Finn Ha HUIon II twin who munl mm mm uml In mm lhe llawh VI mt Wm Nut Winn lilo nml llohhy Hull Chl zu 10 III Juan ellvmu Monk lhulw Jnrvum llnnlr Moul Nul mm mm Hull Chlcmm lmllllrll Han mm Dy lmll mluulu ls llnl mm lolnhx unllr null Drlluil InIn Frank Mnlunlkh Tur nnlo nml llahhy Hull TM mmmm muff UHFIi yxm loll New Iklrnyl Hull UIICIIE Mlhflll Tlxlrnun llucyk Hudnn Olmr lloxlnn Mnhnllrll Tmnmn Drllrcnu Mnnlrrul Nu bucolan Hm NIIM Mo and mayor lo Hum 10 ill nnwn Mm Tumnlnn wk Mnhuvllrll Mhu lull lulal of mlnll IlvlllHl un Iluhlpy Hull unué Min 29 nhln lur 10 ml my mm lwuxnuln nnd 1m nlllnl Hmnulny mum muwd up Inhlnd hlm Mung ulxh Mlkllll and Hmlunl lulm llu ryk mu Murray lhcr All hm 51v pnhvll Hm lml Mn prrv luxmmme um mmhmhmni hy lhul Rlm Miklm ulm scum lllm ml and ya me msiM Thkmzn Nlll Delmil 53 but lhmo pkka up Jml rnouuh painl nmve nlmul rmk ur rmnpnmlhu you we now Ill nr xuwml By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cardir Huuc has won around long time nnd hvx sllll slmw In the younndmlmw It would be llï¬ni Dclmfla magnificent nnhluinn vlrrnn look am he Nalnnal llnckry Lznuun wiring hudvrnmp Thumluy MI goal nml nne The scoring nulpul by me we ks lwislnd he NIILI Ind ml rate into nor knot in anly lwa polnls summing the Ion sewn players Gordie Howe scand onLI Dclrnill goalsVal anlpync and Andre Prnnovast ndded he olhnrs nml plckcd up nu nsflsl in lake lhn land with so poinls Including 29 goals CILOSIIIX PURSUED But in players nrr snapping nl Homes heels Hull who Howe Shows How Its Done Mlkun Ihu ccnlre 1mm Chl cagn conch Rudy Pilaus calls the dynamo that keeps the Hawks churnlng scored lhrce goals and ussismd on nnnmcr Hull scum miceIII Milk and lfllh in the last 17 numesxmd also had nu nssisl And Hull Mckud nul 42 5th he must saves hes made In game Ihis Im lindmx Mikila and flu With some srang support from goallondcr Glam IInI ganged up on lhe Red Vxngs at Dulrnit last night and led me lirslplacc Hawks la 54 viclnry in Hm lane game played The win gave Chicago 70 palms ï¬ve more lhnn Um secondplaco Tornnla Maple Leafs who lead Mont real Cnnudiuns by mini Dc lr fourth mm 55 NHL LEADERS fly RON ANDREWS Cnllndlnn Pres SL1 erlcr Chicago Black Hwks Na Ilnnal Hockey League apposition is ï¬nding nut it can stop Slnu Nikita or Bobby Hull some of lhe time but it cant slop bulb of hum all the ï¬rm Chicago Scoring Aces Gang Up On Detroit NHL STARS DETROIT RED WINGS mch Hank Basscn goes In on the co co lute to make against tho Chicugn NI Suum Mchlnxlcn 10mm Hm null wllh Mull double 255 um Mull 11mm 12 Fur llm Imyl ll wnl urru annn 313 mm Krnuwlrw Ian 10ml Fllfmll Lcnlul Munxllnllz Ilrk HIIIU Zlfllllu Cullen 79 Don my nqu Ilnzrl Null Ivvwlng Iinlhnl lnll lnl uy llum Laymck WM lop tmrrr will r55 21111 Arhlillonnl hluh mm Mml In Law Thom mm nml th lmycmk nanln wllh 72 Krmpvlrw Junior Leanne Slnndlngn Filmlone 1th llmtly llnpryl Smuuulrpuu 21 You llonu hmly Guunl 17 ROLLS 8i SIMPSON Man Lonnnx had Irl5 high Ilnnle Imd lrlnlc will UM Hxile Hoy Hymn led Iho boy with H7 and mum Huth had 226 single Krmpvlew Teenage lulu Slnndlnu Uncnlchnblts m4 Sharks Unlucky Fun 70 Cmvcllu Whiz Hung 57 Alloy Call an go Include Sunrsc Fllahl Juy Fax nmnzu nvr Prrm Tin god Naomi MIAMI Fm IAPDIUIIMI has been zlccluml am of he WOWadded Vldcncr Handl cnn and the probable starting ï¬eld for Saturdays Uvmllo feature now IO Wklh Illdnn out Kclsn htcamo Ihe hamy curly lnvorfle at lo The entry mu Purple nmllKlImnrny is In Ruin yum Cash mm grahhcd he Md 1415 he ï¬rst pvrind Just 10 seconds Her Chicagos Blll Hay lmd hccn sent to the pen ally hux llul loss Dian two minutes lalcr the Hawk were ahead an gun by Nikita und Hull Dclmils Larry Jol Ircy was Wing pnnally