Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1963, p. 3

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ReEféct Kinzie Zone Chairman Dal or lhu open maellng hue In xlilmu um Nomml ml dawn II lcmlnnu CNll llno In March 11 nm In pub Ilc mullni whlrh le hllnl lhq Elmnlp mu Flnl mmcll lo rum IIDHI wllh Hilwny Uh an IM rHlmI MKle wllh hgli ull In Kenneth Standing anthem secretary manner ol um Onl ario Wheat Producera MarkeK lng Board addressed the an nual mceung Simcoe County Wheat Producm Assoclatian he yglerd nun Lihauu iiir Standing was selected by the Minister ol Agriculiura or the ins wu years to go to Britain on trade mission WORLD PllpSPEQIS Yesterday he woke on World Prospects FaxMarketing San Wk Em Mr Standing said iv par can the when growm in Ontario an in Simeon Coufily Ind operation of the Wheat Mar keting Board Slmcoe County elects our commllloemen to thy hmgrd Mr Standing said there is still demand or some wheat but not very much He said An important function of the board is lint ll will always buy wheat REDUCED RATES FARMERS HEAR NEW board was successful In getlmg might rates reduced on arm has mm 60 cent In 55 cents per 100 pounds We lhlnk wenre making some headway with the peoph in Ottawa who study these things but we cant say we are excessively upumlsll the ORILLM sum Willard Klnxlc cxrmaym Blrrle wax maimed Wednesday chnlr mnn of Zone Georgian Bay Dovtlopmcnl Assoclnunn The annual mmlnz was held at tho mrchmcre Howl here sum an lncc nl Colllnwood wn nnmcd vkochnlrmnn and Gme Lung evln Wang Mach dim Tho Zone npprnml In rln tlpln cwopernlivn ndmlling Firm by uhlch All member mun cipnmlc will share he rlnclnu nn mlvcruumnnl In In eudiyu llfianclnl mnlfnlpr The 0n world markets he said ms up pop It Wllllnm arm of Orlllln chairman ul Du Zone lndnslrlnl Cummillcc prescnlcd lhe pm pnuL ll wnl nmcndcd lo allow township capable handling Induslry ln Ihnm 1n the Ichunl STAN WALLACE Ml Wlll Ird Kim and Gene Lange vln dawn thamni at Chnlrmnn Klnzlcl openan mnrka ccnlml nn lho dcvclor men ma Ikllng munm he nrcn Clllng Hunth VnX lay an cxnmplc ho Inld that It only am Ikl Inn In the imrglnn Ilny ma Thu ELMVMJG 15mm lo 011 mrlo WMvr fluourm Cnmmhh lion hnl lurnovl dawn rmuul mm Cmmwrll Cnmlnldlon 30 mnlrnrlnn lnllnlllnfl Iho vlllngo uwrr nynlcm lar morn llmo lo mmle llm July mpy of flu lulllr Imln lhu OWIKC In Hm mnlmttou wnl mu lo munrll annrulay nlzhl lieIdea dcny Inl nn union mnlrnd Ime lho Idler wnnml In mnlrarml unld In pcnullml rMh dny lwymul lhzl rum hm hm ll lam In linhll Hm molrd mmrll Imhed In lnvllaUun hnm IM Illllmrlr body In 5mm Vin lilvurrznry minI 0mm I1anan legluy My gullfrymp Srimcoe County Sixth As Wheat Producer lmvlel Mal mm levy In lhe 5iin Cmmly W4 hlldlfl ll HIM an Irmae MOM av lul nu lhll nilrly nboul um my mmc vlrk In Ibo rmmlclrulliy In ml Ildln mth nlnml unhde llmn Ike munlulrl monlhly mm or Jnmmy Only um mava luck In an um mu ELMVALE COUNCIL BRIEFS France has changed 1mm an Importer son wheat to In ex Ezrter and Germany also has Acnma an exporter ol nun He Iald various cumulus In the world are building flour mllla They allow pallem Flrsl they lmpnn when then gradually My new huh awn wheat and eventually become ex my Mr Standing sald lnqulrlu convince me that we have pos sible soft wheat market in the Mediterranean Following hi address Mr Sandlnx showed color alIdcx whlch showed um compute op eration the Ontarlo When Pmducen Marketing Board from um operatlon on lhe am In lhe mm In Chaunm Harry Farzuson ol Keszck Zone Director saxd We had better year than last year butler quallty of when 01 year although it doesnt seem to be moving too as on he markellfl He and an Board made an eflorl to channel more wheat or feed Ontario so wheat Ver satile and luvorite Inr pas try flour and Iced he said VThe prlca up mmewhut up 15 cent from thu minimum olrl6$laslyenr He uald Simso County Is sixth In marketing wheat In On ario graduationwise It was money spent