muk Highlighu the nu leennlnl meeting ha Canadian Fed ernlian at Business Ind Profes siunnl Vumcna Clubs were rcparlcd by Miss Evcbn Klghl Icy past president of lhe Barrio Club and delegate at ma non cnllnn Miss Rlxhllcy was nmmpun Ind by Mlss Ruby McCarthy past president lhe Barrie and Sudbun and PW Clubs and Mrs Florence Burmws bnth Earth The convention wn held St AndrewBy11ueScn mm JLIy In The dclcxah In report tn the Barrie club slnlcd hm resolullan mklnz lawnring the age It which women at old age pcnslon was ideal The rcsolullnn resumed by New Vulm nsur 31 club would have asked the ch em luvemmenl Io lower ha axe to 60 or women 111a pm 51011 now paid mm and mm en over 70 or over 65 pmvldinz man lost passed The scurlnrylrrnsum ol Um nuuclnilnn lms mlnulu ol mrrllnx Inlmx In Otlnhcr In IDOL Al lhla llme um mm mcmhcrs vlilh Iluv II Cambran Anll1e Pnshy lrrlun Church nnwldrnl llnd llnv Dr Wnllrr Willcn rrrlur mm Church In Ivarlnry lmmnrr Miss Klghlley slnlcd In her tenor that dulcculc mm Cu bourl 0nL mid she ell dole gale wmxld not be jusliliod In asking smelll concessions for men since one of lhe cheh Ilians nlms la oblnin equal rcliremcnl use or men and women The tluhs are flying to have cnmpnnlc rcklremenl 65 or both nclcgnlu dld mm In ask the odml labor department to hroadon sxudics on cxlcnl and demand or parlAllmc work by mumrn uorkm Miss Right Icy inlmmcd mcmbcr or lhe Barrie club 11m snrunl churthu mm In community he minklcn nrflnnhn minlslcrkxl usmln llon 50 ll was wllh lhu urm Minhlrrlnl Assoclnllnn nurd ln Hmr erIXy Bard in mpy ol lho nnkr urvlrc Gillian Cumu mm Srrvlrr mi 22 ml omen could no expch xptcinl mnsldcmllun becausa men llre longer hnn men urging Mlss qwe Calgary The prams made by he nar rie Busintss and Prolcsslnnal Vnmens Club sinre its nrmn Han in May 1M6 evident In he growth the club mem bership MIMI BRANCH It all began hrn hnmllul nnrrle vmmnn lnlmshd In forming brunch me nnd rw Iub mel nl the Barrie P0 In Conn Chnmhm om cvcn 11 loud nmlumm Inclmiéi 30 Inrmlnu llmn he lmmrdlnlu vlrlntly Inrlulllnu Hdnnr nnd Oillurl Inrlluln New SM ly TMIIN SI llnllrd llulrll mlvlrnl lluwl Davey urtuh vn llllNlIIr YMHTA ICL rNklInl Ilnv Hlmrr Mmn th Mrlhmlltl hurflL Mrrr Inrylrrnzuvrr llnv John um tlcl SI IIM Annllcnn Church lmnmllull prrslllrnl MISS TRECM KYLE Tor humorous lnddenl which unto mm mm len lulu happened during har visit in Steady Progress Marked By Club Ministers Active In Civic Affairs MIL ing in lilny liirs Roy Bishop nl Tnmnlu was present In direct the organimilon The ulllcers clcciud in supervise the Clubs aclivllies during the ï¬rst year included liliss Vinn liicKemie president Mis Evelyn Gore vicepmsidenl Miss Margaret Parkrcconiing secrelnry lilisa Vioici Vndc corresponding sec rulnry and Miss Lois lilnhnn answer The club member nhlg lolnllcd at this limo The main objective of the club lo lmprove the status bus lncss and pmleuionnl women In Ill ï¬elds your business Womens week In Canada was ohserved nallonalky from on 11 lo 20 for Ihe olghlh mnseculivu year by the Cunudlnn Federation Business and Professional Web mens rum nnd huhlilhud 81 yam utheveme The club chariér Hunted in June mu One at the highllghls he club or 62 was he dinncr par ly cclchrnlinn hold an Del 20 WMIh marked lhe 1th blrlhday of UN llama Club and vii the climax Buslnes Womens Vcck 11w nssuclullun holds mnnlh ly mctlinus nn lhe llm Mnndny