Guelph May Be Getting University xi THE CANADIAN PRESS Lulcr Pnnrson my Llhcml ovcmmcnl will have In mnko mmo unplcnsnnl dcclslnnx lo clnnn up lhv mm are no lng Io Inhml nflcr lhc April elcdion lln pltdncd dirtrl Milan in nlmulnln 0h cconnmy nml lo pul men In umklnchullnu alepn ln rah lhe Allnnllc prnv Incu up in lhc rmplnymcnl and come lcvrl UK ml of Cun uln Knï¬rnmtï¬l that ullh nnll In nol alrald In Ink ImA plflrlsnn joclgxlum ll has In lltnding 1mm Quchcc lnla Hm Allnnllc provlncu the Llhcrnl Iudtr Inclined man whiih tmlni lg ltulr mm In lound FERRARI Al Wyn OTTAWA CF Thu Canadian decision whclhnr lo impose all an lhc Blue ancr Bridge linking Sarnln ML and Part Hur on Mich nnw rests with ilnnnce Minlslcr Nawian and he cab incli An inicrdcparimcnial commitm has mcnmmcndcd lhal all be collected in pmvidc mud in mainlnin Ihc bridge mus tltt Secret Army loader Antoine Arxoud captured under mysterious circumstances and charged with subversive ac tivity retust today to answer question without his lawn pre sent 11 tarmor army colonel was iound nmsdny trussod in truck outside Notre Dame Cathedral Police said an anonymous caller told them the Secrot Army was tuman him in because he had botched an assassination attempt against President de Gautin tut August Tolls magniï¬ed Cabinet MONTREAL lCPl vaincinl police said today they have diy covomi weapon which may havo been used In Tuesdays fatal stabbing at comid Germ Ray 23 In all black of St Vinctnt de Paul Penitentiary The vlttim was stabbed three Imus In Ihn back and once In the chest HAMILTON CP Ire lhe Canadian Industries leilcd waterfront plant today xulled sump shed only few teal away from Ianks conlaining thousands of gallons or explosive sulphurlc acid Some 40 ircmnn ballllnz the flames were hampered by from hydrants and three Knacks pumped walcr directly mm lhe harbor nearby Diefenbaker Heads Out Into The West ExColonel Refuses To Answer Premier Rubarls In stole menl preceding debate of the departments spend est liS mid Ihal plan or do May Hag Fpund Murder Weapon Farquhnr Oliver Grey South said this has rcsullcd In migunduslxmdinx and mlsln formalion all along the line TORONTO CF Auricul lure problems occupind the On iarin iegisiulivc Wednesday wiih one Liberal membnr criticizing lhe smal iaiiurc at he nmvmmul npricuiium depart men in ininrminn urban people oi arm diiiiculiics Hamilton Has Watertront Fire 9W1 Yur No 50 NEWS BRIEFS For Exnmlnm Wank Ads Te phono PA mm telephone number In 9411 or he Bushes or worm Dept FA Our Telephones Wï¬lnmhy nlwml E4 mllu Inulhvml Culluy KIIIM um Du vllol and Dun Mr Doullns xpcnklnu ncmmjour Mn pmmlsnd Hm nn NIH unvernmrnl would rslnhlm mopcrnllvn devel onmcnl um Mn Inner nwn And opcrnlc nrocmlnn nnd pnrknglnx pm In handle nrm mounds Also mklnl lnrm um Alt rullure Mlnlslu Ham1an lald Home an musclan lhnl he wnnln mom nlrmm lo Iruw PROMISES COOIS Mcnnwhilc Prime Mlnlslur Dlnlcnhukcr hundrd hy Irnln In the wm WM the other lwa pnrly lendersNew Dcmm cm Dmxxlnx nmi Social Crrdilcr ohm Thompsonarc nlrcndy actively cumpnlunlnz In lhc near future Io discuss the possibility of Increasing workmcus complnsalinn bank iils or arm wmkers In annlhcr farming develnp men Agriculture Mlnlslu Slew art announced his dcparlmcnl hopes to spansar confemnce In lhc near future Io discus of ncrcpslng sloping universin around lha three agricultural mllcges at Guelph have been refemd to Ihe pmvinms advisory commil lee on universin affairs or upon on Iha mechanic oLsc hug up the universily Mr Oliver said lha pour pub In klemkm new ICI wmniiaw ll lhnl Ihu Llhcml puny pmvtd was that It was pre nrul lo wmk lnrnnmcnl And nlnrrunl llln novcrnmcnl the country my llmu ll ww lil be nnko ymly mlvnnlugc ho dcclnmL