Umlml thmrh Imlrnxmn Nev Han leflmn muo lury rlumhn lwnnl ol Irlymlu mul erm uh dun Him lhe MM ol he Inflnl hurvll and I9 lnlrr rlmvrh mmmlun In nu lnu lha lmpnulhlllly nt Ion lwlul rnuugh In dullnu Innlnlnln he lwu nylluul ML Hahn laid In NI uwrth lhnl run HI ayulem lvl mmnln hluh lthfloll and Imhm cullem nu pyuhlhl llw Mr Vaughan mm nm In lAnln nwml Mmclnlu pm lrsmr ol phllnmphy III Mirlmrll ullruo flnmun Cnlhollc mum lhc Unlrcr llly n1 Tmnnla lfllll Mr lltr Imm 11th ml mmu good lrnlurvl lo ml II will prr unml In rrnumnlrln lone lh Illlll mm Imwlxlnl hill ll IIJMINI Hus anrnlq pecandary and luchen mllnfl lugszrfllnnn Mr Holmr thtnllan mlnt lmr lur Huno yrnrl unlll hln elovnllon to ho prfmltrl pm Ulm lull Iummer pray rlnl Krnnll Ill year would bu 33300900 lo1n edumllon bulk 01 5391551 rcqucsl mm mun Cnlhollc bishop or Iyr cm In an umndury srhoob An lenclxcrl wiltKm wnl mud lam Ilnnmn Cnlh nllc Imhsmnn Iald MI wnl no mrprlninz GRANT FULK LARGE Tho nprcch out now Iyl mn ol lucnllannl xrnnll mm nu In the 1m calmdnr your la Onlnrln board ulnaIon or publlc Ind upnrnle mm and unmn schooIAludmll Churél school nnd pollllcul olfltlnll me Thundnyl 0500 word Ipccch In lhu lozialnluro with qunllncd In Kn 03eg all cnsu TIIE CANADIAN PRESS No noncrnl nppqsillon ha been Ihown In reaction In lnr Io Pm mlcr John Rabnm mnlm on Ilnu new mum of educa laflnl grnnll The defence depaflmrnt tnld rackets wm used The 11 government dcnlcd there was an mlurk any klnd Th pray Ike shrlmpcrl sadi appealed to them to be burs Wathoughl he was landing Then he made uno spray BlLflST 0F HIKE It happened about pm Wrd nnsday an the high sen about 60 north Cuba Mi appeared pgiscd by circled nearby Island and turned Paris Jackson captain the Moot Fort Myers shrimp Ala and Washinglan its mute tald reporter fllurtdny about the Allan by plane Idenlflicd by th US dclcnce depnnrnent an ananbnscd MIGs No Objection Yet To School Plan We thought it was an ordln my plane Inld Benjnmln Washington 27 kind In Algnal them down Moments later un shen men wved frantically or slt the ply opened Hrs KEY WEST Fla MP Flam diwed low over leak ng disabled American shrimp boat and its two mnn crew theyghl he had camp at last Cuban MIGs Fire Upon Disabled Shrimp Boat CHRIS JACKSON left MIG jet from Cuba flew over and Benjamin describe how their disabled ï¬shing boat In 990k Your Na 45 For Examiner Wm Ada ToN phone PA M41 Ibo telephone numbér to can or the Business or Edlwflal Dept EPA 64531 Our Telephones lluwmlhl mvwrullan with nolglvbou mu lvlrmh In nec ounry lnr nnndn In pmle lamlmhlp In devoln mum at lhr wnvhl or lvmlum avlnu Mop llrlptmlllvillly Indudnl hinlnl ll Oumlmlon ol nlmmrlu an uMlAmwl unlm In an Mum In In Unlvrr nlly Womm Onlnrlun Unllcd Nullnnl Rodrty Mr Wampum whn mm In In yrl uwn hll Apvll rlvcllnu rampnlxn tur Ilnrhfd In ullwl Wfllflll HI Cnnmln pinrr lhclr defence deprmkncu on Unllrd 5ch Inmlle haul and In UK nlllumull lhu Hr mnrc mlihl he nuulalul mm In duandlnl on It prmnl he III Mr Thnnlpmn In pm mnlrrrnu whldl llrkrd of urch nl luur lswchu Tlu xlny rmlclml Mr Dirlnnlmkrt Tnmnla Ilnlenwnl lhnl Hm hr mum mlullu in but ll 00 llvrnm LONDON OnL CNSoclnl Crcdll Lander mamn Thomp Ion pmllm but Irlmn Mn hlrr Diclmhnkrr um nuclc nnnl nnd InllAmerlumllm lcdrrnl rlmlon qur nnl Knlnl in no down by Jun hn ollngu down mn lurlhrr