ouch monlh It here lhnl Hwy discuu lhe umk lhcy do In and mum Harrie Thrmlxhnul lhc yrnr munit tn take part In civic anlrl wnh no ur more parlklpnlinu In flu lnnuxurnl mucan or Ihv clly cunntll mcmhtr him In Hm mhlrrsx nnd prnycr nl he nmlaurnl mtcllnn of Hu mo Chumy Council world are wudenlnu sn rapldly and greatly but lho potential ol the husiucss and professional wnmcn are unllmilcd hence the clubs home for 62 was More Power with Women Pow simian ii If niui ï¬ivcluiiilc Ionic was the lnlcrnalloual Con gress held In Oslo Inst summnr which Miss Kyla nllcndcd raging qclgggule Included In cluh project fur ra Is he annual nrldxu Party uhlch ls slalcd or Feb 27 Pm cccd mm cluh pmjccls are used to nld cluhs student loan und land buwry For lun yrnn Ihq nwwlu nun lulmnmrtl nu hurch my ry Lmnuc nntl had ll Imckr lum whlch plnyrd hour mime lnr llrlnnlrd Chlklrrnx wk plnylnu ngnlml the IU Council IIan Trluvlulnn All Slnn Imm 11w nu lrrnmlm Injur lunnlllnn lmnkl ltwnlld mum Illa my llauln Thur Muir bank at Mun IIMI Huyll null Tunmln Tmunln Immlnhn lllmi lan lmmlnl llnnk ommr and luI link Nun Walla mic hmrl Yo llm hunk ll lo am In pm ch tiny In mlumlnnnl mind mm pm unll nun ml Fllvlny ewnlnzt The link Mnnlml llltllllnnnl mnmh In Camp llorA dun and mend hand at ll Tumnlnllumlnlun Ink ll 0mm In AllId nmnucm Spcclnl speaker at he evtnl as Miss Trncla Kyle mm her nl tho Toronlo Ind PW duh and honornry Iccmnry lreasurcr at the Canadian Fed Cluh nrnsldonl Mn Lllllnn Janos say he main goals Ihe club In lhls new year will he In lumuse he sludcnl luan fund And come we always min tn Incrmsc mtmhcrshlp Inc mrxnlmr hnwn Nul year In In mmmflln Hull uhll lhu lllun ol ll anr llw lly nl llnnle The Achlnllun IIVO AM In In mlmn unnunl mmm ll snvlrn 11m Kmup mmwn nml Hm my $13 upmnw at am ll dml lmm rnch nl llu My ul lrLlnItI In lhn annunl mm muvmlinn In Tulnnln City Well Served By Branch Banks Mia Kyle nest Ipeaku at tho 130i birthday party the Barrie Buunm and Pm leasloun Womenl Club held on Oct 20 With M13 Kyla mm am left Mn Jun Dawson pm pruldem ol the club Mn Lillian Jones pres ldenl and Mrs Florence Bur row on Mlss Kyles lcn Ex aminer Phnlo 75 Anne St SparksAction TbiAidigi Industry mlva lo malnlaln well balanced Industrial Ind redden tlal Isseumenl the ally develop men commune or Banla Clty Council has urged lhl more land Iullable or Industry he oblnlned This and other ï¬elds Ic Ilvluu were main item ol cor In this Important commu tee council durlnx the past year under the cthrmunshlp of Ald IL Marrow Thll mumpnolcd the cum mlllea chairman Innunllon at land rem neighboran nwn ships Before mvluwlng he yelrs work of his mmmltlee Ald Morrow said that construcllon ï¬x publc ichool mom would llul II soon ma waltrmnrsu high degergnlned RESPONSIBILHIES The board plans the construc llon ln tho St Vincent Duck worth ma Tho city development com mittee comma of chairman Md Marrow vice chairman Md Roberts and mom her Ald Emms It is rcspomlblu to My and recnm SIMCOE PETROLEUM IID 0n Inml un nml In ll nlr In clary IIan nml nn arm THXACO all pour pmmm mum hulc nmlrlbullon In Micr my ol llvlnl or All See Your Local Agent Today mend aclluzi to council on the Iollowlnz mnlnsublecu zoning Ind planning watercourse nuamm wmrlmnl develop menl llqu plank dellzn and planning and Ipcclnl projects Iuch an unon cllxen honslnu Ind low rental houshlz During the yenr committee Meeting