111 or Me lth mun quullm uhnl um be dun In lll way of plum mm um llnmlan In nllnlule Ilnrm IlrnlnmI wulnlam In Mn my mum lb Hy lm rmlnuml wlwn lluym uplm lum Irunt um vmlnio Mi lam klglvl Hm vnlm mh pvmmlve mu lhh HIP In Any ruled wuuhl Lan Um ly nmllru llwulumlq Mum lur unvlrurmmd mm In hr fuller In Hm nllrr Ilurm drnln um mul rmmllnn nl water bellow Iml Counrll In cnnunrmlod or III lambnm In lullan IUII In prnlncl am open wntrmnu bumi1 bu My Mind lvylnvl ntMInl Inlnnl In mnlrnl lhru Mb lmmm and wmIM urgn llm lhu my nmlimu mlrkly mulhlu vim Ilul munmy NI ulnmln daln llml will dolor lnlnu hn mum Ml hack quhrnwmu um all Vlflllr mum llnmmhuul lho rlly II In mod IIImutant PM we 10 lha rlly Md mile ullllllu mmmiulonl Slncn ll hu hm camn nmmry In hnvo num hrr ol tHflmnl mum purucl pulan In hm plum would lhcrcfma Ink lhnl he lunlnnnn HM rlly Dcvnlomurnl tam mlnnu nnd Hm clly mnmum Imp wry low wnlch lhu duvrlmmrnls in Hull mum may Iln pm In ml lhnl Ihln nlm nr mp In thn up lhl Ilny ll mekltd lhll your murmur In ImCouncll approved lho lhrcoycar unitary trunk sewer nystcm pmnum and duct lhcn lhu Cundlcs Scwcr has been com plum and mo Ens End Trunk will be llnhhcd In year In you recall balh he lhrccycm wnilury lrunk sewer plan cm brnced livu Mum wllh lwn Kluge nmrly complain Iho pub work will be called upml lo tomplclu lwn more nlnxuu In yum Wllh mum ll uwnxc disposal plnnl mu vlscd lhnl ccrlnln mnllm an under disuuian nvw wilh he Onlurla Wnlcr llamurcc Com mlsalun and than nppmval or cnnslrucllon will be requir ed lrom lhu Onlarln Munlcuml Hoard During llxa Inn yann ml thch hm rcqulrcd can linunl Ilde he Clly Devel onmenl Cnmmlllw um ltdl nlrnl rommlurc made up In mvmcnln rm mm Nineteen SixtyNo has been very IulI year In our city We have witnessed advancement In every segment of the cltyn growth touching nearly every phase at our urbnn needs The advancements rotor to are In our road program In which we have virtually completed our year plan and now stand on the doorstep at new 3year road Improvement program 1081le that there are null lama etudin and negotiations neces sary bctom we can enter Into connecting link ngmemcnt with the Department at High wnys However do tee that the public works Fire Trniiid Innd City Development Commit tee and tha Engineering Do partmont can rcwiva mum oi street which could ba lub mittcd to council tor IL con nldcrntion and approval so thnt this years construction may be the first In new threeyear rend prngrnm whlch thauId cm phnsixe the paving oi sumo heavily tnvcilvd mu with hot lnId asphalt NEWER WORK or Cnoke charge his council aarller Huh your Throughout It adequately indi cates lhal 0121963 program would not have been possible wllhoul he prams of 1562 Ilrlullows In January nl thI year not only did Mayor Les Cooke rev Ilcct on the achlevemans oI 1962 but he pmvldcd an Insight Into what the City oI Barri should hope to achluva In MS Uppermosl In the hIAyorl rnlnd for the year Is the estab Ilshment ul Barrie as can ventlon centre Ior Central OnIA arla and the Georgian Bay re xlan However thIs can ant be possible becau of stag gering progress In Includes that came Inlo being during the latter part 1962 These Include new motels additlon In exist Ing unlts the tstabllshmcnl larger banquet halls and new 1100 sent auditorium at Bab rlglspenlrnl Colluglale Mayor Looks Forward To Targets For 1963 THE SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP PLANT ON INNISFIL STREET ml our lho mum at law rrnlnl muqu mu lunughl In Hu nllrmlnn uur lemll Iml II In luu rnrly In My yrl uhnl nrumlmndnlinn IHl mum Mm yuu Ihln yur Aml ynu mmhlrv nuylhlnu nu Hm llxhjnd law nnlnl hmnlnz wnuld likel In hvlnu In mr Mirnlinn llvnl Ilwru II IMVI Mu In In uvernmrnl ml