r0 ML Ml nulla eunpmrnl In pm vldul wilh nundlvy eleclvlcll and mu vrhlrlu run dlllmhbrvl mm Ihr palm olllm Dmin the Cammlulan ï¬nnlnllu 5000 mm lulnlnlhm an lnnhlll 54ml lmlï¬ns gm lnr Mummy melnl nl nyvlew PM erI nu valr mmle mum mm sum and In Bum Counlly Uuh worm nus Conllhenlnl Inn In lh Hm mnlor tntrmh In llmII lo ho hulk llulrlo nlly IL Mumhy unml mm Im um Wu pm mum ml mid ulzh Mum1y water brain lnr llu lml llmo In um We erIuyrll rlmrr oop qunn wllh llw pollu dumb mull Irllmluly In flu mm munlu lam Hrhl WE UMMWI cmuunwr nllflonl Irpmlmrnl lur lhn ilul Nmr In order In um our mmumm holler Copaco npcmlinn ls made up of lour basic Ingrediznll nw malarial livestock plan lac llllles and cqulpmcnl In labor force and markets 0n lap at the rallon sill manazcmcnl Ihulll the lour lull ol lho npmllon lo min at he most prglllahle arrnqumunl 00pm president Inglis ls tnnvinced lhul mast smaller aps have nul ycl became man agemvnl conscious Mos coopl plmlcularly lhe smaller ones simply do not up pnclale good mnnngnmenl he mld hnve ollrn been aid that won bccausc ll co nn cnnnol be cllicltnl In nlhcr kind hminm Thl not Inn Coop an be as ell rlcnl prlvale Iminm bu lhcy ham to have the mm In do ll Harrie Puhllc Unmch Com mLqun wilh lhv moxl modcrn rqulpmtnt mrlh Tawnlo cum wllh hundlul lull 1n lmpllu menu new prakrll nnd nn lncmm In lhe call ul producing rlrclrklly ha com mlulun wnl nMc lo uhwrb lho lxml In last ml In rnnllnue to mpply tlcclrlrlly wilhnul In rmsinl lha con la Ihn ton Iumtr Amonf Hm mu In um mm In nIHmc wanr yumpin turd In may at JMMOO Inl lnnl And the llmn pull ww If drmnml In lkmnher when dqmmd wnl morn lhan olllm esp manazod to stay In fairly good ï¬nancial position In 1960 one of its bet yearn Copacol annual report showed total sales opt561000 and proï¬ts of over 91000 SUCCESS FORMULA Capacns Inrmuin or success is mixture oi menualive ide nlogy and tree enlerprixe Thu nuly occnllnns when codp Ide niogy came in the are is duh in board meetings when ha nnovolepermcmber principle takes flea and Men pawn nze dividends an paid on Io members Whenever there is conflict batman extr service and efï¬ciency and ultimately pmmsf wicieny usually wit5 Lindsay Ingiil the com pany president nyx in this business ciiicicncy is Iho basis or existence We have in walk line lino bciwcen Icrvlcc and ciiicirncy And or he make oi eiiicicncy we oiizn have In dip pcnsc with some services even they are desirabk The First Cooperative Pack ers or Ontario usually known by In trade name COPACO con ï¬nned longish during 196 Ontarios only alivn meal pnckIng plant COPACO opened In Barrie In m1 Only two other mopemlva have en Iucd the meal packing IIeId Cooperative Fedem In Quebec and govemmcnIn dized plan In IIaIiIax OI these only Fedcree ennugh WIN bout 50 per cent of Quebecl klll laInfluenca the Earn This nhnve cvrrylhlnl clue provide he clue In Copnta 3n mm mun Ill ma THIS MODERN PLANT on Innis 11 Street house Ontarioa only midi rpacklng cooper Commission Comes Up With Handful Of Firsts COPACO Maintains Solid Position Financially Mr Munmy mm mlmm ul lmmull um mnmlcd In que hlmnl yilhfl ldvjlllor mnmsrtlnl Mlllnï¬ nu ML ll whim Vnr xlamullc hIL ling um Inulullml nml my wh nnlml III loklinl and mnmnl nu mu We mnplrltly omhuuld lnmum granm pm Such In aim embodies Iii lira lnctu oi wellnu business proceuing empinyu mornie sellinxi But ii iii iinnl nnai ysis ihe longevity oi camp any is determined by its ability to produce lopnualiiy product in competitive prices with lhI advan oi the big chnin