Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1963, p. 9

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Nhun nIII Mmmvnl ltlfllmm Ilnmmnn nllmlnu mum mm 7mm mm mu mm no min Knob mu Nmumn Ont1h ll MIIIIM Tlmmnl lTImmlru wln Inhoimm uml final 51 Mum Full fllmol nrlplu nl mumm remixme Mnnlml Annay hum Chilhlm ll Wlmkur nutm Ken Wlmlmr 27 ll IN l1lllmn 71 Wmdllock II II 131 15 ILW 11 I5 man unnu hnlhnm Kllrhrntr Windwr 1111 Wlmlmr mumm IHIAhlIrKI nl Illlulo Nernllry nl Iewlnml fiminflkrlxl nl lmvldmn Dllllman n1 llnchulrr Ammon Lulu Eulem lllvhlan valdcncn 212 171 13161 Hershey Zn ID 610915761 Quchcc 25 ll 10 155 170 GO Spllnxficld 25 21 511715253 Bulllmorc 27 50205 II Wulem Dlvlllon Huflnh ID 515310071 Clcvtlnnd 7115 BIBSIDOSZ Nudlrlllr 1930 7190110 lllllbflfll In 315010141 Plldnyl RunIll Hernhny lMIllmon Quehrc Iroldcnw Ilullnln llochulor Clertlnnvl Sprinullcld Tanllhln Lumen OutM nl llmhoy Ilullnlo ll Clrvrlnnd llochuler ll llllshulflh lrovldtnce nl Syringllcld Huflnla Clcvtlnnd Nudmler llllhuruh valdmcn Hershey Quchcc Sprinxlicld Bulllmorc PI HULLOIKEWA 331 5219155 71 Klnxnlnn 32 322215672 Sudnury 10 22 II 115 117 SI Innis I4 31 015021136 llldlyl lluulll Klmulnn Sudbury SI Louis Hullroflawa Tunlntl Gum HullWuwn Klngflnn Sam ImQI St Louis ll budbury Kingston Hullrouuwl HulLOllawn Klmlnn Sudhury St Innis Odds of 31 favoring Tiger make hlm stronger lavorile than he was in the San Fran risen bout think this light will be tougher than the first one lhe eh plnn commented Ful ul 31 had nat been defcaied In 17 Hth hclore langllng with ngr in San Francisco last OcL 23 foxl confident ll didnt dnl want try Im confident can beat him agaln he VENOM cham pion declared bclnre lhelr 15 mm nallonnlly televised bout Hurting at 10 pm EST In the gas Convcngon Center If xiése wxll be my last lilxqtj dlcclaycgl Fulner wgo LAS VEGAS Nev AF World middleweight champion chk Tiger ol ngeria hallle to keep hls crown lonlghl agalnsl the challenge ol lhe dedicated brawler he whipped lo wln lha llIleGene Fullmer ul West Jordan Utah By THE CANADIAN PRESS FRANK MAIIOVLICH scab lug lead of Toronto Maple Leafs gets temperature kcn by nurse Adele Labus In Toronto hospiul when hel Odds On Tiger To Beat Fullmer nllfla Junk WIT FAIII ll II IMHI mm mlan In filmfl llnull HOCKEY RECORD Al IN 15055 03X 115mm II on IMIIJM IM I11 IN IR MGM M17717 113011 an uniflu WI II II II All Imwmrm hequ II lowed uch PM tnnrh and nun uor Hem um Mm In It orunluunn like Uu puML uuon but olhnl not plnud 80ml Quhec mlnnr tum Ih lMlA In lhwmlnr Mlonu uld lhl anln In rlnh Ind lnlnrmod Ilm CMM ll dld not win In pay mnlm mind II mm pulwry mbmlylon lo llochy Innnrln ll dad lhll ho In mm um paid an lhnl nu tlubl Imm will no In unran Irvin mnlnl he plnynflu IHHKHM IUMYIVUOII 11un your Galina uh In An lmmlu um llw tlnh whlch uponm lhm minor 5mm mm In lillmunlon hu nerlvud mm rnllan mm Powr cl Ed mrmlun CAIIA pmidqnl EDMONTON CHJohn leu mnlary the Nu Audra Club mm Hm nnndhm AmnlLur why AIMKIMIMI hu lokl IM crun Iullon It mull my lhu nub mlpllnn In lar lho CMMI mumlm or loer plum rllhll 01de lead bcslolmm mnHlnal 10 on nnl DIlrk1 Jr qu Otlnwn AL II Onluk Junkr Lenmlnnlon Chalhnm lo vmdwr nmdan Klldumr Owtn Sound smmhuu mm Winnipeg sknlmn Regina Jaw 10 Ia haul Town when McGlll ucMnmr Quad Buy Magazine Lose Rights Mlnllohl Jllnlor Brandon WInnlpu Ill Bululcheun Junlm Burma Realm Moose Jaw Veyhum Saskatoon Melville Enlem Lulu Knnxyllla Phllndclphll ll irucmboru Churlolla Jnhnslawn Clmlon 10 lnlcmlllanll Lulu Omaha PorIJlumn Ln Angela San Frgnclsco Panlnnd Edmonlnn Ill do the same as did last lime said Tiger whnhnd no movies Ill walt and see It Fullmtl don havu wme Ihlnl new