Lnld maul mulld In Im on at am HIITei In mu ml mu at In v3 Jimmy Eu Amm mu mum 011k Univ 70 ume damI mu 6m max Aulhwlnfl mom mu II lnl om nullka nun mu rum nl lollllu um nan Eurdun ml mm IInlmu mm Hum IVA rumnu Mun mum on mu ll IIIIIIIION nu mm rmuu NAM nul Mu Hull WILION AlumIn mum Hum no Ill rlluhllnl Innm fluhr pllall mu Inlln lfllll In Ontll 1mm wwth ml Hull IM llll MM onlln um In mm nmhiA ud H31 Imlm in nu nu um Wm can BARBERS AND FSYCHIATRISTS Monlrul lnzcllo lhe anlonal Ilarborn College In lhc Unllml Slalom lvclurox nn mythology and sychlalry have hovn lollvrml by Dr mc 1h lmncr Dr lmrncr bellows llmt lmrwm ncml lo know more ulmul human porsmlallly If they an to perlorm lhvl xyrlnl uncllnn uropvrly CONSUMER PAYS SI Inllmrines Standard In any scusslon nf rlsln llvlng cmls it should he remembered lat all taxes In buslncss levlcs on corwralion umc local properly assassmunls lc lurzul sales tax llm Inch level cml lrllmllons to uncmplnymcnlrfnsurnncc or old age sucurlly funds and so on have to be rvcovcml from the clmlnmcr lllu level 01 laxnllon cannot help but he re llrcled In the level llvlnu en As far as lnxvs are concerned bushle ls simply the mlddlcmnn lhc cnlkclion agency lla lho consumer who pays Barrie Examiner Feb 10 1038 Dun can McCuaig KC lth for Simon North stated that training activities in both RCAF and Army at Camp Borden would he stepped up by May At pres ent time the total crmanent force there consisted of six at or ranks Signals and our officers and 271 airmen Coming to Borden will be the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps training school and the Tank School also three training uad runs of Air Force and summer tra nlng for 800 nonpermanent militia Mayor Robertson told Town Council snow re moval in January exceeded estimates considerably Thornton rink burned down Adamson district for ester ai Mldhursl addressed Barrie Ki vanls Club on Value of reforestation John Woods elected president Barrio Conservative Association Simeon County Council begins planning or in ternat anal Plowing Match in be held at Edenvale Adolphus McKinley liar rle badly injured when kicked by horse at rnill oi Elmer Emms Baxter Dr ll llorton hail him removed to llarrie hos pital llarold Hell Utopia appoint Much of ï¬r lmrnurn ndvfro 25 XEABSAGOV IN TOWN The human inconvenience even sui fering resulting from heavy snow storms and intense cold is only part of the story These are very severe times for our wild life including the birds which may come to our back doors and the game birds such as partridge and pheasants At the same time the wild animals suffer sev ereiy as food is buried beneath the snow and the intense cold makes extra de mands upon their bodies One of the po ts with certain soc tlons of the publlc is that only two forms of betting over In Britaln are now taxed The treasury takes onethird of all the money that ls lnvested in the weekly football pools It also grabs off 10 er cent tax on all the money which is at His reasons for this are both mini and financial The Chancellor of the Exche quer is faced viththe certainty that more money will be required for the extension of Britains welfare state benefits and the increased costs of defence as result of the Nassau agreement with President Kennedy are sure to be heavy So it is na tural that heshould look with covetous eye on the nearly three billion dollars which go into various forms of betting and gambling each year which go into various forms of betting and gambling each