Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1963, p. 6

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11m Auxmnry pmhlmh Mr IMMy Murray mcnlhmml Hm lbq ltmnmlrnllnm wnuhl com llnur or In IIer uulnnl nml rank ewnhlllly Ihnw Hm nrlunl Incorullu wnhllnn min Nmflm In my Hu my man my mlhnml and II mklnl to Inn lo In mmlnunllan nl lhw ml Arron mom FELLAN Mr and Mn in monl Mm aanlnn nwndan and um Ilnlr cl Wrflmd and annm lxllllgl nnd Mn ummi Minn Loan mm mm norm um vllmnl Mrr Do wunn wllh mlpu or Im Iln Iclmu mu mutlmml Umvuzh Ihn Aclunl mtllwl ol mlxlnl In Din Ilmplrryrmn nl drmrnllnn ClMKEC Allfllllr le YHISTC LullhI Auxfllnry mm Frmlp Vvlrmlu wllnuml man lulurllnu dr mnnxlrnllnn or rnkn Irlnz Mul dmvrnllnl Ilmlrr rapnhln Upfnhlnn 55 Dun Van Ich er Mn Tmller at Camp Harden who hnl bran In the ScvrMnn thnrlnl llnmllnl lnr xomc llmu In lacan mmlcrml ln Iho TM arm irmrnl Hm Ilnl and whhrn lo Hmnk nll llcr rlrmh or lhrll and wlnhu nnll nmugmrumm duran her stay In Mllaou LADIER AUXan mfimmxm HOSPITAL the Fnlhcr and Son unqurl on Feb l7lh Ulo lollnwlnz scuul rn mdrcd rfllllmlu Qunllflrnllon for he Ilmlc Park Ltndtrn fauna ACM Gtoruc Whnlcn AC Al Vnmlckln nml ACM Vlllmlghby Srmlls nnd Club L7 and mum led Church lnrndn on llmlrnlow 11 Sunday 11 runs sponkrr the own Inm Murrny File Hue Buy my Falcons spake nl some his horkcy life in Eurnpc nnd cncuurnnrd Inn boys lo partch pale In spam RECEIVE CERTIFKATER The Fnlhnr and San Banquet nr lhe Clubs and Scouls of Can ada wna nllcndnd by nearly 400 lnlhcrs nnd sun urkey sunp er wilh all lhc trimmlnx was germ by he ladle ol the nux lllnry nnd Glrl Guide under the nupcrvislon of the President Mrs Pcnler Tonsil and speech allowed under the chnlrmnnshlp of Group Cammlllee Chairmnn ll Fax LL CD 11 Wilkinson presented lhe Camp Comman der nnd In brlr xpccth lnrnrm ed he My 11 the value he lrnlnlnu whlrh they rccnlvc Cuba nnd chuls The February meeting of the Womens Insmnle was bald Mrs Nelllys home large nllcndancu was present Thls was the International meeting and he pmgram was planned by the executive and centred around ACWW inkcmsts Rall call was answered by each member pinnlng flag on an ACWW country on map In the worldnnd telling hlexesllng Incl samn Mrs Kc intmduced each member berm their talk Mrs John Richards lnlkcd on 0mm znllon and Hlslnry ACWW Mrs Sawycr gave paper on Pennies or Fflondshlp and Lady Aberdeen Scholarship Dr ACWW Mrs Ncshm using he map at Australin Md the projects each province of the Instilulcs In Auslrnlia She also told some of lhe hlghlinhl ol the Conference hare In Nov ember CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES International Theme Highlights Gilford WI February Meeting MILAND MR5 Jame Cam emn sleighrlde into happiness as they leave Eady United Church ollnwing thclr Felr BRIDES CHOOSE TRADITIONAL GOWNS TO KEEPWINTERWEDDING DATES Imcmln mm tho In will ha uml nurrhnlc ml for Ihn Glrl Gnhlu 11m rrmnlmlrr wlll In Innnlrd In llm llmwnlc lnth In purcllnu Ham mmlrrd run Hm lnrkx my nnsmm Mn W4 Clrnwnll llI 5L rrhIrmII lollrr luvmn mm film mqu Mvmurlnl Ilmpllnl In AI Iletm Elm Mllllrl la llmnk htr irlnuln nr flu lml whim Illll mnln mu In Imr duvlnn her tiny in he howllnl Mm Vrlxmnn In nuw mm In Inw mu