Chief Lands Members Of Auxiliary Paliée EL Johnl NM flborl Oulellnmxr I0 Ihllrmln II bowl hudnn ul lllr and nmrnny lellvl mu Nmfnumlnmll Imlkrmn lumu 01 Numb Frlnllln mum mu Ipnm err at lhp lthlrlphln lul lolln nml Dumper mm lnr Manly yum III hurt ll Ark 21 MndnnJhakp Wollmln nlvr mm Hruuinn Hrlml mm ArmnIInn In Mr Crown Mnr ly nll nl Hu rmxmrrnIInl hnl Imn rnlanrINI In Hm mIlnu Tumnrrnw murnlnl In lIus IIml Ilne Iur nrrllxnlnnry rnumru an III lho 110 mm nIan In Ilnrrlo and CoIIInxwmd nnd nunlhrr In Hm rurnI arc llnm nl 0w rltlInu Ime lmn wrunnng the llu Ihll rlrcllnn llxuo wlll ha In pnlllnn lllvhlunl 11ml II an lnrrruw Hum mm he Inn Jung 1n mlrvllun hum For he cumin rltcllnn lhcrn wlll prulmhly he nlmul 27000 eligible with In lho rldlnu who Ill have lhn oplwumlly In rut their hnllnlll mva lhclr nnmu Ma plum rilhrr an Hm yvrlimlmry vulln llnl whlch nhmlld be My hy Ihu Ian ol ncxl ka or on In mlml nllnu 1m uhlrh will be nndy nller Mnrtll Ll TM wn lhc wnxd mm Ed Crown rhlcl returnan olllcrr or me rldlng ML Crowe Ice ll 111 ll 0mm 51 Harm Polling from lhu hut and clocllon havu hm mud hmughaul lho simtncNorlh rldlnx nnd hue Ihuuld be Im mcdlnloly consullcd In an mum on he nrcllmlnnry mun Hal fr lhu uncnmlng Aprll rlw Inn lly TIII CANADIAN IREM Your Working been cre dit to the city of Barrie YMI Al the lime oi the Beelnn episode you conducted your selves in an admirable way it was with some sense pride that some at us came back mm the scene in the Village of Beelon and saw auxiliary lice wiLh lhe Barrie flash on the shoulder He Also commended them or their work in dlredlng tram the Barrie Winter Carnival CREDIT T0 CITY of SimcoeBame EMO the rah you are playing today Is something that began many years ago Your special role is that or prdiqary citizens Muym Cooke said have been Impressed with what ham mu my pleasure to my pix In ghls ceremony when do see youon polnt duly you do stack up with tha regular mes You can Ice pmud of tha way you are con ducting yoursFlvcs IN SIMCOENORTH Chlcl Tscmmn old the hen lhls Ls one the meetings dq gppregla coming go would like to make few comments on th observations have made during the last week mm mm ammo aux lIlary pollen squad ever at be Mayor Cooke administered the oath oi allegiance to the men who have completed an ex tensive Irnining course In which they did active duty under re gular police ofiicers FIRST EVER Mayor Les Cooke Chic Police Ed Tschlrhart and Slalf Sergeant Mex McGelrlck were on hand In the CountyBuilding last night for the swearing In Emergency Measures 0r ganizaï¬on Auxlllary yo ce Expect 27000 To Cast Ballot DEATHS ED CROWE GETS INTO THE SWING AT RETURNING OFFICE II mum nnma ll ml pm pcrly recorded an the rcllmln ury llnl Ihe nul milling nulctrl Th yMr Hm mlnlnx nlllml Mn wmlnm lllnlon flurrln nml Mr lum nl Colllnxwml 11rlr ul mu wlll Do npened on Murrh 11 nnrl rmuldrr lho hnmrl ol Him who to lhry 311 he rnlrrhl on In lll wm xix rcvlllnn tum Iril ed only 11 It In ll olr Whln lhm hnvo hem dlulrlh ulrd Mn Crown urge avcryune who II voting nxt In mm the In In mnku lure hll ur her mum Inn Man propcrly plncfd Dxl Include mop lpelllnl ol mum and mhlmm When the tnumcrnlnm um In lhclr Ill lhcy wlll all have In he lypcd nu lhnl Mr Crown mm Ila can prcpm the nrcllmlnnry llxl far the Iucnnlil nl every ullnibla wlcr In lho rlvllnl nxbscquent which polling dlyLsim In lho lkllnu am mnvlnced that for the well being and cnnlinued sue cess of lhls gmup we must mntinue In and actively partlcrpnle crenllng as was our nrlglnal