About 60 loer cent of all lullymnnu lectured oo exported Canada orig lnlte ln Int located in mm There fore lt ls obvloun that Ontario jobseek ers can be dlrectly elded end the en ernl level of rosperlty 1n the prov nee lmpmved by ncreased exports of menu lectured goods However pointed out by Bureau of Munlclpel Research study new provlnclalmunlclpel tax ar rangemean definitely handlcap expan sing of export sales The day mu funcnl ls always Lsad But the days to follow are days of cha lenge as the living seek lo ind my replnclng what they have lost YOUNG FARMERS MAY GET AID London Frau Press In the vertical integrntion battle 0n arios ricuilure Minister lion Stuwart ms tossed his lot wth the inm Jiy arm tho most stable economic unit Ontario lie propose bill which in aid ounï¬ farmers to gain arm gloans 50 at cy with their iathcr may jcontinue to operate successfully MOURNING NO GOOD tOttawa Citizen Britain and the United States and nude it we can discard our present confused leadership must now make new policies New ways must be iound or expanding trade and strengthening the bonds between the democraciesi it 1W1 be much harder with the British sen crvid from Europe but no doubt it can one The mi under examination is the municipal business lax now greatly in fluenced by special Fmvlncial grants that are provided to he municipalitiespa rising costs for has th welfare and qcatlon services The bureaus criticism is that these grants are conditional on reduclon by the municipalities of the mill rates plied against residential pro perty only other words the local busi ness tax which is based on substan tial surcharge on assessed values of com Farmers across the country are engag ed in wide variety of production but one thing they have In common is that they all depend on the soil and the sum The agricultural industry is vast conglomeralion of se araie and distinct types of endeavor ese range from mils and vegetables tobacco and soy beans to all sorts of grains They com prise ihe dairy the beef cattle hog sheep and ullry branches Each is science in lsell each requires special skills and knowledge Therels not only this wlde sco of activity In Canada the lndust dï¬er widely according to location an geogra phy An example is the difference be tween small tobacco farm ln Simcoe County and large wheat farm ln Sas katchewan between cpmpact cattle farm ln Ontario and the tremendous ran chel of Alberta Farm Incomes also vary accordlng to slze locatlon and type of larmlng as Hon Alvin Hamllton Federal llllnlster of Agriculture pointed out recently The Mn Stewart Innlcd lull many family arms were bclng liken ovor by Indus try In Its man to grow process and sell food producu Al any rate his blll Is alum lo provonl roll development industrytowned lnrms young hrmm nnnclllly no not nblo lo Iollow in their Ilhcra Ioolslcps lhe lnrgcr form now ovolvlnx ln Erl dulluro Is mnklng such lonns cssunl 111 Where hallconlury nuo lho Ivnraxu llrm wu nightly over 100 acres and 10 your Ago Wfll nearly 200 acres the prtsunl Ivm leo In Canada la Ip proxlnmlely 00 ncm Mn Slowm lays lhu Ivnrugo ln Onurlo today In 260 Contradictory Policy Adds Municipal Business Taxes Widening Of ICIU nu Wllh lha high coal nuchlnory Ind oqulpmcnl ruwlru cxpnmlcd cnpltnl lo npmlo lha lnruor Imam Yul lhn mlnlnler value In oxpnnslon cut mm In lull om unmu 01m nutn Dllln MIMI Ill lulululy AIM IKNNIHI WM III III ILAIUII at IL mflllllon Mu LNAILII IAIN All WHION will now mul luhmlyllun nu dun anv My all nun Ilnl Ya mu alumni no nu on not hm mum Ill mun hi yumdam mild nm mm Dull m1 nunu yummm Ill 7m lunlnl Ill rm mm 01 um IA mm wkhmh handam Wm 