Simcoe Business Machines During lhe summer months hockeylsls former honkcyisls and other startled parllcs talked hockey Thaw never before more lhanfnns became almost Inflaljcal abqu me name Tlalk was first senior club That was quickly ruled out as Fain too expensive proposit on 69 DUNlOP STREET WEST Pmpla talked about bringing In another junior club more lhan low days or the talk to renllzc that Emms wasnt just cryan wall for the umpiccnlh lime Barrle was without major hockey team Three years ago Map Emma owner lhe Junlor Flycrs shocked lhe citizens of Barrie by announclng that he was moving hls hockey club to Falls OFFICE FURNITURE DICTATING EQUIPMENT STATIONERY Slnu I950 Stewarll Lunch won the Burrisflltlflc Senlur Softball yawn champlunshlp In 1m Hockey Big Attractipn Even Without Flyers BARBIE DISTRICT SENIORSOPTBALI LEAGUE CHAMPIONS The locll group headed by Ken Robertson Bill Ecnncll Don Caulson Rusty Aiken Grant Foraylhel clc mud ap plication in he Ontario Hockey Association The provlnclal hoe key body normed elated lhat Banla wu Ilflllmcrcalcd in hockey When they talked inlcrmndinu hockey the pieces stnrlcd to all in line Inlermcdiate puck6M9 ing used to be big things in lhcse parts There were lot el lows around who were new omed to his brand of play theyd particlplted In It was too late No learn would settle where another ap purenlly couldnt make living Junior hockey was talked but thats far as it went Back row from left are Guam Falconer Bernie Mc Cann Art Marlin Lorne Arm alronx Fred Culling Jim Wu are constant well equipped will com ofllco cnxtlllln lo Ill your lmmcdlnto rot For unlo at our nucer nro Flnpmol and in Iva cllulpmtnl Flllnu mm mm Sup HM mm mm Stationery Fur um and end Nnmo machines Slmcne Countys must progressch nuke nulflllcrs are oflcrfn revolutionary mclhml of updnllng your ol Ilm cs now you may LEASE everyan urnltum business mnchlnos even ynur dccornllvc In rlcx There Is no Inngcr any need lo Invent lnrgu amount at czlrllnl lo enjoy the aflllllcs of modern umdunl ulllrc LESS IHAN ONlï¬ DOLLAR DAY you ran Inst unn lotn nche oulm Hnd out more about lhcsu mnnzlng enema lmml FOR SALE OR RENT AT OUR FINGERTIPS NOW YOU CAN LEASE ALL BRAND NEW OFFICE EQUIPMENT Does luck Up to date Office Equipment Have Your Business Bottled Up Icncllls us now IIRVINO SIMCOE COUNTY WITH Falcons alter flea 51m faded In the stretch and took Lnkeviews became Falcons for the 19am season The club was nIsu forced lo juln and re vnmp Lhn Georgian any In lermcdialo Hockey League The summer of 61 was ï¬lled with tumor hockey talk alaln The OHA had vlslons n1 organiz ing new low The Idea dissolred urge 1g muons Lakcvlewa won Ihu title and proccded to lhe semiï¬nals the Ontario chnmplonships In the ï¬nal analysis 19mm was successful season The club eventually mmed Lakcvicws was cnlcrcd in lhe Central Ontario Inlermcdlatc League Poole BHIyBeruam Front row Jimmy Bertram Butch Bayd sponsor Larry Wand caMaln Jlm Arrmlrnnl HELP WE CAN well equipped will cmanle ranxo In nu your lmmndlnto rcqulrcmonla nro Flrv mm and Burglar DUPLICATORS EYC nnsmovs ICE Vhen barometric pressure is hlgh so Ice Is melted by warmer water with high do gma or ullnlly rlxing lmm tho bollom HuEkcy xJnhnut Hm PM is sllll the Mg attracllan In ch Hockey will always have It place whether ha club he Fal cons or Lnkcvlewn or whether bejunlnrnr inlermndlale Fulcnns were playing good brand of hockey Fun Inflowcd them will lhc enthusiasm ex patter of high clnssllicaunn sclup Falcons It seemed had thing prcuy well mndcK elimination hard in rogndl Ihc plqyduyv coach Bill Rnycmlt Nick Gil huuly Joe MaxIcy Two at Rnycrnfls sons arm the bal boyx Examiner Photo 1ch Hm Sym lcndlng Brand PA 84824 0H he in III III abnul the Idea decided lo give