Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Feb 1963, p. 3

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Group Captain Hockney Receives Rome Appointment wet Iifirmnial nl bailey rm PM Mun Marylinl Aullmk 1nd Director qus Assoc 5Need Grow Improve nrmmmmltd In Home by hls wlIu Dom nnd lhrlr Iom nlchani undo lo lludznl nl Norm Collezlnla and Wayne no The family will ull from Mon nco N5 GC Hocknuy serv ed at the Mr Trnlnlnx Command lltndqunrtm In Trcnlon and Mr Force llwdqunrlerl Ollnwn in various Inf posltlnns He was unpainted Cnmmnndinu 0mm In 55 lnu Ileilnl mth JIxcmbeno Group Caplnln Hockney Ottawa NORAD Scalar Commun dur and former CDmmnndan 0mm RCAF Slullon Edgar has been named Alr Mllllnry and Nnvnl Allnche lo the Can adlnn Emhnssy Home llu hlll replace Colonel ll Telllcr GC llorkncy cnllslcd ln the CAP ln mo and alter grud unllnu navigator served wllh No 70 lllF Squndrnn in Malta and lhe llllddlc East Olhcr wnrllmc nppolnlmcnla were al Um Alr Armnmrnl School nl Maunlnln Vch and lmplon Bu he incl remind that allth we had school we were unly providing lhu taclll or segmentand not veryhlg xezmcnl at macof mgr chlldrcn As lhls development look form lhe assoclallon began to learn lhlng that ll hadnt thought of before the act um them were many retarded In tho communlly for whom Ihe sdxool was of no Incl Enrol ment was rashlam In llmse who loll wllhln llmllcd range or mcnlal capaclty chmnologl In use and even physical abll lie snid ii was then after the school gni going that the association really hegan to learn something about mental mtardaiion and He problems canncclcd wiih Lhc handicap generally Those were the days ho said when many otherwise intelligent and capable people iet their common senss be cal nred by superstition but with splendid Isaoperation tram ser vice clubs and olher organizb ions and with the help of quite lew individuals we gut school slnried in Barrie in 19 We didnt renllze that the range or mental capacity of the remanded extended far above and far below that of the Indiv Idual children we knew 1110 other reason for our skepti eIsm was lhat we dldnl know where to leak or hem Mr Finlayson sald Three per cent of all children born wnm destined to be handicap ped by mental retardetlon and we just didnt see that mnny mtarded children around Augzmq RANGE Most of us wen nalve en ough llml llrne to Ihlnk Ihal special school for he mtardcd would solve most of the prob lems ll not all these handl capped chlldren We as lay men knew Mile about lha problembut pitifully ll Nailngqtia the association He said it doesnt seem so very long ago that we were coping with prvbiem of gelling this association slatted it is now not quite 10 year ago history of the Barrie and District Association im Minni edChiidren was presented to an open meding the associa tion at iile King George Sdiooi on Blake street last night by association executive director Murray Fininyson gvg FURTHER HELP To nnmlinb scan maw nmooxs nan ml lunch all mm mm nlluleull Imml lhelr way In lulu nl nlul ha nulrlllherl have mm mm Mlx nyurold Ircnl June 28 aboul July IL He warned ml the assocla Ion should no say In tho retarded as mono can do 1th or do that We can gener lize even on physical basls Sam can do quch law mm mm things the physical cam blutics some other very Umllod Menul rclardnlion Is no dlscnse It is condmon re sulting ram any one or more Iypcs of Illnesses accidents or other conditions brain Is much more Intrlcnlo mechanism than any mnnmadl machine nnd is also subject Io dnmng are looking ahead the emulation should stop and take another good look at some of the things we have at times overlooked In Ihe past The Adult Serv ms Comma ter the lourlh resource l5 responsible or the welfare duo adult retarded In the cum murmy lhe lhlnl rnclllty he Education Cammillee lt oper ate the school or those chlld Ken up to 13 years at age who can llve In the communlly nnd who are otherwise ellgible for the schoolyrggrmp he sald But what 15 needed he asked What of Ihe future The lnstltullons Cmnmiltee 15 another par 01 the lunctlonlna equipment whlch malnlalns close llalson wlth the Hospital Schools and Hands ready to her any parent who has problem regarding hospllnllza llon ll