laugh Mama npll Mr Mrlvllle of um um uhnlu Hm Ircuprrnllu nllrr hrr The Guild nqulrr nn nxmrb mrnl mnlrrial nnd lrlmmlnxs suitable at nlvmns Camrth Ion lhrse midmrnln will In nppmlnlcd nml may he ulrcn to my Gulld mcmhrr 11w Glrl Guides Mlu Aux llhlry III hull Dakr Rain of Immu mnkIn nl llw HCAF School Ilrlll Hnll cm Dingo lehl Fth in The next mccung will ho nl Mrs Ncsbms and Ms will Mullles manner Mrs Web man who underwent scrloul upcmllon ln lhc Stevenson Men nrinl Hospital In Allislon Mrs Dcuumanl sisltr of Mn Vclsman llcr Iricnds In Cnmp will be pleased In know hut ahn is pragrcsslnz favour ably SGTE MESS The SKI5 Mus Lildlls Aux llinry hold ll February metInn rcrunlly Aflnr lhc huslnm was mmnlnlod Inga was plnycd dullclnus lunch wm norved by Mrs Hnnnnlnrle Holland nml Mrs Mnrg Daimler Thr regulnr mcrlinu the Gulld wns held In lhn conference room or the Clmpcl on nmdny at pm Humphny wnx gum smnkrr GUILD MEETING Four of flu member demon strated New Zealand game with sticks Mrs Kell Mrs Hughes Mrs NeiHy and Mrs Nesbllt They were nc cumpnnled by Mrs Russell lhn piano The Hymn All Nations was sung by all the members fill mecllng The business pan the meet lng was conducted by president Mrs Ncshm told about lhe Resolutions the January mesh In The names of each mem bers secret ml were given ngnln KM year Mrs Robert Kell spoke on the United Nullonx and their mutual tnnfldcnce between the UN and ACWW mary wedding The bride ls I119 former Chrisllm Alderon daughter or Mr and Mm Sle wan Alderson RR Cold McKINNON FURS LM pm In LADIES nl Allur null FINE FURS For Persnnal domestlc and rm manlic lnlereslu shnuld prosper during most ol 1963 but your best period ulanu lhose llnc will occur bclwccn early Junu and lulu August Durlng lhu samu period also In December and early January you should llnd socinl uclivillcs very slim ulnllng and there ls also pay slblllly llml yuu will no mrcx Irumvly line opportunlly ud vnncu uccunnllunully ln Sep lomhcr you lake ndvanlnco at It further bousu along lhln llnu will be your mm lhon lhruuxhoul lhu Hnl llrrce months ISM opcrnflnn ln Stevenson Memor Inl Hmpllnl Alllslon She Wollld likn to lhnnk he ladle on Illa Howling lcnm the nawllnl Plus or Her klndnm nnd oIhcr lrlcndu who mu cnrds and has wishes whllo ho was In hospital surnrlw 5hrth wn htld Al he hnmn Mrs Isabel Hunu Mom Loop In hnnnr of In Glurln MrKlnnvy Gncsll Includrd Mn lox Mrs New Iy Mm lrlllmw Mm Dny Mm Vunxlcklc Mu Sullan Mn lcnlrr Mu Jackson Mr nlmlly Mu Cooper and Mrs lurdy 11mm unnhla la ch mm Mn Jan Slnnal Mu Hnuchnnl Mn McMullcn nml Mrn Schull During Ihu mwnlmz nmu worn played and wlnnm wcru Mu Inckmn Mu OIlrllly Mm ltllizmw The door prlxn Mm by Ann Sultan 11m lunkol ulfll wnn vrrscnlcd hy Innbul nunu mul Snntly UHcllly Imd yum oprnrq lha hrhluIm le lilllnl lI tomorrow In your blrtlldny your horoscope lndlcnles thnl whlle the period bclween now nnd mldApril should be Ina nno or you llnonclally speak lng you could suller loss or tho end ol that monlh ll you nud dcnly dccldc to Indulge In ex lmvognn whlm or go beyond your muons in generosity to olhcrs Generosin ls llnu roll of course and one that lnnmcly yours not use good judgment lool Avold axing your budget In Novgmher also chlld born on hl