UnlIZMYElIflUAlY IlllJlBlIAY FKBIUAIY 00 Hull um Popny Put on mm Nllu Wu If non cmy ma Delendan umnuchnblu cnc 1V Nun Wulhif Spom NI Movie Clnuul numv rznnumv moo Ten mum Good Mn mm 10 1104 mm Party Pmy 1130 Noon mm Loo Mavi Ianom wnm Ynu ma slnl Rlnl Imumd rrlendly mm bar In Yuun Thxmr ï¬mleu lhll PM hm hm Dluh 9yyp szsssas 1000 1100 1115 30 Mr and Gemgo Graham upon Sunday wnh their son and daughter In law Mr and Mg DonglflGrallnql Markham Misi silly Ila Pullman Tornnlo spenl Iho weekend will the omen0 par 0n Sal night the vale Dislrict High School slu denh presented their drama in Iha Midland and Penetang High uth and good attendance of parents from Elmvale and Dislrlct game tasuppur£ them Mriand Mr Graham Christin and Mr and Mrs Cecil Baker legtulor nhuliduy lnVFIorlda The below zero weather did not dampen the Spirit oi euchre fans Friday night who nilendcd the social evening in lhe Orange Hail Winners were Mrs Clarence Ritchie Miss Ed na McQuarrle men Harry Wni era and Clarence Turner door yriu Mrs Nrner Refresh menlsnconciudcd Ihe evcning The Sunday nchool room the Presbyterian Church 311th vole was decorated or the oc cnslon when neighbors and Mend assemblcd to honor new lywzds Mr and Mrs th Green law nee Pal Playford with miscellaneous shower Bunnie Maw and Barry Greenlaw enn ricd In the baskets of am with Mrs Greenlaw Mrs Kidd Mrs Black and Mrs Donn Ma llrtlng Mrs John Elrlck played the wedding muslc th Grecn her thanked everyone for tho many lovely gills Lunch And gel togelher concluded the evenlnz minim wmmans The ladle SI Andmws Presbyterlan Church held thelr annual Valentlna lupper on Feb which was ve successful The Sunday Schon Roam was decoralnd wh hearts baskels of flowers and each tahlq cen red with red candles lha plum cvld meals and scalloped lame with saladsuplckles an vnrlcty cake and tart were very lempllng COUPLE HONORED AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Em Up Imlmon muu mam Irnlmon mum rm Lumun wmnu NI II To In mumn Gummoh Lucillt lull Juk Im Show ELMVALE By mus FL TERRY TELEVISION PnoGnTMS CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL IMlmlM nnauanr ta lrnlnunll uloon mm mm mu rnunt mo um ma Im nmlu MudI Inn Man Arumm Tn HM lmwnlun no MI 11mm In an LII and 1m Harmnu snnm null nonh CTV NI Annmw lmlu The pupil dgar No school enjoyed valenllne puny Thursday nllernoon Alter Inn with games and contests lunch was served Their mother were also Invited and thank Miss Sincere sympalhy goes to Al fred Shellswcll In the death his slaer MrsGearge Patten son 1n orillia Feb ll Mrs Pattersan had been resident of Edgar before moving to or lllla She and her husband were proprietors lb Edgar GEM al Store Mr 1nd Mrs Maurie Hayes Vlncznl Hayes and Mm Dick er attended the funeral or their cousin Mrs George Patterson Feb 15 In Orlllia ms Jamel Handy wggkend at Elmvale day In Barrie at be home of her dnughlei Mrs Colller The occuslon was the birthday of her grandson Randy Many liule gucsls helped Randy celr brglle his third hjnhday The community was saddened by lha death of Mrs Violet Dick er Feb Prior In her husbands death Mn Dicker had lived on the Aih line at 0rd moving to Edgar village In the fail of 1997 In her youth Mrs Dicker had attended schnwi at Craighnrst Sincere sympathy In her ramin and relatives Grandma Dick er as she was known had been patient in Inniswood Private Hqsplini iorseverai mpnihs Mr and Mrs Sims Whitby visited Mrs Sims par enls Mr and Mrs Thomas Conper Mr and Mrs Terry Moulden and children annsview wen Sunday with the lane mother Mn Herb Ritchie enli Mr and Mn Camp bell Mr and Mn Pal Burton are vacatinnlnl at Fort Lauderdale Florida Mm John Calfy returned to Newark New Jersey alter vis ulng her parenu Mr and Mrs John qule HEAIING FUELS Phono PA 6652 clfcrv m5 MW mm lUnlIIIMuI TORONTO BARRIE ionigny Amme Humm cm lel Wllmtr Spam Mom Nobody Lhu Pom MI Ill nd Squaw llaadown By MRS HAYES BARRIE EDGAR xpenl the Im Ho look lho Icénl club And cashed the AQAJ npndcx wm discnnllnx hum and diamond Then hl In law club is no any make wclva Irlclu wlm his hand ngnlmt tho but dclcnw even with he advnnlune ol mlnx all 51 cards but 50th mnnngrd ha 11er uncannlly wall that ha could no he flopped Opening loudqueen cluhx cm is remarkable hand in which lhc iicclntcr made II no lmmp Wm led in queen clubs innocently enough his suit never having hotn bid and mm lhcn an Iound himscll tnuzhl In it vise mm which he cnuld nul cscnpci DAILY CROSSWORD myslzry around the village as to who owns the Shunly Bay Jersey cow who was op producer This item was published in the