year One of the sore points with certain sec tions of the public is that only two forms of betting over in Britain are now taxed The treasury takes onethird of all the money that is invested in the weekly football pools It also grabs off 10 er cent tax on all the money which is at Ministers of the government are not likely to have any moralscruples about increasing betting taxation The principltil of taxing the gamblers has been accep by successive governments and many would no doubt give it added support particularlyii it would help increase the social welfare benefits for the people of the country Feed The Birds In Winter The Barrie Examiner Reginnl au ling Chancellor of the Exchequer has intimated that he intends to come down heavily on betting in the way of taxation of those phases of gamb ling which are not already taxed in order to gi re noney into lthetrealiry Many persons in Great Britain are ar dent gamblers and they are loaking with 5039 lapnrptggnsigg at he next budget Tax On Gambling Béï¬eflt To Social Welfare Britain Walls Publisher gTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapers limited 16 Hayfield Street Ban1e Ontario b115th Brian Sleight General Manngar munsnu FEB 21196 mm nnln WAIT FOR RESULTS Illranllonl Exposllnr Four may live Lanadlnnn lo the rollnleru clnlm helluva very Important buy Canadian product ralller lhln Imporla when he hnvo cholco Wu Ilmll be lbla check on low munuu honm when mm om nrln tmlo crusade begin that to par dim mulu vhlhlc In lhe ind or show um lho gencnlpublle 11 ill bu In 11an5 the ulnbllnhed puler of no wing much what Mm mm thn nut nMnn dclnllcd nccuunts 1er rolnllvm and their wnyn nml doings hey are laying down the lnw on hockey wnr hmllh nr Inflation Ollon they pause In lho business le lug lo omplmlm Ihvlr runmrkn at tho p0 Ill ho uclssorn lhn hvlplm customer the barbers mercy can only nml hlu hallshort head lcrhilpn lmlcml Insluml of leachlnu payclllnlry lo barber ll ml Ill be halter lo mychnnnnlyzc hem or all II ralhur nlnrmlnu In think that one never knum when xplll pommallly mlght be at uncn llxmal It Is Dr luncrs oplnlou Um hnrhm xhuuld Iurrc with their cuslomcrn and encourage their cuslonwrl lo lnlk Thls It 15 lo he mm la counsel per fectlun Few Indeed am the Imrbcra who encourage ctmversnllun They speak In xnnnuluuuux This Is very true The many harbors even when working with head hnlr net as lhough they werent workin wlh much 1th Is no 111 the rig at llludc They should make the most of lhelr subject When mans head Is as hnhl as an egg Ihey should hulld up hls ego ently sound The barber he says must remember he is working with pew ple and nut just head of hair mm vuucgu EfSynnatl Miss Rhoda Young Cockburn Rev I1 Slnclar Angus Ross and Harry Lay Albert Clifton elected president Allnndalo CNR Assm cinllon Vvunlh um anlu Barrie Badminton Club ianned Vai eniine dance at lOOF Hall with music by Bob Powells Melody iiien Education Week marked by messages from lion Dr Simpson minister of education Ai bert Bryson Barrie school board chair man Roy McVillic public school in specior Morrison rincipai Prince of Wales School ll nchnnan prin cipal Viciorin School Bell prin King Edward School Miss mum Ovcndcn Collcg mmmu Churchill marked silver wedding annl vcrsary Miss Irene Lawson appointed nurse on permanent basis Sixty properties plckcd up alclounty In sgle mm nr ed treasurer of Essa Township Bar rie Soldiers Club was organized with Al derman Murray Mills as first presi dent Other directors