Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1963, p. 3

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irritant CIINDIDIITE surronova savs Thinking Canadians Must Vote Ralph Snelgrovo 48 ot Ban rte last ni ht accepted the nanimous ecislon son Liber als that he should carry the party colors In the next lederal election tor the SimcocNorth ridlng buttwo speeches he made were directed In part to perennial Conservatives Mr Snelgrove was the unani mous choice from the outset at Liberal delegated convention at Rarrios North Collegiate The only other man nominated to contest the lob was Edwin John lilyers oi Barrie who Immcdls ate declined In lavor at Mr Sne grove In zuminute talk which took in two speeches including the live mlnute sketch he had plan and to use in bid lor the nom Inatiou and then 15minute acceptance speech hlr Snel grove made at least one point in his campaign tor election very clear TWOPARTY SYSTEM Clear thinking Canadians Conservatives and Liberals alike are united In the bcilel that the twoparty system Is the only system which can provide any stability In our govern ment said Mr Snelgrove lte mentioned that he and th many others considered It im trr iorrn the government alter the April election and The evidence overwhelmingly points to the Liberal Party comin out with the largest number seats Reierring to the press sec tion because oi the obvious lack of Conservatives at the meet lng Mr Snelgrova asked Have you ever seriously considered the plight oi Canada it the splinter grou are ever In sltion to ion up and try and mplcment their many conflict ing theories SUPPORT LlRERAL Well say to Conservatives with all humility and sincerity that it your interest in Cans ada at this moment is greater than your part loyalty It you want to get but to running your business your farm your home without having to watch the news at night to see what crisis has occurred the only thing you can do lor this election at least Ia tosupport the Liberal candidate in your riding Between Coniederation and 1051 Conservatives have won the election In Sirncoe North on 15 occasions and the Liberals on nine More signiileant Is that in ese elections the average vic tory oi the Conservatives over commented in 1053 Mr Snel grove lost bid tor election by 520 votes in this campaign he received majority in Coiling wood but Tailed to muster enough votes in Barrie flanking on his considerations wl respect to nuclear arms Mr Sneigrove said he backs Globe and Mali editorial whldr described nuclear arms In this election as phony issue PEASHOOTER However as long as Canada has military iorco on volun teer basis and these people agree to protect us at home and abroad Is It proper tor us to expect our troops to delend themselves with peashootout The moral side of respect ed nation like Canada making commitment and iaitlng to iulill It is an unpardonable scar on the line reputation oi great nation said Mr Saelgrova In more local vein the Lib eral candidate discussed the general prosperity oi this rid Ing lie said was obvious that some oi the prosperity Is maln talned throug degree oi gov fiment lid in the term at sub as it is my belle and make particular reierence to the Col Ingvmod shipyards that these possible tor the Conservatives the Liberals was 000 votes ha subsidies must and shall con HONORED FOR WIND chlere Ltd was chosen win ner oi the Ralph Snelgrnvo CKVR trophy ior best dec oratcd window portraying in the Winter Carnival theme WILLIAM CLEMENTE Sculptor Gives Demonstration VIIIInm LIrrrrrnlr noted Toronto nruipinr wilt appear It the itnrrto Art Club In Library liuII lit pm today Mr icnienis will lemonslrllio his talent rising tiny us his medium dlvrrsliird nrtlsl Mr Ie mrnis mlmu workr Include pirm oi rculpbrrn In many rlvnin mlirdtonr nrui mripturo mmroriricti into the Architect tire of Illdr buildings lAIiival Luna Urrlird vnrrrir Niniinrn Falls and the North York mlrnlrrpnl olltrro ills lose mrimrr works inrludo arulptnm tor the ltoyul Iintrr Fair and pnpirr mnthe ilgures used ennrrncrrlnlly In store wins down and displays iir icrncnia iolrrrvl the lltNVil in ii Alter the war he ntlrndnl lint Ontnrio oiirzn oi Art and rrruluntnl with tumors In Itllpiiilfl He spent auroral years or denim and rmiptnr In the till play told and wmlml as assist ant to prolndnnal nurtptorr hlnrn not he has maintained his own Toronto studio Ils has Inrrrirt swim at lire Ontario itillcfia oi Art Curtrol Milnltnl Erlrooi and hr now Inlroctlng It Dantrwttr Tdmlcni itchori Toronto Mr ticmnil Talent nrrry in spire Art Hub omnier and othrc lotusted Darrin citirml last night at the Central OnA lurio Sales and Ad Club at Barrie Shown above Is Mike Widdrington Icit representing Mr Snelgrove presenting the Trophy to Anthony Dccarle manager at chlers and can