Members of the Gae 49 Club me at the home of Mrs Fred Jackson with he presldent Mrs hank Graham presiding report was given on the Mother March of Dlmcs Mrs Graham cxlcndcd hanks In tha canvassers and all who helped to make the canvass success The amount collccled was $5740 Roll call was answered by 21 member with home made gin and sample snme Three visitors were in attendance The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Frank Graham Roll call will be Wnar sgmclhlng green qr pay Annual report time ngeï¬hy the sccrntnnwrcasurer Walla and Press The following highllghls or the year were noted in lhc see man report The your start ed wilh 37 members and ended wilh Members will pmm nllnndnnw are Miss Man For guson Mrs Leo Glhbons Mrs llnrry llartnn Mrs Frank Gn ham and Mrs Jark Hughes During the yean programs included demonstration al handirrnll and ï¬lms of hollday Irips lncludlng mur or Japan and Hawaii PROGRAM lllGIlLIGHTS Sunshmc pins and 610 dross Inns were sent to lhe Canadian Cancer Socivly Tm dclcmus Illcndm Ihe annual near 59 ucly dinner ln Harm Dona lions were math to he March Tiny wires are embedded ln ln the neck and shoulder muscles 01 Patricia Pickard nm wlmmrr Hm Inlnrvnl nu mullrr Mud It Ilyln ur vrlre lnlN Hnlnh Ilm mlnll Jull how much do hp mn Mmm lmnw Almu HH Inlnhu um an rulnwun Whrn mllu mlr nelmlnn ull have lhnl Hu mlly IMnmnl wll mun unlvrrmllenry arm wand Inunrlvlnxl Am roum wen Mlluly ï¬lm polulml nur um prom Int llnlnwonr lnhu on nw luuuly rhan nml lmllvlvlunllly Mrh urnnu And In upmnluz Iprlnl vrr Inm nro nn cxrrpIInnI 11w Arc yuul hmmhul and nlhr won deflul Alup nl nny Irch Mrl II II lmpmllml Io Mil lb nhnrperl manure and her huM In arm hrmll vgllh hulm In arm hrmll lllh lull hulc Inlurmnllnu Mm lambhople ualn nudA In label IM lunlla on mmhmllu will not hep um Mrs Rix Heads Gae 49 Executive WATHIlllHlHlJENT dnlly Erin rnyon In In thaw of mm mm nr arm Ix um or one 1th nl Ms hmulmmn Nwrsl hlu winmnl Mher Ildu WATIlHHIHIJJINT dnlly Iolkl vim Illhrr zrml lIr Erin rnyon In In thaw of HIM tuxIm 0r hi ntdn um um mun nr urmxlxumllnr unu xlrpp Ilnsh mam on ha 1th nl Ms hmuhnmn Nwrsl daisy uidr lho pullh wckrll Mu minmul 19 other uldu um plum high Rainwear Designs To Fit Any Budget NEW HOPE FOR PARAPLEGICS of Dimes and lo the Salvaiion Army Aclivilles for the year ended with Ihe clubs annual banquet and mill evening ELECT OFFICERS The slate at ofï¬cers for the coming year is as follows Past President Mrs Frank Gra ham President Mrs Gordon Rtx VicePresident Mrs Mer vin Ayrcx Secretary Mrs lan Gardiner Treasurer Mrs Jnck Young Woltare lnlh line Mrs Frank Graham lllghwny Miss Mae Ferguson Press Mrs Hurry Horton With the husincss poï¬inn of the evening concluded Mrs Graham turned the meeting over to the mmmiltee in charge Mrs Rixt Mrs Jackson Mrs Webb Mrs Pratt and Mn It Thompson GUEST SPEAKER Mrs Frau imroduccd the speaker Mrs McBride service advisor or the Bell Telephone Barrie area By use of recording equipment Mrs McBrlde demonï¬rmed various voice sounds and pmvidLd members with an opporlunity to hear lhclr ovm voices Mrs McBride slalcd hm person averages 373 words during the inllnl three mlnute period or long distance calL On behalf of the club Mrs Rix thanked the speaker and Mrs Jackson presented her Mlh nilL Rcrrcihmcnu were served at the close of the owning student at