are George Ull man Percy Plummer CA illllckeyl McBride Maurice Elston John Rod gcrs Truman Williams Fred Steven son Mr and Mrs Howard Allan Churchill marked sliver wedding ann Wm un ate indivfliuals except ln the case the winter birds which are liable to come closer to our doors than usual in their frantic search or food The many Iced lng statlons prove great blesslng as long as they are kept filled and free of snow Most natural food supplies have been used up or are deeply buried by the snow mug val mu mun ball results because this ty of betting over In England is gaining popularity at the expense of the alreadytaxed foul ball pools With thousands of betting shops now operating in Britain It would become comparatively easy matter lo levy tax on all horse race betting and collect it throng um IL nun Theréiseemï¬o be soundraeason for taxin fiferQQSAythng on ï¬gs foot um Innsv uuua eved that these activities could tyleld in taxation sumfar ln ex cess the $120000000 year which tho gavemmeht collects from the football pool he greyhoond raging tracks on the tot tgreyhounjifgging tracks This um uuuna Thlé léanes alirge ï¬eid wide open for new taxation There is as yet no tax on horse race bettJIngzlgnd Ringo clubgn Lu No great deal can be done by Priv indiv1duals excent 1n the cm Hm 1h In IIIl hnlhl II lie ma Ind wmlplln MM and munmlon oi MI innMm l3m mum ma ml lllul Vlct EVFNHINT HUT HUN uur uhl nr uznlnll Um Iullmunlll Mac It 171 fly Wnlml Ilrmnrurlrl Mr lumll capped hy our mun cumber Thnl Amunldy munnu urntnl llrmllrw Ilul umuy IMMIan pmplo quullnn wthhrr lhl prnrllu lruly 11 mm nurllnmenlnry uuvrm mm Hun mnlrnry II II znvrmmrnl by cnlwlnd Aml Mm In runny ravllnmmlnly Irnmcrnclu Hm pulmo lelnln In In lrmlmu mum and more In MrM munmu nml mrn mlc rumr wlan rulvlnrl Im um luwnnll pmldrnllnl mmnmrnl 31m moucï¬ Irlmn Mlnlxlrr Dlrlonhnknr an the nllur hand nld Pnrlln mm lhul nzwfr nl nny Irma qu mm been mman up In uur country on dolnntn pullry Tllm run he mmmlllncn ol drum or lhe purpow nt hmklna lnln unminm dr lum bnl nnl lur lhe ddmnlnn an mlky wlvlrll mm the lrnwmllnllly cl lho nmn Llhcml Itndcr lnnrwn hm Ilno proposal llm trcnnun parliamentary xlmnu ml Icy tummluce Soclnl Cm uovcmmenl Mr Thompmn mid would not up nonpalllszm punImmen lnry dcfcntu mmmillm whlch wauld be old lho um and Il amtls um lhrn cnuld lmsc lu rrrnmmnndnllnn umn It llmr ouuh Iludy or nose Mails cnurgmmz ummn ratiï¬cth except some of those the cabinet know the seeret dctnlls at Wut ern defence plans and wilhnul the knowl cdxe nobody can say for sure whether we should or ahould not lrm our detenec term with those nuclear weapons Intended to ward ntt ntlnek The ll to controversy range around the Bnmnrc ml nltes which we are tnslnlltnx nt Nurth Buy and Lu Mncnze Qum her These are Intended to be equlpped with smut nlxetenr tins and their human II shoot down nttnekinx enemy humtwu Their range In shun that they could not hllnrk my target outstdn Ontnrla or Quebec nnyhuwt But while he In slurdily op posed to Canndn acquiring any aflcnsive nuclear weapons Mr hampson lake he honest and realistic view about the smaller short range nuclear weapon uhlch cnn only be usud for de chslvo purposes No nrdlnnry cnnaldinn Ciflzcn no Cnnndlnn OTTAWACanada should not become nuclear power nob en Thompson leader ol the Se clnl Crrdlt Pnrly misled at proclecllon press conference In Oltnwn By that he means that Canada should not arm herself with nuclear weapon cnpnble ol allacklng another country Man