gratulatlng the window design or Tiber Pumdl thamlner Photo Elmvale Community Hall Gets ace Lifting To Tune $5000 LthVALE tSiaiii Alteraa lens at the Community all under the winter works pro gram were described to coun cil Wednesday night by hydro committee chairman ll Lynn Painters have covered two thirds oi the ceiling downstairs wrth bnsa coat he sold in winter works protect the icdcral and provincial gov emmenil pay 75 per cent at the total tuber costs clerk llnrold Nash nddut The alterations at possible cost oi $5000 include Improvements to the heating system rnodemirlng the light Ing completing uniinlshtd arc tionr oi wall panelling and aiming arts oi the building need iaceilitlng PAVE WAY massive cleanup Mod the way tor the painters htr Lynn said An interior detoralor mm It rairrt company was here last lrdny lo drama the color scheme it nus governed by the Nlur oi the drapes Beeton Holstein Sells ior $750 The lirlrd annual Dominion lnvItnlIonnl lain oi linlaicinl held at Dwktllle Inw the curb lcnt average oi use rurh re rrlvrrl iur at head The total oi the ante was 320100 iilghul rice tor hull was $000 paid ry Tlroinnl Crny lialirrovnl hinnllohn in lnerplr Robinson and Sony Tirornhlll of pr sort 0i ilie elifnl sire Tlrrwnlra Tupi buprrme who mu the All Canadian Agni IluII oi tint and Grand ihnrnpinn at the Royal Winter Fair thhrr good prices Inriuriedr Will paid by ii Jones Ilene over to llrure rrrr Markham tor Very ilnnd daughter bl lilrlaio Domino 730 old Ir Virlor Cmrior kroknvillj to Corwell Ileeton tor laughter at llmis Centurion who Is now in the Word Unit to participate In but years ire ikuipturing at the lirrnis Winter thlnivsl One wall is to be done in tur quoisc set oil with creamcol orui trim Turquoise and cream will predominate In the new color scheme eliminating the dark green ceiling Tire trim outlining the door trams and stage will be done In reddishrust shade Mr Lynn said he had asked ior estimates trom iocnl iirrns and gas companies so council could decide how to Im rove tho heating system The rim iloor Is sencd try on oil turrrnte but the Upstairs rooms including he council chamber now depend on heaters Reierring to the drnils cutting through the council chamber during the meeting Ire nulrpcd AII oi us can lest the tor change tonight Heating contractors srrlrrrrli ting estimates have been asked to give two prices one Tor antrnl heating to serve both liners and one tor inrliviriuui treating units with separate thermostats lor curb iloor touncil Igrccd with Mr Lynn Urrrt the latter suggestion would likely be more practical lire hall to rurer In use both up Itnirs nnd dowrurinirs at the some time Separan units would have us lot In irlei hills am the years Mr Lynn pointed out CHANT Llilllm Lighting ilaturen are hrlng tni rtallrd downstairs to replace the previous bare hull Illumination ilcloro the brains Irlnrkld nil much at lltu Ilglri irrnn the truths llruo ilxlurro will incur the light more evenly around the room Mr Lynn elpialnrd iost oi the ilriurrl was in the two lo 00 range with 20 per cent roduttlon iirrvugirlbe supplier arranged try IhrI ins llrlo Ilydm Elmirlc Power mission he elpinlnrsl Reeve Ales MrAuiny thought it would be good idea to In sist liriureo In the rounril room too when battery oi hnr bulbs now supplies the light While were at It we might As well do everything that needs to he ilmi This week limit Imrr kwnl workmen were employed ll the hull Alirrwllom are pelted tn toniinus about month Liberal tinue said Mr Snnlgrova it our higher building costs in can ads make it lm asibia or us toeompcte on open world market then subsidy is iua titled common are We Liberals assure that this kind oi government assistane shall continuenot as hand out but because It makes good economic sense and alien the bonus benciit oi being in the in terest at national aocurl Mr Sneigrove wdowec with three children when he molested and lost the election in 1053 mentioned to his large audience that he has since ro gained the status of married man Dar too much Iirnhimoney and eiiort has been soon in the riding Since 1049 with heart breaking results because at the absence ot really united en thuslastlc eliolt he said LIBERAL UNITED in closing he commented that It seemed obvious that Liberals in the riding are now united Iihen we open our commit tee moors next week persons at all political ialths good Canadh ans all will 0iler their contri bution towards putting Canada back on sound political and economic looting with the Liber al team he said Mr Snelgrove was nominated by Arnold Vancise Reeve oi Nottawasaga Township DuiierinSimcoe Has Candidates For Liberal Ticket ihree candidates have de clared their intention to run tor the Liberal nomination in Dui tcrin Slmcoe icderai constltw eney Nomination meeting will be held