Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1963, p. 5

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fir By mv ll Goheen Fro thodlst Church Peter 38 admonlshos Flu ally he ye all of one mind hav Ing compassion one of anolher love Is hrelhren he pltllul be courteous We need to have love and concern for each other We are Indeed our hmlhcra kccpcrthuse across the street well as those across the sc John 311 lhl ls lhe mc sage that ya heard mm the ho glnnlnx that ye should loveone another John 4le He that dwellth In love dwellelh In God In 1313 the grenlut ese LOVE have can do more to attract draw and cemenl to gather than anymlng else There no cord or cable so strong as slngle thread love Humans mm Be kindly allocgloned one lormuthcr with broth Alove Dove can We are told that there have been cor uin germs lhnt have survlved cold Iem eralnrcs ol aver me you be aw urn But no bacil lus has been discovered that can survive the sunlight So It is no evil can survive the sunllzhz the love God aglnw in the heart man Hnrd feelings can he kllled with klndnass The story ls told at various objects that attempted to con quer plece of Iron The axe declared that he could conquer lt But the more he trled the duller he hlmselt became The raw exclaimed Leave tt lo mat But ln no tlme his teeth were worn down The hammer was qulte conlldent that he could master the plea of Iron But at the very first blow new hls hehdt Flnully the small flnme ot the sald Let me try The rest Ill laughed hlm to learn But he went to work and wrapped hlmsell about the plece ot tron In no ttme It all the place at tron melted and was completely mastered llard ln deed the heart that can re silt the warmth and power at true lave Galatlam am Dear ye ano anotherl burdens and so In ml the law Chrm Our ch lxh brethren lull the story at two brother whose mm lay side by side One night alter culLlng the harvest the one hm lher said an hls wile My bro ther is Ionaly mm Ha ha Dm An Ludo Nlno yearn lit mud to Java let My Io Europa husband Ind an In zuan llvlnl and muld eully wur Eumn In three maths on In will lIlVa In Jn lva Iludled boob an Enghnd Fun Illly And Switzerland lvu attended Irnvel movles and leclum lvc clipped unicch lmm the lnvel Iecllon 01 our mwwuper lvc Iven Ieumod much The mubln In my hunbnnd hu never thown Iny en Ihullnm for travel nlwnyl thauzm wu llllfltfl but mm null he down wan lo lpcnd lhc money Ha hm m1 med WI buy new car In nudor he our lot buy harm 1m ghl our own homeDor jun put It way or our 01 IXL when lhlnk ol lhl yem Ivu dreamed lhln lrip It would In our um vncnllon In 23 yum No my lmlsl lull but maybe llllude would IpoIl my good llmc Id hm la alone Iluu help meElunar ll nr Fl Inon 1mm that your hul an Plln the ulian ullvillu with NI lnltr all In mlnd Ml your own You know hl lulu bet lhml lnyonn AHVI ll hl down Ippreclnlo In donl nun hlm out ol bu at dawn MIX hll 1m all In ulkrlu ynur noodle Ind mtoltunllwhulllm llml Then you can Ilml uv lu or My to lho 011ml CHANGE PLACED Du Ana Ludem mu lure vriud that you named Mlh In lhl Mhldlof an out Nun mllMlI klrl ln Ind pmMNm 1mm Wall Im lhq 0mm In am fly mm und would Indly rhnnu vim wllh metal In ll middle All my Illa Ivl had to an ulmpl lor ovtrybody IANN LANDERS SEEHCH THE WEEK If You Use Your Head You Can Save His Feet Urges Continuation 01 Brotherly Love onus MON wxs unoniwxw MUSICAL fiMMH LILLIAN