tfixw 1x I45 BRADFORD STREET Thls Is the soundcst war for you the Molorlsl lo cut vllal pain In your vch do by our GM Faclorylra cqulpmcnl avallable catches and corrects the Ill Take from the 111 nm nnnnlm um Your Safest Suresl Way GENERAL UIRDIAN AINTENANCE SERVICE THE Hm ml DEAN MYERS Prsldeut ul Myer Melon Check This March Service Special To your ears this may sound like large order or perhaps like bit of comeon Such thoughts will leave you as your eyes scan this page It presents basically three examples of promotions we are and will be using to combat price competi tion Let me assure you that in spite of the low ball prices no quality has been sacrificed either in the units represented or in the workmanship involved in our service special We appreciate your business andwill do everything in our power to be deserving of it HERES WHAT WE MEAN 31s Km DEMONSTRAIOR SALE In MYERS MOTORS PONTIAC BUICK says we canI save you money we den deserve your businesS wk ACADIAN VAUXHAll GMC Sales and Sorvlco BARRIE Vuy low mllngu mum24000 ml new ur wnrrlnly Incl do 1961 mm plllu AMIhull dlmllon llghm Inn ram len wn vllorl Finlshcd In Alaska lrnnAmlssinn poucr shltId ushers Mclnllc green and Min one wllh mulching roan lcrlor Dr Smluu cylinlzr molar Iinlshcd In lwllghl urlxuolso im my IMeriur windshleld washers cylinder Finished In Honduras MmuunL very sharp cur Dr scdan hushed In Ermine While with lurquufse In lcriur nulamnllc transmission radio wlndshleld washm I960 METEOR Custom 300 1299PJFS2°r Hardtop 1961 PONTIAC laurenï¬nn I961 CHEV Station Wagon I952 FONHAC Scrum Chief Goodwill usan cm 1Week Only IDr Hurdlop llnished In beaulllu silver may with green lnlerlar aulnmluc lrlnsmlsslun power brakes war neerlnuurush button ndIo wlndsblcld washerl wheel cl whluw tins Like new I962 PONTIAC luurenï¬un ALL VEHICLES HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY CHECKED AND RECON DITIONED A5 REQUIRED AND ARE FULLY COVERED IV OUR USED CAR WARRANTY PROGRAM wllh my Marlo gulnmmlc $2 1800 steerinngVowcr brnku radio Mm 45 5208 $1394 DOOR SEDAN lid PA 61885 NU