Barrie paper last Thursday lcr chucking withlscvcrnl mem bers the Jersey Club the my stery Is still unsolved Spring must be around um cumbr as several lamb have On Feb 1a lha members at the Ladies Gulld of St lhomns Church and lhelr hus band enjoyed bulletstyle tur key supper the rectory the home of Rev and Mn William Flynn The evening was spent inmconlesu and playan court We are pleased to report Mur ray Anderson progressing av orably alter buck nperallon tn St Michaels Hospital Toronto Sorry to reporflamcs Camp bell Is patient In Rnyal VlL tnfln Hospital Barrie 451an mu Quite number people from the Village nllcndcd the Barrie Wigner Carnival qver the week Ell I1 mm 19 an buu mi mummy IL mm rumE mean an on In Jiï¬fn animal aid Ulfll nun Chum unmd plum an mounmn Congratulétion cf tn Fred Vecnemn one of last years grade eight pupils who Ls lead ing grade nine at Barrie North Collegiate mKWIUf Congratulatinns to Wayflo Syu non and Jams Gaylan of Bar rla whn vera married in Bar rie Feb Georg Sutton was one of Rh foursome whu won the OKeefa Trophy at the Barrio Curling Club Friday night wax ma aw hymn Ten ladies met It the Ichool Saturday aflernwn to resume theirsewlng lessons on Fun on Finishes Mrs Barton as slsled by Mm Haye In Ilrucled the ladies on placinl marking and culling various Enigma Annlher meetlng will held next Saturday allemaan in the school By MRS WOETLEY The February menlug of the Home and School Association will be held Feh 26 In the school Gui speaker will be Donuld Jackson the Childrens Md Sm deli ofï¬ce In Barth Handy fur an Inkybl ailer noon mm Way nu Samh dealer Neither xide vulnerable The bidding lvm Npgm nu Mmoén mm SHANTY BAY CONTRACT BRIDGE Ao OAK on we nomn um 52 um um mm lo ï¬rm l1 MIMI 11min tour tummy primer EAST anon QHMI owes BY MY BECKER My mIlfl hu hulld 81 mn mm rallied nJVCMM Anna Imam nu mm 39 Klln finally mm It mm lump now mil So hn won he club wllh the Jack laul wax lhcn lnmd In rclum tlub nwny 1mm hll 75 in Squlhn 96 ï¬rms in an easy gnmc Tomorrow ChocIn the open Inn bld Vcsl could not Illord to duck bccnuw lhu tlghl of dull and Jack Ilarnunds would pmvldo dcclum with Illa clcv Inlh md twrlllh tricks OAK £964 South now cushnl he AK diamondx lelllnnlhu queen and cwlnblishlng dummys lurk lhen ha ltd lhn our cluhw whean Wm lwnd Mind in poles pygillon Vcsl could not afford In play low whlch would have allowed declnrcr lo ï¬nesse the clght so he put on he 01L South lonk the an wllh ll kin and cash ed lhc klng ol spades discard ing diamond lrom his hand as West vducalgod anolher hearL as he AK or hearts and West whn could nnl afford to dlscnrd club whlch would have made drclar ers ask easy mu forced In part with diamond 11m brought about lhil lnlcrcsling livecard pasiliun Congralulallluns lor rm and Mrs Gary Penley nco Twyla Scott on Lha birth or daught We are sorry to hear Mrs Wllliam Anderson pallcnl in the Soldlcrs Memorlnl llas pilal Orillia and that Ewlcr Lnngman on the sick list We wish lhcm speedy recovery The young people the corn munily are eninying wboggan lnx skating and playing hockey these dayi The HI Homemaking Club me Monday evening the home or Mrs Jim Langman All the girls were present They are busy warklng on their garmems Mrs Lnngman served lunch The hoslm and her helpers served lunch carrying out the Valemlne theme The Ruby group of the Fed eration Agriculture meet this Friday evening at 915 pm at the home of Mrand Mrs Clarka Hume Everyonu in tho community is welcome The Wl met at ihu heme oi Mrs Maniard and Clarke Home Wednesday lliemoon Til Pm lidcnt Mrs Wllired Johnston presidedl The minutes wera read and the ireuurerl report was glven by lire secretary Mrs Don McLeod4 Several thankyou not were read 1811qu giv an Mrs Wufrcd Johnston intro duced the guest speaker at tho alternoon Mrs Doug Rascon vennr Ioragrlcullure and Can adlan industries She gave talk on city urban and arm life and also talked on flowers Mn John Langmuir thanked the speaker en on Lhncouxse Crowds Congrafulallons to Morris Hor rlngum who won lwn ticket to NHL hockey name In Torvntu Saturday night Len Herringtun has returned iguana alter visiting relatives in OJ Wm tau Q9 Imme uu been seen at Cedar Farm owned by Holden Ml Karen Brooks spent lho weekend with her aunt Miss Jean Aborcrnmble Barrie By MR5 EERNAL JOHNSTON RUGBY MINA Ann Klln INM mallow North Haul you some BLONDIE OUR puows unsur OUR mum THEV RUNG ALL EVENING SWTCHED APE You mm THEM ALL Yaw ONES AROUND wtumm utcww Mamet fllE BARR EXMIINER THURSDAY FEB 21 1953 We IN ocmuwmm roam In Iqu Kantian 51 62 mam mm 20in m2 MW Ma