niares and lb accompanying rhlil Iir ward buikbuying emphasis on quality and mic is even more Pronouncedi The link pmcqulsile In lhl business is quality say Simpson Youve col in lulu qunmy or they wonl even talk Io you Given the quamy you mu have to provide the product It compcullve price you dont your competitor will Copaco an oddin In the Dnlario maulpacking commun lly As he only parkinghouso conp now operating In Onlario ll placed In somle pecul lnr posllinn under he provlnce wide producer ho markdinz pllnl ll IIHIIM lhuo Int kn lnr luth erI and mm Hm liy IIMrlnpmrnl ummlllm llw llanh in ulmrll In lhl new liuulnrmrnl rumm 1m OLE lmu III lnl luner In wrllu rm Elunl Bur Hold Em run he develupn wt llllnn 11va The Ilmtl SIHPI lululullnn nImlll In lmwnu ug mnIy IHCCESI Since it inaugunl in mx Cupnco bu cmmlly nur tured the promising men among ii employee ranl My sev en at the nine department heads have been with the company mare than 20 years none 15 um nine years Beam manager Sitno son member oi Ihe quarter cenunv club has some decided opinion on how coop should be ï¬xated There nu excuse or the Incfllclenl coop he lays hey can be managed lust as laund ly any olher argnnIuUnn There was time when lamm nclually expected to receive leu lat lhelr products at mp Hun luwhere Coop should not expect gain nddillonal beneï¬ts hut way Youve gal lo give full value or the pm ducts shipped to you by the pro ducer We have Established market here where praducen can expect equal price to those elmed my other markctt think that the but way we can sell ourselves to th producer lo do good Job for them Contrary lo 111 lhe plnnx re xulnuons Coyum buys most In hog dirccfly from member Ironically ha exit lance ha ha mumUna plan has convinced ho producers In In Inrrle Am Ihu ldvlnl us nllsoopfrnlln cnlqrprlxc QUALITY AND PRICE live Yiu 75 employees on HI 1719 ounungnlly annually mm mmu conch rm to than mmhiï¬ uy sellingdlrtclly lo the Ca JOHN MlllllllV Vida ndcqua comn for our upmuom We the overhauled our Mm Ind Dnyvlew Pmk all and flared Ihulr uulput to 1000 ul lnm per mlnulc Whllu mnuy cmnnumhln Imu had hlku lhc wk elec lrlriy lo lhu mmumcr Ilrrlc luhllc Hymn Commlnlon hu umlimml mm page 4n lhn Canadian lrnllzhl Alsncln Hon mddrniy In Ill1 lnlvl mun ulnclmr In Hm WIme are but In lulme my would him In nlmnh Hm Tmnnmvwlmlmr rcllhl dlflmnml an all InIr lMpmrnu ml rum Wlmlmr tqunllullan Imwa lulut law lrrlKlIl mm on ml VIIMn drrlllrd ln um 11 rlmu In plrpnhl than wnulxl munu lllrlr muwath wlre mnmin an linhlml Ktwll II Inmlinx In limlr llm unnpnny mulll Irrllrr Hnlcr Ill Tnmnln an nulmnm hy mun Illa unilml Illlhwy an an rm Illuly rmnld ntm mm at lha Mllfllnï¬ly IINIIMNI lnlzN mm mm mlnmnnul lmnlnul In HI Tovnnlollnmlllnn um 11 Mllrnrr nl vrll rm Alumlnum dlllmnl urnln mnnulndmu popular Iluhlnllht nlmnlnum nullmul mvrtnr whim dnvrivpmrnl ln IIMM munlnnl Intlnn In mu Um tompnn nmlnl Can Idlnn lnwn Ill uly In Though ll nunml In Mequ plant Nmmr nun mm nlmuly mum Wul mm pmpll IIIth rrrd II III II mllu lwm nl Mr Simpson said Relalive lo great manw other Jndusl rica in Canada especlally load processing we ï¬nd it more dil Iicull every year to realize sulficlent grass march In the past year we were able by adding new equipment runporlcd by continued good workmanship by employees imumve dflclency thereby hold Ing casts relauvely constant with previous years One at our main objectives In this Industry is pmvlda um llveslnck producer Ihc ker vice II mum price compam live with those throughout the prnvlqce