MumIn uar UL rum nnn Il Umqu dong Mumm It In wm VI NM AC7 I1Mll hfllrlflNIl II AVIU HUN II IIUHVIII lNfll Lu com an Anne Mer nun Mm mm nu Imp mm hp um an mmmn Yl in tr fl hmlr rImy IDu rm um sm va TIFF lvm UM AINIIM Ahlllm Allem Mull Numlnlum All ll 71 mu Ann Alll llul val ml ul NJ ml 71 Pu In ram mm Tumnln Mainly Iunny Iodny Ind Frldny Vtry old Wlndl wm la Mrlhwml 20 In 30 Nanhnm lake Huron iwru hm flay llnmmnan muons Sunny with cw cloudy pc rloda Ind some lcnllcrcd umw lurrlcl today and Frlday Can nldernblo drlfllna Vrry cold Wind wcsl la noflhwul 15 lo lynoplh Lower lcmpcra tum are likely In occur lonlxm ml wlndx Ire exported to re main strung Lilllu now Is ex pcrtcd lodny but nlmng wind may cause considerable dnrllnz in mm um Tumnln Mainly Iunny Iodny Ind Frldny Vtry old Wlndl wggt la Mrlhwml 20 In 30 She phoned hlm right after we missed the dog Mr Cole said How could we Ue him up again unlil came back hame Mr Cole laid council his wiia ind paidihe Iummnnm him are all he could was compllln about the principle involved Th dog was not lmpoundnd llr Cole contended summon hould no have been Issued un leu the dog was mum and He claimed it was unfair oi pollen chic lioraca Elwcll lo scrvc ihc summons since Mrs Cole hnd phuncd he chic lwo day belare to report that the dog had broken loose from the backyard uy nnm ELMVALE Slam Villa resident Russ Cole appeared be lore council Wednesday nlght in grates summons delivered hl home charging that his flux was runnnz at large STAYNER 1mm Parking Wan was at premlum or back amund the arena here puma evening as record cmwd turned out Iar Ihe mm annual Llons Club hem supper and Ice show Suppefllmc orlxlnnlly sched ulzd from pm to 730 pm had In be extended half an hour ito cope wllh the llneup Lieu Club member supplled nosl of the food for the Iced It was served by lhlll wlves who also helped ln prepare lll Iloben Pm and Mn and Mn Bud Slelnlmfl dlrected opera llons on the serving llne Sup plle nl bmad and Ice cream ran out once as volunteers hus llod to nerve the mum dln Bruce Owen ieii nnd Char les Seamam QC an co chuirmcn Was Simeon Stewardship Mission Parish oi ninily Anglican murch Bankr organizing cammiiiccs in In tndeavour Io reach members ni thn parish TCrowd Of 700 1ler011sl Enjoys Lions 106 Show Argues Summons Over Loose Dbg télub president 5111 Ive esti mated attendance as near the mark Previous Mxh was C0CHHIRMEN TRINITY MISSION emnllrd by I7 Flynn Duan 5t Hum TODAYS STOCK PRICES WEATHER Fonnciï¬ in nu am in 4mm In Ilullull hum laun Am Imuni lnuvlq Hmun mxmm ll Mum MIMMI Nulm Ilnlu 7mm um 04qu Hum III Hm luv Hln lmv TMer lm In Aurrl Inllnd ll MI lmmlu mumv mun Km Dom rmma hum mm hm anUnIlAL Ivmmn Ioreull Tcmpeulunl law lanlxhl Mlh Prldly Vlndsnr Thoma Iandon Kllchcncr Vlnnhnm Hamillan SI thnnnu Twnnlu Idcrlwrnugh Trcnlnn Klllnloo v5 Muskukn Noth my 11 Sudbury Eurllnn UH Knpulluulng 18 My suggestion that nwnm should Hrs be warned to keep lhclr dogs led up lho second lime hr don Ihould be picked up lhc lhlrd lime luminous shuuld be issucd Dr Patchell added Councll agreed to dlscus Mr Coles objection with Chief El well who nlso Ill do catch er Al Ritchie optram lhu vll Inge dog pgnnd Dr lchell laid the problcm of dogs running Al lame was dimlnlshlnz one Mlh may causln mm Inc current property dnmauc In slrayl were dcstroyLd the pro 1cm would be licked he ell mien lg ha pound Councillor Nonn Cum lalcr checked the byan llld found hot summons could so out as long he do calcher was able to ldonllly the dogs owner lhmuxh llm nnlmall don lag or participation in the sum mcnls oi lhc church and war ship or God iniiis Iinusc on Sunday The mission is being iocuxscd on and towards an All member visitation on Palm Sunday April dcdic lion and visiinlian Sundayi Girl hockey stole the show later By the lime Barrie Slew 11 Lunch and Creemore 01 110 took the ice he gnl lound Slayner an mmora pee wee squuml off in Ihelr ponlcsl at pm while supper was still in pmgreaa Even in early