Amelmotgruu nu 0qu Ms mm 1th will Ind N1 1541mm um 3cm mam mu um IImu Amium run mm MI clunlmou Aulhamd mum mu ml mm min mum Dun um In vrmml pm mun luMnn um nunn Hanan unvlod nunm um hum mun Iann nmnl mqu MtrfllllflNMlu an null Hal nu mum Al min mun Imulll Mmunau mm mm Inn In 0n nu no mm um mu mum ll ll mull mind MI pomMm mm rma gin1 lnuI um rm 6mm ll Gucl Murcnry We urrc cnns dornbly lm Wessex wllh the rcccnl slnlunlcnl of lhc 0v Douglas nrydon mlnlslcr he Mnnnt Forest Unllod Church when he said We are not usln our resource as clflcionlly we shnn when we are taking mlnlslcrn preach lhrw or our limos Sunday I0 20 or 40 poorln when lhesu people could juut as n1st gather In nno plans or worshlpK son annd George flogg lost at Bramplo bonsplcl Barrie junlor hockey loam 105 at Punching 112 but the line lnlcr mediate lcnm wan lhc northern llslrlc lllle by bcnllng Ncwmnrkcl 122 Ilnrrlc Councll of the Royal Arcnnum elecle Bird Regent Married Jnnnllmn Sissons Governor of County Gaol to Miss My Ellen Rankln laugh ler of Abraham Rankin Sher Barrie Northern Advance Feb 12 I903 The local paper one of three Weeklies reported in front page story Coilingwood becoming notorious as cen tre for deaths which take place under suspicious circumstances Crown At torney Cotter oi Barrie investigaling death tvoyearold child said to have eaten cheese in which strychntne was Eiaced to catch rats also to have drunk eer given by her mother insurance said Involved In tragcd Barrio mar ket improved as ma better Butter brought lllc 1b eggs 2022c doz chick ens 50c and 75c air geese lll2e 1b and turkeys 14c Vood was very high at $025 cord lilany Barrie horse racing Inns went over to Roches Point on Friday or the races on ice Local curling rinks skip ed by IiicL Steven son anmi George louu lost at Rramnlnn 90 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Ioday many of these men and women are engaged an allout fight against heart dtseasoo They are fortunate to have at their disposal the facilities of our medical schools which are among the finest in the world Already much at We should be proud that we have in Canada doctors and medical scientists who can provide the leadership inspir ation and imagination to the world of mogicinc Canada has shown the way to the world in many aspects of medical re search It was in Toronto that tnsulln the lifeblood of the diabetic was dis covered It was here that the Salk vac clne or poflomyellus was developed Last June 18 many voters in Can ada became so confused by propaganda that they chose either the Social Credit or New Democratic Party line Neither Forty had the slightest chance of torm ng government then and the situa tion hasnt changed since The seats min by the socialist NDPs and the right estiSocreds with their splinter grouns safdivlded the government that it cou not possibly deal successfull with the mounting pile of unfinishe business ft Canada ls ln serious sltuatlon If the results otthe Aprtl federal elec tlon should produce another mlnorlty government thenthls natlon will have reached criticalstage Minority rule to udemocratlc country 15 worse than useless We belleve gtherefore that it ls in the best lnter tests of Canada that there must be clear majority for one party Only in that my can there be return to normal atalo government and wise legtalaljon The fringe parties have served only to glujter up the House of Commons It from the Conservatives or the Liberals those two parties onl that stable gov ernment can emerge Heart Disease Research Tho Barrie Examiner Stability Depends OnCléar Majority For 0116 Party ONEBLAIC 9F WORSHIP 13mm ï¬zzantim walls Publishei rma mm 6mm um um OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MMORYENE Published by Canadian Newspapers Umltéd 18 Emma Street Bunla Ontario busper Brlan Slalght Ganenl Minuet woman ma lostmo