can meet in an wam disclosed the tx4hamplon expLCled to carry his hand lower and not rush Into the lack As upldly as he did last Klme For was the solid sack ing counter punches from Tiger um spelled dclcnt bem when Slim inlde with cull over Aller wntchlnz movies the first llghl reputedly Fnllmer and Marv Jonson his manager ggvised new stratezy or Ihll ut Imer will be coming an out He wanls he litle back as badly as want In Imp 1t DEVISE STRATEGY 1f wo didnt make soma chan Gene would get bengcn Jonson declined recovering mm Charley home The Eli suffered the injury In National Hockey Mngue game ngaiml Mont real Wedmsduy Hell mlss Wulm Le xue Cnnndlnn Mglo annual curl lnu chlmpiamhips will he run of II Port Arthur March 1821 he Loxlon nnnnunccd Frldny nlghL All lo pmvlntu wlll have znlrlu In Ihu bnnspltl won last yur by lhe Townsend rlnk mm The Townsend dnk has nlrudy htcn elimlnnlcd In brunch nlny lMs Icnmn and will not ha dclcnding Ila line Sirski mnkinz many brilliant ahoi In tho anchor position Imp hi unbeaten record intact Friday night by lnkinx niouzh 75 dccliion from Fred Browns Cobcurg rink Mennwhlle Strai iord had to no an exlrn end to nose nu Pele Fergusons West Hill rink 94L min last rock draw lhol oinmrlhe trick uniy gave Cornwall ll second straight vlc Dry In In Friday mumlng draw whcn he look an 114 var die from Glen Rockal land but then stumbled In hls first dufan In the aIlcmonn In an lI6 loss to Slow Brawn of Guelph Rudy Sleskls North Bay rink and Ihe veteran Slew Slrnliord rink Irom Virginlnlown were perched on the up oi the pn rnde each wilh our 51mlth victories Still in good position lo overhaul either rink In case they inllercd was Cori ling reys Cornwall team with ihrce victories in our mm NORTH BAY lCPiA pair oi northern rinks bath delcrmined enrn the irip in Port Arthur or the Canadian iinais came out oi the recond day action hern Friday as lire nniy nn beaten entries In the Royal C1 naldinn Legionl provincial ii na Northern Rinks Continue Hot Legion Curling Saturdays name In Toronlo against Boston Bruins and may be out or two or three other encounters CF W1re photo SET CUMING DATE Collyl hnvn with rupulallnn or Job Well Inna You wlll be lm 1mm by tho cm taken In landlan your clo hu In hey TI Dllu In INNIDI THIS OFFER ON FILE FEB 28 10DAY SPECIAL OFFER cuANm no SUIT CLEANED AND PRESSED FLU SHIRT LAUNDIRED FOR THE PRICE OF SUIT ALONE IRll PICK UP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 60259 rally Smoke an have final flame Pllun Sunday Nulan lhclr Hnnma our Cuchlr alovnkin and hen lo Golc huri Swzdcn nr lwn ulliblllon amen cnrly In In wcrk Smokies wont lhmuxh light wurkoul Frlduy In prcpnrnlinn or mend mnclinu In Pragun unlnhl azutnsl lho nullunal lflmnTlflll lust lo lho lenm Vcd sday Pcacosh was injured In Train vlclary Thursday nlghl over the Czech national lcnm lcncosh ncorcd our goal In the gum despilo his hnndlgnp Troll Smoke Balers have rc pomd couple new physical complaints In lhnlr exhihlflnn warmup lor next months world hockey championship In sum holm Swedcn to Interview Frf day 1mm Prague Czcrhaslo vnkln the club mld left winger Adolph Inmbcllinl In curryan an am In can and Walt Pcncosh playing with tprulncd knee llgnmenls The windup mulch cum manded grant Interest but Al herlu madu sure there would he no lasbrock wins by jumping to load In the first end Alberta was ha thlrd nnk In history lo lhmuxh the 11 mund roundrobin competition wlthaul loss Saskatchewan rinks have accomplished the leaL lwice bespectacled young man named Wayne Saboe from Ed montons Bonnlc Donn Cum poslte High School hnd laa mgnh uy Inth my 1059 For he tmu history Iwo undelealed rinks met In the