num Im Mr Iwbnm Inld he wn pm pnrcd Io dllcuu mum tenuous count nx opllonnl subject In Iocundnry nnd lcnrhm mllcgu lupervlml by clcrly 0f lho Inllh crulcd In man justice dam and have no objection to up urnlo Roman Cnlhollc clemen lnry xohooll receiving lhnt kind help but ono wonder whether MI mluro consumch lusllcn or all mlnomlu Innr mm In tducnllng uwlr chil dren Icpnrnlelyt Socred Leader Shameful Anti No us In 30 In the whceL house mld Wuhlnglan Theyd have bought we had weapon and theyd hava sunk Ill right than Warn they scared Yes 51 Jackson laid he iflll hadnt recovered mm Ihn lrlghl The we stayed on deck whiio the MiG circled or 15 minuies passing low ennugh ior the men in see he piiois lace and in moi an cmbicm which looked like big round thing with an ngin ini ayluylus xhl down In the water It cauldnl hlva been rockcL It had been would havnhil the boat 521 HLOTS FACES u1on1r7ï¬r re any mckeu We cu nu menus sounded Io me like ma chlnumu said Jackson 44 think was machjgezIL mu Three more jets appeared and orio of them joined In lha ï¬ring said the crew ï¬shermen The xhouwcnl Into the water about 200 yards from ha MII part how they reported Both men said Iixey were cer tain then ygn no mckcls Eh mart iï¬xamintr In dmundmru nl Ilv eloc Ion hullch mm helwren lmlnlkmlm II III III lplunum hy mlllu and dlv hour4y AMI nlunnIluMHm In II mllnllc aim of Inlmlmn dorm Ha III Cum munlu bloc will evrnlunlly alum llu WML The Ynmmu nld ulrnlvn of Marvin rou Iulvncn wnl helng hrlprd Ivy nnha nrlllxln antlwluomlb nan nnlvu MMIIIII who wmk dlllluully lo ler 10 mllllnry unrth um mllllcnl nillflllllll lhz Wm Trude Imam Cnmmouweallh mmhlvx wuvl be llnnncrd wllhvul lhn hmlm ul gold and Innmu urhnnua crlnll Um have plnxnul nur luulc we lnXIy wllh Om Ilrllnln In III Hu mum muhl In nm In uynnd Cnnmlnl trmlq with llm Unnnl Hlnlol elnrwhmy In hrmlwlw ml wllh nun Audi Mu Jug Thompson Boos American Cries mmpwn Inld Cnnndl Ihnuld 1an In lud In ulnh llxhlnn Commonwmlfll lrnd In communlly 11m rommunlly would he conlrld Irmmd Commonwnllh uulcmrnl hunk Ihu hmdlom nl wlllch hodld not Mlne Amrrlwn Slnlu In whlch lha Ieldlnl vn While the xovzmmcnk um bellcvcl Um question min 18 warhead lnla lho hand Cnnndlnn dolunca troop II mullet at some ur ucncy mm II nludnnco by US dlplamnlu In becama qn meshed In what uu dovtlopcd Inlo major rkcllan lune Illlchiu was undmlood lo haw conveyed request by Prim Mlnlslcr Ditlcnhnkcr or resumption nl thu nuclcnr nu uotlallons um collapsed when Dielcnbckeru previous yrvpos III were lound unnmplnhle by the Kennedy ndmlnlatrnflon This was mud ma gon ernl US xovcmmcnt reaction to reported avenuru by Cant dlnn Ambassador Charla m1 chle who eonfcmd with Slate Secretary Donn Rusk or 80 minule Thumhy WASHINGTON cmA well iniormed Iourcc my the United Stale zavcmmenl has decided in nwnil tho oulcomo ui the April Canadian eicciinn or cnlcrinz into any serious nnw ncxoiiniiom an lhe pmvi sian or us nuclear warheads ior Canadian troops ndlncUy the MG might the needed aid man they were detected by radar at Key West US jets flanhzd to the scene The MIG departed and wllhln an hour navy vessel Arrived Ind lack the Ala In low USTo Pléy Waiting Game The boatl englne alled Sun day 11ml mad in radio and pump uslles and all me flxh rmen could do was wall or elp Neither man was sure he aluckgu