By MRS WRIGHT Mrs Suly men the past week with hum 11 Montreal Barbara iiicMimi of New mnrkni visited her parents Mr and Mrs McMiun during the weekend Mr and Mrs Fred Downey and McWaters cl Allision visilnd Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichoi Monday Mr and Mrs Lewis oi iomnlo spam the past week wiih Mrs Lewis parents Mr and Mrs Earl Hymn an nmmp son and Mr and Mrs Thomp snn and daughters ol Barrie were guests at the home ol Mr and Mrs ILc Farrier Sutur dnyA cvcnln in and Mrs mu Nodwell a1 Tumult visited Mr and Mrs Jimmie durrg gha weekend Mrs Gordon Howmn spent lhe past week with her parents Mr and Mrs Thomas Slalford Grantnn Mrs mppage and Susan at Caldwalcr visiled Mrs 1199p Sglgfdny Grenvlle McCague is pal lent in Slevcnsnn Memorial H054 piga inRAlliï¬lon 13m FEHRUARY nl mummy Con nuu nunny Teen nm The Lucy Show nemly mumluu Clmfld cmeu To Tell Thu Trulh Hm Gun wm Tnvul Nul Ilachy Juueun Spam Unllmnea cnc TV Nun Vulhu Nun Spurn anx Un Mul suxnln FEBRUARY Tul huem wm Worm Dmy ma Gullm Cuumry cumdr Mth Adventure or Don Jum ma nd New 2am century Culum urmn lldlrll 51mm To Buvu EFFHHP9 252333232 552 as 3E rushch Ed Sullivan Show CAN Cu moo MuseUp 10 Jim Calzmln Show 1130 lnmom Iml Haul In Qnm CBCTV Nun 1110 Wulher Nun 9P0 aassaaup SSESSSES 1000 ChmUp 10 Jim Calzmln Show 30 Humor HIM Hun man QM 1100 CBCTV Null mo wmm Nun MONDAY FEBRUARY Mo Tu rumn MI Gwd Mama 0er stualo Pulv 1155 Ncwl morn Roma Pope Puly IUNDAVtnnuAnY 28c2 ggau 33333321 um wnum mu rmum spmrum lqun nun HIHIn Jourm Around In World Junior um mun Shun unw rnm mum gelatin lclnpny Imm llud nl My wv KlnI Mm Wllh Much Andy rmmm Show In Km nma 3mm IATURDAY no Wmthn uo mmm Wllnn mm 100 mm mm mm 00 Audrm rrlomunu us Mum 5pm om Amwmnl 5mm MI CTV New Antweflnl Slnlu nun mm 1m 13 um SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Mr and Mrs Knccshaw ol uni In nllnd pm plu plum TELEVISION PROGRAMS cm Mum My um YHERI IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE BEETON DRIVIYOURSILI CARS AND TRUCKS CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI PA 82433 Mm Hawnrd Bughnrsl and Lyla vlsfled Mr and Mn qughurst RanXE 53mm Schmberg vlslled Mr Ind Mrs RDevall anday Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds vlsllcd mauve 1n Chamam and Dam gating llhe wegkpnd Mrs Norvnl Slewm ml In or few days with her daughler and sun In 11w Mrnnd Mrs Blll CIXder Rich mond Hill Herb Llsk is attending due John Deere Convention in Our hep ghls week large number at people 1mm lawn attended the Wlnle Carnlval ln Bunle durlnl lhe weekend By MRS lllEAfl Several realderlls ha village have fallen vlcllma ol the flu bug at presenl Howard Nable Mrs Elmer Priddle Mll Oscar Simpson llrl and Mn Caner are all regypeagn Mr and Mr Eric Fllso have announced the birth of daugh ter the Colllnawnnd huspilal Feb 12 slsler or ery Llnda and Paul Mrs it Elllall andMrs Nichol Hamlou Mnnltoba xa vajnwnlher Sport on munan su vmor Born Show curry Mnon Show on mum cm TV mm 111 wmnu Spam Nun mo saw TUESDAY IEIIRUAEY 1000 Tul rmun 1015 Good Mnmlu nun Smdlo Puly 1M Nun Hm Romper llnom um repay1 Pmy luu Noondu Imam Loo Ma Ph tum lmm 10000 ll unu Ynunl show Tu Thlrty sullen nu Pnpeye rt Rum um xon 1an Cu Perry Muon Inuml mum Counlry uncuan cnc TV leI Wllufll SW1 New Inkva MONDAY nnnuuv no Kiddo no human nun Jun um 1115 1110 145 In no Inn lots um mn Ch na To Tell 1th crv Nm Melm lhul Mum nulon Ilour rUmuM mummy on Kmda Iqqu 83323383 our mm In Confllfl Tum Wall lnqilnl In You Um Im Imnon Hduuy Klddo lrohuor Th LI Null wmnu spam Inward mm mm null ElevMk um ITV NII Mum mm mm llulon our Illdcwl Nnondu RIM Mm ammu um um sun mu Amund Pmndly Gum Lonul Younl Show Thxrly Sculell mu Popey Pam mm mm nu uvm Warm BARRIE TORONTO CREEMORE our noun PM In CnnHlll Chnnel nun mn Pm Amy II Laullnl Yw Lina Em Up Pmlulorl mun1 Kiddo notnon Induwa Inn By mu Mun Tnuln Thu sun at mn crum To Tell 1th crv Nut Melm lhul Mum nmon llour lady have beeansfllnl or he past week ul the hem of their con lnsMr and Mrs Leslie Davld €qu Duxgan entered St Ml chlEll Hosphli last week or renlmenlsulg his legs anxrnlulanns Mrs Sarah ann who will celebrate her 100th birthday on Feb 19 hugging hymn ln2olynmood Mr and Mrs Bah Mlckay and chlldren ol Harflxlon were vls an last week with Mr Mm kaya parents Mr and Mrs Mill Carter Those present or ha birthday pmy were Mr Clrmlhm two mm and wn duuzhlerl Harold Toronto Donald Om mnre Miss Jess Carmlhm ol NEW YORK AP Invin llons and comments that can lead to disaster lho communily