This wu he original cam trslone or his plank lad some 30 years ago and that pumice will alwnys mnlinue AT HIGH LEVEL qua snrvlccs we pro vIde rclalionship between Illan ngemenl and employees cumin hlxh level Wiih our many nmily mu ily plum and pension plans we now have minimum lurnaver throughout lhp year Increased fixed assets In the arm machlncry amounted lo nearly $75000 Ian year To improve our products and scr vlccs we unuclpnle spending an equal nmaunl in 1m payroll Copnco returns lo lha Banla communlly approximate 000 anycnr In wagon Mr Simpson said Nutn you add lo his turn hydro Ind the many 2th Inmdlcma you can well undorslnnd why com pany In nnlurc l1 nn 1m porlnnt and la the wmmun fly paco plant mop membtrs do not have la pay the manly perhog service charge required under lhe markellng plan And the past ew yenrs has seen flurry of membership transfer from Inactive produan to act lve ones LOYALTY XNDICATEIJ In 196 the company showed an increase approximakely Ilve per cent in salts lannage And the dollar sales amounted in 9500000 1L5 ycnrvlï¬n company paid 7750000 lo pmdnccu or hvc flock shengt enmg In the lay any of members has undoubt edlyndded impetus to Cacacos oporatlans Bull is diflicull to my how much in Increased the plan volume Factories Multiply WESI BEND OF CANADA This is the story oi the growth of on industry growth which started with anideu nn idea to iind or new industry to build better product to meet the challenge oi tomorrow GROWING WITH BARRIE AN IDEA DECISION ABEGINNING With our latest housewares manufacturing addit Ion West Bond of Canada Ltd will offer complete line of stainless steel and aluminum cooking utensils giftwaro and electrical appliances The first housewares products to carry the Made In Canada trade mark will be set of Continental Stainless Steel cookware followed by se lect group of the Companys most popular gift and elec tric items In the Spring of 1957 West Bend of Canada Ltd settled in Barrie setting up operations In rented quarters on High Street Later that year we purchased wheres of land from the City of Barrie We moved forward once more In 1960 wlth fun ther plant expansion Our fourth plant expanston was completed dljrtng the Fall of 1962 With thls latest fao tory addition our plant now covers 63000 sq ft and gives employment to approximately 70 local people The new addltlon built prlmarlly to manufacture cookwarewgtftware and appliances conforms to our ex lsting modern single level construction for line production and includes twostorey office area It supplements tho warohouslng office and outboard motor manufacturing facllltles that we have operated slnco I957 According to Mr Finch Prosidcnl of the Can adian Firm the Company wiii provide its Dominionwide customers with fasior delivery and honor service in ad dition the Company oxpecls 10 be in boner compoliiivu position ihoroby oiioring its cusiomcrs and the consumer ouimnding housewares vniuas We began construction of new plant during the fall of 1957 This new building covering 12500 sq ft and all subsequent additions were built entirely by Barrie contractors and local trades Our wheel of progress did not stop at this point In 1959 we added second addition to our plant and brought our total footage to 24000 sq ft It Is plain to see by our our expansions during tho past five years that we have found Barrio an Ideal city to sunlo In Wo have faith In the future of Earth and is because of Ihl5 failh that we cl West Bend fuco the Iuro wilh confldunco BARRIE ONTARIO nlu