next hionday Feb 25 at pm In Alliston Community Hall Those dellnltely in the field ior nomination are llarvcy Stewart inrmer Shelbumel Francis liiudi Gardner dry cleaner Bradlord James Cooke contractor tanner 0r angavilie Mr Stewart was the Liberal candidate In the 1062 Tedcral election against Iton Earl Rowe PC and while unsuccesstui he made remarkably good show Principal speaker will be Rob crt Nixon MPP oi Rrantlnrd president ot the Ontario Liberal Association Banting RALPH SNELOROVE got unanimous backing from 500 Liberals to contest the Sims coe North riding on April during dehgattd convention at Barrie North Collegiate last night From lelt Mrs Frank nuesdell representing the Ladl Liberal Associa ill wruraa DRIVING Says Temperature Has Lot To Temperature will control the length ot skid on roadway during the wintertime to the err tent thnt It will either treble the distance oi the skid or cut it somewhat This is but one at the many iactnrs pointed out by Dell Tele phone Driving instructor Keith Gibb as he brleis drivers he ioro they drive out onto an Ice strip on Kempenielt Day This is art oi training pro gram Inst gated by the Dell tor the acquisition oi maximum salety consciousness by their drivers swioot strip ot Ice 35 test wide was cleared hetero the weekend to demon strata what lack oi controla car has on ice The show was success at the carnival and Instruction is being carried out this week to Dell drivers TAKE FOUR RUNS Four runs are taken by ve hlcie and brakes are applied under diticrent methods 0n the that run the brake is applied in slam iashl with out touching the clutch This said Mr Gibb proves to tire driver the control car loses Student Is Top Speaker isycarold Alliston girl won over three other contestants to public speaking contest in Canadian General Electric eu diiorium last night Mary lrwln student at Dani Ing Memorial High School was unanimously Judged ilrst In tho molest sponsored by the lnduy trial Accident Prevention Arso cIntlon The topic was Safety Prevents Sorrow She won no Dctiy ltood Iv student at Stayner Collegiate institute won second prize oi ill Prizes oi ti each went to len ny Tompkins l7 student at llarrle District North Collegiate and Ambrose Keenan is stu lent at St James Collegiate Colgrrn Mr Kecnun appeared on short notice as stnndin or iricnd who had laryngitls Rule crrlitvi tor the speeches to be between eight rurd ro rnin uies Contestants were docked points for less than eight or mom than to minutes DEATHS rum Suddenly It st Josephs anonlo an Wmmrt Yobmar re eh It up Wain In ru into lnrvly rrT itillowtlfls In lerrd our mm oi an umlrn ilnilyi snr Dushang iliilioll Tamil TIMI Jorph tor room it and Jodi mu rail lire Kan ronmi Hum rr Anewrd Averu 5min In the rhi on II to am ln wvsrnlmm Mvmhl Judges in the contest wcro Hoqu Caldwell 0i Luikin Rule Dob Dickson or Canadian General Electric and Paul Pope ol West Bend Canada Mr Keenan the first conies that said that the workers should accept the maiority oi the re sponsibility tor solely and sug geslcd that awards be presented in every lottery to every works or who has achieved the desired number oi hours without an ac cidcnt Miss Tompkins said Todays youngster Is exposed to more danger In single day than child at generation ago was exposed to In week Iictty llood arid training should begin In latency and then in the school Such man will adopt more ilulckly than tIro man who gtts Is that lesson to Iaicty In Industry she said Miss lrwtn used as an exam ple an Industrial worker Joe who had thrco bad habits There wrro always shavings on the our ncnr Joes bench and his tools went strewn around Instead oi kept in hpeclol place llI tools were dirty litil the handler splintered Joe was given to burn such as remov ing tiro snieiy catch on drills to liven things up Alter minor acridrnl ire he came enlciy ronsclour ier while and iinniiy serious nrci dmt Inndul Irirn In the hospital and be nearly lost his right In her address sire indeed showed how iiaicty Imcnts 90 Enchanting Volcoe Choral Music concert Will Be Held At NORTH OllEGIATE SAT FEB 23 at pm EVERYONE WELCOME ADULTS 75c STUDENTS 50c STUDENTS WITH ACTIVITY CARD 35 when this Is done This point was proven satlsiaetorily yes tcrday morning when Mr Gibb took the tour demonstration runs 0n the iirst run he sped the car to as miles an hour inm mcd on the brakes and the car went out oi control tor dis tance oi over 100 ieet By this time the accident has occurred he said as the car skidded to stop Its nose pointed 00 degrees to Its orig nal lino oi travel The second time round he drove the car at 25 miles an hour and at predetermined location controlled by make shiit light signal applied the brakes and simultaneously ap plied his loot to the clutch He gained pcrlect control oi the car ltlr Gibb