were bald and pol Icy devctoped on many llama which will continua the prom lvuneu ha city The olilclai plan adopted in me whereby lulure innduso will blend into healthy enm munin was studied in detail and amendments mnde in assist further development of certain areas The new zoning bylaw was passed in August end as number of discrepancies up neared changes he eliminate lhemwera made An amend lng bylaw incorporating lhesu changes is being processed Another policy which was adopted during tho year after considerahl study by the city planning Ian and cty engin eerlnl department was can lrpl hulldlnl near av water coum lhll will in lure pm TEXACO OIL builds for tomorrow ml 111 nalml wuurcounu by ellmlnnlnl encrolchmunt and march IBVB mt turn oimnno would luve been requ to 1mm norm lewm Thu Province Ontario wal authorized In conduct hous Inl runway in the city to ulcer taln Ihcru need and da mlnd or public housing Whllc lhlu survey in ronducted WIUI out cost to the city the interm allon of same win be at are assistance to many branches or our munlclpal government To camplcmenl ihl sanitary sewer trunks currently being in slnlled detail design and draw lng were obtained for the con sinmion oi secondlry new 10 irenimcnt plant which on completed will be molar Liep toward controlling the pol Iulion oi the bay It is iimaled that this plum addillon will cost meow detailed study was made to tho mos equilablu method oi ilnnnclnx lama Ind policy was ndopled out newcr role based upon wnler consumylinn plus luvy in the flcnnrn lax rule would be mos cqullabia Further IC THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEB In yelll Barrie Club whose objective teach lure mung In alerl hn more than IL memhenhlp And for he mh yurh ha glub will by And for he mh mnl ht yur ha club will be held nla spring cImIVIl ll Bar rie Arena next month And avery year the carnlvnl mow mgr polseJnd p911h Enrrlu Recreation Commll xlon was hu area behind the revamped club 10 yam In Prlnr to lha Banla bud been without mum club or some 15 In that rat year Interest grewAso rn dly that an exe cullva was armed and III crealion body had no need to cunllnue supervising Barrie Skating Club Doubles Membership With 11 Years Iludy on this phase ha bl €0m919efl lulurant slendy de velnpment has been maintained under the au erviaion in harbour comm uee During the year an extra Appropriation mm reserve of $59100 wal nulhorind in expediin this con Iirucuun and the hubour com miueu will have Iccarnmodniion for 120 bong Szroiecied by breakwater by next baulinl reason Skullnl ls you donblafl PA 82563 In Iumadlnl wlnleu mum benhlp new lo pmant 225 children And whlla work beeme more nunIve tho npenllon beclmr Imam or Today thin club mm high 111 lbs rank or lhu Canadian Film skating Anocllllon From lhu dny the mm open In lhu ML tbs time ht lac am at lbs and of mm or earl April lha mun us the kclu About elm hour per wee Preparation are always ba lnu mndo ar the carnival How evar all akalm racelva group lnshuctlnn Private leugm can also be had an expenaa lo the Individual Once yearludm ol tht Canadian Figure Skating Asso cInllnn com to Burn to ob Home to dalermlnn Lh Wunulm pmzrell Pmldent the local mm In Noel Staphensun Vica pruldemn Andrew stuvcn wn and Mclnlyre and mrelary hunter Mn Eileen undnvulm Chairman or the clmlvnl In Craig Prbleulonal Is Mu Sue Emms misled by Mu Guor ulna Dowlhmlu