Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1963, p. 5

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515 Twp Snowplow Muslc was pmvrdcd by gul lar pInylng lrIo Inn Cooper John Jnckwn Michnnl Ward and Joan and Dlanc Eldlk wilh accordlan and sonzr Mn Cran llunlcr showcd slide at Ihe nrillsh lslc lnkrn on llunl er lnmlly lrlp last summer They VIIHNI Dublin leerfiool Chrstcr wllh Ill vary old op and he Roman wall Elman ham where they Mlcndrd wedding Covnnlry wllh Ill new cathedral and he rulm ol the muchbombed one and Londonr Hum 91 huge rhlrk halch cry wtre also included Mrs lowry lhnnkul Mrl Hunter llnm were made ll Slmcoc Manor In Avril five year old girl Arum lmlzldakl In Island Crtle wlll bc sponsored lhl ymr fnm run muklnl elm nu nkcd lo hnv HuIr my on dlb lny the March menu Kinny mm Dumb or unll owm mm and um wm nc hnuwlcdgtd STROUD Speclnl Slxleen members nnd ll vlsllors allend ed the February maellng 01 Slmud Womens lnslllute Mrs Cook vlcepresldenl we ln he chnlr Mrs Harold Wallace assisted by Mn man and Mrs Lawry were ln chum ol the program The roll call was unlwered by namlng member wuntry Alsoclnled Counlry Women lb World There was display ol mlcle tram many countries The mat lo was Do all the good you can In all he way you can to all lhe people you cm The com menu were prepared by Mrs ll Blnck and rend by lllnTJnck Ian ln mom she refund to the llle of Dr Tom Dooley who llnmd 15 Medlcn pmjcm In 12 counlrlcs workln unlll Ill dralll ln Janunry 1961 openan of snow plough tenders App canu Duckworlh EJamle son and Fleming were to pletlm explnlning the board decislon laller is aim lo go to Em annshlp uflice regarding dogs Guest speakerv Innlsnl reevu Jae Cochrnne congralulaled Mr and Mn Janncu She Is Ihe tor mer Luella Cochran Mr and Mrs Jenna were married the ham Mn and Mn Bert Mcbean Ivy ST PAULS Special Friends Ind relatives Mr Ind Mn Ewart Jennelt honored them re ccmly wllh party held at Slrnud Communlly Hall on their 25n wedding annlvemry About 1w guqst algended Stroud WI Sees Color Slide Show ANGUS Speclnll Servlcu of tho Em Township snow piough wlll be Mlalned for the rest of 1m the board at trust ee declded at meeting Feb 15 ln lllzglqsonfisHall Mnfind Mrs Ewart Iennett Honored On 25th Anniversary Mr Bell said lhe Liberals mattered by Social Credit In lhulr Inrmer Quebec stronghold and bythe Conservative on the Pralrles have no chance 01 forming stable majorle 10v eminent More Grain MOOSE JAW CPJAgrlcnl TORONTO 1CFIxfimltrl llonMlnIxter Richard Bell any elector have choice between malority government under Prime Minister chlenbaker or mlnoflly government which 11 been shown to be unwork says Minbrity Ts Unworkdble ON THE ELECTION TRAIL CONVENIENILY lOCAYED WDOWNTOWN BARRIE nu mom llIverwnre They also received mviuuun gills Dandng was In the music Jack orchestra Slroud Wedding anniversary cake was served lo all he guesls during lhe luncheon Iltcrwnrds Thelr neighhara presented them with chair step Able and lamp from their own anally Hwy received clulr Apd Mrs Jenngllu brother and Guest from dlslance came tram Stayncr Toronto Brad lnrd the ivy dmrict and New lnn Robinson Thay have Ihree children Mu Elll Mason Marlo Battle Mervln and Larry St Pauls and one irandchlld Teny Jcn nelt All three trustee attended Ih meeung Besides Mr Mllson there are chairman Duck worth and Fred Ross In charge roads survey ol fiarkland hu been coinplgtedi Trustee Merv Mllson chairman for mm