lruplu like lhnl Inc nnl In gmrm lhn mm lryn Eric Klrrnns mrxldcnl mu Monlrtnl Slack Exrlmnxrrrlll clml Social mlil mlllirlnm warning lhnl lhry touhl hrlnx dlmilrr In Canada lerrnls nuylnu 1qu my wmnl lnlnrcsltd In pnsxinn Ica Ialfll lhq Ins lnrllnmcnl 1100000000 bushel xrnln mgr gxppn mmmkmcnu Labor Mlnlslcr nnwnlrcc said hl depnnmcnl Investixallnu the use Toronln lunnel worker ruslmd to dcmmprcb slon thumb in nuflnlo NY or treMmcnl lar hands Ecoan cs and Development Minlslcr uIny pmlcslcd the provincial government has no channel or dlrcct nonullallon wllh he US federal govern man We have no more Innu cncelha ypu have he seld Canadian policy made to mod the needs or Krnflnlnck Diamond and the olher cam panics are out In lhc cold Mr MacDonald sald Ho said Blnck Diamond MK gcsl Cnnndlnn owned cheese producer which requested lhu negollnllons is Innslralcd and lighting mad over the Us lm pain resqlclions Mr Mac mm said Canadas biggest cheese producer an American controlled compnny subsidiary had successfuily lobbied the federal government and slnllcd ncgnllnlions for reduction in United Slnlcs im part restriction on Canadian chase Mr Stewart said his dcparb men would nsk the Ontario Farmers Union he Ontario Federation of Agriculture and and he heard or meeting lo discuss rcasgg myrtlch In the Inst In years he Mld he cusls payable by the farmer hnd Increased 19 per cent while Ihn wholesale price 91 mm pmducts dropped ml per cent Mr Stewart mudo hl slate monl an NDP Leader Donald MacDonald urged compulsory enlistmenl of farmers lulu the present Workmons Compensa Ilan Hoard plan lnr farmers Ilc rclnllan has meant that every lime lhern and prlce Increase the farmer is hlnmcd mm 0m and of the cunnlry to he nthcr Ye clly mldcnls amle price It creases In automobiles and olher commodllics almost without murmur Tnm flown mum uro durvr hr Camera Cumin mm for hlch lm Mun mu Min mzpnml MM lb um will In pmmlod on In The Ninth nlmnll was to pmlnl mlulnl Momlny nml nu lmnml Wanrdny 11m pllnl wan Wllllnm John lrtnllm 71 ol Calgary Nnrmnn hlun Mn Mm hunnld nml hnrlrl lltllllr II anmuln wrn In wulh rm Mlmtn Ihmllul Hm llnnl mmnnrn nr an mnldmv hm uhrn er wln rnulne nlr unfl nthl um hmld lllllnl Ablde LALUMW CWA Hm rt um lnr whlch lhm CDC rm Mnerl um unllminl malt whrn Hwy dlnl In plum cmh nrnr hm wlll lw ranled nu lrlovlnlon lrflmt In Ill pnvdudlnn new In Wlnnlplfl Externnl anln Mlnlnlrr Emn mauled um Ihu Ian at Tury Iupporl mm mm mlrm nrwpnpeu my 110 blmlng In Khnnl Lnkv Mnn Nnrlh cm Mmlrl Mlnlllcr Dlmdnlu mid lho Lllmrnlu nu muklnl brulnl vlciuul nml Immlnv clnlcd nllnclu on Mr chlm linkerm much In nddtd Hm mm wnvo nymrnlhy now moving In Mr Drlcn bukcrjn luvorf Meanwhlle ML chlenbnkrr lcll Ollnwa whlAHe Ilor ncrnss Illa munlry In Print hm lrnvclllml Ipnclnl much nllnclmd In lhu CNWI trnuscnmlnruul lmln Al yntn Que Raul Cnnucllc dcnuly Socln Cred lander lllnckrd bulk lho uld nurtlcs nnd lrndc unlmu or no dolng nnylhlnu or tho uncm plnycd or prnponlnx Iolullnm lo unemployman He nah Enclnl Credit pramo tm cspouxu humillnllng lhmry ol snmclhln or nnlhlnz ATTACKS INACIION Aircraft Found All Four Killed Tlmnlulh should bl wrapped in about week or 10 dnyx RearAdmlrnl Ignallus Gnl anlln lnld Thu Assaclnud Press Galnnlin yrlnclpnl Run In the talks disclosed um Brillsh naval upon hnd slnrlcd out with the Man lhnl they could save money by bulldan smaller WASHINGTON AP The nnvyl Polaris has said today Brillsh US nmllnlm have made enormous strides In working oul nrrnngcmcnls or creating mum misxlle ï¬ring submarine force Weve heard of woodchuck chucklng vmod but nave wood chuckinl girl under lhe chln Hm Is The hind lhnl appear to be chucking Margo Manningl chin Polaris Talks Take Big Strides