rivals gave them the largest and nolslest audience in Ionl tlme Signer ï¬lm out Creemora 30 fly masteral ceremonies Jack Carroll saldAny proceeds Ielt over 1mm expenses an award the clubs community service work his exhibition hockey game help pmmole Interest In mlnur hogkey he addeq The 711011 Ciub stages the bean supper every year 503 5151 galllyerlnu or Ihe qomrpun Ice shnw antenalnment 1n cludcd wovhockey games ï¬gure skating mmedy act and driw 1qu pr 1m um Hut 0410 Natnull hm Iln Mum 5mm Mun lul mum on mum Wmuq Mom cmp m1 rum rmnr run run nu ma smwlnum lln on run nm nu hum lvmm nu MW hnuh Mum 111 im In In lll In IU Canslmcllon pmhloml nlxo dc Inyrd complcllon mm lnylnx nlonK ho rnumtnl mm Rum Ilml unlll the end of Ian week Thnll why no 1an made an in Inncwuy north of Nurlh mm Thu Iuwcr mum ol Queen ll mmpltlu turn for Iran up nnd roplnclnz drnlnn well mlnnr MIX an the mnnholu Huun mvlm amnedlnn will he In an lhll no hint Mr 0mm npomll unnlmcllon problem Illll handlcnp he conlruclm Mr Chlld Inld 0n Amclln street as fact plpc had been lnslnll ed In lwo dnyl when work had In flap The cxcuvnllon on Amcllu was In dnnzcr of com plrle collapse The cnnlrnclor WM lnslmclcd In slop vmrk on lhll Iccllon umll nnnlher method cxcnvullon nnd lnslnllullnn wufl amplnytd hls repay rchl an hr conhnclar has In cldtd In use tlahc nhrcllng Workmnn hul wtrk were HI gnzcd ln mnvlnz llmbm nnd manR Irnmu or lhll purpasc mm was Endn on Iouxu mvkc ronncruom and llvo wqfn lnnlnllnd on Amrllu Chllds reprcscnllnz VH Inge engineers Proctor and Red lnrn made ml announcement progress taped to muncll Wednudny nllhl rend by clerk Harold anh ELMVALE sum Work the pump house Iila at the villages sewer Ayahm hauad rcccnlly by an In ob peeled lo awn ncx week DIAMOND RI 151GB Mr Ryan In Invited relcr ence to he splintered melon bnkcr cabinet Iefl the inference Hm Mn Diclcnbnknr was Ick man lhmunh the nkmull use 01 glass of watch Most of an audience leemcd lo min the lmplicnuon Mr Ryan maintained that he government cmmpled because oi the sheer mlsmanngcmcnt at its own members From the platform he pmduccd list at who he described 11 ill prom scs that he chlcnbnker gov ernment tolled to keep since it was ï¬rst elected in 1937 ll mentioned six of these which would hava had particular cl ect on the economic lives of iarmm To Resume Work At Pump House lle Liberal cannllan at 500 penpla at Bar rle North Colleglala Ralph Snclgmve was unanimously chosen as Ihe Llheral standard beam or SlmmNorlh ln flu comlng April elccllon the magma The Conservative government didnt produce pmgram to satisfy the countrys basic prob lems and lhla was why the 75th parliamenx died Peny Ryan MP 11 TomnmSpadlnn snld lag nigh In1arrie Winner wort Mrs Bud Steln half box of chocolates Har ry Hawkins pillow slfps Mrs Ed Webster flashuzht ereldq McIntym nylons Oliver Ray mer cake plnte Clark flashlight Mrs Aub Perry Ish lnl reel Judy Slever paint set Kalvln Gilchrist ham David Culham package tea hngl Bob Cull my Instant cofleu Joy Burkholder box chem lam and Ed Webster two din ners at local remnant een mer andlse prim want In draw winners Mr Can roll condumd the draw allow lng lha peewee game DRAW WINNERS LIBERAL MEMBER CHARGES II Duh ml lrnl FA NI Figure skating teacher from Bunin Georgia Dauulwalle Ind Suzanne Emma staged 15 minule comedy routine between he lemnd and third period of tin girls hockey game Mn Domhwdl instruct the Siayner Lions Flam Skatlux Club mem bership nu themselves laying lo packed house Bane look In early lvm goal lead the ï¬rst period Whistles outnumbered the chem Wllh WVEAR SECURITY BOND Uqum Poor Govt Program Destroyed Parliament Out Hepmt nm mrdlng wru hlgmlnhlcd Ivy lho ckcllon al ulllcm lar In Ms nnnunl rcporl Chic Irwin nnnounmd mm hue Wm llvo mulunl nld call In Slxnmo County In 1061 There were 61 in mlm nnd mm who ullcnd lhln your nnnnnl mullnz Tha Slmcoe County mulual ire nld nssoclallan has nxnln sclcdcd Barrle Fire 1hch Rally lrwln In