ROIH lARRY KERT WEEKS MARCH II 23 ROBERT WEIDE MOLLY PICON TIRRV SAUNDERS TOMMY RALL OIEIII rzml FRONT YONUE TORONTO FOX VIII IJIL TM MILK AND HONEY CAN GET IT FOR YOU WHOLESALE neither wife nor children will go out and carry some of my sheave lnlo his field It so happened un he same night the other brother sald him an My brother has wife and chlldren He needs the har vest more than do will carry some of my sheaves Into his field This was dune or several nights In successlnn But one nlght lhe two brothers happened to meet mldwny each with his arms ml sheaves Tradition tells us that on that very spot where the temple was built heenuse It was esteemed to he the place where earth was nearest heaven LET BROTHEHLY LOVE CONTINUE lva nlwuyl had to no to bed early my younger hmthm accused my pnrcntl n1 luvaflusm special vrlvl law In me oldest had let ma younger one have lhelr way because lhey didnt know an filler Imuble when my folks wen away caught the blame bo cnuse should have wnlchod them wlsh could so Mn he family when the oldest ldd zcu lhe privileges ln lhll am My only lhl MILAlso Complllnlnl Traiiic Tickets With Difference Dnr Camplnlnlnn Wnvn hmd rum the oldul the one In the middge and now look at what we younzcst In In my YOUNGEST CHILD ndenx Tho lu Irom lho mop who com plnlncd because he will lhe mlddlu am In tho nmlly made me laugh Then no laughcr 1le than being lha younzcu know bccnuu lhnll where have lhrN older brother Ind an oldnr sister cant ro mcmbcr ever Kclllnl anything lo wcnr lhnt wnl bought brand new Jusl or me My mother nlwx IIIYI um loo K004 to throw away AI can want 11 Even the pnlrhu lunvo pmle It lm only damnIra Icluool luppllel Imokl my Jun nnml ll nnd Ivo Inherited IL The younxul he muun or Ix and mnnd runner lo cl HI gel ml min my my Iwcnun My pum ll umlnlrl My mm In In lhc lmumtnl Go lo llm I10 Wnlk the dust 111 all In Hm erI ha dlrly wmk lhn hnnd medownl And he nKk of he an 11 no lun lxlnl lhu hnhy In Um lam Hy lll All wmklan cl stat Insp Arthur Webslcr said Friday the police and lhe Ouinrlo Motor League are sponsoring Award or courtesy in lrullic Despite lh Issuance ol 1200000 Immc summonses and llckcls last year Ihe nc cidcnk rate continues to climb Insp Webster sald penal ties cnnl 10 It maybe llllle klndness cnIL Palice will be asked In watch for excepllonal ncls of courtesy They will take down lhe name and address of me pedestrian or driver invulved stale the circumstance and report lhe Incident In clllzen committee up by the M0 or League Each manlh the maslvcour mus pcdcslrinn and driver will be treated lo tree dim ncr each Toronla res taurant So will the policeman reporting the winner To avoid upsemmz he Inna com the courtesy llckel will be whllo Normal tram IckA cu are vellow Dar um Aunln my rnd hm prawn lhll not vluwpalul lyul polnl pl vluvt Hm mum 1m Inlcmllng Thlnh lor yaur Mlu TORONTO CF MclroA poilinn Toronto Police will soon begin handing out tunic tickets with difference TORONTO CPIA 29year nld bartendcr who gained the confidence 511 bank lellgn by accompanying them on not lee breaks was sentenced Fri day to nlne months 1311 or passing or bank sllpl whlchnclted lth 656 Mug slrnle at us 11w burn cammerfled that either mmebody In the bank way an accompllce or the teller must hngn been pulp curse okc was ur rusled Dec 27 when the man azcr Canadian Imperial Bunk ol Commerce branch be came suspicious