Barrlu CatnipCindi Thundny Fibruary i8 1963 SITUATION IN HAND Au ulnmlvo um or the lwlnvnuna plum rndnl when NM learn Kclly nl ulury MN Iuthu 11 plan nppmnlly lml hauled alunj lhl dope nl lho hlll than lnn Ilfll lmtk Inc Thu wlnl llp lam lmm Du plane ml In up um an foot from II muck Olflrlnll III lllm mm IM mull Item nlmul 7n mlle nnmluml hm may dour Intn IN nmmouu nl Una lllxhl mud In plmnvnph 01k herd Ho uld In new ullh fulnn lmhlllflllfldfll Mucan Ild mnumnan nml dlmlnr plmlnmphy and Ilflllrr mlnnnl mnlrmmm umlnl on he lllm mml mlmlhl rmmn FILM nc Walk In uhodulml Mn lluwevu he MM HIM nrltuln would he nblu la buy Hm III In dunner rnnnu lnlnrln ml III at pmducllun nrlm win out Imy rnmibulhm In In mmooo nlrcndy Ipnt bylho llnllgd Slnlu In mrmh and devrldprï¬rnl ma Mlnhlcr MnLmlllnn mirl Innl mnnlh ml ll llrllnln dcchlen buy lho mnsl ML Vnnred Polaris mlnsilnn MM mllo rnnn weaponor mm II will nnf nn Iddfllonnl mu cent ho pmducllnn price In hum rim 0an NHL Hawcvrr lhe nrllhh would he mmd flu hcavy dcvclu mem expench Ind Hm com ml In up or production ulth WLP°nl The Palm chic said Hu dch will show lhul he must economical course would be or the mum in conlrncl wllh mu Unlltd SinkI lo lrnln crown and In uso mlnllu Hrlmz ranges min Hull Cape Canaveral Gnlnnlln uld ml the re mnml near nnd other lpfllfll equipmcnl would be Iold In lho IlriIIIh lnr Mhfll Il all ma United Slate Thu cc nu talks nnw are rcvolvinz around the qucsllon at whether the British wlll use American trulnlng lest mid other Incllitlca or whether they wlll provide lhclr uwn Thl British will start wiUI lnur uubmarimsv Galanlln snld and we dont know whoxhur theyw1ll beyond tour or This because rennin vital and expensiveHm conlrol navigation and other special equipman would hmo In Do mounted In the uhmnrlnu lï¬rdlcs nl lhe number or mlr es USE USFACVILITIEST 1W0 Wclfl Brillsh that lhcy could save only about Iva per cent the can by HR mlllng thclr xubmarlnns lo clghl Polaris mksllu rather lhnnj nub with fewer missiles lhzm HIE AmgricanA verslon 8350 mahogany chair In Ihe shape human hand am 01 the Items on display ho l9lh annual Nallonal Anllqua Show New Yorks Madison 8431811 Garden AP Wircphm la mm numqu Im Mwwl In Indllllm and HTHUCK IN SLEEP BAIUKUW IN FUIINHSS Ennluml llkulrmA rye okl 3th was Hound of dunno nmllclansly Mund lnu hL nlhcr wllh Immuwn nm cuml ruled Wmncsvlny lhu ml WM nlccnwnlklnu nl he llmv Dcsl Amaz aId In Holly wood he wlll celebrate his 45lh hIrIIuIny Saturday by marryan lhu vivnclnus mlv MIMI Mrs IIdlIh IIlrsch nbme Dcsl am the wbdding wlII luke place In Las Vegas Nev Mrs lllrsch pIclurcd here In lhe race lrnck In 1956 rclurmd Tuesday nlxhl Irum Juarlz Mcxlcn whore AIM obLIImd IIItxlcun Hiram Imm Clnmrnl lIIruLII mllllnn nIrc sportsman AI Vlru Iqu am now on there will be fewer dngs picked up and mom charge lnid umll new build lug built Mr Heights said He has live my In his healed garage Mayor Sargent said the SPCA trying In force the rcily through publicin to bulld an $0000 pound but the city hasnt lhgnrnoncy The clly pound has com dcmncd by the SPCA because it has no heat running wnler nr exercise space and Thnmn Hughes SPCA general man ager says lhe Criminal Code requlms adequate care or nul muls OWEN SOUND Ont 4cm Dogcntchcr Rae Heights says he Ls kccplng stray dogs In his garage as result of dispute bctwoLn Mayar Sargent and the Soclcly or the Preven tion at pmcuy to Anlmals Keeps Strays In His Garage WEDS ARNAZ Interpol Helps Hunt For JeWels STUDENT NURSES ME CAPPED be LIME £1193 numd thoth um dent mm mm cm Mr nnwunu mm hnlvfd he nrblrrnllnn prucml Dr John Dnulxcn vlcc principal Quccnl Unlvznlly wnx nnmcd chnlrmau at the 1mm In nccollnllon hclwccn lhe Lumbrr nnd Snwmlll Imnl 2am