Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Feb 1963, p. 2

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nmllllm NI aharlnu Tomnlu eteghomulh Innrnl Ttmpoulum IM lunllhl Illh Mural Windr nmml ca rlmullnru Im him nnwllurrlrl nnl gullo col Wlmll wmnrly la Album Il nnml rm glam North llny Smlbum Ihmny wllh law dandy po rlndl any and Sammy no null no cnld Wlndl wulnly In 15 lymnnlu mlunl firm In wlml IIHIIK ls llkely cnnllnun In Oninrln Illflll nmvlcmllon In lam mum ll mud tnday lnnllhl Dung mpluy qunllllm um Ammn Jim Wnlu lkip Illll Hum mg Wnlrl Elm nwmrmn and Unlmwlllo Nomi Tyndall nklp Dob LI wrlr McClmkoy MUM hmuu In elm rlnh quamy or and um All rlnlu guamnhml mum HIM mu omarmvl NNIIINII Ln llumn 005 It yny nylon Vrluh Qunmylnx roumh named Int Intunmy nnd mnlinuod Wod llndnyflm Thu day Making it In umlncr rmphy emu Mrs Darrin orb Shannon skip Fred Norm Julk Unyd Jack Lynn and 0r Hn Slrcrl Iklp Nut ll Vnrley sterling Tmm quallllm yM enlny wm MIMI Eldon Munroe hklp Clary Payne D001 Ballnmky Dun Mum and Midland Don all Iklp ancrxw llnmhlvy In Barber Marty Iri Sh more rlnkx qualiflnd lor final day plny lumormw In he Hurrlo Curling Club weekOM honsplol Six mare to round oul ho UHHHXLL wlll mukn tho undo mmetlme lodny Mn Miscncr oppoled the switch to 1ka meters move which hemld councll was both coslly and unncccssary Just $500 would buy and in stall the lmflic sighs we need to enforce cxlsling bylaws and It 11 capo wilh present tram hq contended gcs um Alli lcna lrnlllc hunknecks Includ cd mnklng Paris Llrccl In one my men so curs couldnt mm from Paris la he mnln Its bad puhllc rcnwns tn crack down on nflcndcn one day than let peoplc on wilh in lracllunl the next Unless man rec for lull Iirml meler palm this is exnclly what would happen OPPOSEB METERS The meters would have to be checked at regular inlervnls every day the storms were open Sn fairness lo the publlc Mr Miscncr Md councillor Mr Jean Pitcher who asked why an txlm utficpr was needed Six More Rinks Reach Finals In Big Spiel If the molars xo in will cost he lnwn $2750 he first year to pay lho salary cl new policemanv buy his unl lorms and pay olhrr lncidenlal expenses lllr lllisennr old council The commluccs sludy verllicd his convlrllan that he present three man police force could no spare the firm needed In patrol the meter regularly he sald ALLISTON Slam Pollen camiuce chalrmnn Frank Mla cner gained extra time from council Thursday night Ia study the proposed lnslallaflnn of park ing mqlcrs ClaimsParking Meters Cost Town Too Much WEATHER POSTMAN McIVOR ANDHIS NEW WORKHORSE MAKE THE ROUNDS 40 cdnlmpnICou dn an En Cm Comml gm Cmmlul mm my cum cm can cm rm Hum mfg min nl N8 igmmn Admin mum mm mm Alumlnlum mm 11 mn mu gm uni igc inm POLICE NEED Even ii council turns down meters population zmwih may lead ta hiring lourlh polica oiiicer wan Mr Miscncr explained to Reeve John Dar ling lin told Mr Darling ihni prounl regulaiiuns cnii ior am policeman ior every 800 pop uiniian Since Ailislnnl pannin iion hu passed the 2900 mark unoihcr man will he necdcd loan It hill 3200 Maybe itll enml tanner becnuxa now He told Mn single trasswnlk on he mnln xixnet landing tn the parklng lnl entrance wouldbe even more dangerous than he present pon gesllnn lhlnk crasswnlks hazards outwclgh it Advantag we hadflmetodoatmfflc survey