Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1963, p. 7

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consldar tha dlmpls symbul of good luck The poet of ancient Chlna Ire quenlly associated this anatomi cnl endowment with prttty Ind happy face Thu dlmpled wlIe they believed brought con tentment and good fortune to the agily Many Malayan Chlnasu women lnslsl lhn plastic sur geon cream dlmples In their Ices II has been done with con Ilderabje success Dm slnnpore Thank you er the no Icucr nund lho Informallon luscimzllng Dimple are ralhcr nice to receive as MLbut certainly wouldnt go oukand buy em N0 CHOICE Dm Ann landcmThe whin lnl wldowvwho wrote to you mnda me sick She slu lhcru wllh momy in the bank at In lurnnce palldns puld or home solicillous rclnum and nil she has lo complain about 15 loneliness Dear Ann hndm You re cently sald In your column you have never heard 01 dimples he lng produced surgically and that you to your blrlh day Brescnl mum muu luv hmm Va unmr lhla lntnrmallon hecausa lumw you warm to give your readers correct ad vimSINGAPORE Well youra may have been but some women have to pal or AlheInn Liberal candidnle Ralph Snelmve uf Barrie receives congratulatory kiss from his wit allowing his acclnma Ion as candidate for lhe Sim ANN LANDERS ltn lite divorcee not he wldow CONGRATULATES THE CANDIDATE Dimpled By Surgery Instead Of Nature Evnnucllnel Lucky Sale is merely an extension nlour bnslc policy to find or you the best poulblo vlluu 1m ulh purchmlngcnn murnln Inequalitymnrchnndiscflurbuying mun hm once again come up with mine exceptionally good buy or ha Lucky Sale I0 you wuld be wcll ndvlwl i0 ncl nu won us you possibly can or the vtry but choices Lucky 7511 will end Saturday March 2nd 1963 NOW IN PROGRESS Your letter has some mm but not every wldow has lnsurnncu pol lcy muncy In the bank and paldJor home And not every divorcce II llvlnu in shabby npnrtmcnt Some mu lhe nIlmany buslcd husbnnd who wind un In rented mom wllh nakcd light bulbs who knows what real heartacha Is How would shu liko my mu line work at newspaper trom 730 am until 400 pm Mm work return to my dreary shabbtty furnished apartment to scrub cook wash Iron and mend clothes at ttnd school conferences listen to the ohlldrcns problems dit cipltne pray or and worry about hm youngsters who on growing up without father Occasionnfly Iccept dull thinking this one win he diner enL But It never always and un eelan degraded because most men Ihlnk divorcee will say yes lo anylhingas pay men or dlnner or some dull conversallan So please loll he wldnw who signed herself Alone Ihnl dl vnrcm are alone Ian but that may have myriad of added problcms which widows dont havuIREADMILL One thing is ccrlnln however the widow didnt have choice Dulr Ann Linden My prob cm an older man Im 16 and coo North riding last evening The nomination commit was held at North Collegiate Mr Snclgrove is pmsidem oi gwnrv and cm Radio Exanflher fieléy To get the picture lets com pare two overwelxhts both to pounds nvsr They want to be rld at the extra pounds and to 511 smoothly lulu dresses two Isizes smaller They start dlet nE But oneoverwelght serlously double that she can stay on dleL Shes tried before and alter couple al weeks Ions hack to her nld altenlng ways ul eallng Also her husband hevlnz been through these un successful sessluns ls mildly de rislve ol thls new attempt That lnlensllles her own doubLs end lunher weekens her will power Flnally since no one like all ure she may rallonallzu that extra welsh runs in the lemlly anyway and that his loallsh to 1m In so egalust nature New uur other overweight with the same amount to lose dlels wlh an entirely dlflmm attitude She