series withdrawal from savings nc count at the bank nation could save up In hall the cost and year In conslmc uun llme by using convened merchant shlps lnstcnd nl sub marines Pnlnrls mlsslla busts Unlle Stale Navy stud les lndlcntel The US ln policy change mnvlng lownrd lha lden ol surlnce ship lnstcnd ol nub lor mnlllvnnllon Mnborne nu clear force at least initially hope In sell the Idea to the NA countries to speed tha creation ol such lone Thu ldl once ilmngly urzed emplaclng Po Iarh mkslles In crulscr hum has In Ila me extenslva cast analyse and vaner blue prints Experts say the studies made about lhrca year ago Illll lll generally valid VEGILEVILLE ANI CF will be tragedy for Cunada ll ollhu the Prolmslva Con urvnllve ur flue Liberal win the April Mun election 50 cial Crud Lender when Thgmpson Id Friday VANCOUVER Pi New eyeglasses cull quadriiu cnia especially designed in up slsi iebaze pilals are being shown at the British Columbia Oplamelric Association conven llun here men who dcveluped lhcm New Westminster BC optometrist Brian Cox and ln Bastedo say tha new glassesproviding our local planes of vtston 1mm clnsu to long rangewilt have Important use In the fields at cngtnecrlnl an Industry gasses now In use by civil nlrllne pflnls permit lhe pilot to see an Intercom dlo panel eight Inches away and then In the ncxl secondby hmhlng through IIflercnl lo cal planeto vhscrve dislnnt objecls lhrough ms cockpit windshield Made Friends The lncom elenm Prlmo Minister Di album lovem mcnl and the Irresponsibllfly ol the Ubun pmy rendered the recent Parllnmcnl abortlvo ha old farm audience Mler Inch display or 1mm manoeuvran and com plete dlmgnrd or ha wellre Cum for he take of party advnmase It would Indeed be lrnxedy or lhll country 11 Infllclcd with Ubenl ov nrnmcnl under Mr Pennon or left nlnln In tho hand ol lho lnepl nflonnllzlnl Comer llvu Thompson Speaks VICTORIA CF Canada was Inflated Frldny yum wnrlunry In llme bl dwarf or he Iman anlly Works Minlller Ch pc In In lhu budch dcbale mld nrllnlnn Inllun la lnln tner la Hm Eumptnn Common Mur kcl 11h her with lwn cholcu She can make another bld or the can uncn more look to Hm Commonwealth and In her vtry do ally and Mend he Unllcd sum Iet Age Specs Ila Aulrili Mi vain Canada allm the walnut hop or urllnln Iallmlrihiciulry danger We mull bu pupmi far Iuch wmlnnnry Defence Chahge Hm mm or In food hm II vunlry or many no pmpln lo Ind 30le hero II VI upncu Hm II plncc or her nyp Alnmlly and juvarnmcng Royal Sanctuary IMPERIAL TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IMNH CAPSULE NEWS WASHINGTON AmNATO 51 BAMBMS nanu unknmnmmmmm Fullcolor MulthllHon 63H Spiel10 nvmlmmimmm unmunvmnmmm Tnivfion mm mmnmifizm mu mm mm Humanummu Mi Hannacum mum LONDON Ont CmMon thnn $400000 muat be spent in Ontario in the next seven years to provide space to 60 000 new university students In Canadian Manning Editors conicrcncg wgsulald Fflday Dr Hall prcsldnnl and vlcewchnnccllor of the Univer ilty Western Ontario said lhe cost In for capilnl construction alonc He expressed concern lhnt lhe publle does not seem to he lully aware of lhe mnlay needed al lhnugh the cost wlll all come nul people llving In the pmv lnce whether from privnle saurce or Inxes Dr all add hat in 12 case or UWO time is $36000000 rxpnnsion designed to pmvlde xludcn places dont think we as young progressive nnllon can do