lhewmmlttee hasnt the answer la the problem ll can get ll 11 range of meme cup1 In summarizing tha machin ery he spoke of the Home Care Committee where the ma jority of It work has to do with parents at Infants and pre school chlldren This Is our youngest cammlttee he said and It Incan many real problem In the attempt to do job that need It be done So of the presem we have the basic machinery provide cradle to the grave mpgam We also learnad ihai they do have capabilities that can be utilized in sultable envir onment BER MACHINERY was learning at the same time it became warn that there were many adult retardedln the community with somewhat higher mental capacity but who needed help flC HOCKNEY arrivan In Rome illnmlnlr Pbolal aml Mn um be In Mlmln epdynslgugf ml In thor In nurlo rum pcnlll lhnl Mr Klnxlo might make hId or lhu Soclnl Cmm mmlnnllon 1n Slmcoo Norm Lloyd Cummlnl strand arm or and mnnnacr ha Innlslll Fnrmm Credit Union has ln dlcnltd lhnl he will seek Um mmlnnllcn Mn Cumman lost his bld for tho rldlnz sun In Ulrnewny contest 1m Juno Jaswh Cachrnne Reeve In nlslll Townxhip ha also been npproncmd lo content ho hum lnullon but Io dam MI mast ulclinlln nmwcr hm bcvn mny The mulan wlll start at pm at lhu Alllslon Arena llnll lor lhu purpose ol plcklng can dldnle or In April elmlonl Taxation lo Slavery will be he twplc or discussion whnn former Hurrle mayor Willard Klnzle addresses nominnung canvcnllan the DulluinSlm cae Social Cred Assoclallan next Monday say what the future will bring to us but am confident that with he omnnlzailon we have and with continuing public support and goodwill we will be able to meet any of the demands um are made on us We Have feel the basic nrganlmllan xelup What rc mnins Is to consolldnla our pa lllons and expand and Im prove our present Incilltle 1n the am of past experience and better knowledge of what we can expect In the future Thanking publlc support he said Bath he raoid expansinn our servlcu and the response the public lndlcallve Ihe need of ths assochfion In 11 Inmunlly Socreds To Hear Willard Kinzie He said the assoclallon devel oped by meeflng the needs and facing the problems as they cnmn upexpzuIdhna Its servi ces when the need became an parentf mlelon or training without holdlng buck Mose who are already trained and rcnllze that we are always going to have group of adults who will not be able to heroine fimllflenl enough to be produc ve must give chm who are capableor who can trained to be capablea chance to earn livingto halever extent lh he said The really uniortunaie pm oi is that far too many pan enls dont make any eilorc in learn why the retarded person does certain things and does nt do other things will Mr Finiayson what of me future he asked ZWe must continue in keep the work til the associniion be iore the public so ihnt when the next retarded child appear in ihe mmmunity the distraught parent know where in get help and advice Glyn cnmca Far too irequentiy they dont really understand he handicay and because they dont understand they dont know how toideal with it Many parents are overpmteotiva and rob chiid of what initiative ile Lice have He said the biggest mblem because It Is vague sort mm is the home en virpgmeu ha mlarded we an worklna In the adult program 15 wide mg 9an citry £th mgqrded with 13min blirlrt Lollrulnm Board and dirrdnr lhu Klwnnla Club Harris Ilornto Imll wnn oloclrd 1m vlwpmidtm lhc Ctr nmllun Alxlumollve Vhalunl rn nnd Mnnulncluml AI oclullan Hm nnnunl mm In In Qucbu Cuy Inn wwk Mr Imll In pmldcnt ol lrnll Automnllm lJnIIlnl lrmrrly T911 clunlnnzn This address cxpecicd Io evoke widespread inicrcsi and he assoclnilan extends Io nil those Interested an invitation to niiend his meeting which will commence at 315 pm Dr Asqullh leI speak on Mental Health 01 Normal Chlld dunan whlch he will outline the common wdnl prob 1cm encountered by chlldrcn and the various mclhod ol renlmonl talk by Dr Raymund A5 qulth Barrio pcdlntrlclan will he Ihe calure of next Mondays meeting of Ihe Oaklc Park Home andSchool As nllon Will Address Schobl Assoc RENTS HOUSE THROUGH AD Tn place your ad simply phone FA 82414 and friend ly ndlnkerwlll assist you Just about everybody rénd Examiner Want Ads Thats he