has the support ol her doctor as well as her hm hand 1m former ha assured Barrie women will hnve an opportunity to buy Canadinn in inn Tomorrow evening ihe Third Bnrrle Ladies Auxiliary 01b and Scouts will present int iashian show 01 Ontario Innan wild iurs Another de ed ailraclinn II the show will ha Int display by Onlnrio Trappegai Associnllpn Th Inshlnn parade cammenp at pm There wlll he pm es and lnvors and he Scouts of Third Enrrle will he on hand wiservre lcnand cooklos Bind 29 iii parenia think Im 20 and my parents think he in 22 Hes madly in love with me but in not in love with him Thu imuhla dnnt have the hang to 511er IDWM him doesnt me He My love will came Inter llo has went over $200 on me In the lust lwo mnnlhs and hi parcnls hnva bought me slnl too They lhink Im the Imnrlcsl Ind loveliest girl he has ever gone with He wants ln many me next war when graduate lrom lgh whoa No parent cnn rassihly think myenwld who slil ln hlgh school the smartest girl he ever wenl with Now why dont you go do your homework Success or allure In reducing dapends lamly on how you lhlnk and col about lhls busl ness of taking Walnut wllh or without U19 moral nup wfl Uh WY Soclai convkncl 157M Tam Yale assisted by Mrs George Langslaflm Plane dont thlnk End In with or sex am very moral Tell mu what In do MlSS NEWARK Dur Mb Newark People oflcn ask me how spot phoney letters Well hen ll howl spgllnd yourfl Womens Group Will Present Canadian Furs KEEP IN THE TRIM Dieters SucceSSOr Failure Influenced By Moral Support By IDA JEAN KAIN Evangelines lucky sale invites you to discover the consistently fine quality maintained at Evangeline even when the grices are much lower than usual Evangeline Lingerie savings from All cu regular stock from 12¢ Ibvlngx on 59¢ panties Io $403 saving an $3500 palanolr Ink Sllpx half Ilips crlnolinex gown pylumul and iruval Jul am also Included on wall many now Spring urrivah lo Ihase collodlom AllGirl Militia Formed At Sudbury ihis moral support was sorely needed since this overweight hnc difficult time lasing One week went by than ten days and not pound aiti But slneu she had not deviated Irnm the diet she rccogniled that she had in be losing weight but must he storing water in the tissues and that this condition would right itself end the weight loss show up on the scales it didl 011 the sixteenth day the weight Ind wior plunged eight pounds and her husband took her out to din ner to celebrate which she did by sticking wiihln rebounds her diet and next day she was back on regular reducing iure It is easy to see why this overweight succeeded while the other felled But lets get one point straight sellplly lar more demoralizing lhan skepticism whlch you probably have Invited on the part of your family Instead ol hlamlnz them or lhelr skepllclsm why not treat ll as challenge andshaw them Capt North of the 5m Fled Regiment nld the func llon filler centre are new and lnlercsling but also very Imporlam and deadly serious or on ll accuracy and speed xcporung will certainly de pend thousands at llvcs her that Icdudng would 1m prove her helllh and renew her zip and zest and um latter has volunlecrcd to help by gnlng without his accustomed desscm Ahun which Ihm Is no butler vqu of confidence ulgr mhlm null 13 being lrnlned here an operaflnnul unlt oi the Nuclear Demnallan and Fallout Reporting System ll will conslst of 86 Canadian Womens Army Corps person ncl who will ml lhe Northeast Flllcr Cenlre Members will ha on the mllllla strength ol he 5m field rcglmenl Sudbury but will operate Independently the filler cenlre Cunt Norrls xnld ma Nnrlh ens Flllcr Cent wlll deler mlne lncnllnnv halal and In lonslly nl nuclear delnnnllonx ll wlll