on Hulls gonl GETS TWU Mom Miklla rer curly In the mom pcriod and utter Pronmnsls 501 75 seconds Ridan Declared Out Battle Until as 5th game De Imil had held Mikflu only one ï¬nal In 10 game And In he four wins nnd Inne H12 Wings have ugninsl Chlcagu his season neither Hun not Mikitn had scrier goal Cnnvcrscly Hull Inns scored at least once In each ul In four vlclorlns Chic against he Wings Mnlmvlirh um Jenn Eclivcuu My lied rilh 53 moved lnlo lie with Frank Mulluvlich nl Tamnln Maple Leafs or me goals nrlng lead wilh 30 goals Mikiln and H05 lon Bruins Murray Olivcr and Johnny Bncyk each have 59 Black Hawks In ï¬rst period of name at Dctmlt Inst nlghl Chlcngas Stun Mlkfln Jrlzhtl scared against the floured Ens snn H6 and lcammula Bobby It llml lnvw PA um flunk BOWLING njurcd Lem He also nlcked up charley harac in Wednesdayl game and clubvdoclars nre douhlful Um hell be able lo play again Boston Saturday at Toronto or hope In hard bnck acllon Richard missed he last three games beam or puIcrl gr muscles Dcfcnumnn JennGuy Talbot of Canadians has ehnrlcyhorse and bruised rfahl kncn whlch he suffered Wednesday nlnhl at Turonlo when Leafs dcfcnlcd Montreal 21 Club doclar have lisfcd Talbot doubtful starlLr for Ike game Safurdny af Monfrcnl against he fillh plnc New Yark RnngcrL ï¬olh Mnnlrenl and Tamnln have doubllul sinners or lhelr Smurdny nigh gnmgs paint be hlnd the Hawks has two games in hand uvor each the ï¬rst three teams The Wings get chance to mnve up an Muni real and Taronlu lhis weekend when they play twice at Chl caun and New Yark whlle Ca nndlcns and Leah have only une xnmp each Vmgs benched gaullo Hunk Enssen 1n Ihe Inn min ulu play or an extra Iorwnrd but the slrnlcgy backï¬red when Hull drilled puck Into Ihe mpg Raj 1919 lalcr completed his second IhrocAgonl performance of lhe sensun Howe narrowed the maggig mlnule Inter IMPROVE YoliR bl WAIr ran smle Hull raise slick high In leA nu U1 score Echlnd Hull 15 Dclrolt delenceman Mnrcnl Pmnbvnsl Chlcugu won AP ercpholnl III Shippln CompluIjtock of CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION Thundlyl Ruulu Guelph Montreal SI Catharine Paerborouzh Nlunrn FIllA Hamilton Nlngara Full Montreal Pelnrbam Hamilton SL Catharine Guelph Tonlhtl am Catharine Niagara mu By THE CANADIAN PRESS Thlrdwln Pelerbomugh Pele Ian chlnc to gain ground on Hamilton Red Wing Iwhen they blew 42 declxlan to St Cutharlnes Black Hnwkl lln Ontario HackcyAuocIatIon Junlar pl urxduy lnlzht Nluonul Lune Chlcngo 28151416513470 Toronto mo 917315165 Montreal 13 18 130 Delrull L1 19 13 113 150 59 New York 1329 183ml Boston 12 51 15171 235 89 Thundlyl Runll Chicago Delroik Silurdyn Game New York at Monlrcal Boston Taronlo Detroit Chlmzo Sundayl Gmel Detroit at New York Boston at Chicago Dnlnlo Junlor Chlcngo Toronto Montreal Dellall New York Boston rgmmas LOPSIDED awkx drew tight at he penalties but goalie Jlm Hnnon helped kocp the Pctu ram taking advantage Paul Popell led St Calharinu with Iwo goals and Dennis Hull and Ken Hndge Icnred one each Dale Watson and John Vandalburl tallied or the Peles Pelerhomugh ma Pelel oak 10 lead in 111 um pe nod but wilted the Black Hawks came back or palr Inl the second and third for the Al Montreal Rh junlor Cann dlcns stayed ï¬ve points behind the Flyers by whipping last place Guelph Royals 96 Canadian need one Victory new u7 Iecpnd plpce The Pelu with 49 points mnin one point ahead Hamli ion which lost to Ironimnning Niagara Fnlis Fiyer 52 Peter bnrauxh his Iva games left and lhgRjd Wingsihrqe By THE CANADIAN PRESS 7x THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 22 I963 Petes Edged 42 By Hawks Fail To Gain Valuable Ground B0 um HI Uvmnfl Ounllty lmllv