the University New Brunswick In Fredericton whlle Arthur Patterson right leu yml undaulnml uhnl yml md Thu lwo hulc lypu rnln MlAM llnllhrl are durnllll Mth null INNIIIIIMMP In lshu Thu durnhlu lag lumnl HI llnllll II oppNMI no ml ll vrnrlrnlu Inln mh Hm mul lhm ndllnlly hflcnmrl nu lnle ml WI In ler Illll ll do my ml lho Mule pm ur than mm nml dumb flnhll Ilmulll main purqu lhmulh nuMm hum dmlnn on um nlhnr lmmL llu mm Illlllrll thh lnm mm HI vflrrllvrnul nllnr on or Inn Ilshlnfl Rn when mmlmmhw lift rd autumn ml hm um ymnn lflllnl Dun Inn Il pm In Inok lnr Inmnuu Mm when rain mwflrnl Ilhr comma II llml mi um mamm lurm II in up In Imp IMnl My promlu van Ihelr hp mpor cm of arm In SINGAPORE Reuters Ecsl selling Malayan nulhnr an Suyin says the economics at daily life are causing young couples in Communist China to tum increasingly toward him lly plannInK New hirlh control program are aimed prlncinnlly younger people because many of their oldors mu resist lam ly nninn With ymlnucr pooplb hnw em it an economic lhing nnd mnny purllculnrly Ihc women want in limu he hm Ihvlr Inmiliu um they nflanl some malarial com Miss Suyln said Mom In Chinn of Chlnesc and Belgian purcnll Min Suyln has made Nrrnl vi In China In rcccul yours Shu rclumrd from her mas ICCtnl Isit lnu lasl yrnr Miss Suyin ulflhor 01 Love is ManySplendoer Thing lold conference ul he interna lional Planned Parenlhnud Fad cralion here acctmanta ul Inm lly planing is increasing slowly but steadily in China princi pally because of H5 popularity wilh younger women Belure 1919 she uddcd there was prncliully no amily plan nlng in China Limilnllons on Erowlh of the populatinnnow estimated ln be more lhnn 700 lmmowcro caused by flood lamina and inlanllcldc According ln nvallahle slnlly llcs Chlnns population ln crcnscd at ralu ol only per cent year lrcm 1350 In 1953 In 1951 and 195 the birlll mlc Increased sharply and by 1956 lhcrc was 156 par cnnl of lhc population under our years nun and 411 per con undu Th1 increase occurrtd as mchcine bpgan In limit Infant morlallly and it also was re sull of he rnlurn or peace In China Miss Suyin said ll hm been estimated she flddld lhnl Hue average mum population lnmasu In Chlnn over he Inst few years has born 24 per ml FEWER DEATHS feeds cleclrlc current alum the wires Observing the re sult nre Prof Barry Thomp sun seated and Dr Lynn Bushow dlrcclor of research Into the use electric cur rch to give paraplegics great er muscular comm CP Pho to llw Lmllrs Auxiliary Hm flnrrlc Kranan Trumpcl nnml held in Irhrnnry mtcllnu nl ho hum of Mrs Douglas Illnxmm Cumllr Ham Family Planning Aids Economics Mrs Grnhnm Innis will In IF dlaxr During In hmmrsl Arnlon rlxmt wow nunpmm MM IMO Shnpprru lnm lhmlop Slml Hull ml Complete Plans For Bake Sale Munh IG Mu ioldml UM bury SI will be hmlun nl he Muruh union wrur rm mu ynu at mumy hmnlm mm mm Kmmrnl rlrnn mlunlly null In plrmvr th hnnldo Hnlh llrrrnl null Iruvnl lln tfll 1ch In my rnumzh la mnh 0H lullan 54le Mer ynu Inlu your mman Um Imhy wumzn fur quirk ulrnlmu I11 llw innnw lumg nn 1hr Ihuurr Ind unH II mmpltl rly lry nml only llvrn ml It Away In Um clnwL II mu lnumlulnu Ivy lmmrmluz II III Milli nl Hrn Ill urwlrll lvrmHnE IIII Imlmr llum glun hy nu mnnulw lum Hill Wampl mullnmu mu AI yum am am an Nun rr mu mm mm mnrvlpunn In ml mrnpuuu rltluluu Ind tqlnma Hum Human In