dny wlll bu ldenlisllc Im inluillvn nnd will have mmde lrnnlng Io wnrd lhn mysllc and he nctull wnl oprnrd hy In hrhluIm he Mm llmnkrd Mrrynne or Um Imlul llruu Lunch WM Mrml lry wvn Ncwhy nmu Iu Sandy OHrllly nml In This peels continue to besomewhnl restricllve where Ilnnnclnl manor re mn ccmcd Flue Influences govern rclallanshlps haw ever and both famlly and xrnup acllvllles should prove mgth enjnynble FOR THE BIRTHDAY KITCHEN SHOWER FOR TOMORROW waler The groom hails mm Shanty Bay DnL Their re ception was held at 51 An drew United Church Cold water THE STARS SAY Phuln by hm Punk OHHII Lu Day to mlh your mom hum COOPER BROS Inna ulmlon l7 Buulllul Dnlgm ISO Exqvlllh Ounllly Covm 0n thlay Whlh Canon Frlul Com Now game l7 MULCASIER ST fly ESTRELLITA WHITE COTTON SALE or hcrfiéiumyn back 51w cull hlm buck and lhey talk lrrum was left widow when my boy were teenagers have steady incoma Irom my hus bands eslalc Id love to mova Into small apartment but the boys wnl let me They adnre lhl house Ive told them he first one who marriemcan have lha house presentbug nothing happens Book at those young men have great deal to otter girl pray every night they wlll get married and have milieu of Ihelr own but llmo marches on and here lhey alt Plcnso WK Lsl something ENOUGH HACIIELORIIOOD ALREADY Dear Almdy Somcumus ha mumn bird has to shove lhu baby hlrds out of the nest so hey will learn to fly sum Ihovlng Servu IIDHCo now that you are looking or an Apartment and Ihnl lhey muu llnd another Blue In live or engnxc house ccpnr who will tiny 1n the Inm lly homo with them John work nlghls llo llku In call my slsler every law hnurl just la chlnl He usually call Mr about 510 nnd 1030 In lho nvcnlnu The plans when he works has only mln clo hnm nml ho cant Allard tlm ml Soho dran lhu dlmo lnlu llm phone lrls ll rlnz lwlco gndjmnul prnl ll hoaannl My ulslrr my lhll In no thrilling because John dmnl lulk on the tall All he do II Innnl her to call hlm Whnln llm vrrdlcn llonul or dhhnn VIDIOR £8 nur Hauntx It dluhon rsl Tclwhunu um lmlrumvnll rommunltnllonnol lennl In dcvlm Whrn you add up all chlmm ulm Ira lrylnl but lhn ynlrm by ulnnnllng In nrlrly my nprurnln nn rnunuoul Amount nl rdup rqulpmcnl or whlrh cnnl nny am no mnnle Sumw mdy hm In my tur hm lllln mm And who do you lhlnk ll uu um Huh Dear Ann tandem Am xullly Can mother mnku home so comlorlabln or her rhlldren that they dont want Io leave My sons are 71 and yearn nld attractive walleducnkcd and successful in huslness They like girls but apparently they are too contenled wllh things as they are to exert the energy to make home 01 their own Dear Ann Lllldlrl In my nlslcra bay Hand clwullng um lclmhnnu company or not my ho Is My slam says no Villyou bc lhojgduc DIV anHun In ANN LANDERS Im Act Like The Birds Force Them To Fly Imiture It The lmllu nomlnulinn tom mlllne hmv tomplled Hal namlnm lollnwn Mn All Hnughlon Mrs Mnnanl Powell Mrs Jan Dormy Mrs Hrcn nnmnn Dunn Mnnchcslcr Mn Humid nrcll Mn Erlc Mercer Mn Surkunl Mu nm ladrr Mrs Fm Calvin Mn Jack lulr Mn Hcrhcrl Hmwnc closlng clipplng from he 59 1er section our newspaper As you can see slx hnsussu have Joined hands to give luncheon or bridelobe can understand lvm women giving party togclhnr partic