said It Iavery Important to recognize certain road conditions heioro we trnv el and mentioned that slush was one of the most hazardous conditions Slush gets into the brakes and somehow the water seems to drip away but whatever con stitutes slush ireues in the braking components and brakes are damaged to unknown ex tents WATCH TEMPERATURE Ila warned all motorists that they should also be constantly aware oi temperature increases Ithn the temperature gets to between is and 20 degrees the ice and snow on the roads be coma so much more slippery The snow is beginning to melt he said and indicated that it may only be microscopically thin suriacc It acted as slick and every control was lost Adequnte traction Is the ans wer to sale broking on Icy sur laces He pointed out tealuro that apparently many people either Ignore or know nothing about When broking apply the clulclr simultaneously or you will go into an unavoidable aldeIn be emphasized When the brake Is applied the treat wheels are moving at tirn rate oi the cur say so miles an hour and tho gus Ir released Since the power train tn the rear wheels Is not released the rear wheels only go the speed oi the engine which Is normally ilvo miles on hour To prove this third run was taken where the clutch was not ushcd In at all and the car Began to more sideways When you release the clutch you cut all power in tho rear wheels thus obtaining unitorm speed on all sell at wheels in last run me are tlon Collingwood Mr and Mrs Snelgrove and Jim Wright vicepresldent oi the Simon North Liberal Astod otion Examiner Photo Do With Skid driven at mph and the em ergency broke pulled on quickly HITS SNOWDANK The car spun around two and half times and plowed through the prepared snowbank Eclnra the drivers take this quick course they are given ISmInuie brieiing by Mr Gibb as to why they will do what they are asked to do In this Mr Gibb outlines ear and vehicle salety on Ice and what cars can do It treated properly The proper use oi the available controls can mean the diilercnce between collision and solely He has been an Instructor with the company ior to months working out of the Weston Reg Ion Plant Training Centre In Tor onto Three locations were used In Montreal ior this course one In Orillirr and now Darrin lie lure the winter season is over the company expects to cover most at Ontario With almost 6000 cars and trucks the company averages 5000000 working miles every 13 days And the saiety record ts high aid FREE Service provid ed by local builders ilrme who support the campaign Iponsorrd by the cham ber oi Commerce FOUND Trinity Youths Hear Speaker One hundred and elghtyiisat down tor chicken dinner in the Parish Hall of Trinity Church as the guests of Arcb deacon and Mrs Read Chairman oi the evening was Dr Watson who Is chairman ol the Young Peoples Division oi the Parish Board oi Christian Education hearty sing song was led by Barry Dyck presi dent of the Young Peoples Then all went tn the church where Bruce Darker was bap tired In most impressive ser vice Tbls was iollowed byan Inspiring Illustrated address by the Rev Earl Gerber who wes missionary In charge of Anglican work on the east coast oi Hud rnn Bay lrom last to 1060 His adventures and experienc es held the close attention at lull church ills address was one at tremendous inspiration This Is the third oi series oi meetings held tor the young people in the Trinity Parish The fourth oi the season is tohava as guest missionary tronr Alrica False Alarm lit Hospital Firemen wero called to the Royal Vldoria Hospital about 930 last night to answer tire eall itturned out to be ialso alarmone oi the glasses had broken cars ROLLING Edward mee niElmvale has been named retumlng oli lcer again tor the riding oi Slmooe North in the tortth Ing federal election Mr Crowe will be setting up an oitice in Barrie shortly its already has caumeralors out making house calls getting names Tor tho voiera lists WENDY HICKI Coordinator Walker and Pied Piper Shops have girls and boys lined lune irons Hit tine customer wanted white collar to go on wool drug and anallrer lady complained that she was unable to buy pretty collar or the more mature women We ilrrally hand some at one store only but they were somewhat old it any mrrchaalynuld like to stock selection WANTED hirna woollen grloiop Irneo length sorkl sire II It you know where they can be bought will you please call and tell In It the Darrin Show ping Henlre PA 57 Any merrhIntl wishing to subscribe to tha linrrln Shopplnl Service are asked to rail PA 51 AUCTION SALE NEW USED FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINOS APPLIANCES SAL ran 23 pm NI nuanvrr TERMS If Mink JERRY COUtltiidN AUCTIONKKR cranks Tartarm srorra 3M lsyileid It PA arm

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