fw mnth ï¬uw min and hounlwld Ilch mm Munum dhphyu Ihaw um hlr Mlhlnil ml min lhn urly dun Inllnl Hm Inl mllm calmly flown dllplï¬yl llmw haw plrru mp med ml lmw my llllnl um emy ulny my mum 11m llrsl nlllomrnl colmly lwlnn In maul mo Iol lawlnx Hm npmiru lha Im elumulnhrnu Hand on llrll nun norlh lhnmh Hun munly Imlll In many umpllu In In mley ulnhllnhnunl Im nnquhrna The llul vulnmml hum alum 1le mm unlll mum lllr lvmnthlvl wrrI umyn mul ml at umly wan Aluwly nwnrd nulll Ell lllMlAl 15m itnlliéilun ol mnlcrlnl II nlmllly uruwlnl wlm new vim My nflnlqd nyyglunlly Mr hnnntn IIlll ll wnl lw aun In um nml carried on by lhn anmnl lnnlllulrl nl Elm coe bunly unlll few mm whrn llw cnunlywnl mm In lnlo own nw mnmlm mllccllon plow ur nml Mrhnwln ltnl mntrflll mA bun nllwrrl70r Inmo llml nml wm lmuml In llw mrly mil ï¬ll Wanky $11051 brlxlnnuy in Humned hy Iho Wumrnl Immutu Elm tog Crginly Allrmluncc jumpml lmmcdlnle ly nflcr cnlm the new mu scum nu has nuw pnmd Ina 10000 mnrk 0n he rulllcr nu nnmu ol visitor mm Burma New Zulnml ll Wu Indlu Jnmslcn Innny Humpum mun trims the Unllcd sum Ind prflvlncrt Cnnndy Hon Chu clar Inyl II II worlhy nnlu ml Hkm cw Cuunly hm he hanar ol Ming om ol lhe lint counllu lo ImIId commonly new build lnitor lhclr munum mark of Burrlol pram during WM lhu move 01 um Slmcoe Count Museum mm lhe trnmpcd buldlng on War Icy strut In new qunmn The new museum Illuntcd live mllcs north of Unrrle on Highway 20 Adjncml In Spring walcr Park ancntd lu door on June 24 Built by Slmcoc County la nm In he praservnllon plan ear Malnry the ma he new human Wu dealxncd by Irv In Baum Axminlu Arch cm Taronlo Anne lmn bulll Hold IIDHC mm he Counly blond nfcnly wllh he urraundlnz rc lorulcd nxrn ATTENDANCE Ul In the year period lhe number gas customers in the area has grown to well over 000 and the growing acceptance oi eiiicicni fuel is evidenced by the inning number com Inertial and industrial concerns now using nalural gas or pm cussing building healing and WI ier healing AREAS SERVED the hub at the Georgian Bay lama natural gas wal brought in Barrie ï¬rst The com munilies now served include lilidinndY Penctang Elmvale SLEYREI Coilingwoad Angus AIA listen Beeton and aim Camp Borden which according to Consumers statistics is equiv alent In having town pay uintlon of 10 thousand on their natural gas line Since the ar rival of natural gas to then communitch industrial expan uinn has been given new inptllll proximately 89 new mm marr and industrinl building crecied in the urea rincc the Arrival of natural gas 71 usd MARK 0F PROGRESS SlnLe September of 1553 when Consumers Gan Compnny brought natural gas tatBarrie the annual sendmlt tn the Gear glan Bay area has Increased by almost aoo per cent totalling more than 1316 mlllloncublc in the year ended Sept 50 Nearly Gas Business Is Thllmndern bufldhgon Victor Street is headquarlm or or Canadian Wm Bniah Com pany In Barrie Museum Moves Into New Home Muleum dlvrrtur lluu 1mm um mm In hmd th Hm new muuum wlll add lrral an be our lmlnlhy nl lhe munly In mhllllnn In lwln plan alum mly Mum Iv lmmedlm um um nml win In Immrd nunum wu nmrl llly opened by Hon llmn Culhrnll mlnlklrr ul hurl Md vulllrlly nn Munl Mr Calh rml it In mm II In tyln lo Innw llml hm we haw pure where we ml my urnIna Carnaln Iounnlr lhnl lion lhc lllmp Mldo