reconunnndalinn might sure us muncy In the lor2g Mlsener added Weve already had some help from one at their men he laid Our checks have shown there In nnly 31 um regularly parked on the maln street or extended period Im sure most at the owner would park else where even now we pointed out tn Ihem lhat this space should he shared with shappers during business haurs Beinre reaching decision Mr Miscncr hums the police commillee can get proiessionni advice item the Ontario DeparL men of Highway Ihrough irnitlc survey mm no parking area on sodium of Church Ilrcet two hour parking ligns on the main street and no len urn allow ed between our and six pm at he raffle light Intersection on the main street 7le Mnlr Acnv I101 MM Ilnlunm Iumy Mom DowIONII nlw mu Dunn llnud 10mm IlmK Ixr AMI lmmx Mum up Oom now Am of CHORUS EVERYONE WELCOME ADULTS 75c VSTUDENIS 50c SYUDINB WITH ACTIVITY CARD 35¢ Complled by Flynn Bl Dunlap St PM nnnle TODAYS STOCK Pmcns NORTH COLLEGIATE SAT FEB 23 at pm Choral Music Concert Ii wt agt am am nl 90 Enchlnllng Vol Will Do Huld 0mm Ilonmm Llll DUIu IAnll Lutln Amt knew Illdc Mumnu McKuulI IIqu MumI NIIIM mm mm mu AIMIcy Hume on mm my Mln Imp Tnnmo In on In Acrrvl lnllnd Nn mm Nlml Inlr 11mm rm Jar Club Lab Lavy mua Paw In Mun Yul anUlTlllM lllNINO Follnwinz up Inlervlewn cun duclcd reccnlly or applicant or he DDsiliun lawn orcmnn enuncil went lnln committee to disruu qualillcnllam mu hclnz considered far the poal Five men ware Inmvlzwtd at In special council camrnillee matling held Feb The mayor has to attend nl commiuee meelings It was pointed out Thornarm muncil agreed his honorarium should be raised No amount was sug Eulh clerk Lorne Whilcsidu and Mr Darling wnnlud mum cummillee meellngs These would enabln commluce chnlr men glvn more conclsa re ports to the regular council meetings lhereby leading lo more cllldenl use of thn llmo available Dcpuly reeve Ralph llunler suggested paying council for special meetings to save limo at regular meetings some of them drag on near mldnlgm over lhlngs that could be ironed out separately We shnuld can ine lllc rczular mnclinzs to ten eral buslnessr Reeve John Darling said would Invol rm Increase it would encourage people to enter public We hnwewr doubt it would instead It would nnly set precedent and encourage other groups In demand mm mgneyf Council rejected suggestion to ralse stipend paid to coun cillurs or allcndancn at regular mcclings and boost he may ors unnual honorarlum lhe government ls lalkinx of changing the legislation to re qulre one omccr for every 600 in population In Im Ntw mm mm mm Nana rem rmm em lrapman Tune In Aim Irmlm wlnm wnmy Imell unmm Turnom nx Trlnl Im Thu IL rmro llnlnn nu wmu XIV 1th Nayrm um Nn Mn torp Mel rm rum uh Im Hum Cow on I1h fix She xnld HIM mImHnnA nml Amcrlcnm ronlimunlly hrnR nbolll lwlmz Ihl ln Ill nmny Hxlnul like how IluAlnllo lhe nerver club pldum 1m lunl sunlco ululu on thin un llncnl mm muted My Indlnu women whn plnnud twp my looked nflcr Hm nmly In Her commuan Mrs Momma mamd that Hm Six anlonl Group was um llrst lo nlluln Cnnfulmry and pnscnlly the Unllad Nul hm ls flunlyinl lhix cxmnlve ly to determine 1m mmms In Mnd It mcc VICE CLUIIS slu rmmulnlncd hat the lnr dlun lmnu In ulwnyl It by wmmnu mm Innlhrr mluno and in Mun llw uhllu man would Ml like 1011le mm nnulher cullum