you Ire nna ol select law we are ex tending this unusual oppnr lunlly lo or llmlled ume Vcbnm on now get into me spirit ol lhe thing You can lenm lo du lha lwlsl at any we You put this out here that on them megswlvel you to Join the rest at us in quiet poker game Friday night Nuthing hit you understand Just show up with few biank chtqucs and bushsl basket topnrry your winning homo Openln loudHume cluhl The rue lhnl drcllrura um tonsldcrnllon la make the conlrncl has HI cornlllry lhnl he delendera ï¬rst mn nldcrallon lo delut the can hack why dont you bring he iamin over our place for Christmas dinner My wile jusl lavas kids Ind lm sure ihudflgcl real kick out oi Louk lhll hand played In Itnm match In lhe llrsl table called club wu nnl hard or Eul lo drducu lhl the Ind was nlnzlelnn So he look lhe luck wllh lhn ICE and played bntk lho Hve which Wul mired STAINS AND PARS So whalilyou do huva your bcsl sport con un Joe nondrip pnnL Here umcd dllmond DI clmr won and led heart lo the clam Em lnnk Ihu nu And played hls lust club but Wul wu hy nnw out ol mm outcome wu lhnl South dealer NorthSoulh vulnerable NORTH 10 ton um gnu M14 910m omoou 4mm DAILY CROSSWORD SKI 9161 0n at lel upwind mu MAM ll NW BunIE lavn1 MNV nummluxn unuuu mm mm It imp huh It MAIw wind mum ownin ll fluulm 1194 um 11 Ward at alum l1 Oommlnfl JIMUIIIW menu 10 In ryl 00mm mm ID 1B flehl II To loam II Inï¬ll lwillh Ammo mum Ilm up as my II 0004 In mm mu Amos WI 31 Indy mu and HM Shinto THE LIGHT TOUCH CONTRACT BRIDGE vau AQ nu Narth Eu Pm Pu bum 10 Thick l1 Anhl ummt II No mm Momma th IWNIIIII Emmion IA Ind Fémous Last Words That Wreak Havoc By JAY BECKER Nomm quL unlll Mmmluln mum um yum In I1 mama runqu in AM In of In munm Dunduf Ind the Imus Mn 11 Smith Freeware By HAL BOYLE uh brush You do LM cell Ingwxll lqlsh lheflwg John Camlhen who um with his dlulhler Mrs Smith and Mr Smith has puma hls Both hlrlhdly The occasion wu marked by lamlly re unkm 311 Smllhuhome The third generallon was re presenud by Bob Lau and his wile and Mls Joyce CarmlhA cu Toronlo M13 Lllllan bolt Brampton John Camalhers Jr and his wileo Crenmnra mun Ian Camflhen the nav gn month old sun Mr and Mrs John Carmthm Jr Cnemore arealgrandson lheguest of honor made In re urglgn quoubgegwgqllon gvem MIL Hunt Echrlchl and sons Tnmntn spent the weekend the home Mr and Mn Jack Klayeml Qarglina St Mn Jlm Dala pailehtnl Womens Coilexe Hospital Tab onto and II reported doing well 50th made luur hearls Ilnca he was able lo dlspose 01 his 3515 nn dumny lubs the second tame East found hello llne Vol delensco blddlng Ind opening load were lhe same as at he um table But when East look hu ace clubs ho dld no £mpul alvcly 09qu club dare Ion to say mi Ins once mm step 03 the gas Jim You can pm thll cu belom we lupin top the hl When was your age always rode wfllhou holdhm on to the hmdle bars Give me thug bikeIll shnw ynul Hey Grace Ius an M5 go In and see how you look In Um Iur cont they hid In the wIndow Hut remzm bar Iust because you put onIhal dont mum 1m bu Inl II He ran zed that ciuh rcium at lhls poinl would nimosi sure iy lead in only three irick or Ihc deicnse Decinrcr was mark ed by lho bidding with the ace oi spades and Ice oi diamondi jail as the Kinny hearts Dec nrcr was llkcwlse sure to have liva hurls He could am very well have slx slnce ha had lullrd Io rtbld lho sull over lwo clubs nor could he have lonr slncu he would very lllxcly have bld lhm nalrump um lhm hurl ln prtlcrence to our hum wllh only lour can lull Lets go outside and seth this man to man 50 lrlck lwo Eu led mule South hld no chulto but In llnuse and Wes won with lha king Wcsl relumcd upnde Declmr look In dummy with In queen Ind led ha clnhl cl hcnru you mlly want me to be rank about what think about your this at the hm Hy Mabel let me begin by laying Ihat Aller all you cant fly on one wing Albert nld buddy buddy And the manlnla here are the mildes Hm Mlke hold mum and dont look so worrlcd Hes wearing double diaper Buy nowply lulu bul rubbed lha Ind led lha In clnhl which West nnflcd Wnl returned Ipnda which East mflcd Thls wm the end Iho hand Ilzhl hut EnxlWul by now Md 1le lrlrkn lo Ihow or their mom mloun no not so concord boqu up numul Annmun 0n Maudu Anolher maul um wanted by Mr neck am luckV nun luv anun unm OTEE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY 96 0715 wildIA mm om wr Mug Twin smr THE mm seams KNEW em mmev woum NUMILIAT aoIN ICE SKATN mMomzow VV siï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©ggzofl