Wants Detail le rhrni muu mun JLIL lhquul In HHMHIIQ EldOrimfln Ind luyuu Pub QUEBEC CF Delmn Lawntr Not Dvllnu Inlul Mun day he ulll mi dmlll March II nm lunlpllnly dump Mnlnul cllvnln annr nlvllne mam all mum pllolnIrll mm mm In nnlaro lh wwendrd llllhl Irnmx nml Iupmmry mn nol look nver llrkelullnl ll be nlrpovl umlmu VAMOIYVIIII Iu clllc erlrln Mlllurn Mnmlny Mllprmlcd lnur pllnll tor honor In plrkrl Ilnu tlcwlhlruï¬l ml mm mu mmnur Ilml lhl tlnhl wnnlrl lm lnlrn rimml urmlunlly An experi ment In mhmuuun Imd vrlnpmrnl or nmlly llu TM pynrm ml yrl In lam HAMILTON 1cmm power permll Cnnndlnn prhonrn lyumn Isils has nlxrndy hm nmnlnevl Mudmd 01 lnhn mmmluiunrr ul prnlrn Ilnrlu Imlvl Mnmlny nllell Mfufllnrluyl mllrd lmwmtr Suspended Hon Sandman lnranla vlco pruldcnl or one at the blunt renl estate ï¬rm In ll province told an ndrerlllinu panel dluusslnn Mundny HIM Ilw wnnl ml column gold mlm or Inlumrn nuwbyuytr clnumnd nd slug can ma ml ulnlo mlcsmnnl blunt Iourcc of Income lhc Dnlnrlo Assnclnlinn Ilenl listalu nonnl was old on Snnglmrm lnranla ROME lRunlvrslAhuu 40 000 Italian coal sulphur and mineral om mincn med 72hour lrikn Mnnduy in pm est ngulnsl breakdown want nngalluuans To Go Home ouzh plate were madI available earlier 1M year Mr Auld Mld Monday the number mod to dam was all Hula bellor lhnn aurpcrccnl ahrad 1m your at lhls llme Ha warned lhul Um dendllnu would not be extended TORONTO CHThere an still nbou 729000 passenger ve Mcle Ilccncn plate la 17 lb med In Ontnrlo belcrc 1h March 13 renewal 40000 Strike Classified Boost MALGen Guy nxrner died hem attack In home at Dawn Fridly nizM Gen 111nm at In on be early planning for the Allied luvnslon of Europe In lho Second World War Deadline Coming OTTAWA 1cm mum GUY TURNER Major Dies Munidwuse British Columbia properly manager im Cannda Safeway Ltdi said in an interview Monday Ihc com pany is studying possible ex pansion into Ihe Taranio area southern Ontario and such cities Sudbury TORONTO CPI Western Canadas largest supermarket chnln ls considering move lmo Ihe Ontario market partic ularly to counter moves by Ila easlem competitors Into the West We agree um India cannot risk having its Industry open ale at less than full capacity at his Junclure he said sngmng ceremony Mon day the Canadianborn ambas wdnr said the loan will pm vldc Sillth pan lbs ah elgn exchange needs of Indlul quustry and cummcrce ad NEW DELHI APUS Am pnssadur Jnhn Kenneth Gal brnilh has signed an agreement In lend India 5240000000 and said it was the Iarzcsl dollar loan vilhout Inlercsl ever made byAlhc Unilqd Skatcs May Move CAPSULE NEWS Huge USLocm Goes To India Unlld hu warned lhl sin mmpmmlu would vnlva mllllul courtv I13 bylgnrA nldr The nllurnl conclunlon lo draw from IMI II Ihl lhl lwn ldu ulflmnlely will Com elmr on In In cllmu nnlzl an hlxhly pacrd neutral mrrm mm Ind Muovucu mmrd la luv nu door opzn Inr ml Inupeclinn nuoll cam pmmlu bclwun ha 08 mini mum drmlnd ol nun Ind th lluulnn mnxlmum on at ï¬lm MA Anna 9N rwz The neuml dnhnlu Ilrmed hnwevar lhll they hr Hmd nurcemcnl ï¬ll long way on Ind may come about only mm mm lopkvtl hur nlnm an Inch hr removed told Mr mm In Blrlln and Cuba They Fccchcs In Monday xeulon the l1nnuon dllnrmnmtnl conlmncc by us ddcznln WLI llnm Foster and Romanian Deputy Foreign Mlnllur Gay Mlcavucul