35wa MI ETv um 01 The Barrie Examiner Wlllk Publisher marrié Exath Published by Cmdlus Mummers Limited 16 Blyfleld Street Bmle GumIo OTHER EDITORS VIEWS mum emu swam Gahenl Minuet MTURDAY FEBRUARY 1m 4110 Farm Industry merclal properties now hai to be lev 1qu up higher mlll ailghr It genera assumption notes the bureaus study that industry recovers the cost of municipal businen tax through higher price ion its goods But when manuiaclurer pay business tax based on 160 per cent of the assessed value of his property as has boon the case in Ontario since 1804 and then must fay at higher mlii rate as has recent become the case he may ind his goods pgcgd tight out of the marina manufacturers prove their efficiency and increase their efforts to sell abroad is all to the good But as the bureau states it is contra dictory that pattern of heavier mun iclpal business taxation should be intro duced to tho province when at the same time vigorous efforts are bein made to increase overseas markets an shar en the competitiveness of Ontario in us tries 1961 net income per farm for instance ranged lrom $3412 on the Prairies 1094 in the Mafltlmes These figures ispel any notion that farmeys on the gage age mllng iq wgallh The other fact about the agricultural industry is that more than most de pends on the export markets for Its vit ality and prosperity Many rice of farm products are establishe by the foreign markets rather than the do mest This makes the agriculture most Im pomnl portfolio whether In federal or pmvlnclal governments and also one of the most difficult An economic problem ensuing from this is that while farm prices are subject to the fluctuations at international mar kets prices of many products farmers buy as irom manulncturin industries ï¬rel on basis of protecte homo mur For these reasons farmers am more conscious than most of international af fairs and world economic trends These can affect them in dollars and cents so much being spent in duplication by extending the fathers am into cor Boraie family enterprise rather than aving alher and son running sefnrnie entities iiis bill would fill gap the Federal Farm Credit loans Yet lho pattern dlan arming ls lhn many fewer farmers can grow enough for our poï¬mlallon and our prey on export capact It is hoped Mr Slewarts scheme 11 old In proper sol ecllon of aclive cnerchc youth to re min as next generations arm owner and wlth resources ample or their suc C053 CANADA HAS HEROES Oshawa Times sprlgihiiy debate on the achieve ments of anlci Boone is going on In the United Stntcs and it will probably nitrnct more attention in Canada than would similar argument over let in say Sim on Fraser or Samuel iicarnc almply bo cause nnmcs ilko Daniel Boonu and Dnvey Crockett are much more lnmlllnr to Canadians than name he an Ind llurne would bo cnsy lo Hz lhnl lhoCnn mllnn chnrnclcr does not reed herowar ship bul we do not lhlnk ll would ho lruo lhnro lmvo been nthlellc homo wllncss lho adulation lavlahud on locket Illchurd lrovlnm lmvo tendency to rccognlzo lhclr rexlonal homes parllcu larly ln Eastern Innndn names like own and McGee sllll have nulhorlly ln lha Mnrlllmcn wlxllc Quebec wllh rouon conllnuca Io pny humngc In such great nlmoa Clrllur Ind nmplnln It not so much the Canndhln chur nclnr the Innndlnn lchool nyllom whluh his mum lo Iva roco nltlon lo the ollcn lnnlmllc nc llovemen of men nml women who hnvn conlrlbuled In the biliary of lhl counlr How mmy Ichnnl chlldnn know about loanmu rxcurnlnnx from For Thllrchlll lo Ioppurmlnu on the Arcllc Ornnn or Muckrmlus lrlvcll lhmuuh the Nnrlhwcsl And how mlny luchm Cnnadlnn hlslor have cllI