0h 11 ulllouy whan ll cnlllrl line In nhnl bulky win Irr clnlhn lhe HIE rm ullurr my many nl WM and lmmlly ml we muld llun llln 0h dumb In ml um llwlrl Illrnmllnu nerI Ynu Mn yllu lulu Innlc IHIMUHI nnw l1ml llm 1th day nl Ipnnn II null wrekl nuny Ily lhvn nu can In puumh Illlmnrr nml lnchrn llhmnrr With Ihese funds members were able to extend the many projects started in ma Iwo pre vious years In June lwn slu denls from the Barrie Galley tales wem sponsored to the Unl ted Naions Seminar held at IE University Western 0n ario landon Prizes for he highest mnrks in hisory in Grades XI and In both coll egiatcs were presenled to sup dent the nu Commence mum Several donations are given In memorial funds through head alike in Hamilton and pieces equipment were purchased or use at Royal Victoria nos pita third annual mecllng the Kempcnlelt Chnwler Imper lal Order Daughters ol the Em pire was held at Communlly House Mm Duval Regen of the Chapter prcsldcd Annual reports were present edl Convencrs gave splendid yesume or work accomplished during the year An nmaun 51mm was ralsed by Mean two rummage sales lag day sales and tenweek marathon bridge MANY PROJEUS KEEP IN THE TRIM Mr nml Mu mm Jon non llarrlc Lth hrulcd he 27m unnirLnay nl llwir Mdan uilh oprn Simeon Presbyterian Unit ed Church Women marked in firstanniversary at the an nual meeting held at Trinity Unfled Church Collingwood One the highlights of the Reports At IODE Annual Indicate Successful Year Be Slim And Trim For Spring Act With Tonic Measures Now Hy IIIA Im rkk at All In lol alx pumqu Inl make uer Ihr hlddrn In ulurc mum plplnz mu AH mllk um um harmd 11er MI Imm your and rnl MI Hm lulu 0r clun Immer COUPLE CELEBRATE SILVER ANNIVERSARY NEW EXECUTIVE TO REPRESENT SIMCOE PRESBYTERIALECW slurr In anllrIy Phil up In nl bahl hull ml at we yvur slum rllslm ner ml raulxnuurr uelnhlu mmu num dummy will yr lmhud NM or hplllmmlnl luH III unvth Um mldqu Ind hold nu uppull uhlln xrnufln lmllhnrll Willi Irll hum MI hurt Ilrnllhl mm leM If lmwnnl llvrn lmullvu Inward up In both pul drnu nnxlo In lulu Inc Mn mum Ila lulu Ilw lcllnn Bwlnl ID Nmu and mm will lm leg an wllh Ilrrnmllnrr Inr lh glrrlle muulen Lie MI hark an flmr mm Mrwlthed luck on our rel Anchored undnr Iwnvy plNl nl Vurnuum Hum In an the middle IN WIN nnmllnrwml no lo mum poauizh in tad mm hrlp to ulvo ruling lullnru lixprrlmrnl with low rnImln dumb Ind lry uhlp prd lnpplfll made will powd rml Aklm mllk 11ml Mth ynur unlnzn on he modal um um yum rulnrlru within and yaull IqoVA Hill llrl In rmly hullwily mmurr Tn lune llxhlrn And III yuur mmmmnrnlnsum llml mm on Iltrlch Illa Imlam IIMI hnmh nmhml unhm Inn llllll vull Nul hold lhu In mrldl and hrml In allrnmte ml IIIII Ilrrlrhlwml lnnrl Ilw nnmlu llml bound 1e nhlrn Hw pllhuurlle ml Financial assistance mm the order helped make it posslble for three member the Bar rie Collegiate Band to accomp any their ellnw members panIclpate In Ihe Worlds Falr ln Sealtle Washington during AugusL hundred pieces of knitted and sewn articles Wm made and lorwardnd to hendquaHLr hr dislribullnn to needy dflld mlu or in plrnul Nun lnr hulllmm house hclxl at lhe Sound Cummunkly Hall The couple wrre munlrd Feb 12 19M nl lhc home of