lnlenllon an Aux lliary police force that can equal or excel any Pollce group anywhere However we remgnlne the remendous effort and total man hours whlch have been In volved to dale by you and predate that ln many cases We cannm expect man to iundion well who has not had contaut or months or perhqu years with be routine 01 his job hnd we can rest assured the unlfmm In iiseli will not carry him under stress KEEP TRAINING We have when stressed that it L1 absolutely ssentlal to have Auxlllary Police oillcem Iralned the utmost degree If they are to be effecllve when cqilcd upon in emergency In 11 past was M151 Hula dubious about auxiliary pqllgg but now un convinced in spite oi your exceiient record and your wonderiui co apexalien and participadon in all auxiliary police aciivities to slmply siop training and active panicipalion wvuid in very Shot time be reflected in your wor Chin Tachimart warned the men In Auxiliary Police squad has now Ruched point in training and activity where it wauld be quite easy to rest on your inureia You may con Iider you are iuiiy qualified and ma luniger training is re dundani would augzcsi that this is ml the case have been used as pllnt pro ject In the county and you have set an example or ather com munllles to start auxiliary pol lce forces he said Envllled THE CHURCH UNION MOVEMENI IN CANADA will be dollvuod by Dr KllPAIRICK Prlmlpol Emultvn Unlnd Tlmloglnl Cnllwo Monlml Mombm of H1 Geno Public lanad Collier Si United Church School Religion THIS SUNDAY EVENING AT 730 Mumutll Iho mnrcnllnn M1 lmw dclmnml valor the gen rrnl pulvlic in 1mm In nllcnd flunlrmnn or the vcnlnx will In Slnnlry Jnckmm pmsldeM 04 KM nmdnllnn HOME OF MANY Ilrllnlnl mpulnllnn Ilenmy wrmm to ho squnra lulle The total um II H271 mun mflrl llrbcr Smlflu lnmmMnl up mrnlnllvo for 1h Conwrvm 1m hm lndknlnd llml he LI prrnmd lo mm nnolhcr nomlnnllon Mr Smilh luu nuc crxslully drhnded the Aral xlnco um Consewmlm stomh ed lg pomIn W57 The meal wlIl he dclc mch mnwmlon nud will he held Barrio Nnflh Colleglnlv Mxiqning nlu pvm The Hon Mldmcl Stan Min lstor of Labor durlng the 25th Inrllnmont will be In Harrlo 1m Mural address um con vcmlon ho Slmcoc North Pmurcsuiva Conscrvnllvo Lun clnllun In conclusion It wmzld be appreciated by your ofï¬cers and myself If you have any problem in which we may be aslstance that you bring the mailer direcfly to our nltm Hon 1he lollowlng auxiliary police ofï¬cers were sworn In Kellh Bowen Doug Brewster Elmer Crowe Wally De Silva Harald Dougherty Frank Edwards Frad Gnlï¬n Joe Guilfoyle George llnrgreavu Charles Mills Oran Noble George Pos Labor Minister Will Address Area PCs am phased with the con duct And the work you huva done In short met hope other department In SImme County will follow lhts know or one will endorse their ac After careful consultation with your officers and with the regular police it was determin ed that minimum require mcnt at eight hours duty every two montiu was required at each auxiliary police oitlcerl This would xciudc any special duty such as parades and sim ilar activities which you may be called upon te participate in trom time to time in addition to this we would like to have at least one man tth training session of at least two hours duration at whldil we would bring forth special train ing in as many categories as possible such as linger print ing police photography and other related subjects Flnll locluro In SOIIOI activity and perhaps In some cast Imerlered with home Illa We therefore suggest com promise