It whirl Il mmd good way or my horse to earn their keep FHA teen pupils learnedthe an riding duflng that summer lhls plus Job received as rcccpllonls Im dnnllst put me Ihrough my next ycar in college Thalwlntnr Mad far greater enrolment for rld lng lessons or the coming sum mor than or the previous one In Incl by the end DI the sum mcr had 75 pupils rnnglng In By BARBARA LLOYD InScptembcr 1938 entered my ï¬rst year at College That year cost me three previous summers earninu 0m 01 these summer had spent 31 mom at Thorncllffe mo track In Tomnln The qu¢slioncd hat bothered mo now was How to make ennuah money in one summer to wanker 09112 fur my new and year The lummer prim my lering cullege had new pupils Inklng fldlng less That winter had many quests to keep on wlth this strqclia ner summun had always been Interested In horns and riding In fact had ï¬ve horses in my stable at home ha time did very mun with Ihem but show 9nd use them or pleasure rld mg Riding School Has Top Year In 1362 the iny RM Schnol hid the man pro nenlvn yearslnce It open Ed in 1556 In this arllcle specially written or he Pm Kms Edlllon he Schunll found tell he slnry MIL MIKE aria ea my en hear uni31 fldlng lessons hadÂ¥ te WIEIHIII ns ow horsa was unca again the leading jumper ai he Powy Riding School and only missed iour at ï¬ve shown all season These shows had to he missed when was laid up with dislgpaicq shoulder 963 In Iched ulcd Inr early May The show slring or 1563 has increased In six Three new additions look quite pmmlsing far the green Last lummu was huslel tummer that tho atahla Ind ever encnuntered Along wflh the leaching of one hundred pup lho stable Iound time to put on lwn Horse Show which were well attended by riders horses and gpegtgkon That summer rushed lev eral horse to achool from peoylo who ound their own mounts loo much for them enjoyed this new calme at my small business AI each summar rolled by found the numbBr of pupil and horses had Increased by loop and bounds on to 01 thin the slnblc became quta active In showing horses Many of my more Advanced pupil showed keen Interex In competing either their on hone or mine In loul horse show Some have done qulle well the xhnw they mew ed Last xummur Kabul Mc Mnslur Birds won lwn nec onda and mm on the Ilahlea puny Chiquita at the Clnldlnn Nakonal Exhibition in Toronto 1st SUMMER ages from three up Beslde local people being interested large number ol puplls came lmm summer residences In thls urea ZBBS IEWELLERY ESSA ROAD Ind our Aw leiHon In WOOLWORTH STORE WEVE COME LONG WAY SINCE 1891 Muna II photo our Inhhmnlnlo nvw pmniw 1min In Um now downth uooluonll 5M 1m rxrllinx hwollrry flum II medally durum or my dmpnlnz wim wide Mum and nwrdmnvlm ummulcnlly 1H play nl ymlr Inmflyx Como la out around youll ha mum at our nlmhvn When Webb opch his dam to he puhl one major lhounhl or ho success 01 um husin csl quain air prlccnl Hmnlxlmul the ye grown how right no wnL Tho husirKu pm mnunuui to do so Extensive changes were made In Io look cverincmnxinx need lnr quillin watch clovk and miscellaneous anin The only dnuxhlcr boIWIy Mrs Winder had lwr nlhor In lho business since lcnvmz sdml inuex with her husband Midmcl decr numc mm busincn high PHOTO OF OUR SHOP AT ESSA ROAD classes aspcclauy Chat OLcar yl Ianryeamld Jr rgm Tpuenham By the looks ol lhlngs his horse has great Jumping tenunl mmu mg lnir prlm muxhaul Um ymrs it was right he wnL Tho husirKu pmspeml mi tn In her had BARBARA LLOYD ON SUNSHINE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEB In look after 10 clovk chlIcry The prnurcss ol Inch one my puplls will be closely walclk ed ln 1961 in order Ilnd wu young people to represent lhu stable in Ihe Junlor classel at Horse Shows throughput Ontario and curb