lho hrldo meeting was the mum ol ofï¬cers or 1963 he flew uve Includes back mwlrom the left Mrs Charles Mar quis Orillln Mrs Dobsan Barrie Mrs SaxJenni MRS JACK DWAL Ruenl Hlu regular mnnlluly mmlnz of St MnryI will like Lho arm nln Kama nluhl In rclohrnln Hm Mnrdl urn flxIs III he held erphn Amlllmium nl 030 oclock ln mozrow mlnz Not only IM nmnhm Iml nnyono Inlemlnl In mini lull pkth Hm gmm lhrlr rhan In Invlml In 1mm alum Mu rrldvruu flue Mnnll mmr award on llrlurn In man miIlmL Ilqwnl Hum llmrl marathon btldge now In progress will conclude in March wilh an evening open lo the public Camer Ms NM Mr Mnrrnl lurlnu ulm pmnlhrn nu rvrnlnn ml rnlnylnnnl Tlrlwl nnvrnrr Mm Mmlr lm Murdock mv qu In many dmw pth mul tomsh nsz Mrs Tolchard Honorary Regent inslallod the following niiicers Regent Mrs Du val ï¬rst vice regent Mrs Rollason second vice reg ent Mrs Slanbroak sec relary Mrs Kiilmer as sistant secretary Mrsl Dobsan treasurer Mrs Dean Educational secretary Mrs Rollason Echoes secre tary Mrs Don Mngee secre tary services at home and nbroud Mrs MacDonald slandml bearer Mrs West publicity Mrs Don Ma gce hospllnliw and member xhip Mrsl Perkins Civil dufence Mrs in El Huey fluwer fund Mrs IL Wesl empire and world allain Mrs ll Tolchard telephone and social Mrs lilgas St Marys PTA Plan Games Night run In Korea IODE calendars were pinned in sdqools and pub llg buildings in our area Last FeBruary merï¬bers en tertained Club 60 and will be dning so again on Feb 27 EXECUTIVE INSTALLED hmlhcrinlnw and nlslrn Mr and Mn nm dun Ivy by Rev Wllllnm McDonald Thornton Unllml Church Wfll9° 7° Orlllla Mrs Wilson Al liskon Mran Harman Midland Mm Cook Oilllla Mrs McLaren Avenlng Mrs Hesse Gu lhrie Mrs Rnnalu dias dale Mm ConIgan holn by Favcro Dear Kendra The Idler 1mm nn Irate Lander fnn whn aoundcd all nbuul old gnflers lmlng dangerous drivers pm duccd an avalanche nnnry mail heard from 50 Llnlts plus Putrm leco nmnudu and Soulh Mrlca Hen3 mmplc of who my wok hzls been like New York husband 82 years old He dr In his omco In Mnnhnllnn every day mums we ll Imy bclnm he lhc house and we furl helm ohlm mm are mom lhnn 5500000 drhrn In Ohio Up wnrd of 2000000 drivers nine never been cxnmlncd ltflrnlrn pcrlnll mm 75 unis And urccymr llcrncu ml 11 Sums nu 10301 ltfllflp ynur mlumn wlll pcmmdc hla laglllnlou rnlso lhls rldiclh Ioul nnla and use the mnnvy In up dmnl llcrrulllfl mu lnspodlun Imgrnm In Ullbn Arinnm Noer In 73 Elm Aloeml Imw nulth Alum 2mm how In um and how my ll 5M Im nap Inn And Adm an the side walk TM IncI mike loci lhc her my Imam Ihel Ch not old 1944 Axum llllnull Im mm In my Hul My drlvrr am ululn hm In lulu lwzllmrrn Iul uhwn lu unrhu 70 mm nun Nu nulnmallc runuh fur nld rod urrlh lh Land LinnIn Hnmln nwrun popular MK down hrrrOltl drhtu nerrr dlelhry to Tampa nr SI Itln Ill Irul Aim The nrlhrlllm hr lalun the hull ml Hm Mind run It IMr tlrherl llrrncrs rrncwrd In Holhln by anl ll lllllmlc Kmluuky Ikrucr rxpiml nml hml lu lnku lent Ilka hrKimIrr MI furlqu lml ll lllrnrvl nut lu be IdNI hvcnuu hml In ermly lhu rulu mid ll wm numxlnq Imw murh didnt Imuw 11wym IIVUII Almul Mplml Ilcmrrl In Hrnlmhy yrl ll ynur Ilamo lmml rxplml you an rrncwnl by mall We Ivm mum ronmln