final game for Ihe rifle and Al herln wanted to an 114 triumph ll 1Xh sgrplghy TheNAllonIl Hockey Léaguea 1mm race couldnt b3 much Mahler 51 Gordle In Mum wlnA net of the Ar Rm Trvphy the NHLI up polnl collector and um likely ndo In the nick Enhancing his chance the 1ch ml he And he fled GUELPH CPDMidnight ll nally ilruck for the Cinderella Quebec rink Friday night and Alberta brcume the home of the 1963 Canadian schoolboy curling champions The slipper lust didnl Quebecs ll Hammond who had carried his rink lo ulna Wins in succession found on it lakes more than one person to make rink Smoke Eaters Air Complaints Jam pciwmCanndaa Leadlnl with palnls 29 meals 31 nssllla Gordie Howe Delmlta Ilope should ergg rflzhknwlgg AT TWO LOCAIION mere three point separalus the eight players who ghnre thu lop three positionsan amount that camd be considered Just annlhcr evcnings work or any on olhu men Involved ma CANADIAN mm Winning the m1 lo me Alberta Rink Take g¥lpolboy Curl Cup MerefflréePoinis Separates8 ScoréISJ WOOIMOHTIII DOWNTOWN harm Knshuba smiling at Bells psychology quoted But as saying 590 nervuus sion in here You allows me nervousand you have reason be Were going In bomb It wasnt he only psycholug lcnl move Kushubn talked Eb Inc Mishap manager Guelph Mcmnrlal Garden lnlo lurnlng on the furnace Frlday alter In Saboe shy youth llam mond had finally met skip who wouldnt let him pllu up blg ends The Albertans who usually play llghlwelghl draw game turned in the knockout style utter the fifth end to protect their lead Defer the game Kashuhn sent his boys to their hotel room away from spectators and olhtr curlml and oak dram men untuk Kn mm méfkvnue he and his curlm were In confer ence Quebec lead Ross Bells invad lhch wvacy Hammnnd still mnklng key shots but not up In 119 sensu uonnl standard he had dis played earlier tried In vain lo lle It Bu Snbne scared anolhrr four In the mm end to take an lnmrmountahle 94 lead ga led Iu wllh 1N puinls last year but tho Chicago winger took the lraphy on the sllenglh his 50 goal com pared with Bnlhgalea 28 last rock In that first end helped lot said jubilant Skye Kashyhu filbcrl mach Torontos Frank Mnhovllch and Montreal Jenn Bellvenu 58 points and Andy Enthualo ol New York with 57 plum EQOED FOR TROPHY Brackcltd pnlnl behind Howe are Chltago uur lng Bobby Hull who wan the Illa last year ur hls nccond tlmu hls lenmmaleSlnn Mlklln and Boston llnemales Johnny Buoy and Murray Ollver Winn hay 15 mm In playwhllo the at at player In dug runnm hm l9wqr an Nollhhlhwl Como In for mu chnngu or luhrlcnllon and lake homo or your younguler bcnulllul Ill lIo mva ntnllon saving bank lhu aupply hm banks llmlled No ordinary service truck this It features Powormatlc transmission for pushing without jerking or bumping rubberized push bumper to protect your cars chromowork fast offlclont and 12 volt battery booster If your car refuses to go cull Vorn Hoovur for the fastest and finest emergency service at PA 8735 BATTER BOOSTING ONTHESPDT TIRE CHANGING FUSHIND PULLINO EMERGENCY OAS SUPPLY PA sml E7 PA 3135 um um mm on mm rm mill ms nuim mu msuvuv mm Altn lull Tc Ilnurl lawn of halal PA 8735 Barries newest and finest Service Truck 14 MmIleantmmm VERN HOOVER FREE awn GUELPH CWResult In lho Cunndinn schoolboy curling chnmplnnshipx Fflduy TENTH ROUND Alberta Knrlhcrn Ont Mnnilaba Ontario Knshuhn sald rlnk celvcd break when counted luur In he fifth and Snboe snld Kashuba threw spinner which wouldnt InnL The one cut In at lhe inst second In lip Quebec rock nut and leave Saboe lying your Hnmrfiond has supersllllon lhn III curling sucnlcr will puIl him out 01 hole didnt take of Inst nlghl because no evcn lhnl