lenvcns Miss Audreyiiapes and Mn Cur ler Members of the Hospital Auxiliary who acted as lea hostesses were Mrs aniu Perkins Mrs Russ Underhill Mn Chccsmnn Mrs amnion Mrs Albert God den and Mm Roy Tm VENTURE cum Mlsscs Human Goodwln Amy Len Margaret Goodlellow and Mrs Donald Campbell member of the Barrie Club were guests 01 the Pelmm ough Venture Club may 42 cnlng The occaslon waxma second annlvcrsary he Peb erbomugh Club dinnermi evenings emenalnmcnt was helgl the lflzlgrbormh Goll hid Cwntri Ciub Nurses and the RNAO Abovc Miss Glbnuy left Joins In discussion wlth Mrs Daisy lipid and Miss qunkhy 5mm in Barrie Examlner Photo