other than provide these Militias Dr Hall sald nowadde that the problem aslsu lcnnrally auras Cam WASHINGTON AP US dlsnrmnmcnl chic Willlnm Fosm lenm or Geneva night and an apparently lorlom Attempt lo bring about an Ensl Wm treaty to outlaw nuclear wing Although the Unkcd Slnlu ol md nnolhcr conccnlon on Ill Lllmd llussln refund hldny to Increase ll cl lwo or hm nnsllu Inspections and broke lm lhmmllou lnlh Tho Unlled Slates hnd bunknd mas In hope or pmurm ln thus lhycowny dluunlon Thus the Mo was It or In expected propugnndn balllu In lhu lull l7nnllun Geneva dh nrmnmenl conlcnncc losler plum la prmnl llm US can lhere Frldny nlxhl he Unllcd 5mm dllckmd It had told lho llmlnnl mlahl alreu In only senn mummy Inxpccllum ynnr pmvldcd lhe llunlnm name la mcnnlnxlul IIIpoo Hun procedural FACEN HOUIHI GOING Emu Um Iluulnnl do In dmul In and II In lhl lul nl us xlrmnn Icu ban only could Inca lmllh Kulnl In nu Somali lwolhlnh Mr and Mn Wllllam Cole ol Tornnlu have wllled lhelr eyes and the eyes of lhelr our chlldren lo the eye bank tho Cnnndlnn Nullonal ln Ont Needs $400 Million For University Space Have Doubts About Halting Nuclear Testing gum mm Alwlhur pan oi the problem FEATURE SHOWN NOW SHOWING FAMILYS EYES WILLED TO LESS FORTUNATE Ihn must be reminich the rcqulred lncense in unlverslly teachers Ontario Ins year had 2550 lullIrma unlversily lend ers but by 1970 6000 more will have lo be Inund The need across Cnnndn would be or H000 unversily leachcrs whu musl come mm our own grndunxe students He said Is lncrcnslngly dlmcult to get unlvcrslly teacher lrom abroad hccnuxe expansion in WILL NEED TEACHERS Earlier Frldny the open lng of the conference press cov max at the Snskulchewan medicare Issue last summer was gillcpgd nnd uplxel Blnkuney Sasknlchnwan hcnllh minister said Saskni chewnn newspapers did nnl measure up in the ncccpicd standard oi the profession in rcporing and lnlerpreilng lhe medicare issue and lhnl lhcy um guilty at dnprncminx lhc coverage and common aihcr Jnurnuisr Scum majority required to rnllty American adherence lo treaty Hubert Humphrny Min nmln nulalnnl Scnnlu Dema crnllc lender and chairman ol lha Scrum dlmmmmcnl lub commlllec hm urvcd notion that In pact ovidng wwcr um cm In dclflusslnn Apcctlonn year c0ud law dil ltully wlnnlnz Sennla npnruvnl number or wnnlan my lhn Irruro would be hlzher lhun at stuuza the mind Mr Cole lrcclnnce photograph cr hopcs the eyes may be used allnr death In give blind person one of the most Frldny nlghl Alnlc lecrclnry llIuk lnld tonlmncc on lnm nallonnl nllnlrl ln Clnclmmll llml Um US conllnuel to pres lnr tell hm lmnly bocnum wo bellovo Illa lho lender nl llw Sole Unlonll ml at Com munlnl ClllnAmoznlxo mm mnn lnlcml wllll lho ml ol In nvoldlnl nuclear holly cnunL flllOW MUCII IMY low 07015000 ncm any plnnlcd In My the Uniltd Sinch Inml 500000 mar urnI than mm IIIIIN Anna Duh PA an ALIMK INHUMMI TODAY Dont nmlmi any gm Ilplv dlmler when yau In lure Wllh our hommwn url link Inuitnu you tumult ploloctlnn without puan lnr wally omlnwln n7qu or lhll vllnl Imfly pMnllm my MALCOMSONS Bmwnridnc public lalions oiiiccr or the Ontario Medical Assaciuliun said that few daily newspapersper hnps five per cent of lhe lwndd dniiicsdid publish inaccurate and biased reports CONSCIOUS 01 NEED wlmam Thomson assistant nencral manager cl lhn Regina LeaderPost sald We were all tImcs con scious the