klndn hopes lnr uchlcvlnn nu clear disarmnmcnt and hence mankinds nlm to prevent sul cide through nuclcor wurr would be reduced sharply by any mldl tlon lo the lrw nntlon whlch now have on ollenslve nuclear capablllty DTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Warns Trends To Cabinet Rule HOW MUCH WILL BE LEFITBY Apmhi Wm mm lluln rm Ihrllwr yuur we Irmmuy Ill hug My at innwlnu lml wlnln II In cnm Vhflhtr Illuuu II mnllnrlrll mull lmod fly or Hmvulh lhr mnn mull Illfl Ihmlld by mud unlll ll nu hm or omm lo lho val tar am I1 In lhe blood mule lul lunlllvm lml urrpl lur that you can he mil lml ml nm risk 01 pnulng Hm dlltnw In All one rlnr IHCMIIIIHHY nvnrnl nnwvr Ind mnw IQIIIHIM lull lulvu hm lnrlnpcd In In lull yrnu MM can dn mm Imnla ML In dilllrllll ram um mm Kuhn or anr mIm NIL Hauntn llmn to lull no nllll my Imlul or Hill purmm Il la Ilm poulhln lhnl you am mm at man unlormnnlu pmplu who Inlnod In uvnl tlunn IlnmIInI llul wllh mop Whitlan yuur rule and lunlmrnl II II nrwlcd on can II the Inmu llmn wlh mll nny cllnlul lndlcnflunu In II lingual In amn IA and Im VII may he Inn you ncrd lunhor Irnnlmcnl Vo ununlly ulvo mam hm 500000 Im 01 pcnltlllln or fllllpltll lrnnlmml for lynhnll bul Iho Incl mnl your blood ml PMan gexnllve the Hnl llmu nm Dr Mnlnm thn en lmd lho mm In m1 my hloml nhnvml posllha Kuhn HI look 500000 unlu or pnnklllln and was UK Now In pmle llflllhl Cnuld 1M be hrmlflnryl know In other way It could lmvu llnppcnelJ By JOSEPH MOLNEH MD Sn floh lhumpsnnl pmposnl or an IllAnnrty dclenu Com mluce renncll he serious thought and worry In many par linmontnry circles and deserves equally Icrlous lupport would he welcomtd ensurlnx more careful study and per milling backbench MP5 lo spe cialize Ind um to build up he name by mnldng more mar Ive contribullnn Speclllcnlly in reverse um trend political aclenllsls are urging that tho pawn av erumenl bu restored to Parlll man Ono sleep In this dlrecllon would be in not up select com mlnees lllPsol which role vunt cnblunl mlnlslcr xhuuld be memberslo exnmlnc and rec ommcnd upon malar ï¬elds of government acllvlly ln sludylng defencc the special problem sncurlly would ho lnvolved nu In genunl lhl development would he welcomtd ensurlnl TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dorian II mum tn hm gram Inn wln some and devious melhads xuvcmmmtal declslun In vlvld munm the dldakorshlpa em joy lha sllcknnss of Instant governmank To meet lhls handicap the mum of arbi trary decision by prime mln Isler growing up leading no tably In Brllaln as Prolemr Max Bela points out to drift toward presldenlhl govern ment See Dentist Quickly For Trench Mouth lmr Dr Mnan Can no cm cured ol lromh mnulhIMM rrlnlnly but lhc qIIICkPf rml to your drnHI aw nooner youll bu tured uu Wuhlnunn monumvnl In WnMnllnn DC Ill Maud on éln yet no malrncl Um IHIMH hlmufl num bu quilo UIIHIHII L11 In ma nnlrul lunlud Mm mom lnr an rimonlnl MarMI line lenn Wuhln Inn AMI Dolllrmn ml huml an In awn widely Adop Iilt Ille World Wu ball Vrdun Im an Dlo Iyphllh mm You Ire doesnt nurvlve my on tth In ho hum body llul In lh humnn bodyoh haw lw Ihlrnt II In For pcnon flurry Hm mm or man lhnh ll mm ulvu ll lo lamb nave hnvo known the d11 enc to ho pnsmj on In Um Innhlnu Whlla cum lmnllno un turmlnnccs under whlch lur mm ould happen hey mm to extraordinary la bu mmly brllovlhle II IF CANADIAN IIIIM Fuh anuel Mum ll flnl puhllc Ilenunmuatlnn hlu Mmm yrm Ila minIn 11v Mnllm rimrm lmm lmrnlur Hm mumI Mom Iv IN VAII In