Anjamn In wlll llml lullm ewelery And nolml ImI wooden umflrlmldcn tllrr mlu ml eralluy lull llnn Canadian lndlnn mtll IVIHIMI nlanl wllh book mmlnl Nu hluury ul lh unly unnll Clmndlnn Ilundlunfl am May In Ilm Muncum lunmllrl whh umnnwnl llrnu mmk hy Caugnty pnIIumu plumfr dmu mm In nIIa In Ibo plnnnln ling and II II hoped lhm MI will by ready or nul nummcr Iluwovrr ho hme nol been nhlu lo lncne lul llclnnl maluhl ytl Im Duhloor unlng ol lo bulldlun and early nrmlng im plrmrnlp II now under on nlrucllon Mr Clmnncn nld 111m dlnplnyl would be pul In tar mm Mrlod Ind Hun rt Innd wilh dllplny ol mm at lypc Mr Channtn Looklnl to flu lulurn ha muuum ha to have Ipcclnl dlplnyl how at early Cnnadlnn rryllnl him and lmnh Chrlslmus dhpln thawed two Chrmmu Icenu mm 1m 0m 01 lbw wm nn ouldoor mllnx dcvkllnx cum ouuldo hnmc Anolhrr Illuxlrnkd In lmldu parlor tompltla wllh Chmlrmu lrco And any dta nrmlnnl and aim max 10 ruwru All munlclpalltlu are natur olly anxious to attract new in dustry to lhelr area The Geor xlan Bay Development Associ ation in Midland under Navilla Keck general manager ha workrd with Consumcra indus trill Development Department to attrnct Industry lo the area This industrial Development Du partmenl also work closely with the individual conunuiullle development program Imus beta land modcmze Arohcolnnical dlapluya Ahow thn nm cmda one looll used by man In lhc archaic perind dallng belure 1000 EC Thuy mow the davclovmm ol the In dlan up to he downlnll ol 0n Huron Nullon In 1650 Thm am also display the present day Indlnn llcml plum lhnl are all dlaappcarlng The museum lmn um num ber of Ipcclnl dlsplnyl am whlch wnl uxtd or Armlsllne Day In ahnw mllllnry Item qum World War Consumcn Industrial develop ment program based on contin uing crsonal service ieainm an niemullanal advcrilsing campaign to draw the allenlion ai warld markcla in me ndvani age oi Industry localing in com4 munlllcs such as those in tho Georgian Bay area It aim ln cluch financial and technical llnzwood Elliynrdsi NEW INDUSTRIES 1331071 number apprExhnateli 30 of which as use natural gas There are many advantage to locating tndustry within the Georgian Bay area not the least whtch is the availabil lly of natural gust There greatly dtversillcd usage nat ural gas In the areas Industrial Held everythlng from potato ch at the Shlrrm plant In All tout Kqahlps at the Col flux as ML Addition to exhi bplldlngs during my Ignite became euln and the opcncd up and btcaml Olflrm of tho lurth Equndmn In 1m were Mnjnr ll Huwnnl Ll CA ll Steele Gumhlu quwnn nnd wm William In Iqundrnn Ii year ml cm In nlflml Ind men Thu Niaunrnonlhelnko lum mpr rump whm mIIIIIn men mm All our Onlnrlo la cnllaul lnr lwa wuh had lull mnmlemrm ulllten nml mm mm Squadron Ilnrrle Member of Squadron lath Armoured Regimen RCAC Gray and Slmcoe Fore lets continued thmughoul 962 to may themselves far my nut lonnl emergency SumIsa cmcmncy calls In members of Enrrle Squadron have resuucd In 75 per cent lumvut omcm and men In uniform he armoury In less than 50 mlnulu Th Iquudrcn has bean Imlncd and ready in nalionnl Iurvlvnl Ilnce Thu Iccnnd at which alla inmlvrd lelmhonlnu rnqulnd In men to nuh In Lhc Arman In clvlllnn cloth lhlrd ell tnllrd or flu mm to An rlve In lull unllorm 11w lrlpl Mtaiarrl mun lnclndtd nun lnIanl nl mml Iank