41mm District Hunters and Angler Conservation Club no lunar In unknnwn commodity IL benefits to the community and cillzcns are galnlng recal nlllon nu lho Munur may course ma Ilnrlcd cw your Ina mam Khan 575 persons have re cclvcd safe hunler ccrllllcalcs The healing nurses were ilnrl ed more rcccnllya and claw lo 50 person have received valu able lnslmctinn chnum are Mum safely Ind comervauon Scout troop whole have taken same ol lho clubl courses The Hunlm and Anzlcrx tlnb hu put up trophy or lhn outstandan uork dorm by junior conservallonlsl Shmlinz gunhnndllnz mnln tenant of Hrearms and bulb 1le lyslrycligns 40qu Her llcs Thure Isnt member or lhu club who does nol cnjoy Iha outdoors Each member pled ge Io save and faithfully do tend from waste our nolunl rcsonrcu Every year he member can local xnrnc lish slrcnml hero necessary they slack streams Also they lukc wnlar nmplcx ol slrnoms and lakes and send reports lo he Water Resources Commlssion The clubs am In kctp nat urll resources clenn Conscrvalinn means com serving preserving guarding pmtcdlng and proper usage The mullo lb club in en jo Protect and replace most of Um clubs Work done outside of In city ls or the lmmcdlnle gain Bin1e and Dlslrict residents not In mcnllun the Ihousnnds of outsiders who enjoy Ihe facil llks or clean stocked streams Conservation Is Chief Aim Local Anglers lhé Houdini in club aclle Counts In lhcse vcnlurc almnd In my Ind every SLUMBER ROOM I944 The new Iddllion on whlch work cxpcclud In helln next year will relinve ha prcnurn cepalficrably as ten budgeted mr mu Ind Approved by the Ontario Munlcipnl HumIL Miss Hardy an ll it planned la bcgln collccllon of several back has no much wine as relerence work because the cllpplnis Ind phMomphs Ira ml dated and no attempt was madc to Kiln them in chron angIcnl omr or by IUMCCL Almouun the cnllculun cnnlnln some lnlcrcslinl hismrlcal mat crlal II ncually several vol union 91 pcrsp scrap buoy Chlldrcnl hooks wrérofllrn lrcalar dcmlnd In 1962 Khan prflloufl r1111 Hardy luld Duldn ln udcquala flame we have In Idï¬quale wor Tho no red Grunt known as lacnl hlxlorlnn left the Burris Pub Llhrlry coll action 17000 photographs and clippings when he died In April He also left money to look Mlcr 1h tollecllnn Mnklnl ahead In Hardy nya nl lulnl In be tough year wt Ibrary xpncc Tho hln zraphy xeclkzn overloaded Iha mystery sullen ls overflow ln and the alien space al Io crowded LEFT PHOTOS Mlss Constance Hudy chlcl llbrarlnn said prellmlnlry gets plnnrlor an addition lo the library hive been mbmlltnd to the lexjgry ï¬uurd There was progress though even undor these ldvcne con dlllans Crculallnn Increased from 6000 In 1921 to 200000 byAlha gm 362 ll willtako Ii cw month Iéinal Barrio Public lerlry ended 1962 as it started crumped and crnwdcd nr space Expect To Construct New Library Building BURTON JENNEIT look some lxmc lo organ he lhn Institute but ï¬nally its Inundcu esmbllshtd Arman librnry and purl or nl so arman scrlcs lecture Ind classes The classes new in muslc business Inslrucxlan and draw lna Prizes Wm glvcn or he host scholar This Mcchanlcs lmlllulc was incorporated In This Inslcd or only few manhs but men at lhc men who were at Hue Inst mccling lhls loclety gulhnred annih er la dlscuss lormlnu Mech unlcs Inslliulc whlch wns lhu lo pngr of Why Librariu The movement or 11b rnry In Barrie grew out debating society which was formed In 354 work an as curly In 1964 possible HISTORY OF LIBRARY Following brief hlslory he Barrle Publlc Library lrnm he Library fllcs MISS CONSTANCE HARDY 152 Brldfovd Smol MIR IV INVIVATION JENNETT Funeral Home The not that we were cstnbllslmt to llnrrlc 27 year ngo is not of sell vtlul Im ort ancc thI In hu mrlant In tho tact lhnt we have constantly Improved our norvlcc am our hulllllu Wu can dcscrlha our progress in many ways but we tool that our progrm to he more casHy nml cttcctlvcly vtnunltml hy phowlng you the major tm rovcmcnln of our cslnhllnhmcnl Jllltl ml tunrkcd an lhc lulprovcmcntn tn llm ulnhllsnmcnt Mo lllo llnprovcnmnla In our other fnclllllc and wulpment our methods and our tumrnl mer chnmllso PROGRESS IS MARKED BY COMPARISON WITH IHE PAST Before lhn llbmry was com nlmd he lllgh School lhcn on Blake Slrcel burned down The Owen Street Library was lum cd over In tho Board cl Edw canon nnd Ihu Library movcd Into its new building 1m and the slump used on Humy hgolgs hll uuq drnlb Tarbnlo were ihv urchllccl mid lhn Bull Plnnlng Mlll dld the aqgi wishing Me the Issue of books Increased rapidly and he bulldan on Owen Slreel was soon loo small The Board nppllcd la the Cnrncgle Corporallan nl New York Dr 515000 or new bulldan and tho grant was giv an Act Ihu Provlnclnl Pnrlllment these In sulum were to be known at pnhllc llbraics Bu ll wn not mm 191 ï¬n by vat thu clllzen nl Barrie he burr became tree llhrnry Unll llwnv members had pnld nllhouuh for the most of lhe tlmo small grants came from the Province and Ihe Town After pcrlnd mud ralilng the bulldan was orch ed on Owen sum ml II now part the bulldlnl haullnl the anlc Temple The llhrnry had circulating deparlmcnl rcadinl room Ind an auditorium For many your lhe lnsll lute rcnlcd room over hunk or flora and had to movo number tlmu Finally lha direclarl made plans for bulqnK of their qu The llrst years of he Insu lule were dlmcult It was Hn need by membera lec and had sumo nspccls of club well llbrury There were checkers and chess llmcl magic lanlcm and some debating RENTED ROOMS NATIONAL SELECTED MORTICIANS Chupmnn And Mgfjrlflln I962 TRY EXAM WANT ADS PHONE PA MM nm MIMI EXAMINER TUESDAY FBI HM lo HARRY 98104 DUNLOP ST ARMSTRONG HARDWARE ARMSTRONG HARDWARE WE CARRY COMPLETE LINE 0F HARDWARE CHINA TOYS HOME APPLIANCES HARRY ARMSTRONG PhonolPA 507 Yes or 34 years Harry Armstrong has been serving Barrie and the district with top quality merchandise ever since 1929 which is long time in the history oi any business Drop in soon and see for yourseil the wide array of merchandise which is on display ranging from house hold items to hprdwrro EDITH JENNZTI WE DELIVER THE GREEN FRONT STORE 19291963 34 YEARS PROGRESS of WHERE YOU GET MORE FOR lESS SHOP ARMSTRONG RONALD ARMSTRONG CHAPEL I954 PA $2441 RoNu