One mlxhl even Ian of church bus makle he rounds at lhc mnrmlons on Sum ay in mm people to church and It mlghl be Just lhe ht prod lar bellcr nllemlnnru lo hm bun upping lo lake 1h mm to ma commu church mlnlntor can only so cmdcnlly Innk mar his rlmrgns and II must be IL hcnrtunlng and lrustrnllnz or him to go In hlx moral place at wnnhlp only lo have few icon to Hon lo hln dln course Thom nru mum pun make rm cnduavor In real lic Christian view In ï¬chgnlp like this Hut It hm vumyjuls aun ator Browns or the winter Mrs Laidman sang solo in splendidvoice on Sunday in Collier Methodist Church The Ladies Aid of St Andrews Presbyter ian Church gave Pink Tea on Tues day Magistrate Ross lined the pro pr etor of the Market House Hotel or sup lying liquor after hours to Minesing lum ermen Miss Dodds oi Wood stock has been secured as miliiner James Vair Sons Charles Churchi is doing business at the same stand and will uphold his reputation as the best candy maker in Barrie The Clark son House said to Mr Boag of Churchill Presentation of The Kermess at Grand era llouse netted goodly sum ior ltoya Victoria llospitaL Professor Sheets is to be congratulated for his dance Instructions The dances includ ed llahics Skirts liiisses Skirts minuet Scottish Living Vhist irish Peasant Sailors Hornpipe Espanola Cake Walk Prizes for best dancers went to Miss Dorothy Boys and Orvnl Meicalf the McDonald twins Miss Frankie Warren and Harold Otton 0n the second even inx ot the three perlormances the Pali ing sisters Gladys and Constance were awarded the prize Drury and family are occgpylpgSgn nlnr rAumn Mum All us have vital stake in the fight against heart disease Our su port the Canadian Heart Fund will £pr our medical scientists to conquer yet an other enemy of mankind Research on heart disease in Canada need know no bounds unless it is lim lied by the lack of funds During this month the Canadian Heart Fund is con ducting drive to ensure that the re search may continue uninterrupted Funds are needed to meet expenses in cldentnl to the work and to maintaln the doctors and medical scientists on fellowships their effort has been crowned with sun CCSS Is there any and reason why Canada should resigne iy accept the prospect of mumminority ariiaments We do not consider the dea that the old par ties have lost the national outlook but it either at them has they most cer tainly have been taking thought in re cent days Vote as you like but remember whence onl can come government equipped wit the working majority necessary for strong independent leadership Some analysts are suggesting that the next parliament could rather like the late unlsmented one or worse This is in itself pause for Csnadtansto think hard and realistically before they go to the polls Fsst histor has shown that solidparliamentary oritios some Liberal some Conservative have always managed toreconcile conflicting inter ests among themselves and ot the whole nation moving in the rig direction One only needs to look at the pre de Gaullc France to recall the chaos in which nation can become submerged when many splinter parties get intotho body politic be It economic or defence social wel fare pr naQonal unity lun lhelfdovg Um Hun am we hmh lesu nhrml mmlnrl lhnl ll ll ulna lmmuulaaod with We Jun who an min Imla In llllll erude Illh llou Ind hm llnllewl Ill A01 ï¬lth am me lxlnh Nu Vlnrinn whrnwr hum nmln or other mum never lowomI lnyhodyl Nam pru Ium nw Amvrlun Mrdlrnl Aunclnllnn and mhrr mum have lhvnt lhrlr Iml In ml uul llw lnllmru III Immun lr and unmlnuly WJIHIM mnk nullrmm nml talk bl Ilnl HIM lhl 0le malle oll Iype nmulm II III an nrrumlly hnrmlnl 1m wlvm mnplo um yum lnllll In fr nln mmlrnurnl lnlk Ilmllrlnu lMy up Imklnl ul Inllw 01 he mlly 0qu om uhhh all My um Dru llv Mnlnm book rmd rucnmmrndl nppln elder vlm nr In mm In reduce hllh