wanled to hit the All or were toying with the craft the Flmlda SLralLs ï¬ring m4 kels None flu rockeb MG their craft AP Wirepholo 11m sunk lolm majority the ISO or mnu Mrlcanl Illll In Dulnulu under Irlmlmhlvl AM lducllloml Ild um 1h unrul mullan hy fludrnlmllllln clmh lml mlr hnl Imvrd rmlmnnnlnl lo mnmunlll nflnmplu lu wruml Influrnce lhruuxll Mrlcn lul xnvlnn Ilnlrnwnl ml ck uld monl Ilndrnu wunlud In mnnln llml Hymnd Hm Hmnnlnm um lrylnl Io nllr up lmublu DECIDE TO HTIIIKH The Mrlcnnn hum decldod In an un hum Aml mnnln In Mr qvmlrrl rnlhrr Inn ll lend my Inn Inu Appah lmnnx They wunl In luu ml munlry ml In re lhnl llw xnvnnmrul In nhlllnl Io llulmre lumpullnllon al Ihole who do not have Inmclvnl IMMI wk ow 11m Immrdlnlo cum he nludenl Imlu nl Sana Slnlo Unlvrrllly ha lllllnnrlnn gov mmuntn rerunl In my hrlr llnmwrlnllnn In other mun trlu Appnh Human snld In lolephnno Inmvlrv mm Bull Llunrlnl cnpllnl Thh Inkx1 Iludenl lamup behlnd he run furlnln will re med Thundny by Amhnundnr pnh Ramona Ulmnm who In Ghnnnlnn nludcn nul 01 Hulrmrln lnsl neck 11 um Iho nm of about 100 All can IQ luvn VIENNA MPlAnxcrod by rnclal dlxtrlmlnnllnn nml un able la ltnvo 300 Mdan Nrum Iludtnll In Communht llnllnrln nra muan In nlltml clan nn Mr plnmnl nnyx n1 up Ha Id du dehflle fllum dayALnlghl an hluwmmuu xpending extimnlcs um nonal dernllon of appointment at ncw chaInnan to succeed the Me 050 Chairman Oswnld Len nox has caused me lo review Una commissions organianan and operatinn The study In being undertaken wllh Um object pmvldlnz LOS ANGELES AN Ac lar Eddle Cantor uuflerinx mm heart ailment but been grnnlcd $5000 monlhly mm his late wlfol ulnle to help pay for his mcdlcnl expenses Superior Court Judge ordercd Thursdny that Cantor 70 be aid the mm or ilx mon¢ or until an lnvtmary of Mn Ida Can 01 cslnle Huh Mrs Can or who died last Avg Id nn eslulo rsHmaled at morn than $100000 Students Refuse To Go To Classes TORONTO CPlho organl ration and practice of he On tario Socurlliel Comm Ilon may be overhauled during the current lcgislalurc session AllomcyGcnetnl Ca any 4d EDDIE CANTOR REPORTED ILL xmjm Mmrmcrm Securities Role To Be Studied Several hams alter Kennedy made the warning public at pm conference the Cuban Eavatnment rejech and de nled categorically the charge that us jet red meat the dis abled shrimp boat Ala 1n the If Wednesdays MIG sluflnfl of fllsabled shrimp bani de velop Into pattern of attacks the president may them give the signal or hot pursui But Kennedy indicated Thurs day that or the llma beingnt least US Jet flgMen and navy craft will be restrained mm chasing attackers back to Cuba to punish them nrl rrey dent Kennedy has warned that 115 firepower wlll blast any Cubanbased warship or plane lb attack us vessels or alr cr gammy AP Prey Barrio Onlnrlo Canldn Warns AttackerS newwapu III unlA drnllflul man pimp on 04 Ill PXRIHVII Nelda ml 11 bomb nnlal ur llnldm olden II In molar mm wuldu Arkmdo nm Quml Ind lrlnra lhllln Icfl Adelllde Iodny nbmlnl lhv n1an yuhl Hrlmmln lur Mol Imuml Thu nunpnrwr nn mm rlln vllh polka rmuul not publlm vmnl nl Hun lhrenl um um lml Ml Illa mm ADELAIDE Amlrnlin MP lmmh Ihrul mndl unlml he innn than the ar ylvevl In Axle Illle Ind IM Alklflhlï¬ Nrwl venom Bomb Threat Is Reported Against Queen mum Fallowan lnsl wotku chuh rlu cm by he mm and nlx