by skim at am place hnd trcmcndaus Impact on the area Nearly everynno bandits as these places am most of lhclr nuppllc lrom local lmdcspmple Memberahlp ehnlrmun huge vln rrperled that here are Iva new member hI Um rune lhls year with name other fir15pm no ycl declded Zane rec now has almost many member as the other lhreo tones in the mm He proposed that wma method lmplemenllnx Ideas be found without wnlllnx fur the other three lo Ipprnvo II In member worn cnmplnlnlnl about he red tape Georgian Bay Development Assoclnuon Meeting at 0mm As method encournulnx wmo munlclpnlmu to Mn III all mcmbm and non member will bu lent to each place unyqum Mltr rectpHon glvm by the ann at mulla ho drlcznb uuendrd lho nnnunl bnnqucl Mr Klnxln pmldnd And kc luridly an nu mpunslb 1mm llnu lcvlod In January vulllnx Elmvle llul on lhc 1m of plum mrlvlnu rhlru mm MIVIIHOM mum llydm and wnlcr hllll Um nnw In mid be Toronto Duminlnn Hank Clerk llnmld Nuah mm nkll elderly ulhmihcrl who Hm hnrd In clev Um Ilnlu Imdlnl lo lho munlcllml nfllu In In Commun llyfln1 lmllnn mu paan Walnu dny nlghl Mllhflllllnl Ibo Ink la lune hunlnm mum at Mnlhcr mnllnn unrle Hm pmml we rollmlnn nunmom ulrndinx ll mm lor 1m Luumll held um nu nllrr mm lho Dulutln lollru Collrgu Aylmer in Mch lnlke INN Home Elwell or III to mm wroh mum In mum nmk 11v mum III In Junr lImI whrn llw lnurlnl mum hm II ml nlmtln Colmrll HK Ilve rhlef would ll lo cum durlnu wlnlpr whrn NI po llq djlfln can all mm In the ad vluuy mmmlllce In Elm vale Ind 111mm Tun Town Cluh lnr are lorcy Slavmn Your Rind Mum Elmer new IIan Yum Slml Nuvlh lilmvnlv Ktmwlh M0 lulthmn Km MINI Hm Elmull and Danni llnn Queen 5am Elmvale nearly $200000 crap 115 year ME Ferzuson Inld fI feel um the Whch Bond has made con siderable money for tha when rThe board ha doie to 300000 bushels on hand but were flenly time let it mov nz ELECTIONS we Simeon County Wheat Pm ducm Association elated In send thu lollowlng committee men tn the annual mmtlng of the Ontario Wheat Producen Marketing Board In Torontn an March 19 and Orville Hugh es Bradford Roy Warnlca RR Harrie McGuire Sch onlherz purl PurgeHhElmvale The lollowlng dlmlors were elected or 1110 comlng year Dishcl No Orvlllo Hughu and McGulre West Gwll llmbury Allan Hangman Tec umseul Spall Amalg uuncun Dlstrm N0 hnf Tossaronlxo Clm Davis E539 Wgrnjgnulnn DlslrlclNnj Uolyd Pridhnm Sunnldaln Wallace Timmms may District No Earl Parnell and Carl Dornn Tiny F10 and Vcisprqmmshlgs firsEM No Gordon Cald welL 0m Medanle Tay om lla and Malchednsha Elmer Ward was elected Dlr eclnr at Dullerln Counly the re rnxcnlnuvc to lhclr own an to tho Zone Hand an15 guests included the new executive Mayor John Mc Dunnld Reeve Mn Isabel Post Depu Reeve Ben Burncl Ald crmnn Murray Robinson Ind Grnhnm Card Mnynr McDonald mended DMC welcome and Stan an lnco re lied on behalf th nswclnlon Mr Kinzle or Barrle wax electodchnlrmm oi Luna SKI CLASSES END SATURDAY Tomurrow ha last run lnr day or drum or Burrlo Ski Club So It will nko be Duo lust mm Inssoll before lhe an nual chnmplonshlpa be held It Snow anlny March The championship um open lo AH mcmbm Slx Imphlcs an up or grabs In Ihrm dllelom Junlor tins 11 your and unrlm lnlormcdinm 15 yum and undnr and Icnlor 13 year and undch 1iner arm can In hnd Irnm Gnrmrl Sporb Shop nnnle Sporlx nml any nnrrlo Idmnl whlrh bout club mcmherl ALLISTON SlamFour extra teacher will bu needed or llam lng hlumurlnl lllgh School nexl all to Implement the Robam plan or secondary school ed ucallon The Alllslon Dlslrlcl Hlsh School Board reached lhls concluslun alter lengthy dlscqs sion at its mecllng hm Wed ncsday allgmonn ncreasc enm men next fall ls annlhcr factor In the need or the extra teachers In addiflun both boys and glrh accu pntlonal teacher will be needed to stun the lwn occupational slgop In the schools newlyhull section IHE ONTARIO Wheat Pro ducers Maxchm Board held medan yesterday alterv noon at the Slmme Coop olf iw