p10 wlnd snecd and di rccllon up In 120000 leak and pravldn Information on when varlaux mas wlll be filmed by lnlloul There are 51 posts lulled mostly by lands and forests cmrloyccs and railway men wh ch report he Sudbury Ill lcr cznlrc Trulnlnz courses alulcd Jan 14 and parades vlll bu held two evenlan weak Two waokl paid Iummcr camp rnlnlnu wlll bu provided wflh an exer bonul The Nuclear Detonation and Fallout Reporting Synem as sociated through iha Canadian Army with the Federal govern ment and North American Air Defence cammand qqnuny om cm An Llnqorio Corsolry Hosiery Sporlswnnr Accogsorios SIIOW ART TREASURES TORONTO CPfi Thu COL Icctlun an work owned by Charles Band lormcr pres ldnnl he Art Gallery at Tor nnln and Mrs land are an up hlblllon at me gallery The col lection one the host known privnluly owned group of Cunn dlnn pnlmlnzs Fur Fringes Pretty Peepers NEW YORK APlAshlp ment of mink and ermine eyelashes failed to arrive In time or Janus Manns eyo fashion show Wednesday but the blonduglarnour girl batted her own pretty peop crs twlca hard to make up lor things fiihey wera ringed with In MB Her attractive helpers alsa wlggled lhelr way Ihrough Ihe congested Salim shaved their laces dose to each guest widened their eyes then fluttered lhe llds Fur lashes are tEl more lustrous said Miss Mann who wished shuhnd Ihe mink and sable one to xhuw chlly they look me mum on us these lur sou ans have on The only bash dmerenm Is the color Miss Mnnn frame her own brawn orbs with brown seal fur lashes or casual dnylime wear but dons her blAck mink lushe or exotic eve nlgq ogllng Human lashes cosl less than $5 Mlnk agd crmlnu ones Mound $10 and seal some when 1n bulwccn The lashes are lrlmmcd to suit the lace and occaslnn Short lor day longcr fur eve ning and evcn longer for pholographlc purposes dont even know have them on lhcy assured Ihe women in alumina Dont they lock natural To demanstrale lhe mclhod ol application human huv ercd over flamehaired TV personality Relaxed in the ladys hip was grey French poudle with swccplng lalsv black eyelashes made hu man hair ONLY COLOR DIFFERENT Surglcnl hulds ham to he llds 11 lashes came all easily wllhoul lnklng any the null uml lolllclca wllh hum REAL EYEOPENER 12¢ to $403 VASAGA BEACH Special wcddlng of local Inletcs took place inwndon England when France June daughlcr or Mrs anklln Watson ohkvlcw Bead was mulled in marriage to Brlnn Caspl son Mrs Sid nel Allen Dllawn performed by Major Wilghl al mum ham Conn Citadel The bride was given In marriage by James ILycu Her bridal at tendant was her twln sisler Ag nes Judilh The groomsmzm was Michael Caspl brother the bridagnyom London Eng Scene 0f Rites SB DUNLOP ST 13 Spring Shoes Are Now On Pisplay I90 PAIRS BETTER QUAL ITY DRESS SHOES IN CALF 0R SUEDE WIDTH AAAA AAA AA SORRY NOT ALL SIZES IN EVERY STYLE TREMENDOIIS SAVINGS 0N HIGH FASHION ISO PAIRS DISCONTINUED LINES FROM OUR REGULAR STOCK BLACK BROWN GREEN NAVY SIZES T0 II WALKWEL SHOES WOMENS SHOES These Prices InElfeéle1ursFri Sui Onlyr WALKWEL SHOES 11m EARIUE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEB 21 1M The reception was held at the home of Mn Bmdlcy Anci brie honeymoon the Yours In New Colfluru 45 Ruben and Sams Colllu st PA so ITO mm IN pm Chm WM Ammoon OPIN HIM Nil Exclaimn From The Leading um 5mm DUNLOP ST PHONE PA 6052 PA 1501 young topple lg 05 Sogst 69f many where Mr Civpi 5i Uoned with the RCASC For elderly and canva on patients Excellent lacmues 101 private or semlprlvnte Hot and Cold water In rooms Rbglster ed Nurse in attendance STAYNER nunsme HOME 575qu out MARSHALL Rug PHONE 124 Reg lo 1495 Rog lo 1095 99 PA 82397

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