Mam prruuul In lhll rally lcrllvol IJ in THOUGHT ll drprndl an IM lyre In mln Hero II mm In some mm lmn In inbld hmnh mt Uri In pcrplcluu lnrmll Vllumln nrconmy Dear Dr Malnm Wilh unr min um ha pawn runrely mid Iron Inc dnlly Hrl or II liver nlw nqulrtdYMM Ml ll wmellmu ll ncccmry hnvo lnbnrnlary cullum town and unman mm mm Ind lhmnl lwnbblan at other In Ihc mmlly untclnlly Iha par mul and lhlnk llml ll Hm loxlcul mull point In lhln Ill These mm mm ha carricd In lho mm cause no Imuble 1n ha cnnlnr ycl bcmmo devll 5th mean they much par mn who possum poor pmlcc llnn mum Ihcm Snmnona In or closelln lha houschnld may he can of he norms more parllculnny Um staphylococcus vnrlely 1111 has hzzn known happen mnny llmu and mm me lhrmh aznlml whlch wlnm nursrrics an cunslnnll on guard True cleanliness ls extremely lmpoflnnt but that Isnt the whole nary pupil all reason able cure lllll posslhle for he lnlmlon spread because yau tanl see the germs They may be lnmsmllled by chlld touchln another nr by use 01 anolhcrs handkcrchid toys pencils or whatnot Tadayl can aim at Icml Mn that In Instance the disease may have been Instd uni mm thud la chlld but mm adult In thud www Th cerm an be either form the streptococcus nr Ilnphylococcux Either once it sum wan sou up inlccled punles II can of course be dangerous median 11 well as messy unplcnsnnl one lmpellgo is an lulcclian of the skin not only lnfccllou caused by but contagious Vanni from person to Pgrwm Den Dr Malmr have chil dren aged one and wot My daughter hnd Impetigo when she was ï¬ve months old and now my um has it keep them as clean as can What can do to gut rid mt condition Mll5 CM By JOSEPH MOLNEH MI 11 ouslan TO YOUR coon HEALTH High Blood Pressure Cases Not All Alike Br um mmn THE BOY smob ON THE BURNING DECK IIIZTTEM IO 1m IL manl much In Mr Mnm mrwunml pf lo do mm ï¬lm uvemnunl not Inlnflnl down lmnlnm ml lhn Imu Inx lha wwnlllm nl Mulmb Honllm would mm vuv may he hndlnl or Innth Inc 5mm Illunllon Mn ulslrd In 01 In Am Hum mum II HM mlnw mlnllllr Mm 0mm lhn drlllwrnuam rall lhc an ollmdlmn Fwy 0m um only muum lhnl Mr llahnrln uwch wnl wnllm by mmqu nul Inn lnmlllar wlm llw dayvlodny ullvldu II hoxuu ll ml pumhlv lo do any lhlnu nlmul medy pauuc Imprlvlnnl mmum when ho mmum urnl halo Hm hmur TM mm mm lrcmlnr bum main Io hl IoIIowm the 0mm szrmivo Con nrvnllvu annual mculnx hInna other lhlnux he uld hm Ippultd lo Icmlcr UK on Illlan on more than mm own on to Imp pollllcklnl And down In buxlmu Tn Ilap uxlnz Iuklnlum nl lhh pmvlnu ranrtc olmlon Ilump nnd lnnud In un dlvldtd lllcnllan la Ihc ink or Mllth II mm by Hm poop ol Ihiu pmvlmo namely In um mnluro Ind mien connldrrr llon at no Iruldnllbn Marc um homeo rrlllclw nl mumlo livl In the brine nl whnlcvtr whdnm ha and hi him lol Iuwm may mumsml 1an11 lnlu he npmly pnunï¬c 04 how lmmllanl mvnsum which no datumd lo mun our rmmmy lnrwml Ind hmby enrich um 11 In people AEAFKD Wilyrzzgnxzvan iha um Illzo aivrliélus Alan yenr More lolnl as hills had been pmcnlm to um Home He was olclnl mmmon tomphlnhlhnl lhc mu hull um bcfnre lhe House hnl bccn very slow checked Um order book lolal uovcmmem Ind public blll Do you lhlnk unigovern men rnlly hm any brand leg Islallvo pronamr he naked By DON ollEAnN NflONTOOn Ih mh day that ml legislature ml met lecnl Lender Wlnlermeyer on the way Into the bulldlnzs treatments and medicatlona whlch will re duce or conka hluh bland pres sure but none Is aim cider or any ohnr housnhold rcmtdy and it Sclznllllcnlly childish In prctcnd that all case high blood pressure are alike because lhcy arent The oulstandin examples course are people who go In quack who claim they can cure cancer or become wed ded to the Idea thnt smr chnrrn or other wlll cure dln holes The remedies may not harm them dlrcctly but many die because they didnt scelr sclgnllllc help up two late