reason they are so ellecl V9 Barriebum Stall Sergeant Frank Jamey son of Mr and Mn Wilbert Jermey Gunn street will again be mem ber of he lbman Bislcy Team which travel lo Eng Have you housg to run Mr of Barrie rented hl hnuae quickly through an Examiner Want Ad He reported man than 15 regllesAlo his ad hash such this are typical with Want Ads HOT WATER TANK NLV PER MONTH 15 BAYFIELD ST ELECTED mmtrusuc ummrs COMMISSION BISLEY SHOOTER AND PRIZE SILVERWARE Install Hydro Rental TM wu Mth by Mn qurt vmlelul hy lho India of LU rlllln bcrl wmrni The ofllcm mm Imlnlkd by nw Hm Wood LO Fln See Her Ovl 2110 TM llornco mry hall 01 Mmhnl Mrrvlu Ilendmnn MIL laminar Jnmcl WIulnl 1011 MB lrdurrr My Iclvrr lL 1M Dov mm brrl WIHIM 1011 509 nm nfllnu mum County Mutter lama Indy 1an m5 ROM um Pan ny 4014 290 CM Roy dwnnll MIL Glnplnln 5nnley nohlnwn MIL cc cm an lnl r1 Among use pmcnc were 11 nm Elmer Wood xmnd master of Ontario War Hm Wood look ho chnlr for 1h Alon which mulled nm nnnnnl mmlnx of lho calmly Slmmc Ens Ornnna Lodge wns hold In Drlllln undu he nuspicgl LOL cause wu ddnt wzmt Huge Tn tho wnlcr healer businm nun cum from ha wnm hcnlen section of the Tomnla 0mm of Onlnrlo Hydro Mid In the Ins our you we hnvn markclcd 75000 wnkr healer in Ontario Wo wnnl tho dealers nlrnclorp In on thin be Lodge Elects HS Oificers Expert vo said Gas 11 faster but electricity later so we hnvn had to come up with luster Lecuvcgy wnle heater Aclually Hm electric water heater one of the most im ponnnt we can 591 Ron Pile sale superintend on In Banla Hydra Ofllcu said The purpose the mecllng wan In give lew mm and some lnfnrmntlnn Esscnllnlly this In In the form Ihnnk you or helping us to go aver the quota that was set or us In 1962 Alm ol Ihe program Is for water tank manufacturers elec Iricnl contractor and producer electran energy ncmsa Can nda lo synchranlze cum to mm the 40 gallon tank stan dard or private residences my nv quAfHoN WASAGA BEACH Slam More thnn 50 water tank manu inclurers and electrical contract ors me with Ontario Rural Hy drn officials at the Nancy Villa hero yesterday to discuss Cas cnde 40 Cascade 10 is new 40 gallnn hot water Milk and ye lcrday meeting was to discuss the new program introducing it to launciicd April Hydro Unveils New Water Tank land beiween June and July This marks the second time for 51 Jenney He was men In 1949 An expert marksman Sgt Jermey has wan close to 60 majnr tmphy competition through the Thaw unending mm the Hun do um Included George Mul hallnnd mu Young and Fred Filmmmons Slmud Noel And rude and lab Spenre ann Bench llbrb Mowlorlh Damon Frank Grmln Barrla Dob rick Elmvulu Huny le Amm Shanty Buy 020m El srune Barrie and my Mand dcn mm Mum ol the Barrie mral hydm 0mm mm Guy answered Intrud ucsllons to explain why the new calm In more emnam knl He said mu year study was made with ntlercnco to peak Iondl recovery and cos eleclrlclly flu said 30 lo 40 zallom day the avenue household mulrcmen or On larla and tho Cascade 40 wal dcshmd lo meet thm nqulrc llllbclnll mnemlcally in par 1118 now Mk II mclmd Ur erthlm7flnl rule nrrulhm Stayner area manager or Ontario Hydro chaired In meeting Mr llannn Mild his company makes 00 elcclrlc water hen day and is very much In favor 01 ha Cascade 40 lilunay Hanna of John ingies Company Toronto ahuwm ml or slide at the campiete prn ceu making but water tanks imm the timathe sheet steel tomes Into the plant unti it is complle with libregiu in auintlon and outer cylinder He also Ihowed liideb ol Ihe ele ment being munulncturedl The elements are 5000 walls on top and 1000 below The new tank will heat 10 gallons of hot water within an hour he laid He said am program will be launched April and from now on Cascade 40 will be ihe symbol oi ihe best in el eciric water heating This will he backed by Public Uiiiiiics Commissions lrom British Col umbia in New Brunswick Ihe next 75000 are sold lhmugh mnknclm well feel even better We am working hard have that business turn ed over lo you people IO Colller SI Ill IMll YOU HEADQUARTERS F0 IMPORTED F001 Klndl of Cold Mull vlcly at In fur hmlml on In 1mm Chml 19 KIMI Imported yam He Is shown with some his winning here Sgt Jer may now make his home In Montreal with his