ldnnmlnl hlm lo llu world IIWIIEM onmy Hut lhc thinkan lrcnd Is 10wa rhnnnlnn and or lhu irsl llme wu Indians ham llnllbmll body Tho Natlonal 1n am Counc She asked ho Jnyccca nml Um clcrxymtn present why nhauld the Indian he made mu sldcshow Canndfl and re fcmd ha Increase of laur lsm ncrou Canada and um up nurgu mnl Indian vlllngu In 0M ev ry lown Clergymcn Ilwnyx and are trying to chango the In dinn Into whal ma nukcd Thom ma mluonccp on of flu Indian on radio and lelevlslon she added which dnlnu harm and no good whatsnerar The Indians were he rim In originate fixnnksgivlng Huey had 111 Inst ix year The States didnt celebran nmnkl until 1360 Mrs Momum referrcd lo the in cxplqrcrs dinrln that spoke being welltreated by Indians and maling hem WE In return What the Banal Incl wax that fishermnn were the nm In touch Canada and they kidnapped the Indians and took hem lo Europe and made slaves out of them Over onevhail oi the Indian population in Canada 200000 are children under 16 she said The material in the textbooks paint very different picture what candition were and are 5m nddeii that lexlbook do nqlgcfcr to his Sha said work conslslcd ol Indlan allalr and relalions across Canada especially help ing to soften the blnw to Indlan children when they enter whim school Normally the weight is be tween 15 and 35 pounds End this makes walking hard and the snap usually bite into In carriers shoulder Mrs Monlure Six Nalions Indian born on the reservation ncnr Brantlord lhe only wo mun member of the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews the national sponsoring body of Brotherhood week SDITENS BLOW But when he relumcd Ihe office yesterday afternoon he Enid he would like In keep it all he tim vlhe can Is an experiment by the Post Office Department In Ottawa to try and alleviate the load he postman has on his shoulders Canadians have pruvcn them selves to be peoplechangers particularly when it com to Cygadinn Indians Th1 was the general theme Mrsr Brant Monlure guest speaker or the Barrie Jayme at their Brotherhood Night meet ing lastnlght THE BARBIE EXAMINEH FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1563 Your Postman Isnt Shopping Hes Just Easing His Load Why Make Indidn The Side Show Speaker Inquires HflT WATER TANK ONLY IIIIIIII IAYFIELD ST BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lnslull Hydro Rental Ilurlnl wu 1n Darrin Ulilon mmrm Yuncrl nrvlu or Kenneth IL Ilulmlmn 50 Win dlml In lloyll Vlrlurl Ilusplml val held at Jcnnell luntnl Chapel Mr Iloburllun ll vim lm wlh he lormcr Mary IA Ihrlh Tummlngx hm Mn Clnlr Iml Amold bod II In gnmlrhlldmn Ind Hum glrnlvurnmkhlldun lar mnny you Mr Rolmrl um wu lnrmcr In the arm vnqr In hh lullrcmrm Funcrl sexfire wu dellvu by Nov HM leave of 1510le Ayrmxo Unllcd Church Tho Indian want shnre In their own planning and they want Hmuldnr heir own Iham of Cnnmllnn responslhllfly aha and WAN rnhur work our pmhlomq out uumlm with guidance bul no wnh an al mude Um ucll be run new men make The Indian luwo lhelr awn lrmhllons 51w sald and should pracllsc nrnclicnl bmm mle in recognizing many radon nhoui Indians Then after the collapse 01 he hridge the Indian came ngaln and lhi time was accepted Ever slncc they have earned lhclr reputation nnd Indians are pwpla he cnnh They snmply acknowledge lhcir lean and live