QUEENS PEEK Premier Criticizes Opposition Forces 000000 la 30000000 nrrnnllnl In lunhuionll ml ultlwu mum In mm 01 VII mum MI hm In munlud Md Wlubh but RAH EXCEED HUMAN vao tfleulun no my Mn IIUI humln popu lnllrm Imam In In Dr llmnml polmlnuun He II mod IM Mm WK In Mr Mmhll ll slrmnn Ind mm wilh ho mm numbr 01 In Mr Vlco Marshal Irlnl 1110 Hum Dlrl wlll be ma In IMP CO Mmhy Enl Inml Fll Ll Ilmr mma hll Inth lln yuu whcn mm mm mode plum Mu Inr MI mm beem In mum Ind Mun crelllnl model ï¬lmall rrlhnlnl In whnlnvtr mumll rnuM IIMI Sam at modell Mn bun nmcnud lo lhc CAP oflltllll who hive lawn In mumlon ulxe vmlnnl ol lh um plan whul Mu Inrker Iboul Io dump mm old blmboo plum mlll In II lulu In slapped Mr From lhem In undo model ol lhc SIIvor mm lhc Ilmcd nIrmK mm In Cap Bruon by McCurdy In low In hobby mnklnl model nlrmlt In pllmuklu deull and Imund home lomflJmu lnlercem MI on her In lho lIrbn un wllh In that mix tonlnln mulorllll In mi nu wmmrm cmm non ha dlflmnl ml of Inm raptor In HI IA Willinu lnrkcr The Ape wu In the hmllllr Froal pallcrn In alwlyn proud Ind Iornulhnu lndlmnn recital of he achievemenn of Ike xmmmem Eul mm was detailed and lengthy ll ack on Mr Wlnltrmnyer Ind lhlg Liberals And mudcpm mm lel Airmenwhich m1 lo ll nom the Opposition least one conclusion In drawn 111 that Ihe premier will try and do Prrmler host did buinlsa hynnd optda hlm Intercepter Has Aircrait Hobby Wan By THE CANADIAN PRESS mo Boer lama sur rendered at the flame of Pnnrdcburl In which Clna dim troops were conspicu oI35 during he 50th African nmed flu Commu nists for the lire Ihough was In 1m tuned by ha Nazis InnAdelaide Hoodlm launder at Canadas wank enl inslllntes was bom The Reichsinz ihe Ger man Parlinmani building was desirayed by ï¬re 30 years an todayin i913 shoriiy aim Adoli Hiller wan ellcm chanczflor The de struction of ihe Reichsmg was seized upon by Hitlers Nails as menm of con solidating lileir power The Feh TODAY IN HISTORY llvn ol commnlu whlrh tomblned their mam lurlho bulldlnl ol lhn pipelin clllm lhul lhc ml cl rampan In all product lhmuxll It will In only About hull am rm Ipod Izth nonnllmtlhodl In nu Th In ll repelled will bu mad lo Imp down all prlcu bul Ihl mmplnlu hut mnpvm com pmaucu which wlll urry In rludo mllne all all Ind dim cl Ive In BritIn mum unllm II known petrol whllo call all unlu Ihc mm puma all pm In nppmvtd by lhu mlnlslry or power an pm dud Im much DI the Mldlnndl ml or London am will he p21 Thu plp no rh would Ilka lwa yurl to bulld wlll have an Initial clplclly In In Ind 1m three mllllon lens at all ycal Thln II About per ml at Brlll pin tnmumpllnnu Plum which hvu betn dere loved call Ior the ulpnllnl in run mm lhe Slanlow reHmry on ha thy rlvcr ntnr lecrpnol lhmunh ho nduslrlnl Midlands Io hln with lwu other pipollnes Ont will conntct ll wllh Hm In on Somhnmplon Ind lha elhtr wllh rtllneriu on lhe Thlmu Ealulry MICE CAPACITY By MthTYRE HOOD LONDON An all plpellne 11 miles long and running through lhe lnduslrlal hem of England belng planned by newly lormed company known as Unllcd Klngdom Pil Plpellncs leicd 11w comp any hu been termed by Ihe Jolm ldlon five of the mljor oil companies of In It has nude nppllm authority to bulld In under mund plpellne or carrying all product ncrou Enllllld The coal ol lhe plpellne ls Ima led ll Around 32150001 In the ensulnz debate II was evIdenI that the nldenuen war as thoroughly confused as the cIIIzen nIIIIng In Ihe visitorl gallery Ald Gerald Roberts Ior InsIance seemed more concem ed to whether recommend IlIon ol Ihls Ind would muzzle hlm Ind other member Ihe council lIe wns assured by Mayor Onoku IhaI Ihls would no the case One lhe curIaus omIssiuns In debate ms the allure on lhe purl oI any member coun cIl Io ipclk or he mm the publlc to he InIormed Every one seemed In be more con cemed wllh lha nIdermcnn