yrl he doc not hug the dlxcnso humanlyMn BJ Hero you have vast murkcls rnw mnlrrlal In excess dc mnnd and an case lrnmmn Ilmo qlled nnywhom puma How gar can we at ford to ignore Ihls Thank you far your lndulgtncc um unlcmnn Rm Rnrrla uallm nrlo contains the heaviest and lnslcsl gmwlnz canccnlrnunn of homo bulldan In Canada Slmcoo County and nnrlh conlnln unllmlled natural and nrllllclal artsh All Im porlnnl north south hlxhwnyl gammuzh Panic umuul exp aln you will look map 01 Ontario at mo Â¥L17elgfcq soulho Barrie May he permliicd Ia Ilr my View through the medium oi your paper While our fair city is gaining repuiuilon as an lndnsirial centre why must we on in norinz lha obvious New indust ry la wonderiul in illni It creates emplnymwl in factories Alal in most cases he rlw maieriul or these iamoriu L1 humith In mm ouulde he in prepan Illan of these raw materials mvldea employmem or people other place hy not an lnduslry which would benefit Blrrle and dis Iricl lmm first canine with raw material Villa and use lhu ilninlird product Why do we no manulaclure particle bnard hanibogrdln Egrrlal MORE INDUSTRY Dgar Ilr TODAY IN HISTORY LETTERS TO EDITOR rumr rmInflux phml wlIl In mlnllcd In mum Fnrmom hy Um mud 01 ml was an nuunml hurt Thu mml mum 410000000 wlll In fl muted pullly by HM Unilrd Ilu Mumy lnr lnlunallvnul UMIMHIIIHL GET ATOM GENERATOR TAIPEI Funnnun IAI Nullnnnllul Nuns flul nlumlc nm nmnum at My pnId nn Ilcohollc llcvcruxo mnaunlrd to um mllllon llm wn mpnm In or Ind his land IIde the pun ml Uml Hm wn Iconclear hidewag FREE lumpuon Ihe ncflpls nl duly on Inbatca mu by cm mllllon to lulnl nl Halo mllllon Roman or this was im cent lurchunzc lmpmd lyy Sclwyn Lloyd in 111qu budxcl II Ilnnltlcnnl la 11qu um lho duly pnld on lolmccu nrrnunln tor mm mm unc IMrd of the win cusunu row enun 511411 mlIIIun The mm also shew lhnl lhu nrlIlsh smoker cul holr smoking In lhc last your but In apllo cl Inn lho nmuunl cnl lncled In hues nn lnbncra rose npprcclnbly Cnnsumpllon lobnm Icll by lhrcu million pound to Incl 257 mllllnn undL nllrihuud la lghcr rdnll prlm he nmwlnu use Mlnr llp clunrtllu nnd Inc growing concern avcr p01 Iihlo link bclwccn clanmlo unoklng nndlung cunccr One Ihe slcnlllcnnt llem ln lhe report lndlcnlca lhnl them lrcnd which is par nl new wave ol grarlous living Till Mom is one whlrh report lhnl Inlcn nl wine which gallons have lncmscd enormA ously showing growing lush lor hose drinks nhlch have long been mauled more con tinental lhnn Drillsh TILX 0N TOIMCCO mm um to swell the Erltkh Treasury ls lo he Inund In lhe nnuunl report the custom and excise comm lsslonerl And at the same time It zlver some sldcllghis on how the people of uriluln spend heir money on Ihoso cm which Ire subject to lnxnllon lilai way Marl muld we be named the Knockout Bionth Theheavy wdaht Mlle wlll be ink in Mllml Al Ottawa the feature bout wil hnvu me men In the ting it once two Ihem rep menung the funnymoney club From Nw ank axchamp Floyd Patterson quoted being In no hurry to get In Florida No wonder Sonny My Ion wallan them So on Clulu Clay Paran keep asking me since becoming grnndlalher older No just look Ellhlenden 1n the mat Scolllsh name besom un slnna Ira rarer lhun holexlnw one In another span from the land of the heathen Slayner rink gal an ellhl Elmvalo one nllemoan last week Bah llo rink xklpped by lullsl oi lhe scalpel noted the am wlth Interest and lo sweeper avcmd such could not possibly happen lo lheml Hall an hour later they barely escaped