wnh lhem Tho Indiana lnillnllve has always been bottled up she added and said it look or work on he par of many Io even bcgln letting lhe Indian think or hlmsell She said lhnz when the Que hnc Bridge 011 In 1306 no one would work there any more be cause sunnrslilians mm fright Balm when the Indian nskcd or work on the bridge ho was mnlinually Emmi ATKNOLEDGE FEARS Earlier she had asked if any present kncw Ihc hlslory hchlnd the Indian mans rcpulalion as highslccl workcr he controlling lacfor The post ofllce department mlght posslbly he completely equipped by summer but Mr Kerr said llle demand would be Th1 Is quite prevalent file States said Mr Kerr and It is just starting In Can ada Big cities have had lhelrs on an emrimenlal basis or low monuu We have just received ours The can can carry oneand ahall times the ordinary weight and not bear on the postman It is made of an aluminum alloy and has the p051 olflca insignia on both sides ML Mcmr said the can gave hlm pa problems at all and it yvaanrmlch eager wcart around in the snow Elan plnd thrauth It with load on his back MRS MONTURE II llollllflTSON OBITUARY mlul mu umu lnmmndcr Camp nardtn IJNlllmnl Gordy McKay llemlqunrlm Camp Honim cl ed arnnnlur lho meet whim was hnkl In Iho Cnmpl Hurll hullullnu mm pm The presonlalnn lm hm wax mud by United sum IV Cuplnln mecll on behlll Illnuaamlior JMnoxk DE Tho relcrrclng was dana by Srninr emu Glen annno llh Dim Black Bull ham Ihn Judo Educullnnnl Ccnlre Toron la Iprcvlously of Tnkyn Vern Funan errI Dan Black Hell KYU SHIN Judn Club Toronlu and Armin Knmnmnn Inc Dan Black nm from the Hamilton Judp Ccnln McNeil dcfcalcd Durlini wilh vol swnvn Richardson dccnl Cd notcrnll with loll TSUIU KOMI GOSH Inllng pulllng hlp lhrnw Richardson in tho finals Ihrew Mchll WM sptclncular IPPONSEIONAGE one nrm nhouldcr HIme OFFICIALS In the llghlwclgh competition the finnlisu were Sergeant Dill Rlchardson of Camp Dor drns Army Physical Training Centre and Camp Pctawnwa husud Gunner Deccran Cpl McNell and Gnr VV Inlhe finals Metered me ano Mcwcdi was vlclorious wilh 11 wall executed Ihnuldcr Ihraw The llvc member camp Bor den team was composed of our member of the Canadian Pm vast Cams School and Lance Cpl Ralph Ruuan at the Royal Canadian School of Infantry Camp Borden laugh agalnst Camp Pelawnwa Western 0n larin Area london and EM am On Area Kingglun ML other Wm mm Im School team were Team CaplaIn Lance Corporal Mike flake and Private Dan Mlllcr INDIVIDUALS In lndmdual compeulinn the finalists In the heavyweight div ision were Sgt Mercredl Cpl Grafl CvL Hoke Ind Cpl Rullan Hoko donated Rullnn wilh hold down and Mercrcdl threw Gruff with UKEGOSHI ma Jo hlp 1ng Provost Corps Scores Victory In Iudo Meet SCULPTOR WILLIAM Cle menLq puts the finishing chu on Lha bust Barrie Jeweller Golden Been at PA 6656 Gordon nun wu ho model or the evtninz Mr Clement mud lhnl Ihn hm Importn snap of he bud wm lhe cranium whlch II when he mm work uric ol oil colon prlcd on over he plaster then ha wlll ldd layer paw dcrod run and bmwu whlch II polished wlm Illk cloth 1M flnhh zim lhl 1ch ol bnnm or mlrblc thn the hand ll mmpleled ll hen ml In two plem Plast er mum over the ml clay until gnod lwo thu covers ha clny Then when Um plaster ha hnnlmcd he Inn And luck chm of the cast are removed lhuy waned nnd bound to gclhcr hen