Imd KlmllcrlyClmk Pulp nml Puntr Cnmnnny ll Imx Int Onl In prus rclcm chncx day Mr Rnwntree named Judge Cnlln name Owen Sound as chairman board established ncgnllnle hu lwcm Sprum Full Pawnr And Paper Company at Knpusknunx and meal was he Lumhcr and Sawmill Workm Union CLC TORONTO CplLabor Milk Inkr Inlle flownlrce hns an nounced lhn appointment chairman or lho labor Mhilrn llnn bonrd sol up In ncxnllnle new mmm bulwncn Nnrlh cm Ontarlo lumber walkers and Iwa pulp nndpancr cam pnnlu Meanwhile Mr Doylcn apolo gized for Llalcmcnk In ythlch he llnked foreignborn rm rat with1h the and with being rcsponslbl or 90 per cent tho crlma In Canada am very 0nd at Inmlnn maple he said aald any thing that was out at order want In apologize Hr blamed the statements on anxiety about his ten and angu over the robbery Police said the Kunmcn np parnnlly knew aboul lush mlnule change plans that look Mr and Mrs Boylcn on holiday to Florida Instead of lo New York change but even their son was no swam ol FQHIEII APOLOGIES Owen Sound Judge Is Named Rs Head Of Negotiation Board total $15000 In rewards has been offered for Informn on about the robbery In whlch our masked gunmen forced lhelr Way Into the Boylen home sluggcd the mining pmmolern sun and ransacked the house Insp Harald llodgsnn who hands special squad asslgnad to Investigate Monday nighls rubbery from the Boylan man slon sald Interpol has been usde to clrculnlo descriptlnn of lhe Jewelry mllecllon slnce theres no way tulllng right now whether It had already been smuggled out of Canada TORONTO 1GP lnlerpul lilo lnicrnallanal police agency has been called lnln he hunt for $411455 worth of diamond and sapphire Jewelry stolen born he home oi millionaire financier Matthew Boylen No Man Than Par Copy16 Pagu Clear and colder lonlghl Law conlght 10 below zero High Iomarrow Far complete summary turn la page two new um um nuan 01 ml Vklurll I1 no my Bummr The nllIcrA prnml linr HII In use Mrikcrx nml mumlln nim Turnly Hm hm hm rlmrarr wilh nunmle mur der mu more lhnn 1m Alrxkcu wtlh rlnllml The mm wll alkcd all their jabs Jun mlurncd to work month later 1m Illa unduatnmllnz lhnt tlmlrurl dis putts wnuld he sclllrd by up nraln nrhllrnliun Mnnh The wnlkuul which hogan In rmusl over lurk munu nounllnflons lured Inla vin lcnru wlum mm or lrlking hushwnrkm rnldml cnmp upcmml by lmlrpcmlrnl lax cuulng mllera llum Hm KnpusA kmlnx Local Weather was nurcul upon at mccHngs In Toronln Mumn unlon Md company mprcscnlauvox under he new of Mr Rawnlml de parlmcnk RETURN TO WORK Inks wauld ch under way qulckly ppslbl He said the Mylar robbery resembled In particular West mount robbery in January where six rcsidcnl were lied up and the bandit made or with 376000 In Jewelry and turn In all Inslnnccs hm men were Immaculnlely dressed and woke perfect English nun po lice spokesman said and ony used violcnce as Inst rcmrl Meanwhile police In the wealthy Montreal suburb Weslmounl and the lawn cl Mount Roan said they helluva the same rubbers may have been active in the Manual area And he provlncl Immizrr llon minislcr John Yammku accused lhe millionaire reprehensible slander ngaiml the lorclgn born Both the lcdcral and provin cial immigration department produced tlgums In show that foreignborn residents Can nda commit only about half the crimes per capita of nativmhorn Canadians Federal Immigration Minls Iur Bell accused Mr Eoylcn nl nllowlng his an to oulwelsh his Judgment an knowledge lhe lacls llc ddcd lhal Im mlgrunls are pmperly enlilled to men the Insult CALITS ll SLANDER The apology came 60 late prevent load ol denuncia lions He added that some or hll remarks misconstrued What wanted undnrswnd was lhnrohcre should he screening persons cnlorlng Canada