Ill way wrumlm virumln mm mm kin mm mm Hmn Ill dvlun Knuml Amrnl nunry Kim Ilrlmn KNIMBI num bar at rcan hulvflnu Ilurnru who In mm In Mrmpuun ul luwrd Imly lo Hm hlImL Nu nl llmyl Inn Mm mmIn l0 curml IIIII ldlullc Alumna ANN LANDERS The Bulls Corners mu will be run all across lhe IMyurd community hockey rink The Olncy race L1 over 60yard course on mad starting at the pub There was no new here mm the Kansas women who have deluded Olcny three times in the last slx years The Bells Cnmcrs clml lengc was relayed by elo phone by the Ottawa Journal to Leslie Falray lord mayar or the vlllnge of 2500 some SJ miles from London smashing Idea the lord mayor said must warn Lhe Bells Corner ladle that am locals are pretty adept at this sort of lhlng Been galng at It ii the year 1400 you kpnwl We expect anywhere from 3500 4000 spcdalors will be here fur the big race The pub is jammed la the ran ners nipped Friday when the women Olncy England accepted challnngu In de end their pancake flipping wgrld championship Wearing the regulation ap tons lhe local women were running and flipping flap Jacks In prcpnralion or their race next Tuesday Shrove nxesday against the cham pinns and another group challenger In Liberal Kan Elli Horse And Buggy Law Burns Mrs Magulre onum Mrs McKenzle Barrie Mrs ems om Ila Mrs Scott Hawke stone Mrs Blair Allis lnn Mrs Wenslzy Ca llngwood Front row left FLIPPING IACKS JUST THEIR LINE For letAge Driver 91mm rcm Hum driving laws are pasillvcly mu dan Monlnnn In lhls alulc Um body is warm and hey can find 53 in pockcl lhu corpse can gel lwnycnr licence la drive Mlasourl The Show Me unto can he hown luw lhlnus about mlnhlcncd leflislullnn for drivers Then am no law In Mssuull lo pmm ul nuulnsl mule dual hullblind Cripplld drivers Hrlp Tum IXmsn Ann Landon vrlnl nomclluinn In your column In cmbnmus be mm mm or Tuna Inlu Junklng hcr unu qunlml syslrm ol mewan driv cra llcenm auhunnllmlly Ill Hahnulna DEMAND INDKI MNZIIMH mien lumu mm mm um Mnh mu Illltnfl dnmnulrnluu wnvlni ne kummllna Imluwn dum lhlt yrnr and mm mum lronpn musl Irnvo nodal 11mm Tnlnnlnl Born nn lmnun sandy when he armed hm Sunday um lhrw d1 vlil AIahm 1115 mm mm nlnlv lo drive In yuu ulne lilo pnthul oLAlnlnuqq Minnrm W0 Mill hmo ymrohl hum hm or Irlwrs Ilrnnwnln ml in Hm man Ily In llmuvmd Ann ur Ilnl Il condlllnn lllJIlI nothing In Mmlmum She has held number oi senior positions in nursing hav ing served Iormer assist an dimlnr 01 nursing at Sol dlers Mcmorial llospilal Orll lin and lhn Toronto Psychln lriq llaspilall llliss Gilmey has taken an active part in pm vincial attain over the year ns councillor lor District 5i 11h chiniric mnsullanl he Pancl oi Examiners llNAO and member at the HMO subcom milch on planninlv ior mnfor once and in olhor 0mm Miss Gibncy was appolnled n5 lntlmlm Im mmuy In my In llmnl ll lcmllm hr wny In rub may will Ila nrxnumu Hun law or drluu Hrcuru In mm lnkrn nvrry our Nnnh Turullnn Fm llul HI mum your Nmm nrullnal drlrlnz Hrvucu uyslrm wm lnlul llul Ivy lhu lunvvlmn An FOCHIUUII Mnlur Vrhlrlrv Ad lelnlnlrnuun We no Imugt Ami now xlmr IrmlrrIhrm Is he lrlmhhuzlnr Only Main qulllm mu lnr xrllc nulng yuu lhr In nlnlu with how and buggy lan wile litmull We hum Immhlu