llghllnz Karhalze and sldewnlln old the board Illa the village dump In excellent condlllon He said the allend angufldalng good job myth at 15119 Apgus MONTREAL OP Elan Chambers nallonal presldenl of Ihe Prozruslva Conservative Assoclallon says Canadal 50 mm mum and Voodoo In terceptor aimnu should be You now II and well sell II he told 215 persons auand lnz Progressive Conservative meeting Wednesday night lure Minister Hamilton wants western firmer lo grow 1no 000000 bushels of grain to meet export commitments Wants Warheads HELD IVER WW 27 CONTINUOUI EHOW SATURDAY FROM ll NOON Ftlun IL 710 Much ac ly among member will be going on mm now until October when the Auxlll will hold 1n nnnunl Cnrouse 03 confident ol repeallnx last yearl suctcss Adlix upon correspondence received from Alllslan Chamber 01 Commerce the memberl voL The Auilliéiy is again Kpon wring Red Cross Blood Donut Cliqlclln august Project or the min months were dlxcussed and date ECL Since the new hospital now Ior real the first these events will be Sod mmlng Tea In which the pub lie to be Invited Tickets are now nvallable for the cooklng demonstration by Consumers Gas Co to be llvcn at Ihe Arena April Thé tééierarwlll be an the slreeb for National Hospital Day anMaf HI ALLlSlON Spoclal Dr splle poor wenlhar candltlons Stevenson Memorial Hospllal Auxiliary met recently at the Nurse Resldenco wllh 40 reg ulnr and llve new members be In welcomed by Presldent Vex unluflnmplpn ML Caouelle In an election speech at St Hyadnlhe mm east Montreal said the old parties and lhe lnbor unions havent dune thing for lhn un employed or proposed any tolu Uans to unemployment Some 2800 workers had been laid oil by Canadalr ST HYACINTHE Que CP Real Caouelle deputy Social Crcdll leader proposed Wed nesday night that the huge Can ada Limited airplane factory In Montreal turned Into an uulomohila mam Blliston Hospital Auxiliary To Hold Sod Turning Tea SOUNS Man CHNorth ern Alla Minister Dlnldalo was nominated Wednesday to contest BrandonSomh or llll Progressive Conservauya many He held the seat In the 1m Parliament Mr Dlnsdale told ula nam Innuan meeting Ihat the Lib em cant run Lhe country they want lo ruin ha country urged mpij warhgpds liemade Ihe autumn Wed nesday night In mecch Ic puny the Conservative party nomination to contest Montnal St LawreneeSL George riding Wants Change Run On Ruin ed unanimoust to mingle $50000 In lhg Ambulance Fund cheque Wu um At once Mem ber 61 that IhL project was 1119 trams ummy to Al llllon and District and should b9 Iuppvrted wholeheartedly Shipment at pH cono centmed feed me slightly lm yen lo mas tuna mm 181011 tom nu earner Ship menu lmndary or complete Iced Increased lo 2864540 tons mm 1834 while those other anlmll and dropped 40 439110 tons mm £581 INTEREST SHIPPING Cammcrclll Transport Mink LESS SILVER MINED Candim Illvur production decllncd In 1982 to 80654 ounce from 3139117 in MILK BALEB UP Sale fluid mllk ml cream in milk equivalent Inmaseé two per cent Ink yen In 5949 0000 pounds the bureau of nunnu reported Ontario nlu Inclcued three per gen over 4961 to 1231453000 poundl METAL OUTPUT RISES Cmdlnn modulation lead And xlnc was larger In In nun lupus preylmvg 7r Lesion put rim to aim muffi 132551 and Line uulpul to 501 lMtonl 1mm 40099 Illlllllllllllll lllllllllITllllllllllllll 5328 8535 =EQ CLIP AND MAILTHIS COUPON TODAY my THE CANADIAN mm BUSINESS NEWS IN BRIEF Mom FEED SHIPPED Dd mm 5123 Ii iuImuy