pm llml wnulu wnnll mlurl mnnrnl nml remvnllnm nlll pr mldmflul Amt quId Ilka In we llm My devrlnpmrnl nummllw 0an In plnnnlnl Dunn IV rurolul rnnlldpnh llon am my rt nuch mul Irn believe my morl min nl nmlv mu Uml lhlu could be nnlNl nul MP Ivy th llrvrlnyw an Inn at he pmprr rnnnnh us Ihuo lo luuu um Allulnmrnl am vnry Upllmlsllc nhoul he posxlbllillcl ol marl lndur Irlnl meh In 1061 flurrlol lnvoumble paxlllnn conllnuu lo nurncl lnquirlu lrum ncw pran pccln Mn qnlla mancn wn cnn mnkn wmu cxdllnu nn nnunccmcnll mull hum Mu Inqulrlu In mu Mml nulhmillcl pmjcd nlmul two we per cm lnrrcnxn In our nnm national pmdud In 1W lml wllh Ianrlon tnnnlnlrnl ro am lemlrrnhip rcl wll wIII nccounl lur mm ï¬lm out Illnrc In ynu know hnvo al randy naked lho Gwrglnn llny Dovrlnpmrnl Anwclnllnn In In vlln lho minlxler of rmnulnlu nml developmnnl In Imlvl Twin Crmmln In ll Clly ol flnrrll In your An arm Onlnrlr lnxlul umwlnu Indullrlnl rrn mm know nl no lwllrr plncu Mr undo mum nnd mnnu lndlxlmz mmlunmn IMW wlmn le lulu nl Yenlrnl Onl ulon nvnwlh may he Iml le lnnnllrnlnl Bunlel Indusk nl develop mcnl has Mn he nnvy many cine lhmnghaul Onlnrlo and would again like to con gratulnln Ibo Indusulnlisu In our City who have plum such an Important role In nanlo cxmmlon In 1962 Hme does not permit me now to dclnll lho ex pansinn Ihnl hm gum on lllmunhnul uur local ndmlrlcs but have on provlolu occnxlnm mcnllontd lhcm In Hvlchmlly OlleflIISTIC had hoped that we would have Ih Ilnal word on lhe pur chase of he CNR pmpurly bo Iorc the end 1962 but am mnlidcnl lhnt Ihls wIIl be In our hands In His very near In turn and than would IIko caunclI lo nunuo Immediately II plans or municipal use with medal emphasI on pro Vislon for muchneeded addl Iionnl parklng in the matter 01 Annexation my latest advice is that the city legal counsel is preparing or hearing helm llu Onl urin Municipal Board early Ihia year On previous occasions we have discussed in Council the mnsldcrmiona and reasons lur nnncxntinn and while wa lmk forward In the advantage ior new lnduslrinl and resident ial development think wu kccp in mind the great panlbll lies this new area lluldl for Barrie in the dcvciopmcni oi new large uniurnl park which would oihcrwisc be lmpossibla lo anllclpalo within the city present limill on program which calls or an estimated expenditure 5743 000 in 1963 ANNEXATION MAYOR COOKE hfllNUl NEW MIMIHIN MONTREAL Hil Mun In Idle HI mnnr Munl null hu mm It MW nm lrlHrm In MMIHInha mmm Me uyl lhnl ll uh ewr Im an armunity In Iuh am Ic llvn pm In poliurl IhI wllL hey lbh Milk and um llml you wlll Mcrpl ll ym lhnl I1 nlwml nl ynu km lhrr nmuyrlunlly lo plan he luul llml 1m lmn Ivrn hy Mlllflul Im II mlflu Ml lmumlm il run lhnl you mrlnl 1m lmvml uuv nm cnnwnllnn contra wo anln wuld VlllpleM Hm rrnml laurth prnuum nnw mlng allmnlnlnl by Chum rr nl hmmerce hm would Iml whll In muvrnllnn Ilnurnm luxl mm In lhl mm pkhm nl lnurllm Im Hm II II wmlhy nl nnw IIHVMII IL awn munw lur lhu purlmo nl ntllvllnllnl our mvlm mam churcth mnpnnlu and lrnde urunln llom laclllllra In In nvlled in him hrIr Inmcnllnnl here swam mum min lmmrd lnlcly lo nnnlyn Hm llcllmtl In mom 1km In addition la Ulln ll would he Mummy devch walklna contmltlm Tm ncquixillon the CM pmpcrty mud ho rxpanslon If our nay Frnnl llrk Land De vnlopmcnt will be an Added Indian lhnl cannot be dupll cnlul try my my that In nnl silunrd ml err mm In Mudknown In one lho lending mambllo and mlu ccnlru In Onlnrla Thll ll very Imporunl lo lhc luv ulllnz vlullor um mu umer mnvcn cnlly lhmughaul tho cny make or wide Iclccllan meeting shopper need The CW abilin to nice Lho pomml need of conven Ilun vlsllm lhu addlllans and chnnuinn of our rclnll slam In Mr downAlown area