llcnrnon journals Ycl lhu em nick men Worn far mum ronmluhlo Hum lime of none ur Crockcll Thorn In nnullwr rmnn or llm ohxcur My the Canadian pIunccu 11on were nut brawn men and they dld no hnvo lllmry friends In It In their pm IECMI nmny H10 Amprlcnm Boom and EM or example dld my recorded clr llndlnru In Journal and lollnrs bul lmlul ed no IOMIHR fllghln of Imuglnatlon 1on wrola nlmply about whal my 11M and whit they saw Hut 101 us mm nu mlsuku they were of the flu lhal make harm and Wu hlfh lmu we gave them wumer may Ion Joszrn momma nu My husblnd dmnlIIke thc mm or odor oil and dont like vegetable xhortcnhuz do very llule trying but when do usa bacon lreua whlch keep nixIgnited Deu Slr What hmn can mm mm using bacon male hr cooking such as In trying egg qr paulpeg My Ski any bacon drip ppnza 55a dangerous la hcahh Pernonnlly dont llke bacon rule and we donl use ll ll our house but unt any um lldlnlgmu lo haul ljll glve you both nlde ol lhu use no you do as you llke Your ulster mlm mvo lwn lot In mlndl Flnl lln re enlln ol lot can use an cldlly and unTluunl flavor bul lhls opples more to Ilnco presume you would use ll bacon drlpplnz only onto anyway Iherel the mnllcr nl nlurnled III In oppoxed In polyunsaturated and lhu cllecl allll upon to plenty nl questions on hardening 01 mcrlu nle nluruled lmalnly Inlmnl Ms mm to hnvt morn lnllw ence ln rahlul blood choluuol lovelL Ido rum lhcso points do not know why you Ihnuldnl us baton drlpplnu The choleslcml problem could well be Ip plled for example butler Ind nlhur Ihn lrylnl food In hul lcr or lnrd rtmnlns num namlc Ila whlluver lho cholulurol TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dur Mn um Whln Im way mm hum ma In elec tric hot plate but would pram Imnll ellclrlc Iledllm lor my lmulln mdlu ml min Whtrn um buy Mn From mull nu ply Mum Anoflmr Iuflullon or lnvel II II an dlu hl lyvlnul ud needch wh and II ply houau nur Dr Mollm bid hrenlh brth mm my marnln Ind hi Med cury lhlnl muhln mm mm my mnulh Can you lcl mu yhcnt lo do nr whm lo 01 II Iomtlhln won wuh yin win my mm in mlybc xlrmm mm nouhly um Ind Arlch um um Ind Do you mm mm min or Inunllr lulh whlth pumll plnlclru nod lo lupM Illcr Ihlth th decay In common mule In Ill lrlllnx Irouhla pronn n1 lllun Mm mam lmnl mm lllm In your Mmpnpcr now 09nd why Mm palm amm whn rm Nydm mum In In munlclpnlillu Illn Mn ant rml lo nrwl mm wm Ill Inwnm he mm llm 03M than mlmglo wmnl InVMVnBérMln mod Ior munklpnllllu If mu Imy hymen runMa xmuldr bnnl bl loo urlnln lhnl Ihm Moldy making an do Moulh or um lnlullanl our mix 1an Wulum Quun BL Elmuln DnL If Breath Is Bad There Is Reason LETTERS TO EDITOR OH MY ACHING VERTEBBAE ll lhq cllmln renal mouth for Instance can smell so won that no mouth wnxh can overcoma in effects Buldu lush lnlecllnn Ihauld be cleared as man wsslbla l0 lheywant become chronic in your denllsl Ihould show whether either hue or our VII involved Nose and sinus Mccflons cln cause bad breath And 30 canlnlecllnnn ha lhrnll gr lung Pnr Iva an visit to Ipeculm would cover Mlh mu 70 brulh had lhereu mu Find the reason and yen can Ilmmt alwayscun ll TORONTOFran nnblrl 5M cognrrgon nnse Back In Stplember wmle Ibaul ridiculous premium rovlvlnz old mlng charter no lo quillly or racing dim ms obvlously lad la pnllUcnl adorn And It the llme said lhn lLMr Kabul had my mmmun mm ha would put In cud lo ll Now premier rewrll he hu pul In nd to llInd Ip Emnlly hid decided lo do so rloru Seplemher plec wan written COOL CONTROL Th only nm at nevtul win In whlch Mr Rohnm hu Ihown menlly lhl he hll cam mun mm In abundance Lnsl yur In llm lerm ludrr ha Ihawuivlhll he wnl cool under Im