Wyn mmm mllnn nut 12 mva um munmuyuma In mmwu ADDllll KEEEFALE Am INSURANCE Iwould Ilka more lnlommllon nboulAllslnto lnsfimnco GOOD DRIVERS SAVE MONEY Allslnio doesnt believe that good drivers should pay the same rates as drlvmwhohavouccldonlsAlAllstato cvoly drlvor wlth an accidentmo where overall premium rates are still the same Then you can save even moremoney at Allstate If your auto lnsuranco plomlum hugono uplhoresull mm mm reason why you ought io look Into Allstatoslow rules chancos ow you can lave good money and go top quallly prolocllon In tho bur saln Allslnlol ocroulhohoard lowralul vomalnlho summAndyou golnlllhosoImponnnladvanlagos Yourauto Insurance gone up EM EXECUTIVES QUIT The Iwa men who founded Olunngnn Hellcorlen mm largest company at kind In the world have quit In dis PRODUCTION RISES The annuallyadjusted findex Industrial production in Can ada based on 1949 figure at 100 rose 55 per cent during 1062 to 1897 the bureau of stu tlmcs reported The yearend figure rose only sllxhlly from 1395 at the end November Durl the manuh while manu llclu n1 ruse one per cent eleclric power and as utllllles all by two per cent and mlnlnz production by lhrea per cent wulwnod of British Columbia any the centre oi in land or he enLhe Nnrth American oil and an industry may be shilling imm ham and Oklahoma to Canada in speech rend to iha Canadian Standards Association Pipeiinn Code Commmea by Robert Swnnlon chiei inspecting engL neer of his department the mlniner said 500000000 hns been spent on main lines and ipeiine networks in EC in the uni iiva yenn HOTEL NOW OPEN QUEENS lumbuuemmm mac BARRIE FAST FAIR CLAIM SERVICEll you ever need help there are ever 5000 lullIIme Allstate clalms people across Canada and the US as near to you as the nearest phone MORE CANADIANS INSURE WITH ALLSIATEAllstate Is blg rellable companylnsurlngmore carslnCanede than any other company Its grown blg because It hesconslstently oIIored toprquallty auto Insurance that the average motorist can Alford record gets speclal low rate You probably quality8 out of 10 motorists do IIoNL mvmcr uflw UM ureement wmr the board over policy Carl Aznr 81 who was director and All Stringer 41 vlceprerldm In charge or angl The yIldylrf from Green wlch VIIaye the lonely man from 19 Midwest the shocker that throws away Ira ruas understand am under no obllgallon Nu llmm hm ImwvdL Nu yaw mum on bunMoll unmodi AM you an Mandi11 wllIl Minnun drum pmch bobI mm mm human gym popem and mold haulm Mumn Mhlmnm AII pmomnnm Maw 01 Mum Numhnwumlhdmm and lhIdfi Rummy om um mu IIs In um numb and mum yum In mm your mum It Allmln Mm DampMu MMWMMMTMIOM nearing both will throw thelr firm Vancouver Island He ulenu lnlo building up rival comm um THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY lnsumd motorists nvold $20 penalty Unloss you carry auto liability Insur nncothoOntnrloGovommonlrequires you to pay $20 penalty nt registra tlon It still price to pay whon quality protection ts so readily avail able For low dollars more you can uvold this costly ponnlty Act newt EASY PAYMENT PLANAllstate Insurance l5 easy to buyonly 25 down and 15 each monlh or five months small charge of 50 cents per payment made for this con vonlont plan RQBEEfilIIRIEY MIIElITJM WlfliNE HIRISGII PICTURES ROBERT WISE PRESENT May we help you IMPERIAL Starts FRIDAY Ind BARABBAS 71 gal IroMlIdu mle hands of lhl first 61M mun1

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