priv Ilene In Ihl regard onyrous ncr Noin Em out the ob vlau luck that by maklng his inpnfes gha mayor In what caused the furor the mayor and the my manager released stale men The Burrie Examiner mnwlng that the city had en joyed uhxtanlinl surplus on current Account during I962 Threa ol the chairmen of com millees whose expenditures were Involved In the linnneIal slaw men had not been lnlormcd One or them Md Fred Smith prylesledr mom mom ILK Underground Pipeline Will Cost $22 Million Th Ildznnen lore lnla Ihl topic thaqu they were dis tuning the lnnexnllon of mm township or lather million dolllr Industry Everyone not mo the act and It wu difï¬ cult or Manner without the proper buckmund on Ihe quesp lion Io nuke much tense out at debug INDY SURPLUS wank mple the topic that nlned the males ardage in words VIII seem lly lnnocuoua mus Item which stated Whenaver pres re lena being made thnt tho mnyar Ind Chair of the cum milgea alfected be Idvhed furth to It almost Impossibl to ï¬re am In Idvme whatmhjecls will mm the debut ener glsaol thech when EDITORS NOTEBOOK Aldénnenï¬re Quick TbiGuard Privileges Enlry to tho slle expocled wlmln lhe ncxl cw wcah Mon Hum 000 mu lnnd hnvo been purchmd Iur MI pmjcct hm 475 am will be develop ed under All lmmcdllla pro nmrmrnllnx crude oll dllllll llon Iulphur remale or dlnel nll and plnnl lur um am In nxcnn and nnplflhnl wrll hlgh nmno cnlnlyllc refluinl TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA um Indub try nnnauncommt to the med thnl ncunlinllom ovtr reï¬nery nl Pembroke with cnpncfly of 100000 hamIs day have reach ed lingo Illnwlng conslrucllon work In alnrl This luu been nnnuunccd by lhn mm Iinlnz Company Arrangements hava already bucn made with many at lho landwnm lhmuxh whose pm penlu the pipeline will pm The company has allend in pny campensallon lhe rule 7S ttnl yard In lhn ownm ol the land Ipokumnn la the pipeline company listed um about hall cl ha 600 landown who will be lllccled hm lenllicd lhclr nequlmuco in principle lo Iha Ichcme REFINERY GOMIEAD ulven no hlnl lhnt wll cnnbln prices to he rcduccd below lhcir prgscnt levels WWW The mayor shauld be pemflt ted to make statement at any lime without first Intonnlnz hll allow members council Th0 snml privilege should be extend ed other momhen were nadlly available the pun we could no envlslon debate such II that whlch developed at llII councll moulan over campah allve 11331151 pmlocql But through quirk in till thinking of some aldermzn pub lic business is rival husinul and should not aircd ior tho pcoplel consideration until nucil time Ihe council hu mad upilg gwn mind mulfling lacticsi Another Illa Inability the pres lo live full and proper coverage tn city business li committee meeting are clnscrl tn the public Set sions at committee Ire olten productive of the luliesl debate on topicsand lnionmllnn come from them which would be most helpful to lho vnlerx HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 Dyyvmcx There lam lumen ul the Barrie council however who feel that rm commmee reports shauld be publicized More they come In muncll The sad future of Ma argument thin can trnvernlnl questions on which members the public mluht wish lo speak are not nlred be are regular cauncll session and they are dealt wlth long beloru anyone ram 01 outside can make representations Th nuwspapcr hu llwnyn conlepded Iha here should bl the widest possible Illllude hl provldlnz lnlonnatlon to IM press or publication This lhould Include the privilege of remlv Ing meclinll councll corn mum function as the chief magixlraie He was telling the cap that whim would hep in keep down their taxes it no reduu them This Is Ihe kind oi ln formation which in public in entitled to receive pnmnilr Wilhnul wailing or form nail ralinn or any pariicuilr nidar mun or the councli iisaii COOP BARRIE by win