HM your Bulldor um Barium Bron Produm 429 BLAKE ST man 60254 4x8 550 4x7 480 lutlvmll Strapping BERTBIIM BROTHERS SPECIALS HNIHIIED MMONITE Iud ABITIBI HOCKEY RECORD 11 AN 2811513511062 1111 9111613157 1915111M11449 3119 5153166 13211014519136 332 61142362 WALLBOARD cm Curry rum flurry DOlTNOW llD 4x8 550 4x7 480 niched Senior Part Axlhur Fur Wllliam Fort Willlnrn 12nd hash th ï¬nal 50 Oluwlvllull Junior Hull Ottawa Pfimrosas Hull wins bestofseven qunr lerIlnal series t1 Smllh Fall wllu bestol Ieven quarterlull mm 42 mimea Mnnllobl Junior Winnipeg Brandon Suhlchewnn Senior Yorklon Saskatoon Monclon aerlu Windsor Haliiux Aerie 21 In Mélro Junlar inmé Toronlo Marlboro outscored Wampum 51 In lhe last period to take an cG wln Metro Toranln Junior Marlboro Brampmn Inlernnlloml Lentil Fm Wayne Muskezon Emma League New Haven Long Islnnd Phlladelphln Greensboro Nova Scull Senlnr N91 61533an 27 Monclnn Wellern Lune Lox Angeles Vancouver Spokane Seattle Bo ge GuelphI scrappy delenceman was ejected mm he game In the second period or protesting Montreal goal too loudly Plnaer grabbed rcl me Bill Rubens by he nrm and apun Mm qrnnnd other marksman or the Ca nadlens wera AndreLagunux Norm Dtnnis Bill Inglis Yvan Canmoyer Bob Lemleux An dre Hnudrlm and Terry Clancy Doug Davidson led Guelph with two goals and Trevor Fahoy Oscar Allen and Len Bazey Inl Ilgd once tack The Canadian spread lhelr Icaran among eight players as they um In Royal dawn to their and Men In 45 games Bah Charleboh netted wo Koala both In Ihe first gerlod Ted ne ave Armstrong non Berton Wayne Mnxncr and Dan Awrcy scored for NI nlzara Fall and delenccman Bob Wall and Tony Gocgnn counled for the Whlfll In Hamilton the Flyera scored four unanswtred goals In the llnt period and than causled to the win with the help outstandlng netmlnding by George paging 112 £53 llalllax lead bestAolvsevcn leaasV bestmfxévon mm 4x8 515 foo More than 65000an huv pnld Llnce last Saturday to we the peele play and Ill figure it expected to nppmnch 100000 when tha Iaurnament endl other games Thursday um produced lhrillera Suull Ste Marie 0112 ï¬nally derealcd Vina Lame Monlrenl sub urb an Gmy Holmu third period gnnl cky Olmstnad twice pul Palerbor ough ahead only to have Marc Clwuinnrd and Michel anerd ere lie the score Laverdierex goal coming with two Pele in he penilly lgvx Today Quebec will have chance go Into the mumw men llnals which will be played Saturday Only 14 Icnm now are left In the campeliuon out the 64 um slnncdl lnal years champions were expecled to wln and Ihe hometown crowd wen wlld when the 12yearold Duclos scored The scene In the Callscum recalled lha days when Jean Deliveau played ore an ldnllglng crowd Young Duclus and 153 team malcs were carrch lo the drasgiqg nym lgy he the same time Falcon mny senda couple dnzcn hands In the Mldland Colllngwaod game pat the back of mu Bulldcrs spurrlng them In wn aver thn Flycrs lnnlght mg our 1mm Mora than 15000 roaring an watched Quebec come rum be hlnd lwlca In Win an Gilles Duclns goal 152 the third qvefllme period QUEBEC CmQuebec dc outed Pelerbarough Thursday night In game that undaubb edly will rank as classic in the annals of the Quebec Inter nallonal peewee hockey unma ment The reasons am not so can luslng Midland lead Barrle by one point In the dog ï¬ght for tho last playoff berth Each club has game to go llld lnnda tonight win or Jimmyl Johnsons greensth would spell linls to Earrlea year MEAFORDTnlk about mix ed emoflansl Bay City Falcons hockey club shuuld be spinning wigh same Falcon play Sunday home ngulnst Menford Miskies It cnuId be Ike most important The boys should be upset upon hearing the rumors Illa Colllngwoad Shlpbullders Geor