Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1963, p. 16

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afimfié He said Ihc Mica rec mom was no new lIcrchnsLph Prudhon In 1m had minded in Paris prank5 bunk Ic xlxmd to distribute credit lrmly Prudhons hoary had been that cmlil muld drs troy properly which he run sidcrml Io rcprcscnl llwll Mr Kinmns said So xl leil Promises or something or nolhlng wil nnl bring wurk lu our pcnplblhry never have and never will Mr an spoke Wednesday night at meeting the niche licu Service Club ugucnay anqlLake St Jnhn di ricls His inidrcss was Issued tothc pros bcIorn delivery car this mmemeni Ir Klerans said not because it has anything ln tiller the pcnple of Quebec as they will snnn realize but because car they will be induced lo allow magicians and pied pipers at the very moment their attention and decisinn must he dirceicd inward the resurgence and cm nomn expansion of our enl long CHICOUTIMI Que CF Eric Kicruns president of the Montreal Slock Exchange says Social Crodil promnlcrs do not lundcrsland lhc disaslcr lhey can bring Canada Rnnald James McLeod fif Inna On near St Tho maswappcars lo be holding up front end this car wilhou ammim Exxnlmmumunsnngnanumv29 ma SpcrlAImAnyuncnllrr um analktrs Special Old Stock Head Fears Socred Movement mth WALKER IONS LlMgitu mum nunuu Hm nun Illulnll Ynun Spnlmliu In gmul lad Mum home Ihc humy ML Impular who Walkrls Spnlal 0M Gum hut Emu lnulu Mill mummy hnr nwlc ll LMullal Input wlling mpulu Inlcul vlnhly erl llmr 1qu II pnlm In lmy Vglhrrs fipcdal OH When it comes to whisky Im NOTHIN TO IT said Canadians vmuld lnnk fur sluhlc currencyMM Ualltd Slalcs llnllars nr Sw rantsmoney would law nu he ununlry and Canada wmld collapse into dcpfll slunl The Canadian dnllnr would he dcvalucd hulnncc of pay ments crlsis wuuld occur and lime unuld have to be new nus crily nuusurcs ImpurI axes and Inan He said if the money supply was Increased ns Social CrLdil spokvsmcn rccnmmcmlcd on the ground people would have more In spend lheaclual rc sulls Mum he nu increase in prices cosls nnd wagus dc clinn in Canadas ability In Nmpcle in the murxcls or its gomIs and shuldo indus tries and unvmplnymcnl They did not undursland he dillercnce bclwncn Ihe figure or private cunsumcr spending and he gross national product was made up by gnvernmcnt spending amnunling lo $6000 000000 and husincss and indus ial cxpcndflure $7000000 spokesmen in Quebec referred la gap of m000w0000 he lnccn annual privale consump linn in Canada amounting to 514000000000 and he grass Iianal product of 1000000000 too much Alrain Imually the cam jacked up or pairs by owner Fred Huns the Inna car museum CF Vircpholm sugxcsllon which has come bean Counclls for same years past has again been brought for ward when salesman unend od Illa meeting to cndcavnur place one of hls addressagmph hincs In the lownshlp olllcc Viilinm Aininy the township enginccr arrived on crutches having hrokcn his right leg in hm nlaccs as the result skiing accident in Coilingwood However he is lucky he is no caniincd in bed delegation was present at the meeting in gain Councilsi sanctiun tor the organization at Community Centre located an piece at property set aside tar park purposes in the Robert Varnlca subdivision They have $800 in their kitty and sug gost that they could get in rink under way and dig welluan the property The School Board have altered them use at thei sclmnl property but this means they cannot have permanent location and they too they shnuld be away from the school grounds The delegation was ad vised to get in touch with the Building lnspcciur and got some instructions from him DIfiFIAYS ADDRESSOGRMH Ex Reeve Cook Bill Hughes and Fraser Sutherland were deputation to Council to ask that the 10th Ilne west tram Stroud In 10 aidemad be part at the roads program for the coming year TheBell Telephone Company have cable protect planned for this soctlon and Council assured