wnnpom good lumoul nl affirm And men nude lhm Ichrmn cl cclln mu worlhwhllo MnJor Hnwnrd Inld The special mlth lmlnlng program begun In 1961 wnl con tinued throughout I962 and ab acted several Ihe owners In nurrle well In mllllln llcm all across Canada slur 11 Howard com mandlnz alllccr oI lha Fami ndmlnlstercd lha Involved trainan enurm ln AIME and how qultkly ofï¬cer Ind mm could nndy lhemulvcl or an emcrgcnry In the llnl ml all mrmhcrl Wm lcltphomd nl their home and pm buy lneu aistance assistance in the pm pamlon bmdmres sign and the preparation of industrial ï¬lms CH P4 Sncddon and Trooper Sleh blnzs Clomem and Bry dcn were also callrd lnln lor vice or he durallon of the mums They are Involved in lrnlnlnu the medal millllumen who xlmmd lnln the Arm oury mm all walks life Ir lhn mcnnflmeilhi Foru cpflllnyed my lrnlnlnn lRMIflhll he your wore lho summer camp nl Nlngnra nnlheLuke lwa lripl to Mon lord mum nnd no In Nul Iaunl Iurvlvnl lul uhtmu SALLYS SALLIES Assistance to communities in the iranchlse area from Fani ua Facimy Location Service oi New York and Ihicniwv remin ed by Cansumera InY has me with considerable succesl in plant location HIGH STANDARDS instaiicd by Consumers through out Ontario are designed the highest standards and codes in carry naiciy considerably more than the maximum ressurn of gas which it is cstmatcd wiil Unit Is Ready For Emergency In The District Cansnmers allows lhcsu rlg Id standards In ensure salely and proud may record better than those of competing fuels The compnny deeply concerned about 5am npcrnllon and has always ndoplcd practic es exceeding my government or industry requlrcmcnts nnx Inn to wark closely with regu latory bodlcs and does cantln uous rcnscarch to further Im prove operations In all phas One of the outstandan advant ages natural ï¬ns to the users ls Consumcru scrvico alleles fleet 01 radio cqulppn vehlcl randy at all Ilmcs In speed fully exporlcnccd servlcemnn lo the customer anywherr 1n the Companys serviced area The vnlue such anrvlce 15 mag nlzed by the ludustrlnllst tho rc taller and the householder and no doubt has contrlhuted much to the growth at the arm As citizen and turner of lhe nrcu Cansumcrl rand he part it has played the growth oi industry business and ha communities of Barrio and the Georgian Day area ed any Myra tlme Cent Cansiuni Pragress UNIVERSAL COOLER The new modern plan has beller worklng facilities Ilh cnmllllnned for the eomlorl of our wnrking force of over mo locally employed people which comban to give more efficient and complete opernlion Universal Cooler lm nlwnya been proud of he Iorvlco rendered lo cuslomern Now even more than belore Illll service is nvnllable as well ms cominnl dependable mum of Nikon preclxlunmndo llelrlgmtlon Equlp menl Universal Cooler located In Barrio 1m com 10er new Inclinry with over times the previous ucllon Cl pnc 1y As many an 1300000 men Nova leollal Annapolll Valley HARM EXAMINER TUESDAY PE 10 ms cl apples have auenKruwn In year BARRIE CANADA Senice is our business lndumlll Abrallvn Tnpu Ind Funnlrl Drllll Rumors Mllllng Cumrs Tap Ind Dlu Trammhllcn Produch FuelIon Mum and Pow Took Flrl Exilngullhor Richarglng Slrvlu Woldlng Gnu Equipment Ind Suppllng SUPPLIERS TO INDUSTRY OF HHRDln SUPPLY Company COMPANY II mm mm HARDINSUPPLY LIMITED llMlllD yum muggy