the same lgnomlny by one slone as their Elmvnle opponents chalk ed sevenend REPORT FROM ILK lro winning skips muï¬lhy have been meant to ra versu power but lalled to fool tho wpasklan wnl peculllr BradA fords Onion Skn Bonsplel Lo wauh Banlo rink curlers 1n acuun 1m lead was one El kyearg GavemgrchneLal PONDON rele More anlonnl Liberal Fedeh alien at 0mm keep scndlng me campaign llleraturo lush street wrong name and number lo lhom wllh ncno plmplos or blomlshu trialslzo tube of Indicates New Wave mmlmcllnqmuuullmlaIlIInIilnpmb onlulnn phmmnuuucll lnaudlonII whlch all IN IIUI pal Ind growth It ILWIHY hldu II II worh Cul on NI mill couvvnl Ilka It In yum druualll llIaluln who lnlacllna Iowan MldrAwny Iolutaly hue Thll Ml II gum or Illly mm 0i Gracious Living By MclNIYflE HOOD Might Term April Knockout Month By KEN WALLS mm nc mm Swim and mum mrmbtr HM Mnrylnml We lollIrv lure wcrt Indirlul hludn 4m mull lrnuvl chum inuwlnn Invimu nml Inn nuuclnllun nc mm Amnnu Hm muxml wnl Gordnn Boone SJ Tuwwn II Nprnkrr Um Home In lhn turrrnl nunion llw Mnry lmul lruilnluro In whlch Iv mu mm Ilnn m7 flu mu klrnllnnl nu Inwer Here In julcy hll at Mon mnunn In Um report and It mulalna warm lo lmvcllul nhmnd Prosecution or tux lonu 011mm mulled ha mmldlan of um people whom ï¬rm Jnllrd The no pain lolnllm 5335000 More than 000 wutchu nlued nl 3551000 mo MIllll Conllscnlml good and currency brought to llw Imuury urlhcr mu 31000 For the Um or many you 1chqu lrnm ha In on loothall pool drnppcd Apprccl ably mllIlnn lhcy worn down by lulllinn mm In previous year Belling at my hound muck olnllms although down brouxhl mum rlsu In nrcnuc 41mm la lhc urchnru lmmln and went up la HM mill Ion Purchase lnxu brought In 3156 mllllon revenue In In crease of mlljion whlch ll 10 per cenl surchar but nmre than nccounle or by nnllrcublc hat the tax rccclpll hum nulomnbiles molorcyclc undhicytlcs n11 flawed lama dchmu 9011 now The axes an motor In And all showed an Increase $300 million om the pmvloua year and reached total 510 mill lun all Ihla lncrme came from lho new dulles on heavy OHL Hm rest 1er he 10 per m1 Iurchurues and he cant Inued umwth In mnsumpflon or gasqlinc and diesel rand luul NIX INDHYTHD VSllliIUN 141 SIX lumpuon beer went up by mllliun barrels Then wna llghl decllne 1n the drinkan of splflts but he yleld of duty mm lhls source was up by $30 million lo 35W million DIEIIORISTS PAY MORE In that case yourc Only hurflnl yoursell Are you pmhbitionls7 he glowered No Im leelolaler Churchill wasnt wearinl his hearing uld and the whole pal nvar had to be explained lo an assistant who with some dim culty relayed It to ChurdnllL When tha assistant had linlsh ed hl sexplanallon Churcth re laxnd somewhat smiled as said The old warharsa lowered hls bmwk and thrust hll bulldog head forward Have soma he said lll Napoleon brandy and my good loo No thanks snld Cnnndn Prim Minister dont drink He said hat while In landom he and Mrs Dlefenbnker Wm dlnlng privately wllh Slr Wln slan Chnrdflll and noticed that he seemed to he refilling hII glass mm bottle beslda hlm Slr Wlnslon caught chfenbakcr eyolnx hlm closely lnll RL mm mm Dielmbak er nllhoumhe doesnt aka drink hlmsel like most Helms not Ibove lellinl kes about drinker He lold am at the rmné Can Idlan Weekly Newapa rs Inso qllon mnvenllnn In all last My Ionlnluw and dauzhm received nice mm mm Mayor Cooke welcomlnz their baby new citizen of tho city This was the ï¬rst they lmew Ihat Etoblmke had been nnnuxed by Mmmpolltm Barrie f5