the deputation that they would be plunnlng the redevelopment of standard road as soon as the cable luy lug had been completed comxunm mu IEER 0N CRUTCIIES Tile Feb 20 meeting of Conn ell was held in the midst at blizzard but that did not deter several deiegatians ram being an hand Amang the visllurl was gmup of Girl Guides with their leader Lida Beamish who listened in tn part oi the busi ness and pmmised to be back for another meeting snon PETITION FOR GARBAGE Mrs Vie Weeds and dele gation came in present pet itlon asking that an area In in clude thuse signing he set up in cover urbane collections the year round This was left or the Clerk to make the necessary arrangements and have it cov ered by bylaw RQAD inmnovzninm Held In BliziardI9 INNISFII NOTES and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 8000110 to 850000 on lzacrc trced lots near schools from $50000 down No salary rcquirc ments Served by Natural Gas CARSON REAL ESTATE PA LEI All pln Ind llnlldnyl PA 66 YOUR CHANCE OF lIFETIME JWOm my unm alum By 165 VI WMIIKV ID resolulian which was placed on he minutes al the last meal Council moved by Coun llor Todd and accnnded by Councillar Sawyer read as ml lnws Than In view the high cost of education as well as many other services rendered which are fast hccnmimz an un malian was mnde that the cheque for 82000 be paid In Alex Graham for poxlion of land purchased from him which is accepted as gravel pit The lnwnship also gelling right ofwny into the properly huNlMUM RECOMMENDED guggcsc cnslal lhis Installatlnnhave not ycl been placed onlhu Councll lable ASKS BOUNDARY CHANGE Donald Bunny and ulhcr Imm the South School Area Board came agaln to Coimcll tn ask lhal some adjustmenls he made ln lhelr area so there will not be overlapping We will keep on asking unlll lhls change has been made lhey Ilnled That Township Schoo Area would benefit he township whole is quite apparent but his belng kept nut discussions mostly because Iha Bell Ewart mcmbcr does not wlsh In aur rcndcr that portion the town ship lnlo an area PAID FOR PIT Jack Webster returned to Council ngdln ta press Um Idea at placlng radiotn all town shlp trucks and equipment so that twoway cantact would he made wlth all vehtclcs It had been suggested thatthts Include the Mllcerndlo as well Mr Webster brought the cquipmcnt tram ht Imck Into the tnwn ship chambers and showed lt warklng on his own wavy band Council are In so this week to see the cqulpmentwhtch Em Township using iiihun been mad that the Council and Clerk3visi Oriliia inurder see ana aim much Ine in operation Soma years back Irip was made lo municipality In chiworlh Cpun Iy for the sam purpase but the mniicr was shelved at that lime themaciline could be used in do ha assessment nob ice as wcli the tax bills IiIen it might in law yen pay for itself by Lila reduction oi help needed or handling 1h mailing oi lhcse farms With the cost oi imip at present day rules the expensawauid soon he oiisei maps mom BAND 1ku Robert Spruu is in move into new home soon Both he and Mrs Sproule haveentirely re cnvcred irom ihe accident in which they suiicred mm in juries when their car skidded on he ice Jnhn Draku who has been In haspllal orsnme weeks ex pected to return home wan to Palnswlck Height Camrr my Ind Vclllnulan Eu Tnmnlo Onl Tr M1 After of three in mm Ills lmd bumdoleled from the mlnnlealt ls very unlikely that such by lnw wauld have been approved unless lim saw lloncd by he Munlclpnl Board new sPRbULE E1 Reeve Sp who has recently rclumed 1mm New Zealand and Hung Kong is sul Ierinz mm what ay he gen ulne Asian flu caught chill In Hang Knng after the warm cllmale in New Zoaland an stlllAtraublcsome due burden on lhe properly owners we feel there should he minimum assmmcnz pmvl alan In the Assessment Act Io apply In any permannnl rcsl dency We wnuld recommend $2000 mlnlmum ma CANADIAN Pnsss XMember inst House Glllld FullWhile Haythn dnrCyril Pelley PC Coltlluler lllnll