between the two 21 tremes and put forth new promum which we feel wm meet our mlnlmum requlre menu without serioust afledv lug your other acllvmu and Interests hip ï¬rms have punalled other llo wm charged win lmmlr rd arivln by ï¬lly lollm mn nlnMc Slim Hunlcr In lhu Mrly Mun Jun 211 nflrr Mr Mnr vhy hml hit parka cnr nn Dunn nvrnln Imlxtnnl Trnun Allornty Jahn Murphy ml the cvidenm prmnlrd hy mutnhlo Ilunlrr Md mm lhnl ohm Mur phy uhlldml Algm Impair ininL tvnvldiun ol Impnlrcd drlvlng rcmllul 00 llnu lnr Hulxfl Murphy III Harrie In Mnnmrnlol Cam ymmlny Elmer Hub bert Scmumnslcr Four Iho lroop Jim Webb Angus ldh unison Harold Cook and Clifl Curler have 5pm he nigh am on the Nth concessiun about 300 yards In Item lha mad Cold successful church parade was held by Second Allnndnlu hut Sunday and Sconlmasler Hubby rtporlcq good turnout inlrd flnrrln Scmumnslcr Lioyd Cook Only lhlng to re purl from lhl Troop 11 the Inshlon Show held ul he Fellowship Hall Inst nluhl when mull served ten and cook Msé mfmmndale reached new color neckcrchlclx gold In stead ul lhe Tarlnn The lhDW wns rcparltd It be lremcndou success and tin nnclnz or lhn Thlrd Darrin Scam Vurrcn Law or hls ex urslon Cream his summer w11 bu mndo much cnslcrl Now from Associnlcd lrcxs lhmugh Cl ha week complete mshume of the scan mo was 9119de and retargqu church Wade will held Sunday night at seven atSL Gegrgti qgllgm erch duï¬u cKcm Boy Scout IIMUO which Hands In Iron Man hundquurlm Troop Bab Dickson Scoulmnsler All smut of his troop ï¬nallycompleted successfully the First Md Course nflered by the St John Ambul ance Society All but one cnut um Is and that one hasnt given up hope yet We understand hell in agaln lhe beginning of the week lhree scout troop member part icipated in Winicr Carnival act ivities much to the amazement of curious people who wanted tn know what scouting meant how was it done and mnny other pertinent questions LQCAL ACTIVITIES Impaired Charge Leads To Pine Scout Troop across nrrle have held various celebrations purenu nigth open nlghu and meetings In order to give their sponsors and palcm the opporb unity to see the scouts and cubs In opqralipn By TED DEAUDOIN Exnmlner sun Reporter Scout Week officially closes Sunday BadenPowell Sunday Ihe day dedicated to the memory of Lord Baden Powell founder of the By Scout mDVBanL Close combat lighllng tech niques devlsed by lhe 1th cm tury Zulu king Tshaka have been used to train combat mops many nations showed color Tenacity disaster on April 16 1947 when freighter tilled wlth nltrnte exploded In the har bor fragments set oil tank ablaze and buildings were Jar red 15 mill away The ï¬lm showed work In Iden tifying tha dead ylek Wrny Revelle Gubexc Weston Ben Van Der Hayden and John Thompson Following Ihebemnnny Atklnsgn EMp Epordiyatqr SCOUTING AROUND PHILADELPHIA MP ZULUS TAUGIIT 1115M Many Activities In Their Week Aiiision sum Argumenu at council favoring pnrilclpnliun by Aiiisinn in the Ontario Mun icipni Employee Relircmcnt System prevailed over opposi tionvmursday night bylaw authorizing lhe mm to Join the system was given three read ings am adoplcd alter wrangle concerning Ihq syslc merits leu Mr Henllle depuly mvo Ilnlph Hunt hnd rmrvnllnm nlxml rushing lnln mcmhmhlp 1n the pcnalnn plnn Are we doing Ihn rlzhl lhln In ultan nul Ihll plan wllhnut nmnxlllnu nll lho tmplnym lo nrncliclurics will draw pay mcnln based on perctnlnxo flJlltrflVflc hingepaid yum Before taking llm plunue councillor Health want ed lo he sure councll under stood all the