would have helped he laid While thoe was being helped by lellows such as vicesklp Ron Hampton Hammond hnd problems He had been carry ing meload but appeared Fr day night to how under pres sure Hammond loves freezing be hlnd guards xald Kashuba so we couldnt am hlm thus opportunmen mum felt Quebec wnuld hold an edge should the arena temperature be high and lh 150 slaw In ulnar games New York is Montreal and Detroit Chi can ihe Cnnudlen announced an ire Henri Richard probablywill relum to Iha lineup alter daysmn the sideline wllh groin injury mg deienceman JennGuy Talbot whn sulieréd km inlmy Wednesday was givcn nnly 5050 chance of dreaainl Hawkslou hm In jury problem Dcfcncemln Pl mu Pilole sullercd hlhllna Mnhavflnh was Uslnd as an uncerlnln mm Tornntos unmem home tonight analmz Boston Ha suffered charity barge unalnn Momma Wednel any night Anolhur Dodgu Truck From Punch Molar ONTHESPDT TIRE CHANGING PULLINO EMERGENCY 0A5 SUPPLY IMMEDIATE 0NTHESPOT SERVICE knlrg Cull Ill IN 102 010 000 301010 000 301 3100 121 010001 ndirur Alberla Quebec Sash Ontario Canadian Ichoalboy curllng championships final tlandlnxs allcr 11 rounds NB Susk Quthac Nfld PEI BC NJ NM PEI Nova Smu BC Narlhcm Ont Goingrlnm he weekend ac llon Chlcmu lends Ihn sland has with 70 polntl Iollawcd by Tomato with 65 Montreal with 64 and Detroit New York ls mm with 43 Ind Boslnn last with 59 lu he name ankle Pllolo 4r lured Inst November He sat out clan gnmu than Twu amcs Ire on up Sun day nla Duran Is at New York poslgn at Clhlcnzo Inclure of an ankle Thun day night nstVDalmll and will be on an weekcnd at lmL Dr Myron Tremaine the plub phynlclln put Pilate on crutches and ordered hlm nvoldmlqclng weigh on the ll nped ankleh Sask RE Mnnilobn Northcrn Out New Brunswick Omnrlu Newfoundland Alberta Quebec Nnvn Seoul Vern lluovcrl One Stop Scrvlco Include all change luhrlcalInn wnshluu tuneInn mlnor rcpalra Minn Iron ballerina accessories and fully quulltled cxpericncod licensed much Inkx TH ROUND SAVE mommae 001001N027 mmmzlo 2010000l10 MWWJX 12201010108 002030022041 0mm 10005 01022010109 101006010314 410100110210 00101300109 401041001011 0202001102 050 011 001 110 101000100 L0 Pm 10 010 The Argos announced that flu contract will he or lwoAyenr term but they decllncd dis close snlnry terms The ofllclal signing will take place March at pres canlgrencgl PARKER AllGOS AGREE TORONTO cm4mm Ar Knnauts of lhe Elstem Faoumll Commence and newlyncquirod qunrterbnck Parker reached an oral agreement Frl day an contract or me or mer Edmonton Eskimo lonlbnu slur Toronto nblnlned Parker ear lier his wzek by giving the Weslum Foolball Contmnco Eskimos llve player and an undisclosed amount cash Series It Chatth Feb 21 Gan March Cha lham March at On March Ind ll necessary at Cha lhnm March Guelph March at Chalham March ll Bath series are bumtsuven set and wlll be conducted an an ullemallng home game basis Gall however wlll use Gudph Icn slxlh game is neg my The campiclo dalex Series Aal wndsor Feb Woodmck March at Wind sur March at Woodstock March and if necessary at Winds March at Woodmck March at Windsor March 10 GALI CPD The Onllrlo Hockey Assoclnuan Senior scmHInnl playofls will an In vindxor um nxcsdny In lha mlplace Bulldog playinl host la lhlrdmlaca Woodllock Athle ties In Serlu the lallue an Munced Frlday night Slrlu will get under my the allowing night wilh rub ncrvup Chathum Maroon play lnn at home to Call Terriers who finished fourth nunmrxumni mummy ram 195 Senior Playofls Open In Windsor 5L Vlncufl PA M5 HOWEY ELECTRIC putt llh um 01 your eleclrlul pmhlml qulckly nlrly anemicll Take Shocking Chance DONT 3Y4

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