wife Irene and children Gary and Gnie fibre By James Pauk 0r BARRIE DELICATESSEN When naked by Mnghlrnle Fonzr why he had done MI knowingly Mr Dunn unld nome lhlnx lo lhu cllccl that luv had called lhcm Drccmhcr to flop xcndlnz tho pnpcu submlucd none report lo the In rendlmz the record ablaln ed rum tobacco company In Cremmro when Mr Dunn worked during the summer Mn Kenncdy lndlcnmi but Mr Dgn growled $355 and ye pemm Immaer In Inppofl or In mtgillon lo lush Inlch lhcn and than mm at hmkkhmyabm an imam 1mm Ml no was charged by the U10 enlarcemenl ofllccr Ruben Ken nedy having given six false amemanll ngardlng his cum In or period ranglnz from May 27 to Aux 21 James Arthur Dunn 62 Hnumonl pleaded gullly to 11x olfcncu ulnlns Ihu Unemploy mcnl Insurance Act More Mum Islrnlo Foster yesterday APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING TIIE ONTIIIIO MUNICIPAL IIOAIID Ilcruhy qupoInl Monday tho mm day March 10034 at he hour oI Elnvcn urIotk In IIIo foreman In tho Commlllou Room In Hm Counly AdmInlnInlInn nuIIdIng on Vorulcy 5lroel In tho Clly of Bnrfle or lhe hmrlnr an up Ilrnllnn of tho Cartwr Illon ho Cty Burn Ior annexnllnn lo the clly now am of Iho Townshlp of V0 In Iho Count Elmm doltrlImI In Schqu Illathod the appoInImenI 01 um hurln ml uppIIcnIlon mm lhe nth day Jammy Dont admit ynu understand charge In Magistrate Court plead guilty lo nnd Inter admit you cant read or wrfle It will leave the whole court sllghlly confused COLLINGWOOD Ont CF Pounry manuraclurcr Jack Bmwne 55 says he true Conservative and will take Slmcoe North riding mm the Dlefenhnker party He said nxesday Tho PCs cant call themselves Consen To which Mummin Fosltr nllan Real Estate Board ls an organ lutlan 21 42 ms estate board In Onlnrlo dedlcalcd to the ad vancement of the real estate vo cnllan Sale through the 6500 member organization letnl more than $1 hllllon annually Mr Forster was appalnled Regional Dlrector for Reglon Nm whlch lake in Brampton Eagle grungevlllp Oflflia South Peel Realtor Ronald Sanderson LePage Ltd was elected president Abram Abe wiebo chbe and Escher Co Ltd Kitchener was unified glcepresldenk OHAWA Harald Forster Harold Forster and Co BanXe was elected Regional Director ol the 0500 member Ontario Asw datlon of Real Estate Board In Ottawa Browne Claims PCs Lost Vision Plea Is Changed Case Adjourned In column last week Jna Toronto paper Mr Reuve refer red to Tax an pmbablyvlhe games most accurate mower Mr Reeve wrote He could turn an and tum on water faucet at 15 yards Verrlel mu Whlle 59 known In Burris as Tex play ed on pewa1 Mann Oup charm plonshlp Ieaml with such not able stars Ted Reeve One of Cannflaa oulstandlnk lamsuplayern died Royal VlctoHHHosgllal yesterday mm mm Emma wanmm Barrie Realtor Named Director White Lacrosse Great IN THE MATTER OF In appllnlon by Th CarperHan the Clly ol Burl lor Annulflon to clly pm th Towmmn Vupn In II Calm Slmcoo dutrllml In ByIlw No 180 Ippllm orpovlllon IN THE MATTER OF Sullon Th0 Munlclpnl Ac 1960 249 THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD or Ms fiamlnu commlulom ouumo 4nd L1 cast was adJoumed to March 19 And Maximum Falter accepted new plea ol not guilty Magistrate Foster asked Mr Dunn knew that wnmlngl were prlnlcd on um mum sheet and Mr Dunn laid he wunl wars them because he codld not rend or wxila1 pllcd You signed them all along knowing they were mm only In be me by reply dldnnol have anyone to advise He says hauwm run as an dependcnl Conservative In tho April federal election Mr Browne who lost the PC nomination in 1957 by it vote lo Herbert Smiih member we oulgninz House of Com mons said he will win lhil lime because the wiloie ridinl is deiiniiciy finishEd with the Dicienbakey cmwd alive any moretheyvn last the vlsIan 1957 maul xervica wlll In Gamble anml Parlor 8151 bume Thursday 330 pm Rev Skelly of Barrie MILD dale Mr White survived byhlg wile Marie two listen Mn Anna Bowers Banla and Mn Maude Vamz Hamilton and brother 11 W11 at Town He had some or his mm yam wllh ha Western Oshawa Club and laid to have been one of the youngest MIME the game All he dlllcrtncel Ind youre Inn in buy Chev from DANGERFIELD MOTORS MEASURE mom tam

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