nol hr at lzy emotion Men Approachlnl mum In Ihu Name In an un cngullynnl nndlprpgflql yqy Only onto or lwlcl dld nflg tlnlo al In My Thll yur mo ulllld In hll ml at lendr hI hn bun lct Inln ha tmnHu In Iho houu nd hnu Iwn lhmwlnl occulonnl flay nloyl IIII mllleMHMl prncmnl appmnrh Ilnndu nul II unpar MIVV Ml IIII vluwn wllh In em lhul Inhlbll mm mlnlnlru And In ml duck nxlmllllnl mu wmrtmnl MI been wmfll or II wmnl Thu on we um In that ll lovk lhu lrnvlnrh Mm llnn Jnhn Ymmln nuxly III hour 1mm hulllyinl hlmull Iml Mum lhn Immxlllnnbduu In luuhl Illmlt rhmer hml nnw bcgnxlonl Aim Vyvnl Vim1 hm ho mutth vuy Iblc In at Jul 1n hlI opmxl on In Mm llo hII ncvcr hm on of hand emlml NOT AFnAln rim Mrj Mum iam nhuy Ind nlmoly lhnl lu dMnl Ilka hn lyllrm Ind Ill hul Hopped 100 LAIEY ml pmhnhly wnl Mn Dunn helnl no QUEENS PARK Ynu mlhf mm le Mum nl Huh umlrlhlu qunl Ily In Hu prvmlu rum uni him you Bobarts Is 0001 Even Under Fire ly DON OIIEAHN nihly doing Ihe dynamite oh that necessary wllhln parly and his government ulunllun has gone 09 liar Il mnnnx 31ml wlplna Ilule completely ml min lo draw In enllrcly new plclure Ilnd lhe slnlc II loo MK Thl observlr musl Incl llml only annlhcr puny wllh lmh mundnlu Ind rah content can du ll Flnhl lha nod lllhl In hold on rlenul Ill Timothy Jlo rlcmul II in God hen only In lhusc Mm propnrl lhenuclvu or By THE CANADIAN PRESS Feb 1963 Mexican troop under Gen Santa Anna laid lcge Thu Alamo 127 years ago Ioduyln IBMIn the war the lllsslan San Antonio do Vllern Th mlsslnn was held 13 day by an orlginal lurce nl about 150 Texans azalnn some 1000 Mexl cuns led by Wllllam Travls James Bowls and Davy kaetl but were ev entually overcome and slauxhlmd In handW hand smuggle BIBLE THOUGHT msnw Chlnese bombed Formosa then under Wm 59 mnlml Imlch nmnnlo Mm mun Venomolm Ml st Cum and their dmdulur Mn Vlrunln lmmo hm 1m Admin my cum Ihwn mum Red Army we founded In ma Soviet Union TODAY IN HISTORY ADMIRE CARDINAL SPELLMHNS CROSS LONDON Criiicl of lhe young leenngcrl of iodny an the ground that ihey are Irrelponslble so fish nnd have tendency awards delinquency have had their nn war in lhe actlvilie of group 01 mm boy who live In caun nilbuilt apartments in Ihq 5L Johns Wood district of London By their own hard wnrk and vol untaryniiuns they have ran inrmed an old rubbish dump at Swiss Conan min heauliiul playground or ynung laddlen In this task the hayl had the lendenhlp of artist John Wink lcy Auntad by his wife Chris ha rum whn known as In St Johns Wood Adventure Club It made up of boy fled from 12 These boy cleared the land old dehrh includlug Iron hod slends chain and broken belt 123 Thl they accomplished In In ï¬rst week or their lullw cepled task REPORT FROM VILK In the cenlre of the area they hulk agndpp mid mrryunggd it with stepping mini far thi young children who play there READY VOLUNTERS The project mad when the rector at St Peters Church Bel slw Square whlch owns Ihl piece of land asked the boys if they would llkr to luck he Job or cleaning up lhls eyesm urea and turning it into numb thing usclul There was an medlnle rush of volunteers from lhe St Jnhn Wood Adventure Club The boy reported or duty with plckaxes and shovels Dur ing lheir school hulldnys they wnrked sevenhour day slopp LONDON CF lturltanhz prluclpnllty situated northwest ot Bohemia southeast of Lith uania mral population lends ruling dynasty redhalted and romantic vanishod duxtnu First World War No historical reference book parrlen this entry although many people wish one dld Un tortunatey Rurttnnla It prin cesses and gorgeoul palaces are all mercly Iuch llll dreams mud or The country was