There was once ï¬rm bullet than womnna place was in the home or to be mare prcclse In the kichen 1n the modern world lhls theory ls knocked oil killcr by he hurdcs women whn not only am the great prapnnlnn hc citys oflicc mm bu have made deep in mads inln the industrial world THE ROLMAR OF CANADA Limited plant was cslahllshed in Barrie 10 mm ago and since Iha time has expanded in many llncs The two must case in point is Kolmnr Canada Limited which makes product Iamlllar lo most women cosmclics The plan employs nppmximalely 50 women whllu the mall slat implant levels all at abqu 10 Women In Majority On Staff Of Kolmar Who are lhcsc women who take home an average monthly payrull of approximately $3000 What are they doing Knlmar inslead or being in Iheir shiny chrome kitchens Hs dHchlt to determine common denominamr answer to ï¬ll quEsUnn NEVER STOPPED For many the answer slmply is lhnl they snarled wnrklng and never slapped Some the 0A malegnxployec have wogkcd In Una Kohlm last Lab yuan Mu Almlrn Card one than women SM and her hus band came to Barrie wflh the bulldlng the Vlclorla SHE Ian 10 yum ago afler work rnl the plan In Onkvlllc WORLDWIDE LEADERSHIP IN FOOD STORE REFRIGERATION tori i6 Mu Card work wilh the lab men dolng tcsls on everything rgm shar1poo to Itace cremn morning when he hnusewilc runs the comb ihmugh her hair and dubs on llpslick prior lo lhe early morning iam ily rush young woman oi the plum will mould more than 200 oi these sample lipslicks Mrs in Goodchild is supervisor oi ihe lipsiickmak lug department With this title gnes mspunsibilily or the de pnrlmcni ln which she has work ed at most mnnual jobs irorn lipstick moulding Ihrough lhe llaming or glossing in pulling labels on lhe base lhe holder POWDER ROOMS recent addition are the null lacquer ilne and Ihe home per manent assembly The laller has been In operation 31 tax lmalely uni month own From Hus scalion ware house size hull leads In he ol mar powder room These powd er rooms do not contain he us unl launge chairs and primping mirrors but slmply powder In the raw process bring mnde prgsscq land boxed In this secï¬on he emu can works in air polluted with tho minute particles or pnwdcr whlch In the end lmoolh he skln lovely ladle the land but in overabundance can be extremely llrilnung when Im hcdded in the unprotected skin Must workers lighl by applylngfrc um olls In uh mldsl of ml dusty prn ductlon yet nnnlhcr woman the huusa who works In ln duslry FACE POWDER lnllon in Mrs Monica McComb Plan mpeflnlendem Bud Loo watches the npernflon closely Examiner Photon Covered In creamy pink pow der up to her wrist an Mrs Elercde Hempel Inlllï¬nrno In Canada several years agn Mrs Hemvel formerly secre mry wlle and mnlher In Pader born lillle town near Soesl Germany had come In contact with only the slimest touch of Inge pqwde Look us at her lhe powder covering her hands and mung Jn relle Ihe dark lustre of her German amethyst ring thoNew Cnnndlnn explained her poor English made dlflicull to work In an olflce Fa worker as wilh most of the women lhcre was no prob lem concerning lha children at home In tact the two Humpcl girls have spent pm lummeu between high school term working Kolmu Mrs Margaret Marshall now In her olghlh year at Kolmnr supervlsc the new line of nall lacquer which has been In op eratlon or year Prior to thl Mrs Marshall worked In the mnkeur department and was rupch wr belt tour or live ycnrsr Another new llnc at the plant the home permanent depart mcntl lhls hax been ln opera Hun for the past month Thu lllll oumrnllml hn Inlln Inlrml 7hr mum at lrmlrr amp ln Ihe Mlnunrluu nl ml nlnve Iqulrmrnl IIIII mp4 mrul In nuw mnnnlulum In lhl madam plnnl In llmla Onluln maln plan In Tvenlun New Jrnoy IlelIInn In lcndllu Cnlllornll Ind under lmlm allillnllnnl In lhrmny Vcnmrll Muim nml AudiHa mu my mm mm man ran TM 1962 pnymfl of tha Can adlan General Electric Company smnll appllance department In Barrie reached an all me hllh amounflng 19 32903 On December 1962 all hour iy rated and graded aaiaried employee received live cent per hour increaw which will add $69009 in the payrdii CGE Payroll Reaches $2003000 Highest In HiStoryDi Plant orce stood M0 an all time