occupational mop are de igned In Each usciui skiii In students not imemied in aca demic subiecu Possibilities or die boysacmpationai shopmr ricuium include the rudiments ol various construction trades and bull training in mechlnim 615 could mug vnrlely whim wulL These range all the way 1mm waitress Banting High To Need More Teachers In Full Soclal Credit constllucncy assuciallon has been urgnnlzcd ogrlhg rljimz Duflcripslnmo llcrb llcppner provlnclnl So clnl Credll orgunlm asslslcd local group mm ha rldlng by outlining urns ml nrgnnlz allon In keep he ussnclallon houllhy and nclive He stressed Iha Incl lhnz Sotlnl Credit has grown on the support 01 people In lhe conslllucncic and mm lore doc nnl dcpcnd on nuan clnl support mm huslncss ur nqlxnllom Socreds Form Bn Association vDuflerinSimcoe Mn Hcppuer showed mm featuring pnrly loader Robert Thompson and reported that scrlc of such lilms will be seen on CKVnTV on Monday 545 pm Olhor menkm um orznw Imionl mccllnz held at lhu Slmud Communlly llnll were Leo Rocnuc Stnyncr Onlnrlo Social Credit Zane Director and Rounr Klrk Thun Hlllx MIL bolh of whom hnvo bun assoclnlcd wnh Soclnl mm mm in In KN MW Lu nu duodenum homm ow to on mumy Fthmlry gm cnpllon In Album nu um am lu ol cumu 04 Henry ern Dr Ion ml and tho Do my an do um ol horn Mr Hnad mu Mur In lnnIlnwn mr pm Sllumlh lthruu nor mm on Man any ru nun as pm mp Muy tnlnmhmml In AlliInn mum lel nun IMmMnl mu In Cummnr DEATHS lralnlng to operating equipment In dry clennlng plank dnlng Industrial saying The stumbling on laclng tho board Involves finding qualified Inskruclon glvo short courses in whalever llnc an considered practical in lhl am sccrclnry Emest mmbcrlnnd pointed out Additional committees joined lhu ranks this meeting and one of them Lhn agricuilnrai committee was immediately put to work its three members George Lisk James Mchguo and Maurice Pnllun will be help ing the agricultural teacher now that he agriculture course is be Ing changed They will advisn him on gelling the right minin mcnl lo ac line must on ol ihe new curriculum ices Hughes Bradlord vicemesl dank of the Slmcoe County When Pmdumrs Asocintlou AD MOVES TWIN TUBS eonVsIIucllon nl lhe hlgh school will likely b9 Hnlshed lhls week tho baud wu Iald Workman Even twin cement inundry uh are sold qulrkly mmugh Examiner Wanlfids Mrs advertised um lub lhl olhcr day She re poru she had quite number 01 culls and mndo thu sale No under so many peoplu use Want Ad ollcn to sell items nn Iongcr needed around the home The mlghly Ins workers an so very Nunnmlcnl To place your Want Ad slm ly hone PA Mm um It cud ndlnkcr will nsslsl you In wording your mes ale Pmm thu leIL Orville are new gathering up lhelrhnls Only small amount of palnllng remalns be done Mr Cumb crkmd said Plans or the schooll uiilciai opening are underway though no dale has bccn sci More ar rangcmcnu an expccicd the bands next meeting hinrth Three new board members who were not appointed in lime i0 nllend the January meeting were here Wednesday my were Georg ka immer mun ty warden who represents lw umscth wanship Viliinm ir win representing Mano ihwn ship and Donald Monkman Cookslown Ken Sknndlnz Gialham man user or the Unurio WPMB and Harry Ferguson New market 2mm director or the OWPMB Examiner Photo Mauricémon um was appointed chnlrman the Inn sportatlon oummlltem Funeral scrvlce Im Teflord Emery 59 of Cnlxhurst who dlcd recently in Penman Gen nml Ilnspnnl was held 11 Knox grcsbylcrlnn Only ursl Mr Emery was born In Craig hurst In March 1903 um son the late ML and Mr Mlllan Emery He lived 1n 03th all his li Ha was an elder of the Km Ernshylcrian Church in enla urst no wairnmica In me lha former Isca um Rev Slane canduckd he km crnl service Inlermcnl was in the Presbyterian Cemetery Pallbearers were Dnvld Sam mm Arlhur Snider Hubert Grenvcs 0min Baldwin Gem rgc Klrlan and John McNull DOW MAKES IT BETTER BETTER MAKE IT D0N TELlORD EMERY OBITUHRY THE HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY than Director ouhe 51mm County nguann or Agriculture has elecmd Len Cumming Oro Sudan la ism hls second year as prem em Tins is the firs 1m In the history of tho organlzauonthat pmsldenl has served wo years ha ha capnclly It brings another first to the 01mman Cymmings Retum To Office Is First For Simcqe County lha sewnd resident of the or ganluilon pm His son Lloyd who manager the Innlsfll Faxmm Crcdik Unlon was president In 1958 and now his son Len who arms In On Township starting hlx sccqnd term presmmtl Alsu turned to officaflfor semnd arm was Galgen 1m of Beelon serving as first vice plesldcm and George Jackson Brudlmd mud vim prgsldenl Secretarydlredor John Hughes announced his reslzm lion to take died when rc Scouts are honored during Scout Week acres Canada him the boys First Edgnr hop and Ill cubs Wednesday night honored their panms at an opun nlghl demnnsmm Squadmn Madel Mid Dls trch Scuulcr sald They hon ored their parch for hum given support to the Group Com mince The Scout and tub put on terrific demonstration at thelr capabilities The scouts gave first aid dem onstrallon They were 50 real islc sum he parents and onlookers sped at what they Squadron Leader Reid said mm one boy was muted in imk like the victim hi simi ing accident and the boys had dun such wnndcriui died my an be commended on their skills Parents Honored By Edgar Scouts Game and gymnastic were lhe order the evenlnl for bnlh smut and cubs padlc ulnrly one nmn called chariot rnclnl Awards wen presented by Group Captain Hockney mm mm cub master or In Otlnw pack to bay for then chlcvcmcnu Becnusu of the Pressure BADGES Cub Haggis ilennixu rmin his Collectors Badge cub Gor don Jcnkln received his wim minz badge First year pin In scouting were awarded In mill Brent Madam and Richard iierd lhm year pin to Dan Eddie and out your pin Peler Reid Don Eddie wu melded with his Wimming in Ind Pclcr Reid with the Wurld Friendship badge and the Bushmanl mu workvnn the am Mr Hughel uld he tell it necessary to llkl thls sleg nle dindm nppohted lhc exemlve to look into the siuw lion and maka commenda Ilon the next bond meeting to be held in March Evaluation of the annull meeting hmughl to light some criticisms but an the whole it was considered in be success iuipmgrqm biscusslnn centred around tho Farm Fomm pmlram to be hey Mlgvh 1h taptc The Run Church creltlnz good dad or Interest throughout the com ly and indications um um number special amp will beset yp that night Eunl poop am particularly Manned in the treat dame um have taken pines snce In first humhe were established and the died th will In on my church mymzallon pmgmn is In oppodun Ity for rural pmpla to discuss this problem and nuke suggest am or possible solutions Group Captain Hockney sald he was exlmmdy proud ywnz Reids advances In mutiny and more an because Peter Raid benn mman as cub In Oth wa under Captain Hoclmeyl legdusldp Scou John Harri nceived his Leaping We harm and Brent Man was promoted to Secund Clan Scout Tho nun pmtnlauon or the evenlng wan to scouunuler mule Dnvld field who re ceivgd m5 Wood Badge or all was over ladle uuxlllnry pmvidcd the parents scouts cnbs And guesu with notice and CEndIecumpflm was held in the mmflon cent ol the slallun Squadron under Wald Id It was success eveninl and everyone enjoyed XL luv the parents Lhu 3pmme to see what their Ildnn were doing and an opportunity or the boys to show afl In from aguuum Rare Inside film will be held Sunday or Second wandh Cub Pack the Burton AvcnnI United hutch Selection the when or the year will be later th ycu lhan lnAprevgous yen Ii spokesmln inr the Canndlu Legion which 5120an the cv cnt 55k today lhu innn an being primed now and llla var lou club will luvs until March 31 in name their cmdldaies The citizen oi me year will therein mi be winded until wmclime in April Citizen Award Later In 1963

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