MLMlfll Mo hccnuw mn leer Inwn llliw Ann uhnnw nnr lmrkwanl Elfllc lulu nrllnn lho mnmue ml IE high way iwrgln marking ynur Hmmmr mil yrll yuuf Ilmd The lilv ynu Mm 11mm bu ynur ywnANN LAM ILI Miss Doris Glbncy oi the prn vlndnl office RNAO Toranlm will ailend the meeting as re source person to answer ques tions pertaining to the College of Nurses and the HMO native oi Simeon County Miss Gihney graduated from lhe School ol Nursing Soldiers Memorial Hospital Drillin She securzd nor Certificale in Nursing Education from lho University oi Toronlo in 1945 and Bachelor oi Am do gm in 1955 THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MN mccllng special lnlcrcst to registered nurses employed and unemployed will be held by In Registered Nurses Asv saclalion nl Ontarin at the Laid law Resldencn Royal Vlctorln llospllnl Velllnglon St West Fchl 27 at pm To Answer Pertinent Questions Regarding College Of Nurses to right Mrs Slrachan Orlllla Mrs Jury Bar rie Mrs Hrawncll Port McNIcoll Mrs Trace Elmvnl Mrs Bell Barrie Mrs Pros ser Stayner Mrs Mc Cague Breton Mrs Dag New bowel Mrs Gnu Dalston Mrs Thomson Creemare This day nspcds will be ex ccllcn or ndvanclng nonh whllc goal and tar making longrange plans You shnuld have no Irnuble In dealan with business ussacinles and yuu may be surprlscd the mom 1pr and cooperation you ccivc tomorrow Is your birthday your planclnry chart for the year ahead marked with sev cral nonny Irlgh molar Theres lndicallon or Insulate of great lmpmvcmcnl In your ï¬nancial status hcglnnlnz his wcckr Theres no outlook where your Job nmlor business lnlcrcsls are cuncorncdcspo cially in Scpmnhcr when you will cum inc cyclc occu pauonnlly speaking that will extend all Into 1961 And hap picsl nah all rhnps he line oullook making your home and Iamlly Inlnrcslx All In IIlL It la hriuht lc lurecspeclnlly ll you cons dcr Um pounvfllly of mm bclwocn June and August and romnnlic happlnus during the lame pc nad flul warning or lwn Mold mrvmu lenslon In April um dnnl lake innnclnl rlalu either durlng llml mnnlh or ml Navemhcr lral yvu cum 111m rhlld mm lhls day will he lxlxhly rmmlnnnl nml um clml wHl plwnyl lune THE BIRTHDAY in nunnl ng sl Inumpcmncc My klml rqrg TOMORROW sislunt executive secretary of the Registered Nurses Assoc tation Ontario in July 1961 Reircshmcnl will be served lallowing the close at the mm Hg First mug of mulla hot beer laced with egg yolk sugar and spices Then on to the sound of eightinch curled cop per horns The tax piece oLhrush pinned to her hnulder played her part In pertectlon Wllh hunlrnasler and 25 hunumen In lull cryshu disappeared atop her horse through the hush But as lunchvlime approached the weary lax was bmughl Io bay and he cmclul moment wag alrhand The hunters held bchlnd Ihe hunlmasler by the whlppersin were freed or he first time They chmgod in or the kill VANCOUVER CPD The huntsmen of Soulhlnnds Riding Club agreed that blunde ch Ice Ramsey was as foxy as all gejaut ice was wily but not no wily crafty uuu is Ramsey Playing he par of tha lax in fax hunt was chased ihmugh wnodcd mils and aver hill 01 90min ute beiare surrendering in iiw kiiIJf which took place can vunienily near the Souiimmdx clILbhouse The