and and buls ln lhe pollcy Boll Mayor Mitchell and clerk Lorne Vhilesldu describede 1mm lully ta clear up any doubts hcld by muncll MMN POINTS AH full time pnrmnncnl emA players at tho munlclpnllly would have In Join Pnlko ofï¬cers would get fund on um money Ihcy have already pnld In on their own pcnsion plnn uhtn it merge with ma Iyslcm PUC cmplnym Already cov crcd by Hydro Elulrlc Paw cr Oommlsslnn pcnslon plan would n0 coma under lhu 1y lum Temporary employee him by the own will not be nllglblo lo Joln Canlrniuuona hy the aim lhn nynlrm will run bclwml 200 And SL500 ynur ll NATIONS Samara lï¬c point he made Included OIL5c The MacKcnze statue dupli cnlc will be Installed in June In front of Ottawa new Cana dian Bay Scpul Headquarters The ariglnal statue was given to Philadelphia boys ln 1937 by Its sculptor Dr Tail Mackenzie Canadian aur goon mm and professor at physical education at the Unl versily of Pennsylvania He died In 1938 The gift Washed bronze statue of Boy Scout was made possible by mnlribulinnx mm more than 33000 boys and adult lenders in me dlyl nearly scout units here was presented to the Ca nadian Boy Scout Assoclallon lg the Philadelphia touncll Erl Council Discusses Retirement System Thar approximately 48 of every dollar produced or earned goc5 towards taxes of one form or another 40c considered the danger polnr At 50c you become surv unl of H10 stale or wall on Iho road to com munlsm THE WASAOA Beach Cham ber or Commerce met with some young mph hut nub lo omulate plan to establish ROBERT THOMPSON CHANNEL chnrv MONDAY 545 pm DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT Wmh For CANADIANS DO YOU KNOW nnnl dir cclor ol lhn lnrrln null Dlslrlcl flu Ellnln Donn wlll nllcml lhu convenllon and Mn Vurnn Wilmn mmnry ho Hurrlo Imd DistrHK null Eslnlo llonnl wlll attend Ivmlnnr or mm Irlu Mu Wllnan In Icvernl olhrr pmva would probably be al lcndlnu 1mm Dnrrla bul lhry do nal milu um um honer hm nn way knowing Just who plum lo 50 make sum they want II ha asked chcrnl membm ha Har rle and Dlilrlcl Heal Enlnla Board will Mllml lhrcedny tonvtnllon lhc Onlmlo A54 million Ilml Eslnlo Boards In the Chalan Laurlcr am In 0an poulnnlna March Eventually Mr nonlllns am llclsm melted everyone cl nurm we Ahould jaln Its OK wilh me Couhclilnr um Ollvcr pm dlctcd 11ml any refund la ral lcc ofï¬cers from lhelr prev nus pollcy wouid be subject to in come lux Pmpcrly thn mnn Stanley Noscwnrthy polnlcd out that the plan once Joined ls rclmacllve in Jan wall unlll March lo join It will mean ha ha members will have whey ping premium to pay rlghl Um start For hclr snkc it would be better In pass the by Real Estate Men 01 To Convention Reeve John Darling Iald Mm councll had already canvassed all he employees concerned and found the majorlly anxious In panlcipnle Only lwu people objected We shuuldnt In mlnnrily bar Inelwny in from mr mlnds whlnh can be properly coordinated and npplled to be continuing development of our resort He said the chamber has reallzedlhe lull poeential of youth odzw and he onenA Mme brilliant Ideas emanat With his purpose In wamber members have ï¬hls was announced last night by Gene Langevln presid ent of the Wamga Bench Cham ber of Commerce as he ad dressed gathering 01 young people In the Communin Hull WASAGA BEACH Stall In an unprecedented movc ha youth of northwest Simcae County will play an active Iola In he neverceasing develop ment of Wasaga Beach Area Junior Chamber at Corn merce or the area me tho lcfl MyrfleLynn secretary of Russel