By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH GENEVA AP Neutral delegates mld Iodny they no In nlumnle compmmlse on the nu clear lul bnn 15w Involvlng Ive nnnual onnlle Inspflcllonl In ha United sum Ind lb 80 vlg Unlun Farmorly umavnml hing MU C0 Audlmlum Bthtnd 1h Cheeflnl Funk Salka with Gordon Green In llde look recent hockey hil lory The Mummy cl Hrltllfl AMony Snmpwn Enmlnnllun ol the lhmne Parlllmam lnel llnnnca and Induxlry My Lilo In Court Lou Mar The mom Amerlcln Inwyer relate hit man eels brlled cum mu Mk Alln Moorr head Four Ikudiu nl Idvtmure on lhl Nile Thu Donnell Mull Dle Orlo Miller An IrIIh cud ludl lo flu murdtr damn Donr sum flprtnl Rachel Car Ian Pexucidu and thalr mm on the food on NoNncnou mum Herllue Gm Cum The Iplrn of tha 5mm HIlhllndDl people Icenery history 10 rm CANADIAN ram Eesbnllen In Candi cam piled by Gum and Quin mun llne tho Clllfldlln book lrlde preview monthl pallflan brnckettd Agreement Still Long Way Ofl Say Neutralists Ht Geneva CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY WISHES TO ANNOUNCI CHANGE LOCATION FOR TORONTO CF Attorney General Cu 1d Monday night than is no Ipparenl need or further inquiry lnlu the drcumstmces of unionmun strife In 1h Kapunuslnl am Thu null hunched 1h RC Power Corporation omer owner the B015 touched all the longest Itll In tho Muery of British Columbin count The proposal ms for the province to my 0111000000 and of tho ederally cluttered corpomlan 0000000 lot In assets THE WORLDOF THE ARTS VANCOUVER CP Jud menl wu reserved Maudy In the court bmle over expmprlr Hon nl the British Columhll Electric Compmy wm ms 27 at 830 In at mucnm SCHOOL ilciy Incorporated were charged with wnspirlcy cammil In Illegal Ici by the Iiinrncy xencnll departman its Nov an result of public opinion broadcast on poliflcal milieu No Need No Ruling Yet BestSellers In Canada Now ME AND TWO WOMEN AND BREAST SELFEXAMINATION TH FILM SHOWING OF NOTICE To break we llnltmnlo flu Unllcd Slnlu In rrmrlrd Im Huh mmdclc lrenly drnfl which wlll m5 oul lha mlulnl mum Cmndnl Gen nurnl dumle Ihln nu lhu argumcnl over wlmhrr the chicken or flu run tnma rut nu Sovicl Unlnn hna nlnsed Ilv Ipell uul ll pmpowl lamb llon prvctdun unlm lho Wul Hm tnmmlll llull ln Mflpl In In Innunl mulmum ol lhm Inspccllom They cur that Iho Russian ldrn of walls lnlpccflon mny hum out In ha llflle morn lhnn manninxlm larmllily Foalcr rylng la bypass lho numbm deadlock temporarily bf mun um Runum in ex gnln umly whit lhry mum In onsllo lnlpzcllon sqym mm Ml wcslcm nnd mum dtltflfllu hm Inspected that Sovlcl alter ol lhrcc Inspec llom mly llul lrup Sovch Deputy Foreign Mlnly ler Vpnlly Kumtmv in turn threnlancd la wlthdnw me lmpecllon nfler Iltnxelhar he Unlled sum canllnutd lo mm on more lhnn hm In lpgcllnns lorl um the fewer Inspection they umc lo he more dim cull ll would hu or lhe Km ncdy admlnlslmllun may mlch by he US Senate at Van Eric Nlcol Collecflonol humor mm prev loul book by the Vancouver alumnm Au Anum ram Lhnho Brlnn Moore writer ruth Ienly seek to lalhly Ambition 11 expenu of Imll and Mem said of humane Al len Dmry The chlrmeu Advile Ind Consent llva maln HHION mum Eugene Burdick and Harvey Wheeler use II and theres no my to call 115 nlr muck on May 10 Th lulu1km Skim John Frlncll Wllwn Pioneer lnl mindvenluru In Wellem Clnldl of In Englilh counting houn