wall In our shnwuu plum and other 1mm dlspoh Thwugh the yearn many d1 mm mum visited Hams fur mncllngs and cnnfcrence pur poses lhlnk the Jim has mm or Dunla to play new role In canvnnllan cnnlre Our any has many new lunlum after Iar such purposu Wu hnvu on new malcl with one slngo 01 Ill development com plete and Inlum cxpnnslom prndlng Ions Iwo or our existing mold hnvo undcnnk tn maJor expunsluns 11 new BDCl 1100 ml sudllorium will bu complain In 1963 along with In nrcnl LIL HERVE have indicated previously lhnl wouldbe announcing ncw venture or 1961 believe Ihnl lhe growlh nl our city will ll improved and expanded la cilitlu open the way or Beau lilul Harris to became on lhu most popular and nllrnct ivc convention centres in Onl aria would mam like in mi upon iho Barrie Chamber ol Commerce lo set up cum mlilea under lhe leadership oi an aggrusiva chalmuan lo un durluke lhlxrvcnlum number of new mien are to be launched but rather it is our lint responsibility to complete what we have aireaiiy hem and am sure we will all agree lhis laces us wiih full year challenge in 1961 The Vmost of what have said review 01 what you 34 ready know quever do feel mm mm nvwever an Ice ll necessary in retmphaslza Ulcse goal and challenge you and myself In rededicaflnn la the task we have been chug ed wilh by he eleclars Beautiful Barrie Ontariul Most Progressi gily 30 not bellcv we are expect ad mak 01 year when at the goal in pmvldlng low rental housing It would also need or mean that the rash entail mas on the periphrzy ml the commercial area would he put to proï¬table use durlnx translllonnl perlod at 10 or mar years while they are wait ing to be taken in future wru mmlul expanslon lt would 3142 mean that ll any uld wm rcqulrcd on the part at the clty lt would be more readily re morable than one at the new er areas GOALS Immigrants Haw Thyroid Troubles 75 BRADFORD 5T NROMD CF signiï¬ cantly higher percentage of overactive thyroid glands are lound ampng Immigrant when compared with natlvaborn Ca nadlans damn at Toronto Gen eral HaspllJ have laumL Theyre not qulle sure why this ahauld be but they have CHRXSLER 1963 FRENCH MOTORS TIMES HAVE CHANGED SINCE 1909 Your Dodge Chrysler Venom Dodge Truck Dealer nun YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT Writing mm Joumalrol he Canadian Medical Assodnllnn Dr Spaldlng my data pmccssing methadl ahuwed aver3cm thyroid turned our timesas nflean lmm grant as In persons born in lhll country some beetles lncludlnz ha pussihlllly that the difficulties at adjusting In lIle In new muntry may overstimulate Ihe flund The thyroid is horseshoe BARRIE Dr Spaldlng suggested Immi grants may be more Inclined to Ignore mlld Illness Including mud emotional dlsordm geo graphic areas may exist where the discasn 15 more prevalent shaped gland lraddllng ha wlndplpe In front ml the neck lazy lhymld gland lend to lazlngsu obeslly and low men tal reacllans Overacllve thy rolds cause loss welghl rapid hem action and hlglvunmg temperaman yaliag BIG SHIP OWNERS About 16 per cent the world ships at more than 100 gross cm are registeredln Britain and 113 likely to devehp um cond Hon are more restless and venturesorne whlch perhaps the reason they becama Immi grants In the ï¬rst place PA 86971 BARRIE EXAhllNEli TUESDAY FEB 20 In Are Proud To Be Part Of This Change anlnnl hn cnbinlun at comlarl or nlx luxury Inlrrlnrl lhul mulw olhu cnmpntu look Ilka ponnyIlmhtrt Vul lnnll not All ll lam to am you Du 1m 10 mo nzsloNs wmnows CALGARY CF Mn 10h Bray former special mm at ha urllveralues at Album Ind Tomnlo designs stainedi151 windows using lnexpenllvo translucent plgmenu and them hall She learned the secrets the process mm her mother We A1 FRENCH MOTORS ia 553