glnn Bay lnlermcclalc llockey League leaders want Falcon uppenenls In the plnyolfa lhal l5 naturally ll Falcon can make ll It meant too that Shlpbulldcr must be lleve the heals to be the loop palsles Falcons Shoui WET7 Withv MiXed Quebec Victory Banks As Classic Seagrams Star Rated Best Pleasant Htk nmoothor Mimi hottermating and more unuurylng in gonuluoly no wmky populm prluo Mtk In tout nhor tout nftor lonl ngnhmt tho thron loading brnndn In prloo clan Cnnndlnnu liked the mm Bungmma Sun burn ano you tried this grant whisky yol not do no noon Boo If you dont nylon with tho vnnllot of thousand of other Cnnndlnnn nnd mm It bout rmd umlr Ihcnmcul mwvlclun Inllllnl nunm omnlnuun CANADIAN RYE WHIIKY BEAGRAMS FIVE STAR Falcons barely had lime to thaw In the third period when old man Kazarlnn happlng like rabbit made the score 31 And thats how stayed dusplle Innumcrnble good chm However pass that didnt quits go when it shouid have put Barrie back on even terms with but nine seconds left in the middie frame Smith beat lhe Mcniord ticknae and pm ed news the goal to Sioddart Dew cnuidnt get his stick an the rubber and instead he puck hit him on the leg The angle was Just ennugh to beat Gard iicnryi But lateperiod blues annA nod to haunt the Falcnm Ber Ecmn drllled long shot at 1617 that avoided Rich Kaznrlnn gave Mustard the lead for he Hrs lime lnthe gnmn when he drilled screen shot Into the Barrie no wih just 51 seconds remaining the opening strum Rid had made Hume semallona saves meviously but couldnt prevent the inn rebound The second period was just over four minutes old when Smilh tired his 191 mnrkcr oI lhe yearv 1mm llnemales Chris Clarke and Stoddart Clarke playing an cxcopflonal checking game did the spadu work to act he puck to Smith mm Ihc right corner Al Smilh Barries 6p per Iormcr wllh the possible excep llon of Dan Rich In goal and Lew Stoddm were Hm Falcons marksman It was slinging deleat es peclally in view ntJhe act that dclcncemen accnunled tor the hasls goals Chunky unr ry anarian the roIlng slune who refuse to galucr moss scored twice and Frank Ezr Eeron cannéclcd or the olhnr Moatord gnal ND 19 amc ihe team has ever piny ud or could be less Hun an exhibition hc stage wassct wiih all bu one important prop ks nlnhl when Fnlcnns coped th the blustery hlghwnys cauldnl manage the MI Mentard came out on the end 32 counL For qnnluy Erick slant Ind Black work It mom Able prim all SFROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR Fmo Elllmnlel PA 60966 LONDON RemunShrewx bury Town and Shefï¬eld Wed nesdny played to 11 tie Thursday in the third round of the Football Assaclnlion Cup cumpcliliun Thlrd Pnlod Mlskics Kantian MacDonald us N9 penaltles Shou on goah By Bane la uu By Mcnrard 12 929 Falcons Smith Stoddart Clarke Miskles Bergemn Brainard Meek Falcons Stoddan Smith Edward Th gum has merely znfl Thu quezunn Whats ollugwuud 30 do lo lklnr sharps hair or am her go7 Barrie grl Rlch defence Rabarlssn RcIJ Armslroz Inrwards Smith Sloddart Clnrkc Alr Forbea ward Mazride Keasz Buorv man Saw Olllcinls referee Al Pru mnlne or lchmond Hill lim nanu Du Garvey Owen Flril Perlmi Mlskles Kawrlan Wnlmsley Mew 1509 Penalties Angstrom charg lng 1131 Filler high slick Ingl 11131 MacDonald him sticking 1309 Armstrong haldin 1823 Keast trip ping 930 Penaltlés MadDonnld tripping 307 Meek homing 1143 my Madam goal IJenryz dw fence Wheeler ParkerKazar Inn Benheron lérwnrds MacDunald MacDonald Lohsinger Wnlmslcy Mock Abba Filler Hill Brulnnrd TIE THIRDROUND MATCH Aullmrlzed Dnler Far ENBIGN TIUUMPH VANGUARD TR SPORTS CAM ll Elyflcld PA HIS OML AAA NAL 0M Repairs To All Maku HAROLD JORY MOTORS Secnnd Period ROAD SERVICE 1951 lthonnld 1637