Irustees See DispldY 01 hysical Exercise McKay superlnlendcn Publlc Schools willncd Dave Keyhas work as Superintendent of Physical and Heallh Educa tion for he City of Barrie pub lic schools Mmml no mlltvmrn lunml oul lur Um cwnt uhlth nlmlml Morn 10 nm 11w lulluwlnz pnllre dummmnu hm Inmnl uul on rung Ilmrla Iullfl Ilnrrle Il IkllcvllIn OII Guelph llnmlllnn hmism Tuwn Imp Nrn Sound lml hllmnu 11H llnylll Ynlmdlnu Mmmlrd lnllco SI Cnlhnrlnn Tumle Mdm lolko mu Wlmlwh Ho Wnn the II Sntlzmvn Mumr Clnu Twphy Ivy Inw lnu mini and won the ar Ilc Police Dulumnml Grnnd Anamruu Jmllco Trophy by mmplllnu aw p13 Jlm Lynn Windsor police mun copped lap hunnu lhu ucund nnnunl Darrlu lallcu NL valvur Club shoal lecrdny Hm Unrrlo llmnhcr Cluh Mr Knyhd cxplnlncd dem onstrallan what is being don Noel Stephenson chairman oi the Barrie Public School Board exlcndcd welcome lo visitor and said the board was happy in have the schooi supply room or the purpose oi the muting Mr McKay snld We hope to have new school randy soon and than nodding to Mayor Cooke wilh Ihe blessings 01 City Coungil YourWorship Sfmcac County has preserv ed natural resources and has some he finest play grounds ln Ontario hope we ruslees ï¬nd liulc corner In heir curriculum with mom pass on lillle Information ubnut conserving our nalurul resources THE OWNER won by pollccmcn In lhu second an nnnl Ilarrle Pallm Revolver Club shut were prlscnlcd the banme ul Embassy Hull In the last 60 years the pop ulaunn or Dulferln Grey and Bruce counties has decreased but the population Simcoe County has increased mm 82 000 to 120000 So the County of Simon must have something was browsing though re port of lhe Georgian Bay Devel opment Assoclaunn tourist p011 same lime age and nailed the change over Ihe last 60 years In he populntlun or Dun crln Grey Bruce and Simcne Counties PRESERVE RESOURCES Windsor Officer Is Top Shooter Mr Downay said thnk the warden would want me lo thank you or coming and he wnuld want me In express his regret or not being able to ho here PETROLEUM LIMITED Carmnn Downcy rcpmseulcd Warden of Slmcoe County Al bert DeCankcy who was away at Good Road convention CALI Mnyor Cooke said It Is pleasure in welcome you to Barrie Ontarios most beau ul city Mr Cooke drew attention to the ad that the groundwork ls Ming laid or lhe new YMCA YWCA bullding and the new Public Library SAFE Macunnnn prlnclpal of Codrlngton Public School and MayonLcs Cooks welcode vlslmrs to 51mm County Tn ees and Rampnyers Associa tion mcellng Codrlnzton School yesterday QUALITY FUEI CLEAN PEACOCK PA 85226 DEPENDABLE MICE 11w Imam Irom 5L Culhnrlnu Ivnn Chnmmlnln ll mum and Cllurlcs Wmch won the AIIIC Combat Trophy wllh lullll polnln Tho Wlmlwr lrnm tnme lacond ollowod by he Hanlun rnllp Lougheed ol Pnlnszck In the report 01 Du Resoluunns Committee described series of letters lo the Department ol Educallon and replies received He said Her severalrmonlhs Inst nlxhl me lhe lcfl Ad rlcn Bakker SI Camurlnea sharpshoohr Tumy nnlu Mclm Toronto upon Print Payne Hnmlllnn marlumun newcumblng npparnm costs approximately $900 per sdmol he said Mr Kcyiln explained how he program is designed in leach physical education in stage to gradually build up ability and conï¬dence mm the simple ex ercise at small children in tile lugibiing the higher gram Tenthers who used pupils demonslrate aspects physlcal education were Mrs Rohert Bass 01 smaller chlldren Russ Caldwell teacher of Grade pupils and Robert Jarmln for puplls in Grade and Mr Keyho uplained that no 53er mats were used wiii the climbing frames because Wu Ihink that encourage children to be careless mey ihink full wont get him becausa land on the safety mai This way they know heyil be hurt ii they mi so it teaches mom in he careiul Vuï¬t A3 are Ihe quick and effective way tn reach just about everybody hen you are renting buying or iell Ing To raise cash quickly why not look around your mllc or garage for articles you no longer requlre 11m adm Ilse them in The Exnmlncr Want Ad sedlon Shnply phone PA mm and Mend 1y mHakcr will assist you In wording your ad no lllnh Combat Trophy wnl WANT ADS ACT FAST Mr of Bun1e found sultable harm to rent in the lacauonhe prefemd through Instacting Examiner Want Ad He had between 15 and mjepllcs lheyhdemonslramd on UM climbing frames on small ap paxjalus and an the trampoline TEACH SAFETY The teachers of ma dfller ent age may or children put the children through their paces In varIouthngcx or