on ucvrn lender of he mnnnd AllMrlcnn sludcnu Union mm lhu Mrlcnnl do cldml luvc nulznrln um In Wulun munlrlu Iha envoy Inld nddcd hut tho cullurnl nllnclm n1 lha Mull omhnuy In lrnuuo Cxcclmlovukln and other Mnmn Nollan now In In Salln In mnka arrnun menl lnr Uwh mum Their nludlu and nnummodn lion hnd mm financed ivy Um lhxllulnn uuvrmmml nmI lhcy ed moqlhly nllowunm npcrnlfuns Elmer Sophl Sudbury unld Iho public In nlmld In vcsl In flocks bccnum of nus plclon sptculnllvo promoucn and demanded more caanI hy the OSC overllack uchanu amt mail Justice may haw resulmd thl procedqu rrwuuuLu lnli an lmpnmnl hearing Mach lhauldexls Mr Cns midi cgisiation nu harim lho chairman min by himself In invesiiznic and rus pond or cancel securities rem irniions An appeal against docisinn by in chairman is neared by he iuii commission including the chairman Mr Cass Mid OSC prnctices which have given ma concern and which will be he rubiecl oi icgisinlion atlhis session were the min the chairman scpnraiian at tho commissions ndminislrnlivn nnd quasiJudi cini iuctians Ind review and amendment when necessary lho Ontnrio Securities Ads pro visions for ancsiignlians cm 51quth CANCEL mom eiiicicnl and speedier methods oi prncesuing malim coming beiore tho commission such reuislrniians renewals hearings and lnvcstlgnflons Mr Cunxaxd during the Leg islaturel in nigh session thl If mgr Sopr Friday Fuhruary 221963 Several suggested the Incident discrediled the administrauuna contenunn that the Russlambullt Congressional um were no stifled by Kennedys orders that all necessary action be taken by lha military force to prevent any more nltacks like the slrallnz of tha shrimp boat Once before when 12 was shot down at the height of tho Cuban crisis last all 115 warning apparently deterred any more antiaircer mlssfla firing on 115 reconnalssance planes operallng over Cuba Premier Fidel Castro was ex pected to have something in say about it in televised address tonight ngmqw Florida Stu Wednesdnï¬ allernoan Warnluau wed in II Mind In mm by Inml not mme in Mm yolk nm dclcncc mlnfslm told parlor Thursday he planned no nrmnl cngunnmenl In Lon don and any lnlk ho had with Drillsh nuhorilies wnuld bn mllrcly Inlnrmnl Trndo llllnlslcr Wallace Mc Culclmon and Defence lllinlslcr Garden Churchlll um accum panylng he prlme mlnlslcr lllso nbuard will be Senator Allister lll Grcsnrt rclircd nn Unnal dimclor of he Progres slvo Conscrvallvc party who has been working on Mr chf cnbnkers lwo speeches lcr Monday In London when the prime mlnlslnr wlll be mndo Freeman nl tho Cll Barnum pmhlem me being and as secondary impor tance according to lhe lineup at olflclnls who am In bu aboard he Prime Mlnistcrs RCAF Yukon rnnsport nir crafl OTTAWA CplPrlmd Minx tar Didcnbakcr taking strong trade delegalian wllh him to London aldgh for talks with Prime Mimsm Macmil Ian PMs Plan Talk On Trade Issue He dldnt elaborale and day once otï¬claLs rnlused lo dls cuss either lhe standing orders or the changes But competent sources said It was clear lhu president is broadening the present nuns under which US tighter planes and navy vessels are empowered In open tire on apprnnchlng alr Kennedy said ha had in strurtcd the Pentbgan to make any necessary revisions in standing arders so as to ensure Um action will be when against any vessel or aircraft