huntsmen were gamed In Imdllionnl dress hunllng coals jaunly caps while cravals and he er Blondie Leads Merry Chase THE 31mm DAYFIELD STREET MISS DORIS GIBNEY BUSINESS CARDS FOR $780 Hy ESTRELLHA REG $1085 BUSINESS CARD SPECIAL 1000 THIS IS PRESTIGE LINE OF FINE BUSINESS CARDS IN THE RAISED LEYIER PROCESS BLACK INK ONLY ï¬lly martin Exmuiuvr Commercial Printing Service Since then she ha 5ch that not only Sunnybroak but olhcr hospitals In Tornnlo Lon don 0nL nnd Winnipeg um kcpl supnl with he hibs Mu lmlll her husband operalcs nroury More hm Spends hcr evening crochcling the blbs which 111 opcrï¬p lnlhe lhmnl Mlcr pm bn needed by Sunnybrook xhc be gun supplying Tommna Prln cos Mnrgnrcl hospllnl or cm or pnllcnu Han Vlclarln Hos pital In londun nnd Deer Lodxc Military Hospital In Winnlpcx GALT CPIDuring vlsi la anomni Sunnybrook Haml Inl last year Mrs nailllc warned Khan was shortage spcclal bibs used by pallcnl whn have undergone larynx apgrullons They wnni Into rm ing and in true western lashian did it in big way Thor farm covered whole seciion About 10 years ago he mired from Ihu inrm moving Into Ibo man by villagn oi Lockwood ALLISTON Stall Since all their ricnds relatives and for mer neighbon couldnt make the trip out west to help mom celebrale lheIr 50m wedding an nlversary Mr and Mrs Ellnrd Ellis came here or the reunion Everyone ga cm at Ihe community centre here Friday or an Informal venlng hnnor Mr and Mrs Ellis on reaching this milestone Right alicr Lhch marriage on Feb 26 191 Ihe coupie moved Io Lockwood Saski as home siendcrs when that pm or the province was being sonicii Supplies Hospitals With Larynx Bibs oma BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 13 Couple Travel East To Celebrate Date lndnw Ehndrl Sllp Cam Dunn lhmura thrflln lllln lhmboo anrl Robert Dunun PA 61777 MATES CALL TODAY DRAPERIES Downlvlri MR AND MRS ELLARD ELLIé NEWSPAPER MAN DIES NEW YORK 1M Ilcrbcfl Asbury author and forum newspaper mnn dlcd Sunday In hospital nllcr long Illness Asbury had been an alminlo cdilor Culllnra mnguzlm and slut mtmbcr tavern New York tlly newspnpm Including The Sun The Tribune Th0 Herald mbunc Allhough is not fond ol iraveiilng they have made several trips back east over he yours report one oi iheir duughim liirr llnrry Thomas Several oi their lormcr lrlcnds and neighbor In the AngusAan ler area are still living around here Grnrlle Bush is one of them who looked lorwnrd to al iendinz the reception Friday night FAMILY LIVE HERE While Ihcir lamlly grew up at Lockwood nil cighl girl later moved cast were married and now live either in or near Alllsion There are 17 grand children and our greatgrand chlldrm All of those except the very young plnnncd in ni lcnd helpariy Friday nlghi Their daumm are Mm Ken Cannell lhene Mn Harry Than lNormA Mrs Russrll Halbefl Idn Mu Doug Rum van ulclcnl all Alliston Mu Ken Elllmn Eva and Mrs Ccmnr Murphy Edim both Damn Mn 1le Holmcs Ullldnl RR Allis lon and Mrs Vance McFadden Marilyn deule originally from this area Mr Ellis imm Angus and his We lhe former Mary Denney was bum in Baxter PHONE PA 66537 quyr and Mrs Elli are Inucnnucm plrkmup 41mm rm mm 1m your phlrml lrlu MINA nuan um Cullm II Mm CUSDENS Eummu Phat Ind