clerk TI mthlchlldt Fredcrl Morlan Puaonlllzcd hlllory ol the Eumpun banking family summer In Full Morley Callaghan The lulharl remand adventure with Hum 111wa Ind Fllmrald in Pam In Ely Andhls family In London Shlrley Macbalne who play an ollbealnlk mm Green with Village in Na For 1119 Seesaw etastarring Roer Mllehum enxazes In an of her kookle telephone conver COMING TO THE IMPERIAL ID The Moonwmun ery Stewart Story two brothers Crcle who must be prevenltd mm telling what they wil mused Dearly Beloved Anne Mar row Lindbergh Reflecllons an soclely through three unen tkuu SM Fooll Kllherine Anne Pomr Drums in Mink ture in me mamworld Ship Saven Day In May Flcl char Knebol and Charles Baum milimy plot In 2le tbs v5 prasidenl Ind aka aver Lb cumman One Hundred Dollr Mll undmhndlng Robert Gaver An literate Neuropmlmula shrewdly Ind humorously lur way her tflenlele When the In naked to censure the Us Incredible Journey Sheila Burnlord Fldellly of hm unl mall an mmlle trek In the Canadian wilderness sullen In lhls scene from the lllm no picture ï¬lmed In Pmavlslon opens Friday at the Imperial Theatre through United Artists release and was dimmed by Robert Win Hm Is the mbol of our cunlomm who llnd the lalcsl In In rm and fashion lug olllonl coupled wl ex umlo hall from auxminor by no upon youm to now world luluon Ind economy loot her many fimed Among other nllrihulu which hnvo attracted your eye 15 her clulonmry unusualr chlc nulro Poulhly you hm wondered how lhu cou ncqlllro no menu wardrobe nlwn complimented by cunning chl penu lo mmpleln er ensemble You may he Mllprlaed la lcnm Um her were do not necessarlly Ilo In well to do hunhand hut nlhcr In her awn vxccllunl lam nnd occuloml via to In Fuhrlc Shop ï¬lm the nymbol of our munmm wlm mm on Perhaps you have Idmlrcd hcr mm dislmco She make herself known In church gmupn commun My work and like younel on ureaIon frequents lho mpormarket and tho laundromat Perhaps lhn ovon llvr on your street Despite the clelrlywurdcd act It ran for Iny ncuon to be ukcn against those who all in tile or file Itntumenls which seeng rldlculously law All winner file Imam ll they take helr seat In tha Com mons without doing so they are open to challenge and could lax thelr sea or Iuch an in the June 1963 eimionl for exnmple two candidnie sent in mums which decinred they had not spent one cent on their campaigns Chlel eleciarll oi iiccr Nelson Cnaionzuny points out that wen mum in im possible For one thing both candidniu iosi heir $100 de posits and de sit may be claimed as an Mellon expense by time iniiinx lo receive least 50 per can the vale oi the winner These xedlanx of the let an nflcn contravened or simply Ignored by mlny candidates In lha elecllan mm the and In xeoond war mm 100 candidate in each election hlvn tailed Illa statemet of their expenm And many hose who do He awamnlty do with tonzun In duck The exact nmmml candldnle wlll spend in Hue mmlng cnm palm wlll never be known dr spite sections of The Canada Elucllonl Act which specifical ly call or true slalemznl of expense from all candldales on Bureau 11ml Eurolner OTTAWA Spcclll Canadas second electlon In less than year has caught Illlpartles end most political candidates wnth on emborrmlnl shortage of uncle Nevertheless lame sum moey will be rolred in the next Iew weeks from tho oldfashioned