physlcal exerclse Any mnflulll IllMu It IIIvth lhc In Flwpplnl lnlro in In all um In lhe Barrie Public School in phlslca eflncallor HIE fluvlrc MINI ed by lotl hulnrn Irm ha luppull lhe mpIll Ipnllond IM Chum Im ol Cammrm Shopping Service Mp top haulrulh noun ch II lint flurh Mrnl flhnp Wt AIM and blllotml lay II In rlr IIlII hood III hum uni nun1M um WANTED 91ml nln lam um M01 vhuM Inna unlu mm III IM Dull Id FOUND In lho uncluulned IJml nn lmphlu wlnncr wm J4 Jon Um Tumnlo Mnlm lnllcn wllh high ol poinln won by Ed Jnnaxukl the Tar nnlu Mrlro Iollm wilh total at out 01100 msxlblo polnu 00m lmphy wlnnm wnr Harvey 11mm 258 poInLt Tar nnlo Metro or the ML Sauna Ltd Expert Trophy Adrlcn Unkker 7M polnls 8L Cnlhnr In or Ibo cho Ilrnlly Shnmshoolcr WM and Im nyno polnLI llnmlllon Io Ilcc or Ibo Ihmlu Spam hlnlhmnn lryphy TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAM The program included film strip on the insurance require ments or family man Allen the ï¬lm the meetlng divided 10 worksth groups to discuss and plan an lnsumnceprugmm fur working man Jlm wilsun prcslden ol the icorglnn 113131 Cllapcr Fran Jim wilsun prcslden or the Georgian nay Chapter Frank Murphy Innlslil Fnrmm Credit Unlon and Henry Ham mm of Calvin Reform Credit Unlun Barrie acted as chair men for Him workshop gmups Ed Jnnozcskl Mclm Tomnlu hlxh combat Jim Lyons grund winner wllh lhn Krnnd nflmxnlu Jusllcu trophy and the master yuphy and lho Representatives rum In mid unions of the Georgian Bay Chapier held dinner mceling in ihe Barrie Communin House last evening in hear George Ber quist CUNA Mulnl Insurance Represenlalive outline the in surance services provided inr credit uniam and lhcir members by CUNA Mutual This Com nny provch loan and share nsurance or credit unions as well as individual In4 surance coverage for credit un inn members The method is ihrwgil pupii activity and this in turn de mands suitabio equipment Ba sic equipment tar ihi course is approxmnleiy $25 per chm room and in addilinn the In cher should be given petty cash account for current or ex pendable materials ihni are used in experimenis Mr Hed ge said Mr lledgesrivsald There Isnt much use in hiring good teacher of science it youdonk give him or her good eqlflp menl Io work with He pointed out mat the nlm of science teaching In lhase grades to leach the mede of science that is he way at solvlng science problems Credit Unions Talk Insurance Hedges Science Master at Toronlo Teamm College out lined science pragram 10 Grades 89d Said Mr Red 12 nmhem In show that science equipment necessary to dn good job scienm teaching 19 Gxiades and He displayea equipmentï¬nd described it use ï¬e Ieei that some pmmhu been made with respect go WENDY NICK tumult COUPLES MOVE OUT ST SEVERE Que CPINa share in the papulallun cxplm sians seems lo be in store or this village Al 13 couples mur rled here In 1962 mm madn Ihelr hnmo elsewhere An announcement will be made us soon as restrictions have been ï¬lled Mr Cameron said We dont want Io be brutal about it In he case of Immediate xelnllves but we have to try to prcvcnl the spread of flu and serious his to pallcnls In the hospit Royal Vlcluria Hospital has been closed to visitors except or immediate rclniives Don Cameron hospllnl administrat or and board secretary said the restrictions will ha in cllecl un til the Asian llu and serious colds have cleared up St Cnlhnrinc mm whldl wan the combat learn lruphy llnmntl lvnn Chumbcrlnln and Quirks Wcoch ExnmA lncr lholdi Bar Visitors Iii Hospital Til Flu Goes STUDENT NURSES posn Jud Sandra Kasperskl happily nflcr the capping corn row Helen Palmer emnny yesterday They am from lelt right front row Barbara Woods Phyllis Lang TWTINI TINI is different from any other wine its terriï¬c TINIM III sumour TN PARKDALE WINES LIMITED will do all In my po lo elevate the nandnnl my prov lesslan am will hold In con dcncn all personal matters com mlllcd my kuplng and 111 amlly ntlaln coming lo my knowledge In Lhn practice my calling will ahslain from whalevcr ls deleterious and mIschlevaus and will no hike or knowlngly ndmlnlslm an hnrmlul drug The nrunw Nighungala Pledge is soIemnly pledge myself below God and in lho presence or this assembly lo pass my 1110 In purity and lo yrncum my promssion lnilhlul Presenlalla Cap and Nightingale Lamps was made by Mrs Muriel Usher Evelyn Middleton Greta Flnnnery and Ellmbcth Henley Miss Audra aneégnve the Nightingale Pledgn which the nuLscs Igpcntcd Mrs