coordlnute lhe ncllvih es of nssocimian In the tomlnz yum The dcclslan rnnnpolnl mic Irwln wnl mndn nt lhu msoclauonn nnnunl mecunz Md this ucck In nnrrle Mn 19 51mm County re dwaflmcnu parlltlpale 1th lnvolm 30 permanent In lixhlm and 342 men who have voluntrcrtd lo lnke par 1n lhn nchlalion Chiei Irwin ha bun monk inninr Alncu he Inception oi um association in um and or Iwo yum prior he was insirumrniai in lrylnz gt lbe group sinned He slalcd lhuc Liberal gav ernmcnl would lake pnsillw appmacll lo Canadas luture through establishment mm Industry trade expansion nssls lance lo municipalities more oppoflunily or youth square deal for farmers mun care and pmlecllnn lnr unlor cil hens Funhermure the Liberal ls the only paly without dis unlly laid Mr Ryan and we He said the most pressing pmblems hnl wlll face new government wlll be high unem ployment Ihe slow rate of ca onomlc grown heavy Imde dellcll Ihe urgent need to ex pnnd export trade ugh money because of financial mismanage menl plus doubr and lack of mlnlfdcnm of Canadas lulure roe We need lhnse warheads lo Irain our armed forces prop erly sald Mr Ryan native Barrie Irwin Stays As CoOrdinator 01 Mutual Fire Bid Assoc He stated that Lester Pcarsonl stand on nuclear arms wouldnt mean an extension of Um nu clear club but we would be hnnarlng our commitments He said Mr Dielenbakcr has grave iluallon pause or drink with only skeleton LlllLE JULIE Semenville mycnmid daughter ai Mr and Mrs Lloyd Somerville Smyncr was so cxciied by he hubbuh that she am standing up That way was easier to keep luck of what was going on Here aim lake spoonful of dessert oiiered by her moiher with Vonl Va skeleton flule for dr nk cal lUXUlY SIIVICI ICONOMV layman In H10 Mar of downtown Tomnlo lacing Allan Gardenl Clo to nun Ihopplna and Inmmlnmm comn malor hoxpllull and Iubwoy Boaurlfully oppolnlod room and wit Dlnlno Room Toluvlllon Cthnn FREE mam Modvvallly $630 We Mud hon Guava the your Harald lunmn repre scnlnlive the Onlnrla Ilfe College and Fire Chitl Edward GumA Bradford condch um clecllon The new afllccu are Fir Chlcl Ozlhnm Slayner president Flre Chm Lloyd Hull Crccmm vlco prcsldcnl Ind Flu 1ch Clnrcnco Martin Sunnldnle anmhlp Lecrdary TINY BALL BEARINGS Unllcd Stale mace instru ment use ball bearing Imall that some 31400 at them welsh only one pound Mr Merrick mentioned llial more will be Liberal booster dinner for men only on lllarch nl lhe Embassy llail Admis sion charge will be $250 arid illr Mcrrick pmmiscd an execpl lnnal speakcrl Nexl Thursday lha Simme North Liberal Association will hold nmccllng nl Oakley Park School will be or electlnn ol nllicer and an Mucallonal workshopl Mr Snulgmve adoï¬ted the same llne of lhlnklng during cmnrks The meeting was Jointly chaired by Charles Newton prasldcnl or Ihe SimcocNorlh Lihcral Assoclnï¬on and Will iam Merrick Barrie ML Newton said early In the mccllng lhal Liberal who came from Inr parts of the riding or the large mccllnx deserved mcdnl because lhu very poor weath EQOSTER DINNER have he best chance of forming Iy government the mint mpaign standing up That way was easier to keep luck of what was going on Here aim lake spoonful of dessert oiiered by her moiher Vlnml lA um MI Onvpouy HOWEY ELECTRIC The next Iccldnnl was on Highway 400 exlcnslon south Dulslnn when um bumped Inln 32 back and ma car ahead It lhla mulled in slx cur pllc up but the ulhcr cm wen driven away They cant see anything ihcreim lhcir assumpiion is lhcru ls noihing there he mid it till sinned 215 ycslcr dny ailcmoan and iasied until 305 lhala when 24 car were involved in collisions in this lrcil Tn Hm ouurmd It the Ivy Side Road and Highway 27 scum rcsulllng In broken In to one man and shock lo an other Thu beast Ihcm nll ytslcri day was 10 cnr colllxlnn on Mr Welles used wooden model constructed movenblc parts Wllh Oscar llle model he showed the current way ï¬ll it we are lo prevent accl dcnls And lhat Is In make sure the muscles of the lower ox