conceived 70 Ear ago In the mind red young landon lawyer as he stmllpd back from the law courts to his chambcrs Imagination was so tired thnt he lmmcdlalcly out down and dashed the story at The Prixoncr Zendn In less than montht Where Do You Find Ruritania In The Prisoner 0i Zenda ony Hope whose lul name was Anthony Hope Hawk lnl was born 100 years ago Ha was son parochial school leather and distanlly rc lnlcd la Krnnclh Grahame uu lhor nl The Wind In the W11 lawn Helm he produced hll nurl lnninn ndvenlurc story Hope lmd wriuun live mediocre and nowlorgnllcn novels mu huill up minor rcpulallonns Flm Slrncl tunylsl The rlmncr Zendn bmuam hlm tune and lorlunu mnninu lnln lnnumcrnhle cdlllons and winnlnfl comparison win the lunch Alexander DumuL The book hnl been lrnnslnlcd Inln every language lilmcd our llmu and um slunml ugly lrpqpmly NOVELS FORGOTTEN Jpn up Zcndn wllh mm nupm llculmu nlw wrfllcn In monlh and al mm In papqu In um nmncr Bpelhnm 1m Canllnll who mind an mu dmlnl MI vim to Venuneln In mu mm Imam ml Mull lhq mud my by frlqglluiï¬nlrdlnfl Boys Convert Duiï¬ï¬ Into Playground ll Ippmnlly Ind By MclNTYRE 00D In only or lunch nearby holel Their work was given free with no lhoughl oI remuneration wax Job at service to the mmmunily COUNCIL HELPED Their which has been an eyesare or many yum caught Ihaximng innlian ulï¬hn iinmpsleud Bah nugh Caunell Alan paving alone was promptly delivered in the ynung workmen lo build around the aandpil The council has also read In canlrihule $125 Inwar the cost of fencing oil the new playground Steps are beinl luken to provide swings fur the toddler before In sum mu aeasun comes and also have seals where parents can Ill and watch lhe young children ANswaa ro calms Group Captain Hammer lon member the church coun cil and vlcmhairmnn of the Home for Working Buy In Lon clanv mid ms of presentday youth shvuld go and no the superb work done by this group of boys The aim used In be dumping ground or junk Sonn it wlll be quiet uasls when ynung child rcg cgm plpy in safe We are delighted with achievement of lhcsc hays It Is splendid lhnz that they shouid set out to help lhe community in nqightgming dishcg Prnlse 1115 comes lrbm he Countess Lucan one of he launder of the St John Wood But 1h boys are quite un moved by the mbulc being palq to them was immd Inn was their nnly cumment Hopel cwmblnullon royally romance and mixed Identities lrrcslstlbln The Ruriunlan my vels cnlwlne the classic theme of the modem adventure slory and are part the transidun ram he cpisndic Tale of No Cillc and The 39 Slops Hope capped hls success with lwn lecture tours In the United Slate and several olher novels on more serlous subjects Those lnlcr wnrks are consldered lo he hls mus pmlesslnnnl books He was also the uulhnr of serles ol journalistic nrllcles known us The Dolly Dlalogues that were collected In book form and wldely reud They prescnl willy commentary on lhe min mnnnurlsms nl lho late Viclurlunem typical llm ls wish you would read llllle poelry sumnllmes Your lgnnrnnce cramps my NMQI sntlon Hope was knighlcd In 1913 serum In the Knvcrnmenls lnInrmnunn dcparlmnnl during lho wur Life passing quickly And as no mnlnim lnce slnnd nu Imnllcltly HunkMing lllrnuxh lllc misl Some an has Mon party Our slop along the way In kms ur in luznlhunk And uur Mrugulc be gay BROTHEBHOOD mm Al 91 lnllhka Caihov km New Yuri Cnrdmul Spenmln All mum Va nuolna HIM Murman 17 8mm nullvnr Maul AP WImMol Our dlflmcnun are many llmrs we disagree Du lml luvn Alll Mi thlldrcn Each colon man and urned We xcnse as gd ohm Although MU ncwr mcul llnw murh We much other For hnmuinrss mmpjm Wilson