Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 26

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my M0 lhm on man nu In Ihn My Im had In In wllhmxl MI hall Mama ha rmmrtd hm nlvr Inlnq my vum lnnl 1m 1mm nl lammm wrlmmn hmuu ll mu only nncn um In 0r hm vmh hu III lllll To Invu um and In emu lhnl Np llu mt Jlmn mmplu rum In an hm hm lmn united vr duw nl ulor 11 II malrr hr Innurnll IIILII flh lnl lell lfivm ll lhru um Um pmhbm would In In lrrp lh mu mm hrnlnL llalh or mm Iuy down In In lntldo plpan hum Ivy hnl lll Dithwnlrr II heal In will Inn Man mqu hum oltilom mm Sn emh day one vl Hm him Mull haw mm II II at du nmllc dullu nprnd hum lmux alum hlmk mnw flmm Iran luld nrmhy In III II hm Inuw mvlllnl llnll whlrh Iuyply lho lmao with ler mm limk mrlu Mum lnr 1mqu nnrl laundry nrmlhrr or Inn phnlnnnphm darkroom and third or In galley NI LUXUHIIZH Iznsurmly Anlnvdirn II du II it Irrt ml or llle ruld lhn Imhu water dulrrd mm nn nnlmnl Mumlnl ll lnrhn nl Sllvfl Haw Mould Mnxxunlo lulu mum Ihc rhirl Ilmanc rllurc hru he cullrcunn mlli urnl mow rum any main wmcr lnr ullklnk drink Ind haslzinufinlmul 200 gallon 01 ll rprmnlinz 1000 poundn IIIHW lly CHAIM MILLING SCOIT NASH Anllrcucl llrulm lrudurinz water from annw mnjqr lmk In Ilu ml of 1mm hm ln Antarc llfil Facing Major Water Problem In Antarctica Apprnxlmnlcly 25 per cent nursing lime is lircclcd man he health of he Mhool child Audiumclor Icslinu grade HIch sludtan has begun in OC lubcr iUI he hclp of Indor nX hcnllh mm The mm mm hitred nurcxcs ucro lrnimd lo wrlnrm than luau Anunmn ur mcmng classes were hnld awarding to me do mam of the local lnmmunily Such groups uill be rrpculod number limos each year They are cxpccltd lo gain momcnlum us parcnls become amllinr with than Inlcresl in he discusslon gmups for molhnrs ilh small inlams has crown more slouly Huucvcr the weekly allendannc by the mnmcrs rcgislemi has been excellan pmvmu but he amtn ind he meetings inlet ealinx and useful minimum or the prenatal discussion groups has shown mnlinucd inrrcnso and the pop umin Ihcsc classes sccms assurcd lleallh suplrvisiun ol mothers babies and presrhml children lnrms he backbone nursing program This is carried out through home vlsils child health conlcrenccs nnd the new discus sion groups There has been gralilying increase in the num ber of home visiis that could be made AITENDANCE The amaze allcndance at lhe nursing conferences has risen from sum in 1961 lo ll in 1962 Since Sopicmhcra lull com plement at public health nurses pins nn nddiionni rcgislcrod nurse has enabled much more service In be given The year closed with public health nurses lhmo mgislemi nurses mo supervisors and nursing director This was he first cnm plcle slaif since 1957 fly JENNETTE GILLESPIE Nursing Director Jen nulle Gillespie the nurs ing service Simme County Ilcallh Unil rcparis on pm gross made during 1962 The service was handicapped for the first eight mnnlhs 01 mm by lack slam Increase Services Of Health Branch ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SHOWING NEW WING 0N LEFT ESSA ROAD The conlrol of communicable diseases continue In be an im ponanl pan of nursing Melhod used an immunlzalion he on rournxcmcnl people In have early medical allcnliun and the urging of better houseRowing In sum More lam number children gnlhcr The need assign more work lng hours In student interview In secondary schools appears lo be growing as lhe school popu lnian intrenscs and us the rhcrs and siudnnls become Ia miliar wilh the program since members of this age group will be the parents of lomorrow much run he gained by inierp rating lhe many scrviccs which lhe Health Unit pmvidcs laceance lalk between parenl and nurse or between leather and nurse has been much more valuable Khan mes sage on piece at paper On number of occasions the par ents the teacher and the public health nurse have sat down gelher to discuss students problem The increased nursing slat has made it possibe to direct more nucnlinn In home visiting In this way the support interest and cooperalion parent can be gained FQC Jonca Good progress has been made In the rural areas The larger lawns and Ihe city will be esled during the wlnler mnnlhsr the 1049 students Icsled 53 showed an abnormal report and have been referred to the lam lly doctor or allenlionr ALLANDALE DRUG CO lID It nursmg must assume lhe land he start wiil have tn have special trainlnl In his field In 1962 the number families with