nyfll Kcnnbdy PC CumhemndKclth Russell anksunhuryDavid chk son PonlhcTemllcnmlnluu Pan Gaulet shallowGerrard Lacullle Dana Marni PCL nannvenluru xAlbm Bech ard tCtlluunnlnlnxJean Paul Matte Quebec SathxJean Char1cs Canlln Villtneuve Clouflcr PC l0 DUNLOP 3T 10 Dunlop 011 idemifidfidnsl Made Wednesday Itll OCZIU mom mmIstx hog93 Zm Vrmmcmmm 0A ANIAWFRANCONIN The Liners with the We Look Ll EARRIEjfiiKVEgsgvlc oz 22266 222 ozuzoamaog mmnsom 0K JOHNSON CO LTD Melville Names ormlslnn PCL Moon JawLake Centre XJ Erncst Pascoe PC Brandon South qullcr Dlnsdale IPC 5w Current Map Creek xJack McIntosh PC Mncktntla Jim Foreltnr NDPI xSlunley Knrchlnsk we on EnsLEuth Townshan NDPY Rex LLLachcur PC Carlelon Louls Haniey NDF Russell Harold Wilson NDP genlrew NorthEll Chmbum ncnfl NDP Onlarhthilchacl Starr PC Pan ArlhurxDouglax Flshcr NDP Winnlptx South xG rda Chnwn PC Stlklrknuby Usick Duphlp Lawrence Mllner SCL Springfield Frank Syn1x imflf PnflngeNcepnwn Mm Sybil qucu NDPI Mantral Nolro DmedeGruo xEdmund Assclln Grfy North Arthur Harrison GreyBruce Gcarue Watson SC xErlc Mulder PCL Kennrrllliny RiverColin W11 non NDP Nodolk Leonard Padyk NDP mm EarlJerome Glznac Illmmon WeltlGary Chenkoll NDP Hullnu Frontene mod WebblPC Turonio Dnnlarth Hardy Small PC ank Scurbomulh xFrank McGee PC TiminknmlnxJahn Cram PC oltawIWeu Brian Huggins NDP mmmm Jim Mahcr New lpltloul Lido dnk wllh Inn hulcd npuulr Inlmmlnl pool In mtldnll Mr And loungu will bmlhllkln vltwl ol lhu lnvlzontlnl AIIzullc luv nlghl rlnh at Ianhom hm lthIHlllll main pool on do dark Idlnlng movies dmlng ultmndlllomd lhmvzhoul lFunrh Ind Gmnlwyulln neural luv puhlln mm In buuly nlon IprIvla Ith nr uhomr In all lintclu nblaunml lull or shown In mvxl louvlfl Ilnlemann ull lhm In mum lndudud In you tun lkld Cnrmnnin and anconin call at Cobb Rollcrdam Huvrc und Snullmmplnn Cnrinlhln calls at Grtcnock and chrpool chulnr nailing mm Mnnlrcal and Qucbcc rmy Friday Ply Ills You rrml Ami nu DEAL WITH null COMPANY For Your ficmvlllom Coll NW Go Cunud Wllh TRAVEL iERVICI 670 CUNARD Wiymawww The first method had been dying out In recent federal elec tions but It bean used in scores of riding or the April election The 35 incumbent Liberal MP5 mm Quebec were given lelters by party headquarters earlier this month saying they had lira right to run or re clcciion lthoui nominating conventions Quebec Censervu live likewise have trudllion oi nominalinx their incumbent MP without calling general mceiing ol the constituency societion Conservaiive held Qufbec Ircaix pelore digolution Orxénlzcra or Die Conservm Hve Liberal and Social Credit parlles inlervlugcd in survey OITAWA CPlA rlysnorb In llglll among leernl sup orlers ln Ollawa East has ocussed lhe xpolllzln on lanmlnndlng debate ln Cana dlan pollllcs Should elecllon cnndldales be picked by the brass or ha was In other Words Should tho choice be xerclsed by ha party officer and orzanllcrs or by the party allth at lhe constituency level through an open norpjnmng convention thiSliéuld PibkCéfididéi The Brass0ryThe GraSs Dunlap St 31ml Mon 11m any nu 4CANADA TRUST nunoun Ill 47 mum at withdrawal 4m 2gm DEPHSIITEM Culwlalnd nn mlnm 4734 The Ditawa Last dlnpule he gan Fch 12 when eight me her ha Liberal axemgli voted In endorse valerln Richard us olllcinl didglc wllhoul bothering lo convention Three other members executive led by lreasnr Ym Parlslon voted azainst Ihc pruposal and than resigned In protest Thu 1m director was absent The Naw Demucrallc Party organizers said they do not re call lnglc Instance where hr grass rootef were bypassed since the parly we launched ln 1961 But several NDP con ventions hav been Poslpuned lhla year because 01 low Allend nnca and our Ollawaarca can vcflloniwere sghedulpd 191ml conventions in said Ihey will db becausc Inn of speclal this year Nyl DlFFEflS Dupulll withdrawal ul any nu sewnW11 dispel WM combfina circumstances f3 iu inixri

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