SHARON HANNA CLAIRE WILLIAMS ADMIRE FLOWERS Garden Party Presentation Goes To Hon Earl Rowe The Idcnllly llw vlcllm was nM Inmmllnlfly dlsclosml hy nulhorillu whu unld ho wnl In hll early 10 ml mvinx In yrnr urnlrnro lnr hrmklnl and nuflnd lhnll wmflm the dispute wnl no lmmnlfnlcly known MONTIHCM If prl toner will Ilnhhnl lo dmlll Tuudny In Hum Mlh mmlhtr umvlrl nl 5L Vlncrnl Ale lnnl lrnllrleuxy Mrs Smllh and Crosblc will be he nominallnn mmmillcc or Hue olccliun unicorn nm mnlla will be never ursnlm the old HI you Ind lhu new LI bellnr and roll call Nnmc your WI PnL IL Cmsble shwcd color slides ul Scullund Muskokn and West lrll Cnnndn Mn Slnrk lhunkcd Mr nnd Mn Crosblu or lhu luvcly cvo nln lal luck lunch wa ter by lhc lunch mmmlucc Convict Dies From Stabbing PAINSWICK Special The Valcnllne moellng ol Pnlnswlck Womens Insfllulc was held In the home Mrs IL Crashic with l7 members and lwo vis llors present The prcsldcnl Mrs Stark opened Inc mccl lug Mn Wnrnlcn gnvu report on the sewing chasm Focus on Flnlshcs and noted Ihnl Innny lhc younger mom bm flu communlly were al lundlng Summury Day will be March 19 discusslun allowed Ln the broadcast Canndnl 01 ligation lemon sec llmm NEWTON ROBINSON 15 la The Hon Earl Rowe new lynppoinlcd LILMenard Gover nor of mum and Mrs Rowe were prescnled with named xcmll in church here Sunday morning alter the service Painswick WI SeWing Class Notes Progress Visitors to the afternoon tea and later those coming to the supper were startled to ï¬nd bunches of these planted along the walk lending to the new parlsh hall entrance Winter garden parties have been an annual event for the as six years said Mrs Roy STAYNER Slafl No Enr den party would be complete without flowers even In tho winterllme When the canyon Mon at Ihe Anglican Church lhe Good Shepherd held win ler garden party nxcsdny mem bm couldnt supply flowers ram their own back yards They scllledlar lire like paper flow ers instead Despite The Snow LIBERAL ASSOCIATION IHURSDAY FEB 23 AT OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE North Simcoe WIII Hold Tholr ELMVALE Spcclul Tho Ilmvnlo Brunch 01 be loyal Cnnndlnn chlon Mk II nnv nunl Insmflnllon ofllccrl or 19m Zane Commander lvnn Crown Ilnrrle wan In dmrzc lnslnllcd wow llm lollnwlnl km lmldcnl Lloyd mkhlo vlco pmldcm Klnrm 2nd vlu prcsldonl nawnl Secrrlnry IL Mnnln 51 nl nrms Jack Whmon Axnlslnnt Sgt nmu lmnrd Vcllnm Vllllnm McInddul manltrshlp Vllllnm McFmL den Iport afllmr ll MC Kantlo poppy dualrmnn ll llarthwlck puhllclly Jack Fow lrr clecullva Oerll WI llnm Toman Mnrnn nnd Whlluldm fleporls appearing In lho French press say Westona 2000000 English company Assoclnlcd DriUsh Foods car ried oul the deal qulclly Ihmugh xubsldlurlcs on the Can Unan apnkasmnn or Weston would nclumr canllrm nor dcny the report Weston the ndlnn grocery mlllionulre was ruporlcd Tucs dny lo have houghl mnlorily slnke In chain 70 French supermarket Elects Officers Elmvale Legion FnlIanng lhe brescnlnllons lea wns served In the Sundny SLhool mam Many gm515 took his opportunin In wish Mr and Mrs Rowe well In their ncw posmun Mustcr at ccrcmanles for the occasion was Ben Steers Wendy Copeland presented Mm Rows WIUI flowers The scroll done by former pastor Rev Mr Burton was pre senled by Houghlon and Harvey Mr Harvey 13 31 former Newton Roblnson res cm Weston Reported Buys Chain Stake 1300th open gar den party were ï¬sh pond parcelpost bake table country store and Inncy work labia