such problems Increased by 28 per con mi lhe number of visits made by nursinfl lnrrcas ed by per pan ED TRAINING Exlsllng agencies do not have the personnel In give the lime required In solve such pmhlems The pmblnms do cxlsl and the qucslian has been raised whe lhcr they are lhc rcsponsibilily or the health agency Nur has cuniinucd to become increasingly involved with social problems These have included welfare Assistance inmliy linancingl marital coun selling and other social prob lems Hume visits and conferences with ulnar agencies increased by 70 per cent in 1962 Similarly the number oi perms needing nursing service increased by 63 per cent HOME VISITS ing suit was very gralciul or assistance Riven by Dr Boyd and the shift 01 lb Ontario Hos piial Pennlgng Menlal health problems includ ed all age groups and were brought lo our altenllon lmm many sources This field nur sing showed the greatest in crease In lhe las 12 months The nurses make home vislu attend immunization clinlcs the testing in primary and second ary schools and lubmulnsis Xrny cquics Théreflhlas been an Increase BARRIE OPEN DAILY INCLUDING WED AFTERNOON AND SUNDAYS Alwyn Roglmud Phormlclll 0n Duvy Mln Joy Chrlfllm Mr Doug Amulan Mr Rny lelngllon OUR EVERYDAY PRICES ARE OTHERS SALE PRICES Ample Parking Free Delivery Promoting cducallnn lhrouzhxroupynrk alum dis cussion gmup or flu lcflur method appears la be the trend of the mum hoped hat mu complement 01 nurses can be malnlalncd in Ihe comlng year Mcan health problem In the broad some are acknowledged to be me malar ubIIc health problem In Can today In order to be prepared tu me the challenge nurses mus hnvc more prcpmntiun An InservIca educalIannI promam ws begun In the Inn 1962 and will con llnue lhrouerul 1963 The nurs cnn he accumplishcd by the nur sing service In direct propor lion lo the number 11 nurses vnjlable In do Ule job ll would appenr that mnnlal hcallh will require more nurslng lime in the Iulurer The mask pressing need continue In be or more millch In the arm mental henllh clinics la which cmnllanally dislurbcd person can be referred for diagnosis and lrcnlman in the number at request for nurses to participate In group wrk with adolescents These in vitation have come from schools churdtcs and racial groups Topic inclmie mental and physical health and social behaviour It felt that public health nursing can make large contribution in this ileldr The amount oi work whlch Another lntercstlng aspect oi mental health problrms was that visits per person were re quired as compared to 18 visits or school problem PA 82823 24 OWEN ST URGES DEMONSTRATION VANCOUVERCP Doug Slewari president oi the Uni versity of British Calumbia Linden council has suggested sludenls march on Victoria ii Ihe provincial gavemmen doesnt impiummi the Macdam 49 DUNLOP ST EEEHRJENCE and STABILITY You are Invllml ln mm In and via un All our mudorn uplodalo nudlo otter you tho fluent ll OUR MANY SERVICES INCLUDE We maintain now we have or the past quartercentury that service Ind quality are the two mnln Inclors In Mllslying our customers and cementing lasllng Idmldshlpa We look for ward to your luluru palmnagc In tho coming ycm FAST BLACK WHITE COLOR PROCESSING PORIRAITS COPY WORK PASSPORT IDENIIFICAIION PHOTOS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 58 YEARS OF SERVICE FOR OVERIA QUARTER OF CENTURY WE HAVE BEEN EXPANDING WITH BARRIE SMITH STUDIO FRED SAMEANI Growth of the business activities in Barrie has been matched and stim ulated by the Sarieant Insurance Agency over the years Since its origin in 1905 this agency has kept pace with the ever chang ing trends in providing modern insurance facilities Sarieant insurance Agency Ltd specializes in all types of personal commercial and industrial insurance ANNIVERSARY SM IT rezldnll mllugea the prov ince Ila report on higher eddcaunu The report called or series swunv saunmm sasnmoon 1cm Th PHOTOGRAPHY DONALD SPENCER ALLC ADDS UP TO new mnvrnlonl Incnllon al Owen Slrcul Our lhologrnphy nvallablo Unlvcrilly up use Island In the Inc to study flying squirm flnlvcrilly Sashmhewan ha up research nation on an Island In the north of the prov Ince to study the habit of lhe flying squirrel 1M THE HARRIS EXAMINER TUESDAY FED 196 CELEBRATING OUR ROBERT MEAN PA 84176 REVERED BOOK The Koran In the snared book of Islam on which the ban of ho reliflon oi mlllions Ma hammednns ls founded PA 60231

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