which strikes at USr shlp or plane In Caribbean lntemalionnl wn Kerr MIG are In Cuba for defen sive rather than offensive op eration against lhu United States Kennedy said he saw nu reasun to change his view POLICEVPIN REFUGEE TO GROUND MI mm 11 mi lm1h chmtngd that out mm mm MUM lillle boy was walking down he slrod crying his harm out when man walked up In hlm and asked whnl was lhe mutter Among wha ha lIllIo boy mid my mower lost her book on child psychology and shes us Inu her own ludzmcntnowfl Ono icpari reaching mid In neighborinl Tunisia sald hospitals have been set up and lho homeless housed In buildings at sland Ing Road were littered wilh mhhle and cut by deep ml at BENGASI Libya Reuters More than 500 persons were killud and more than 11000 1m homelgs by ai enrthquake that shattered the town ol Barre 60 mlles from hm Thursday nlxht Latest reports from lhe acan said hundred or Injured were being nllcnded by 113 Mr Force Brillsh Army and Lib ya datum mu Askedn his press cnnferencc ll an assault similar In Illa one mm The navy operates combat nlr patrols in the sensitive area be Iween the Florida keys and Cuba Jet lighter fly with wear onsmcked 111m now may be more such patrols Radar scans the constantly =1 =1 lots are poised all llmes the Key West Naval Alr Sta Ilun 90 mlles news the Flur lda Slmlla from Cubas north coasL Homestead Alr Force base south of Miami nlr force Flm jets also am an alert nrtï¬ermare these source mid the presidents orders probably wlLl result In placing more fast My on strip alert 9ady to aka all craft or warships If they ap pear benton attacking US ter ruiny More Than 12000 Persons Have Been Left Homeless HERES ONE N0 M0 Than Par CopyM Plan mm muw II thummvmmmmm guï¬dwmn uuv mm In pmdw 1mm Ihy um lummlm Variable cloudiness not Io cold aw wnlmt 10 below zero an tomoljmw For lull The Iowa wxlh population 10740 Is on hlgh duet plalcau crossed by maunllla range ll mart and uric cultural centre Wu Hnrcc was an Italian hm during tho Second World War and chnngcd hands ovml me In thn dcsm lghllnx be Iwccn the Hrlllsh Eighth Army nnq Axis mu me Cyprus RAF flew load of medlc supplies and personnel to Dam and similar ltam wnl palch d1 El Adam In Liby Eleven US lransport planel mm thclu base took of for Jane loaded with food med cInc doctors lwo ambulance and Ilsde Inld hospital soon as new of Um disaster reached Que base qu the quake and were famed by Briush map based In Ila area Airmen mm the bl Amer lcan has thelus mun Into nmedinlglg gup nu Prop led into In street In pouring rain when he earth quake shook Ihe lawn and um surtounding area which has popumlon about 50000 tha rcpnrl mm xlnle cl emergency had bun declurqd 1311ij Local Weather dont thlnk we know the Iull reasons behind this attack on this vessel whclher It Wu deliberate decision by the Cu ban govcmment or decision by the piloLs Involved Ken nedy saId He nnted that the 67foot boat was lyingin lho water without flying any flag There Is much the United Slate Is not sure afand may never knowabout he attack an the shrlngp poet But cc ulnly wu would Bx anflne he said Th5 sulphur Qlleen disap peared with 39 crew mamberl nbpard on the shrimp boat might havq been responsihlo or the disap pearance earlier this month he US tanker Marine Sulphur Queen Kennedy said he had no lnlormauun nglcnUng lhl