Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Feb 1963, p. 14

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NSC BOBTho smnr compact mmlcm styling Is evid cnl in this Murcophbnlc radiorecord player unmhlnnb Inn Garrard changer oval npcnkcrn 15 uurc and wide ran 10 suuml rapruduclluu Chomo from hcuulllull Ilnis ml valnul hwmlish vnlnnl ven vms wilh Inllllfilllblml lrrllmlcep linlshcm Wldlh 30 hulnhl 21 depth 101110 Regular Prlm 24995 EATONS Snlo Price Each Lllhn raphul rcprmlucllnm rn ulnr rim 14 or EXlllnlll Sl 2CIAII Ellh Mr llvmlnan lravrll mm In runI mm nnmllnn um ml II wluwlly NUKIIIINI lur Mu vultlnmllnl Inmlwnw high fidelity You can enioy years of listening pleasure inexpensively with this In cfloct Salrnger said the White llnuse is returning to what he sald was the procedure followed under the Eisnnhowcr adminlslmfian But reporters who covered the spcinl scene during that period protested that the Eisenhower permitted reporters to mingle talk to gums and cover the receptions COOKSVILLE Onl 1C Tumnlo Township Police Con stable Donald Baker said In This Is your nmuvrlunily to purchase one of Ms orlglnal 01 ml an But the Kennedys have made it point to ellmlnate the or mnl renewing Ilne In such case Salinger said the report ers would have to leave afler Ule guels arriyp Reporters covering such re ceptions hemaitcr may only watch the guesLs arrive and the Kennedy pose for plchucs and watch guests on the receiving line thure is any Press Secrelary Pierre Salin ger Wednesday outlined changes in the sclup Whiilh has been allowed 101 Ihe two years of the Kennedy administration He said hey wen made aiier an examination of ihenew cov ernge policy but did not go into details about what led to the decision WASHINGTON AmReport ers have been old they no innger may mingle or ialk with guests official rccnplions given by President and Mrs Kennedy 35 Down CAPSULE NEWS Reporters Ousted From JFK Receptions This Week Till Sat Feb 23 EATONS mo holding gallery showing of ORIGINAL PAINTINGS 13y BOWMAN EATONS BUDGET ACCOUNT nlnl Canadian Arml if In Alonzo Boyd 43 is back In Kingslon penitentiary alter brief spell freedom In Toronto His parole was revoked can llor this monlh or persistent breach of parole condilions He refused to heed parole oilicors warnings not In associate with llryearold Toronto girl Mrs Macaulay has been va callpnlng with her husband Leopold who was provincial secretary In l930 during the Conservative adminlslralion Howard Ferguson and Mar as highways minister under Premier George Henry TORONTO CF Hazel Charlton Macaulay mother Macaulay cconnmic minister in Ontarios Prngrcs sive Conservative government died Wednesday in Lnguna Bgnch Calif Cansl Baker estlmmcd 35 cars were parked on the shoal der and all the driver said they ware forced by Lind seys car he drove on the wrong side magislxates court Wednesday he was dumbfounded when he saw how many cars Howard Lindsey 73 or Toronln had forced off street Back In Jail Mother Dies TORONTO CWBank rub $995 me emf Mcakin 55 20 lingual Sel Missy +T EATON mm mm In uc ml Iuhum Iml nnranmu ml uluuu iv NHL MANY BELONG There are nearly 3500000 members the National Geo graphic Society lhrnughnut the world witness told jurors the capital murder trial or Georges Marcolie labovel that delence lawyer lrasan Constuniin insti galcd bank robbery lust Aug usi Murmtle is accused of murder in the fatal shooting of two police officers during bank holdup in Montreal sub urb last December On Trial GEORGES MARCOIIE my ml 795 20111 ifnljnl In 999 by Johnson Piece 1999 Huumlum mu rd motI body Imllnn ml Ilrl uhlnr Innlr mu Imam lu Imuu mm nu mm at AdJuIIIN mam II II In nrh 999 DeVnronn speaking Ihraugh nn inlerpreler Dr Nestor Cnr honeii made his sinicmenls in Icsiimany before the Hausa oi chprcseninllves inter Amnr imn aiinlr subcommillm ii is investigating Cuban subversion in Latin Amtrim in Rio de Janeiro spoke man or Brazils iorcign oiiica rejected he statement absm luiely ridiculous saying it impussibie that such base could exist without the govern menls knowledge Cuba has set up numerou schonls sabotage and guer rilla wnnnre lhmughoul Lulln America dlreded by council of high Communist 0mm In Havana Dr Manuel deVarona presl dent nl the Cuban senate from 1930 to 1952 under former dlc lulor Fulgenclo Batista also said Wednesday WellInlonncd source in Vienna mpbrt the Russians have established two secret military bases in Latin Arne Ica one in llie innglu of north west Brazil the ether in the mountain ol Paraguay Vienna have military Ica one WASHINGTON ANA Cu bnn exile lender my there are more lhan 11000 Savlel troop In Cuba and perhaps up to 30 000 He called for United Slatesled Invasion to restore peaco to the hemisphere WASHINGTON bnn exile leader more lhan 11000 In Cuba and peril TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE FAB24H Exile Leader Says 30000 Reds In Cuba HTflE BARRIE EXAMINE TIQRSDAY FEB 21 196 498 Chmmlum cox our mum um lwo mnu mm lop In II Ihoul am Cool Mum lundlu huh In nnl 00 udll n3 Mr um um um MN Mun HUN wumxnn deV me mh 249 source In Russian we secret atlnAmelk Whero Your Sales Slips Are Worth On Your flex Purchase oonumop mm mm PA 91191 MOSWNS EXPANSION CONTINUES TTIe Coat YOu Want MENS WEAR mi 59

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