CUSDENS wr Addirfg Two Inches To The Waist Crowds Your Normal Dress Size The humorous quip Thats nlce dress youre crowded mm size up he allusflan cam pactly It also explain why some buxom lasslns have to lake on more than he standard number of pounds In order to wear the next limaller size without slrnlnrg the igams pound between llze Increase in size up the scale The standard dmerenca be tween sizes 10 and 12 110 pound and the same holds true or the smaller sizes In the ju nIor range But In mlssu slze and 14 and womens 5115 32 the slnndard dilemma between 5119 goes up In 12 and 14 And In the lnrzer sizes 16 paunds dmerence the standard KEEP IN THE TRIM Individual figures of mum da not alwnyx contorm In sland nrds Same ï¬gures are belterl But Ms department sees the plumper slde of due plclurarnd ï¬nd many an overwellzht who musl reduce full 20 pounds In order it Into the next smaller slu One lunlor min who took all 27 exceu pound and reduced to normal feltautrngeously unrated when her dress size changed only rum 15 to 13 The trouble was she had been burstan out of slle 15 Onfllhe there are lhlle you can make lllls sallslnclory day an the whole you could also experience name sclbncks ll you are no lacflul wllll other especially wllln elders and superiors It really depends on you Look 01 some good new In the pm FOR THE BIRTHDAY FDPTIOMORIIDW ll lamarrow In your birthday your horoscope for the year ahead whlla not spectacular ls hlghly pleasing There will be many opportunltles for you to advance in your chosen lleld from now until the end of 1565 but they may enmll more dll icull work and more responsi hllillex Take advantage ha 1mm however slnco superlors will be watching your ellorts closely and Illelr rcncllans could materially allch your lulu early In 19613 Evan though your linanclui situation may not be as slahle as you would like at liie mo mam you can look or dell niie uptrend beginning this weak and mnlinuinz lar at lens six months During this same period you can also count on cooperation lrom loved ones and or business associsles who have your lnimsls in hunt llny Juno and July will be good in bolh travel and ro mance also Decembcr Avoid exlruvugunco in April 1nd De cember however chlld born on Ms day wlll be practical and dlscrlmlnnllnx and win hnvc marked powm of pcrcopllon THE STARS SAY The Worlds Finest WATER HEATERS and Iheyre GAS 67 TORONTO ST By IDAJEAN KMN N0 INTERRUPTION IN SUPPLY HEATS WATER TIMES FASTER MODERN GlEAMING BLUE ENAMEL TANK CAPACITY 25 IMP GAllONS NATURAL GA By ESTHELLITA measurement score 8150 standard differ RENT AN AUTOMATIC WATER HEATER ONLY onsumersCï¬as ences in the sizeIosize grad ing have stated he diiierenca flat We Inches between dreu sizes thmugh each control measuremantbust waist air damen and hips But in the middle sizes the measurement difference vary and mostly less than that Here are the differences between sizes 14 and 16 Ihmugll the control maisure mentl Bust inches waist inches abdominal exten sion inches hips inchm you are size and pile on adozen pound and add inches through Kha middle measurements his mny one you into size 18 But It may work both ways and on he brighter side you are 1e and hue those pound and indies you may be able to Iiip into the next unalier Shh The wool of your measura menls is In the of your dress you are crowding nanlcu Inr