ularly if they are related or one ha urge home and lhs other has nnL But six women hosting one party Really know two of these wnmcn well Mn is casual acqualn Innce and um other three have never been Lnsldo my home lvn always been taught that when nnc Mont an Invitation he L1 obllxed to rcclpmcnte Docs thin mean am now In dgblcd In six women who not Ingamar to give om party Please enlighten me LUMPED Dm Lumpcd Sorry Old Girl but when nevernl hostesses band together to cnlcrtnln and yen acctpl the lnyflmlon you are lhcn ngligMcd lo each of Ihem II thls sort lagclhcr mass lnilnlna you dont no ch The Election officer or tho lndlu cxocullvn ol the min Yacht Club wlll he held at lho ham Mrs Erlc Mercer Downwch Drive March 13 515 pm Mrs llmwno nml Mn Man mum wlfl MIL um hmch lcrvlnu xrlmhmcnln An Important Ilcm on tho anemia wlll be Dn um 11 cnlmrf BYC Ladies Plan Election OTIWJII FIIOM qua ms mo om EVES BEAUTY SHOPFE PERMANENIS unl ray nppnlmmnl un ml 12 for $1000 PA 60561 PA lH7I The bride were sheath dress while lace aver min lash loned with sanly rounded neck llna and long sieeves HH head drcs was any flowered hat with chapel veu The maid of honor was Min Sandra Ham RCAF smlon Edgar Miss Heron was zawned In Rule wry sheath which she Em nnwd with comm of yellow roses Mlchael Daley of Edgar tende Ihe bridegroom PARIS CHBusiness cIr clu have extended mixed welcome to new Illa Canadas Garfield Weston has finally an toohold In the tough French market Ruv David Reeva ofllclilcd at Iho winter wedding The bride Is the daughter ML and Mn Rollin Znnder Wllklt Saskatchewan The Mae grooma nlrent are Mn and Mrs Henri Fuuum Wainwrlm Albertn After months tryan and several mm alarm French holdan company controlled by Weston hn ukcn over an or gnnlmllon possessing 68 mall oullcls In Normandy most In tho bu anre arcn Trade source said Wednw day the Wexlonconlrolled corn puny Brleamnr plans Io use some of the whore lo to up North Amcrlcnnswlo super market In Do Ham Mum and mum Dam DAnufl he mulhlu anchmln who warning as he spearhead of flu Veslnn drlvc In France wu quoted In lho Pnril trade publlcnuon Ll bm Service Actuallllcs lay Inn he also Intends la let hp mpcrmnrkcla in Spuln And My Slnce tho Semnd World Wnr wmu 1750000 lmmlnrnnu In Australia hnvn helped bum Hm nllunl pawlHun lo 10700 corsaxe of red roses com pleted her ensemble Mixed Reaction To Weston Claim FREE 15 LBS Of Juicy Tondor Dollclom MANY IMMIGMIED STEAK Undmnlmdly ull hnvu lmn rmuldulug nlnln our Fwd lrrmr llm Wall now II lhu Ilnm In In ll lpl on nur 700d lunnullnnll llvo ynu Inc Foal Analyull lumur luw ll ml thh in joln you mm 15 lb Hull Illlilil All NOW PA 61562 NO MONEY DOWN 593qu37¥ ARMSTRONG 98 DUNLOP ST 00K AT THESE VALUES NnnScald Klltla Ra $395 mluy Dnuhll Bullet $59 Pmolnor 349 Fry Pan Rug $22J YOUR OLD POTS AND PANS ARE WORTH £360 ON NEW SUPREME UTENSILS TRADEINS WORTH ANYTHING Bullet Rn $595 Wllll WADE Ill 3441 mm $495 With TRADE IN 33 In Ru $225 With IRADE ll ANI MANY MORE ALSO EOMPlEIE smcmm 0F BAKEWARE AT IREMENDDUS SAVINGS SO HURRY DOWN TO DURING SUPREME WE DELIVER 2526ffVJN lTllE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY III 11 mm mm 3291 HARDWARI PA MW

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