Girls mm the Junior Anxlllnry had gnndy sale to raise money or their own group The allcrnoon tea from to pm was well attended and so was the supper wlflu an esll muted 250 to 300 persons led at the evenlng meal Proceeds for church work in general including purchase furniture or ht Sunday sphpol mom Mchbe presldent of the W0 mans Auxilnry which sponsors Ihe evenL All church groups and members the congregulion help out mnklng it parish ncllvly VLQNDOQI 9P Gnrflcid Ch leton Pmldont St In Mm on tho 196 cxocullve um ï¬rst vlcu prud dcnl Henry Ncuhld seer Don Mclzod treasurer Bruce Anderson cummlllec Ham Lnngmnn Earl Robertson Earl Scott Jim Langmnn and Manly LtlIZh T50 minimum to 1954 will be raised to pcr mm but win decldcd mccllnz was 1961 president Tyson Lanzmnn Secretary Ikrnnl Johnslan rend kxulc can he Ilnnncinl mer RUGBY Special Eric Scan was elected president of the Rugby Communin Flm Pm Jccl at In recent annual muck lnE held In glgy schogl Mr Hutchinson quoieii cam President William Smith as saying Ihe cum drivelo sign The exceulivn Canadian Labor en body both hear the dispute day Mr Hulchlnson said the CNRs action am because It has grand design to reduce the number of union represent in employees Hu said he CNR has made no secret of Its deslre to have an Industrial unionsuch as the CERT replace International trade union wherever possible Eric Scott Heads Group At Rugby The accusaliun came from Hutchinson vlwprcsklenl the Order of Railroad Telegra phcrs and was aimed at the ONE and the Canadian Brother hood oi Railway Transport and General workers The publiclyowned carrier Immediately dcnled the charge nudian anlonal Hallways has been accused of helplng one unA Ion mid tho membership of an other MRS HORACE GILPIN MRS GARRY THURSTON AT BAKE TABLE CNH Denies Charge Of Hiding One Union Raid Membership Momma CPIThu CA councll of the Congress par unlans was lo In Okawa lo Steady growth was noted In all congregation and Ilmmclnl re ports show all allotmean me In full and gmler distribu llon of lunds or all work out side the parish Each church had some Improvements made an unher renovation an plum ne The rectory lmpmvcmenu In clude the Inslallallon of wash anidrycr ELMVALE Special The annual vestry mceilng oi Wy cliiie Church Elmvnie St Johns Chunh Waverley and he Church oi the Good Shep herd Wyebridga were all held under the chairmanship of the rector Rev leckie The 0111 prevlnusiy has no cused he CBRI ol raiding its membershlp It said lho mid came about as result of the up hundmds of OM members was no our choosing but mum the result ol circum stances Iarced on In by the management of lhaVCNR Elmvale Area Churches Note Increase In Congregations TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Hm Wardens elected for 1961 are Wyclllle Church Elmvale Ros llulchlnson Eulers Warden Malcolm Thompson Peoples Wmlun St Johns Waverley Rectal5 Warden Wllllnm Wood Pmolen Warden Arllo Whlt llam Church the Good Shep herd Wyehrldga Mlltnn Lnon nrd Rectal Warden Erlc Cur 1mums Warden Parlslz councll Irensurcr IL Tipping gmcs to Synod Mrs Lully and Mrs Player from Elmvnle Mnrrls Darby 1mm Wavtrley and Wllllnm Jonu from Wycbrldae CNR consolidating ll Irelghl Hares services The mmember CERT had no immediate comment on the callnslan charge levelled by the 9111 which has 10000 mem OFFERS INADEQUATE Steel union minds in T05 onlu said Tuesday night the companys alters are lnadb quale Ha said the unlon has made no speciï¬c request