Vialn Dryden presented the Canadian Nurse Award oneyear subscription lo the Nursing Linguine lo Eileen Tcnnnnl 011111 mu Bell IEMhairman of the Imam extended he boards greclings lo visilars and Joyce Arden Dircclnr of Nursing Ser vices welcomed visitors In the absence Miss Helen Shann han Hospitng Admlnishalar wha is Ill Thinytwo student nurse re ceivcd lhcir while cap and Nightingale Lamps in capping ceremony in lhn Laidinw Resi dcnce 01 Royal Victoria Hospi iurda Student Nurses Get White Caps lulumlinu unu d4 wulc mil min In Ibo Illllfl my mull In lulu winq Inimim And Mu dinedll In lolloud Imhzhl ind nling dinturM mL Mb an Md km um aamnw in 111 any qu nu ma mu Mammy mum an mun AL um In lldnup Ii mowwk Ever Hear of Back Weaver and Janice Dcsor Judy menux Examinerlhotn when dmnlk unit ldney Id my 51 hzlpful Doddl It dim Mp mm mam1r And nlim Iyllunk an in main mink And liud hdmx my Dad The nurses who received their whita caps and Nightingale Lamps were Nancy Anderson Parry Sound Margaret Askln Bracchridga Constance Breeze Amherslburg Ontario Bonnie Brewer Midland Shirley Cald well Shanty nay Carol Cari san lialieybury Onlnrin Jan ice Dnsormcaux Barrie Sandra Elines Cookslown Muriel Far is Moonsiune Ontario Suzanna Foss Welland Sharran Garblg Toronlo Mary Gates Barrie Jacqueline Gall Toronto Jan ice Giles RCAF Simian Camp Harden Belly Jane liawcs Ai iislon Sandra Knspcrski nmz us Bellyinn Kellie Midland Phyllis Lang Cookslown Juan Landry Kimberley Linda Mc Kinley Slayncr Elaine Millard Toronlo iicien ONeill Mid hurst iiclnn Palmer Elmvnlr Eileen Tennani Orliiin Lynda Tracy Anion Mills Ontario Edna May Vallhcad Barrie Jean Walt Tollrnham Judiur Weaver Salton Vesi 611ch sler Slnyncr Marian Webslcr Slnyncr Joyce Wlllack Port IliIleNicoll Barbara Woods 0r iln DIUREIIC Mr Bell lnld Ihe student nur scs Probably variety of mo ivnllans brought you here and hope Ihat ynu will reallle hem and that you will graduate In Him years tlme nevi Joh benediction Vilh loyaHy will endeavour to aid the physlclan in his work and devote myse to the wel nre at those cammilted to my care 1w III hlbmdb buildI Ind Ind Min luy kldmlnlimywandtwdm Dadd Kkhuy Fall may dumb Mn dam thin gun 10 um look In In drul mum gohn Rlddel gave the The Coat Store 89 Dunlop umi lint He charged that Ihe zovern ments winter work program was line but added that the Con so chs didnt seem in real Ize that Winter Works dn not Mr Giznac defeated John MEETS in nomination race at Liberal convention held last night at the Oriliia Opera Housei Mr Moclsnao ran an xuccessiuily in the inst two fed eral campaign in Simone East against the incumbent Conser vative member Dr nnrd In making his bid or the nomination Mr Macknac said Let us rid ourselves or the Dlelenbuker scourge which has strangleg his ogunlry With relcrenca the him he said Liberal gum11mm cauld got back the prestige that the country has 105 in the past shg yequ SIMMONS CO TDEVHARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 63 for SimcoeEasl in the imb coming gmeral eieciiun Gignac 39yearold Midland clothier who aiso mayor of that municipality Thomas Mchth Mid land was also nominated at In convention but he Immediately declllml The guest spenker was David Hahn leeral can dldnte for Bmadview in the lonhwmlng elecllan STRANGLED COUNTRY Mr Gignac dimigsed such topics as winter works nuclear at amdCanadajs restgg Liberals Chobse Midland Mayor In SimcoeEast T113 Liberal sundard bearer IHK TIUCII mAT hum Mum lugmu bulk II Illk nian SIMMONS CO 2150 llll HUMAN IM vm unid Inn4 mu In rm lulu Crane look first prize In the mm draw while Emla Jack son of Port Carling look Aac und Enehy won out In Ihe 11 am draw with Orvnl Embeall Penetang IInIsMng second Elmvalen Max Steele Jr will travel to Camp Borden tomor row to Lake on Blackburn of Gravenhurs In the Colts best outloIee seriu The wlnntr of that match goes to Oakvlllc or the ï¬nal next week pmvlde assistance to munlclpal lllas in northern Ina btcausc of serious weather madman during Lha time that the winter works assistance program L1 In me He charged that the nuclear weapons Issue of less Impen mm than other problem mg the country It the United Skate gets Into war surer we are in it it Mr Glxnac ridnigco behind the LIME team and help Canada to honor Ila commlunents Norman Crane of Elmvale and Jack Eneby Cookslnwn wall the ï¬rst and semnd draw In the Elmvaie Mixed Bonsple mulch was nvernuwlng wiu en Crane ï¬nd Eneby Win Spiel Prizes um um