passlngtllehat at polirlcal mbellngs lo the large donatlon lrom private io dlvldnals and mrporallom 16 Colllor In PassTheHot Strateï¬YDne Way To RaiseMonéy ForCampaign OTHER FROM $550 36 3750 JO EVES BEAUTY SHOPPB By FARMER HSSINGNN II III Ilium fol Imlllllleul till PERMANENTS Bat 12 or $1000 PA 51 OF IARIII hler blue at went in Prince Albert Lester Pear son $9000 in Allomn Em and Robert Thompson 531 In Red Deer The Election Act mcllically scale that wllhln two month afler the candidate relude hal been declared elected the ollicial agent of awry pandldnto hall whmll the relurnlnx ofï¬cer lrue signed element respecting elccuon expenses Pilou who reported spending $28273 In Vllleneuva ldml Stramly Real 050 name an dgputy lander of the Social hum WW won thnt riding with stated expend lure of only $2694 ucond losinl candldala ï¬n villaneuve Marc CIouller mofled mend lnz 910153 Waller Gordon Liberal win ner In Thronlo Davenport tr Ported 8737 mm top all Onurlo candldltel 01 the our party leaders the one who mm the most Douglas In Refine Win the my personal om HI In the 1962 clmynlzn ac eoniinz lo raluml ï¬led the candldnle who went um moat moncy wn John hzmor Lib wlnnor In St Lawnm Genm in Quebec His uuuwc was $29638 ad ï¬nd not been Included In the exppnse nccaunL 11m win ner on his seat result of III 1911 notion soyallm gum nu nu Surreme Court in 1921 and In vo ved some $80 or expanse undlqnle tailed to declare In Moose Jaw election Thu manoy was used Io on ylcmjy Enl law rem omission But many loser simply dont bother although these are mllnly in the small er rldlm when only lesser amount of money In norms ly expended In wooing voter For elderly and convales en Atlanta Excallsnl llcill or print or sendprivate Hot And cold water In mom Hellma ed Num ln nllendance STAVNER NURSING HOME 514mm our Firman 76 WA $10000 pistenpaker MARSHALL Ra PHONE 124 or oiuum candida in V1 Clouller rmfled MIri Vv For 765 and CNJ hummus Ind Helm ox1puuson mm World Wm Tmul When lm Imlc hymn In In Ill For Your lmmllom Call Now ID DUNLOP IT PA ï¬rm Q1 Or If theres really determined yen for Europe already on your mind why not make this your next movesend $200 in cheque or money orderyvith the coupon and getTCAs PLANATRIP XIT as well factfilled guide books on Britaln and Ireland France Germany and Austria Switzerland Italy PLANATRIP map of Europe budget sheets folders on customs and tours plus other useful informationto help make that trip come true Mail this coupon today foryour rm brochure and the PLANATRIP KIT to rca PMNATRIP Box 598 Montreal Quebec mm ml uu Ian mun humour mom in mm In human Wuyum bull Ind vouchers and by declantlnn made by the lien helm Justice of In peace or notary ubljcx But as one palms out now and ltAu tMle Mum In pin luvwm MM In an It My on 494 11 land Till to be Europe 63 yours from TCA TCA PLANATRIP BOX 595 MONTREAL PQ4 Vhy miss nnuthcr day of glorious Europe Su 12 by rcn ruLqawnIvu Irmqu brochure 16 colour pages of fun facts on BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 29 031 7i CANADA Talk to your travel agent or TRANSCANADA AIR UNIS Send for this IA Dont let Europe getone day olden iv Mm out 10A Alum um 331 cent true and Amara II 5113105 fmponlfllh mm enforce And few candldllu dare to lake action under flu net or tear their own tinanclnl account lain PA 6604