remllles aru 1n the cancel paslllons he sald Looks like Barrie and area drivers and olhcrs hnvu sudden ly bcen stricken with astrlchla according to Sgt Andrews Provinclnl Pnlicc Thnmas Welles of the Work mcna Camacnsauan Board who wnrks at the WC Hospital and Rehnbllilnllon Centre at Downs vIew demonstrated the baslc principles and good mechanics of lilting and how In prcvcnI Injuries nolcd physlcal therapist and gymnastics supervisor addressed Ihe mgulm Industrial Accident Prevention Associations meet ing here last nlghl on Back In juries and Lining Technlques OPP Kept Busy Chasing Mishqps EVEN HAZEL the mald took time on from her work wlth he Baxter to help serve customer the bean suppcq Doubllnldinm thought they Supervisor Shows Way Of Lifting QI turnn1 Ifon nnknm wmu men Try TIN In TINI is different from any other wine its terriï¬c Sgt Andrew sald Ihen ICI dent muld hnva been avoided It only the driven hurl paid more nucnllun to the road ton unions ll wus allppcry and vlsibllily was had All nchdenl Ire Ilill undcri IV lnvcsuumnm Including Ihe mh mlnm nonrcporlable ll Dunlap SI dcnu lhnl happened nflcr Them Wm about In ol the 1mm mlnur varlety Mun Thnri l5 Fri The nrlglnal two were drlvcn all by lhclr owners lllghwny 27 one ha mile north or Cundlcs Thcre car drlvun by Simpson Crockcl Burrle npparnnlly the car driven by Philip Van Bonngan dicn West Babylon New York Thu did Wllhln mailer three minulcs clghl morn can travelllnz In both dlrce Ham became Involved Fnur car had lo be own way TIN can hc hdvtsed Use Ihe whole your hand for lilllng he advised The back should be kept reasonably slralghl And the back should be kept Independent and Isolated from the leg He said Our Job at Downy view is not Just heat therapy and so on to the back but also to leach Ihc mun how live will lhnl pour aldhack hlr Welles sald the strength at the legs vastly lupertor tn the back so that the stance more Important than any thing clsp Bend theuknce or knee hen mm ghl Dopl bend Mr Welles demonstrated with slmulnled vertebra to thaw thg lerril sgraln on the discs recognlled Hon Ed Dougnll under the malds sham locks Dishlng out the Ice cream Emil Dorm Examina Pho Ios Lcnm xilore 1th back Start Retirement Savings Plan TODAY W4 CANAdh TRUST mcr pruidni 73 Farmers The elmion was conduclcd by Kcflh Clay Ontario Depart ment or Agriculture Guest speaker for the evem was An Own who spoke on the future of arman for the young pcopln of Ontario Presldcnl ls Allce Woodrow llloonslnne Olher olllms are Francis Drysdale past pIEsid enl Ron Shaw vicepmldenl George Anderson secrclary treasurer Kellll Caldwell Pro vlnciul Dlmlar Dnn Woodrow rcprcsenlallvc the Fedora inn Agrlculture and press regarlcr Inslallallan or ofï¬cers wu conducmdby RonVJapes for Dr Patchell could see no problem In keeping tho club Alive and Ilulvlng once lLl launched In answer query Irom Cnunclllar Normln Crane he sald two local Onla rlo Fmvlnclal Pollce ollicer have volunleezed la act ls per manent lnslruclora he annual mcellng ha Nonh Simon Junlor Farmers was held In the Jana Com munlly Hall Arccbnlly and alala ol olllcers eleclnd for TM Is good thing or Seen amers not adept at campeulve sporu ha said Problem teenagers nso ind Kun clubs good wile for their high strung nalurcs and challcnle tohelr engrglcs According lo present plans the gun club is to be set up Lions Club meellnz April 11 he added Sine ï¬rearm licences qra only Issued to host who have taken gunhandling nouns the med exists for such gun cl Pakchqllfxplglnqd similar gun Lcluh farmed bthc Liam Club In Kuwlck has gone over blz In the com munity and IL olflcers have volunteered la help zetone let upmln Elypvale ELMVALE 45mm Pros pm of arcanlzing gun club here or young people age be 35 gplqreg ï¬ll Llans Iunior Famers Elect Oiï¬cers Dr Patchell reported to mull Wednesday night Chan ces are that tuch club could be fanned this Iprlnl he Inl SAVE ON INCOME Elmvale Lions Will Organize Youth Gun Club the iunior wt paw