but they do want more than tha iplddllng amount oflemd by nm condllalion board also expected to be namcd soon to see what can be done In new Hanan between the lem liï¬lon and Falconhridxe NickJr ne Michael Soiski president oi MinevMiii District has issued statement sayinglhe compa nies were using the division within the rank or the workers in impose interior conditions employees at Sudhury and geirly 2000 at Port Colborno The United Steelworkers of America mm was certiï¬ed 1M0 has owls result of vote Men of company em ployee month earlier The Inlemntlonal Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Watk ers 1nd which last the bar nan rights want another vn It has filed page brief with the Ontarlov Labor Rela tions Board fur rehearing of lhe certmcann 01 ha Steel un lou an agent or Inm workers At flake are war lions and wage or employees at Sud nearly 2000 at For Ont 10Ron CPA dispute on mm for new agreement to cover employees the Inter national Nickel Company of Canada will bé aired More culmination board hen today Inco Wagesf Issue To Be Discusééd 5111650 brief Labor Rela mhegdqs of king indi 12500 Inco The guesu Included also Rev McKennu Peleybomugh Rev Father thp and Rev Paul Joseph of Dunklrk NY and ï¬ve sister of St Joseph aunts ol the guest of hanor Relative also came mm Ham Iltnn Pelerbomugh Eradlurd 111111211311 Falls Toronto and Sar Father Colgan paid special tribute lo his old associates of 001an and Beelon Many people mm the surmunding area lhmnged the hall fur the ra cepllon afterwards and the young priest was able la bestow NB Credit Toronto paslnr Calgnn St James Church Calgnn he family dinner was halt the Leisure Hour Recreaflon Centre Ntenhnm About 150 guest at tendcd the head table was the guest of honor with his mother Mrs th Keogh and his hm ther Pan Keogh and he clergy who Included Rev En Hennessey GP Toronto Rev Kelly 058 Wlndsur Rev Keogh CSR St John NB Rev ORemy Port Credit Rev Hanan CSB Toronto and Rev Mullah Eaglnr of Jamu Church Tommmm Special A1 ler the First Solemn High Mm 11w Colxen Kcogh 01 at THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB 27 156 New Priest Rev Colgan Keogh Honored Rt Dinner Reception WEDNESDAY Juckpol $240 IN IS NUMBERS 15 REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE 11m WEALTH DOOR PRIZE lEGION HA COlllER ST Tomorrow 1030 am Plullc Tomorfpy 230 pm CONVENIENTLY lOCATED IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE lEGlON BINGO EVERY STRETCHY ANKLETS 3for51c 5on 6J1 R09 for 97¢ FLOWER POTS Chlldrons Rog 39c 19c IMPERIAL nun very pleasant afternoon was followed by Solemn Benediction at St Jamea Church wllh speb Inl music by high school stud en individually HELP KIN KanMEN Thurs Feb 288 pm Ilia 910 131 Fulkolcr MulllMllllon Dollar Spocmlol 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTHGAMES WJACKPOTVszuono PRICES FOR THIS ENdACERiENl Adulu We Studenls 75c Children 356 ODD FELLOWS HALL $1500 Comolallloii Vlirlzo Every Tliursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night ASK INDEPENDENCE ZANZIBAR ReuterslZanzL hars two major political par Llcsthe Natinnalisis and the opposition Airoshirazis have ieced British official with de mands or early elections and independence or this British protectorate Colonial Secretary Duncan Sandys received lead ers oi the parties arateiy aiter he arrived on the spice island oil the east Alrimn coast ram Kenya Sunday iar three day stay LAST DAYS mama snowu HELP KIDDIES Em