remd compared am In January $2 an Incrtlse 33 during the year In addillnn Item pnrary evenlng shift of 50 mph were qngplqyed or thus upomhs Municipal taxes paid by the Company duran 19132 amounted tn $71959 and payments In Pulp 11c ummes were$5ola 1962 rates ma best year time 1956 and he second high 1n hlstory In number unugpum Whlle predlcllnl the lulure ls hazardous the local managemenl are lunklnz forward to conUnu al growth In 1963 and report the lanawlul We thlnk thll growth mny come not so much lrum mn omlc expanslml but rather lmm rmteased customers sampl nnce ol uur products and ram maklnl more ol our compon ents ln Battle Despite tha chronic excess capacity condition the decl rlcal manulactnrlng industry we have Improved our share Canadian Wire Brush Com pany showed consideraabxa pm am In 1962 Canadian Wire Brush Offers New Product Production of new type of brush or mechanical mad sweeping machines brought out In 1961 increascd cansidcrably during 1962 George Multan prcsldent ol the Company sald Th1 new line sparked interest buyer in cities across Canada and In dlcatlons that tha product will continue to produce sub sluulla amount new burln The brush have been pro duced far about Ive years by our parent company In Den mark Mr Mallarp sald but comparatively new pr ducl on lhcpanadhn parka The Canadlan Wm Ems al to Increased It production line stall during 1915 The camgany has been local ed In Banlo since 1954 dlxlrlb tlng its product on nntlonal 35 the nimble market In 1962 on number of product Inert It we are to continue this job hulldtn growth vle must attract more customers The way to do thls la la otter our customers more val ue or their money than our competitors On January 25 planned pro gram called ACCenl 0n Value was launched which is designed to enable all employees in call tribute in posilive way through Ingenuity good workmanship tr liability and courtesy lo serve the cusinmer better it is our belie that the results at this program will contribute to the lgrowth which we seek Ile lhlw yrm weullm lha mmlrvn Tamullm plnnL Im rlnylnl nllllul Hull runmm mnnululuml mulpmml Inf nnmlnl nol furl mm well mm In Endml lh Wu hull null 5man llhmluln II Canada ha mnlul nn ll IIHI rltlllhm Imlrndvlp In lnlrmlwin hplr New Hair lino lullwl lh mm mmlrm Hilf fulï¬l Dlwlly Cue In In iixluyl ON THE GROUND THANKS TO Scrapin airfield runways perfectly clean of snow and lets for the landing of jet anes is just one of lhe many roles our wire bmshes play In the Canadian way of life Today we are manufacturing wire bnlshes for almost every practical purpose We are proud of Barrie our hometown and are looking forward to growing wllh her Tha yen1961 yenr lo ergember or Plnltomar Lim Monla Dames swkzsmn tor the company sakl Flawmet Limited wm anrpormed as prlvake company In 1955 near Phelpalon with three employ ees On July 15 1956 lbs com pany moved to Barrie to Its present 3102 on John Street with lncmsed stat of 12 em ployeel Mr VBamu Iald CANADIAN WIRE BRUSH CO 762 Year To Remember For Plastomer Limited me 195610 January Inelasteady incremwasmdn 1n stall and equipment During his period the stall huheased Irgmll It 457ml compression HILL OF CANADA LTD CANADIAN WIRE BRUSH C0 BARRIE ONTARIO JLa 1L moulding pressed mm to In machinu However we will be year to remember No new In Jectlon moulding machines tompresslnn manldlnl mgchlne hot stampklg eqylprnentas W511 as mmem Mm Hf 2th men or the ï¬nishing depart maiugt were added Mr Barnes Planlumer Limited produce piaan lrinuled component part or our BurdeManulacmrer These are Wes Bend Canada Muldex le DeVIlbls Canada um and Canadian ï¬gural Elect Cognpgny Ltd TSAFE AND SOUND Plaslnmer thiéd 8186 pm ducea many purl at Nurthern Electric Including telephone cam panenu and hander handles other parts minulaclured for many Canadas leading up pflance clearwk and electri cal manulaoturere are kelfle loader coffee mint and fry pan bases and handles dials switches thermostat cnnlmll refrigerator pans kncabe nu boxes circuit breaker compon enle along with witch lean and other heme mEBEEmEd In lhcrrnnrrle plant and or the last VI yearn lflasgnmer ha mu been leader In this ï¬eld Mom Dimming also BARRIE ONTARIO