lurnnd upsidu down and new planter ls uddcd lhmugll Ill neck When lllolnncr planer dry the oulcr plaster ls chipped on carclully and he finished pmdqd emu ml Mn ACIemenLi brought live small piece or sculpture in the assorted media at baked cer amic clay plaster and asbestos No of these were lite site heads of chJIern two small re clining nude and one sensitive fontemporary male and male arm ARMITURE sculptm bezins hll work on an underslzed wire form muzhly the shape the nut Ject This form called an armilure It In mounled on piece of cut on slope The win can he made of alum Inum Iend ylpe It made pliable so thnl It can be used Again and nznln to reshape Some are merely heads Mhm are lull figures and are but part ml Iculptnrfx Nulpmcnl Mr Clanknu menllaned Ihal the sculptors too am becam inz more Ind more difficult to haul The xculptor than models hl clay layer upon layar marking the head and neck whole changing the posilion both modrl and uulpor mm lime to lime lne unlit received early training irom UIB Ontario Col lege An and has studied un der Emmanuel Hahn since 1951 he has maintained hls own stu din Mt Clements has laugh sculptnre at Ontario Coilele An and at present is teaching at Danioxfll Technical School in ToVrontol WiUlam Clementl noted To mnta mlplor gave an interest lng dcmunnrnllon 01 MI an last night at the Library Hall meetinz the Barium cm last mm at the my cook Mr clamnu Sculptor Makes Quick Likeness Surh lnvmmrnl In huh qlllllly mrllnlln rumnlly our Mrnllal upnnl npplrcllllm pm pm lnr Incrr In mute lumna lulmmllc rolnvmmml lnlvml Ind dllelmvll wllhmfl lnrnml In Ilhlmy pvlur minmm In many um lhu dvnnll tmnhlmblm An lnmlmenl In Invrrlunrnl approved Huld Iml llfllmnonl Ruin llln 1de npmnunily In lnnuu mum on nllremml urnm4 ran Ilnu It In dodnrllhlr up null 1h ill mm umer lnmmu lor lnmmu In my ynu lnlrmlfii In Ivmplrmnlln your wp Ilnn nr Mhrrwln Inuqu nur Inrnmu on lnmcru why Ilnl mnml Me nl mlr npmcnullmt Nesbm Thomson AND COMPANV LIMITED lth Dub WM lull lmk OIL RETIREMENT INCOME WHAT ABOUT YOUR PNONI PA um SAYS N0 OFFENCE NORTH VANCOUVER CF Mrs Narmn Viola Haddcn was freed on charge of Impaired drMnl aflcr evldence lhal she had spal with her husband WI no crlmlnnl nfltnce la he cmollonnlly impaired Inld Mnglslralc Allrcd Paol Mr Clements used hls Ihumb his main modelling ml Ha bull up ha clay using the mod elling technique mer am the carving technique flu use wooden tool as guide to indi cate the features and wire one to on ck exgg Workuu rapidly the artist chieved remarkable Iikcneu 01 Mr Reeve In about 45 min utes Durinu mcent TV broad cast Country Time he dld model of Earl Cox within ha an hour lpune were to be cast in bronze today It would hava Io be sent to foundry In New York or Norway as here no Adequate utilities in Canada nose to the chin to the corner of the law pyramid All upon cylinder which the neck mflplur observe these arm in relation in each other he ls off an good start For Ihe bone structure under neth Is characteristic of the model The superficial fcnlurcs are basically lhc same In every Oflen m3an THUMB the muralthouuhwherm on of clay Examiner PM about an hour complete EVERY FRIDAY 530 pm 1100 pm HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY 05an mi 75 CLUB 20 THE WELLINGTON HOTEL

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