slza thmugh one measure ment only knowing the stand ard dfllerence give you ynur clue lo the exact ï¬gure aller AUon needed youn no vudy unlng nu llnd nu Ind enemy Will your mum in lppllln your loul thou humlll ldVlMlqfl Ind II or plumban cannulor or Ilop In no tompmy 43 MIN ST SOUTH BARRIENNTARIO MIT1w ANYOF THESE mas SELFHELP BUILT 0N YOUR 0T WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT noedod mnnlhly menu are mfmnaly low and Lhehoma paid or camplucly In Zyam We on Ely mamlulu ï¬xumu services ï¬nlnclnu In uild basic home with the exterior com platcly ï¬nihcd You can am rmm mm and do In much of tho ï¬xhuo lmtallntion Ind intuit ï¬nhhinz yau wish By doing all or put at the Now 100 ï¬nancing in Ivnllnhla Lohnma buyen yIIw helm build it home No down pygmy flï¬ï¬‚oflkmégmy 5103 Yuuflowgmé THE MEI mi ANGER mnnm 5960 YOU STILL CANT BEAT NATURAL GAS THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1961 Mu Sam Smela rained high lights of her trip Ireland the February dinner meellnl the Barrie Soropflmlsl Club The maker we Intmduccd by Mn Vance Mrs Steele used map ol Ireland indicate various pluc nl lnlercst she vlshed wlth her husband dnrlnx their three manth tour Northern 1mm dike Mrs Steele showed color xlldes places historic Ill nmcance pnlndnl out their lo cations on the mm medal interest were slides nl lawns established by Dunes and mum Slemlsh near Baflymena when Palrlck herded InlrnaLl Re lallnz he hlslory St Patrick Mu Strain noted that he hld been human to Irelnnd tom Bdlnlp slgve boy er mile on speaker has slides of company cl 1an nr better known msles man mulching mi 411 open market scene and boy driving donkeydrnwn two whceied cm Relates Highlights Of Trip To Ireland flatLPABMM lift Iand at PAY lESS THAN RENT ï¬mï¬l She also showed hlzhllxhls ol Ihelr lrlp to England Scotland and Switzerland She commenlld an her vlsll In houses Par llumenl and Westminster Ht which ha on remaInlng purl owns uglizlnal ulldIan up SIEeIeivuulihked Mrs Maclnnes TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAH14M MUSIC 10 KEENANS Dunlap PA H294 Chum Grub no mm mu Aummomu Shut M1ll° See Us For All Your Musical Need 131 5712 Viuaxmxsï¬vwaayÂ¥m Coma in and no how IMPERIAL SaltHelp Humu uvn you mannyl ï¬nilhlng In an youml an mono Ind nduco Um manthlypaymnu yo IMPERIAL SellHelp Human are dulgnod for thin PHWEMX 99flhb 94°th In moann comfnmbln incl umInIy hem no may mth duim In extra mu PER MONTH PLEASE YOU Call in or writs or complnle muralure and Inlorv mnunn about lhu ccunomlcal new min Imperial SelchIp Homes THE RAMBLER FINANCING AS EASY A5 ABC ADJUSYABLE IHERMOSTAT REHEAT5 IN AN HOUR Waswww monthly 5132 FINE PRIZE OFFERED LONDON AP 31111 En llsh Dcrb nl Epsom Dawn In une win worlhnbout synmmm the winning horse ihls year more lhan double inst yanrr value With lhc unnmmccrncnl Thursday English horse min circle moved ahead oi ha Irix in the rivalry Io pmduce lha riches derby in tin British hits The Irish who switched their sweepstakes irum Epsom to lhcir awn derby al the cur mh last year paid $110000 th winner inst year Thain iish Derby paid mm WIEEINS FllflS Compm To uuAun nu CWORKMAler AND Auovl ALI Pulcl um unlecuon in nu Inn unnm In sun WI ll nanh No onuuunl oumuuu IIPMRLNO am on nunnun mumma Bnmen Exdnll EIlnler who mike um nu Inn anLv Balm Van any Fun PA 66558 Dnnlop SI PA H368 foxnun