pressing need or exlrn care In be actual ne curate objective and air In lhe presenlnlinn of he slnry To he best of human ahiIin lhlnk we did that kind Job In be best tradition nI newspaper re prrling we slipped up ii was not for lack of desire lo do diner cnliy In three year oi cover ing medicare think uur bat ling average is high have no npoluglcs make or our paper or he shall hut worked so consciunliously lo do good and lhornugh Jobf JONQUHIRII Quc CF Glllcs Grcuuire numinalrd conlvsl Lamolnu riding again at Soclnl Credit says he purly ls hlinilcly against nuclcnr wcnpnus or Canada bccnuse ll wishes to sum lls rlrclors Our chlc has uranuunctd hlmsel In Invnr of nuclear Arms Ihe nnliunal vlccnrcsi den Hm party snld Thursday nlghl but we llrsl Icrve our elnclnn who are nxnlml nrmn mnnl In um province of Quebec Our chlc la nblo lo respch he npinlon MI member and he clctlur There has Dean 11 dillcrnnce ol nplnlon hcluccn I0 oman Suclnl Crcdll Inc on nuclear weapon and um lukvn by Real Cnouellc dwuly lcndcr ma pagly mm pm murmur Mn Cnoucllc when mixed ll hll puny lnmmd ncnufisltlnn nu cl nrynl by Canada lflld llluiireV Nu It 31h 1m nwrr 11 no home Abroad THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE IM 2m Caouette Takes Different Stand fabulous gins in the world Their children are left to righu Kathy Karen Brian and Billy CP Wignphnlol CONVFPENIW locArsfimwtuwaimm TORONN CHThe Onlcria Supreme Court was told Frldav woman who Is suing her hus band or custody of their three children told Mend belure the marriage breukup she had never wanted to bear children Dr Joseph Gendron 09 hours surgeon testified lhn Ehznbelh Mary Maloney said she didnt know why they had murrled Dr 11 hrs humM the husband Junn Pal rlck Malonoy ol suburban Eln bcolc since they were in unls versin together THE BARBIE URDAY JRUAHY Husband Insisls Mental Trealmm The dnclor said he lam luld Mn Mulnney he lhuught Mrs Mooney was not well and ORDER YOUR TICKETS NOW Eimalfion PARRLTORBNfo MAREHHMzam Entirely New Excitineg Different mama ANNUAL CANADIAN muggy SPORTSMENS SHOW rmumun MIAMI nucws smsmom Sunlnl huullhll Aqul Mild fir Illumlualed luluvllllc In And pool fir uvllcad ul flllelnl hluhdtvlni champtonl bullhuklnaly blillllnldlnllfll mm Av upvculaux umadlnn fir hllulau Aqun Mnnlm fiv lolllcldnl Inlmll ml at Andlnl lulmd poodle Ill mm mum mm 1mm lDlIIllIfll mnml mmuamluum mm mml leuunuu Hum Mic mum un Mu lllmwflllm mm In flow Munmth mu Sum 115115an mm minp ud my mum xudnl commnun mm In 5m an 11 1mm uniio to Illldllfl In 154 In mam nun mumy mm mm sumy Inn um mm 15¢ mam nunInh Io Mann Mmlnhl In Mllmu only ml mum25 numb mu mum many CONTI uu uu1l JM Llfl mm FEATURE SHOWN AT I45 5J0 715 MB mm loose again EN and flu median mlml Sport Slim IMINWI ILMOITI DID You fill nffln have tulicn Mrs Molmzuy Snrniu high school leachsr snc hcr sepan bum lulu 1hr mun hc lull her husbund because he inslsled she undcflo Daychialric lreatmcnt lo heal lhcir marilnl differ mns or purse Mrs Malmwy has the chll dunhwc girls and wilh her In Sarnizu Must cupL Ionks aller them while she lcachcs In his caunlcrsuit Mr llo Ianey Is snaking cusmdy of Ihr childrcn Hv told lho courl ha want his wire to return and establish home Inr the chil drcn clnlms she would ralhcr hunur leaching cunlrnct man marrlage qnnlrucL Full Todly II 150 550 um Sundry

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