Fugue direct Youth Will Be Active In Progress Of Beach mind unan NEW HOME PLANS Wilh Ihi uiinudo of having youth help scniur niiiciais the idea or junior chamber wru originated lie said mi vmuld enable them la dam in their dislrlcl growih give mom in working experience duty will mud in he business world per mii Him in shoulder upon nibiliiic they couldnt nbiain cisewilcrc nnd ihu nrxnuiznllon would also give them lull shnrg oi civic spiritudircdud to lho beneï¬tgt nrd pmmoj Hon ho communitlu ur Low mgnmw PAYMENTS He told lhc young M910 that adults loo oncn ncglcd lis cn lo the youth and am so wrapped up in lheIr own world or problems that may often or gcl youflg people even exist th caninninbixle so much this am Thu patenth ls unflmllcd he nddcd N0 DOWN PAYMENT Mr Lnngovln was quick to add however that such unit was formed in the Beach every meeting would be super vised by nl least two person mm the senior chamber MANY IDEAS They an young Ind their ideas are many but they do have prndlcal experience whlch more limes than not has prcwnlcd mnny worthy Ideal mm developing lnln mmcfllln concrete Average age of Oh prospect ive members between 15 and Thm young people Iva in the areas play In them work In hem and an educated by he an taxpayers Go la my college oday nnd um Io thelr ideas Many of them are bright and spontaneous However Mt Langcvin said In will meet with Ontario Chamber Commm omclals and sound out the matter In the meantime tho Wusnga Beach member are working full II to urganizo the you In the area But they lace some difï¬cul ties One of them being 19 Junior Chamber provincial and national which states um person must be at Inst years old before being consid ered for membership and In innny instances the age mil is imously dccldcd Io organize Junior Chamber 01 Commerce 100 FINANCING 0N OW008T HOMES Difï¬cuan mom ur Sam Pregio dlrecior Gena Langeva pmsldeni Martin Keduke Betty Harrison Sha All mmng tï¬nï¬ï¬lenIImInfumbn hulllll with funny laudmm lmum AI lnw in WYolIhulpkee1l ynymenln low when you no mmv of the Inleflar work youmlt you own lntnmlï¬ hflflhhhl your an home LII muted at pa ulmml The next naming the lumber ol Commerce and an young people has bmn or March Is the lame mam Mr Langcvln has invited my young people Interested In pro mollmz lho Beach and suner lng grog Io nllcnd It hoped by chamber om claLs that um iunlor chamber will be oflicinlly formed And perhaps chartered by April This Irm ï¬rst time youth has been asked to coopenla lhls cxlen by any body adults In ha mom Mr Lame Vin said ml Ihh can be tremendwx sums and Pmlcot that would 1mm our young people We have much to We them and Im sure they can give us many haw ouncopuons nurAmea Over and above all hes worthwhile abkcuves Mr Lam gevin added Someday 11 you will be he leader of this community and will be come member be mflot chnmber After serving with the junlnr chamber they will have found to be Inn pmv lug and learning ground 8mm thlng wo have never ha Mr Lahgevn sald One of the pmJecLs these young peopll have shown tremde hr wrest In Schooneflnwn and the restoration of the sil Operalcd united body Mr Langevin suggested that many new Ideas could be de veloped concerning this town and the Jaycees It ambushed could lend their support $0 many other warthnhlle pmlcda In the mundinz Nonawasaxa Ind Georgian Bay sgmonamown rnn Wrighk Lynn Glasx Mrs Helen GflfluExunkh er Photo Dunlap sf Barth Tnlonlu III IL My am wonw Wm erlL luvxcz All 5M9 liul lull out Ilaom Crunc Ply blur in nnml JOHNSON lCo Trl