52 Wm l1 nutmlnl In 51mm Fa lnwor and ruvr Company mm ankalng Lnlu nmhuhlncu Wt nnnln buy at Vlclarln Tompcrulmls Ann ring In nearly DO loinu clnlmcd Um In tnsufllllu nmonu 11000 nchoo rhlldrm nmmhlcd lo rtol lhu nan muplo at 1le ey llnmc nrnr lJllwbrlIIn new lawn l1 milu nnrth Adc llldo nnmnl nflur lho Queen will he nl lull Iwo days Minn WI know he lull 01 um offlclnl mld acnlor nmhulnncn olflclnl cxllmnlcd II was he Dlnl number chlldml tram nl lwo nnlhvrlngn hm Illu royal couple wm urcclul by mmn 90000 schoolchildrcn ADELAIDE RnulenMorc Hum LWsthoolrhlldrcn col Inpsld from hllll cxhflusllon In day while waillnn In met the Quml and ï¬lms IMllp under scorching South Ausmfllan Inn He added lhat the gavcm men had been warned nhonl the explosive sHunllon Um Kapuskaslng urea lwa year agu hul union brief was 15 norcd NDP Leader Donald Mac Donald snld parer mmpanic In Northern Dnmro play on un Ian employees cufllng on cam pan luasc ngnlnst unarganlzcd sell an 1000 Children llre Cared For lllter Collapsing From The Heat Liberal Lender Jnhn Winter mcyer said granilug seiilcra permlis had been intended give small lnrmer means oi supplementing iheir income by cutting up to 100 cards year But many he individuni pen miin had been iransicnerlni legally io largescale Jobber TORONTO CPIThe Liberal and New Democratic Party leaders Julned fume in the On lnno legislature Wednesday to demand lull publlc Inquiry lnlo Illegal lmllicklng In nonhcm llmbemuulnz rights Thrco union mumhcrs wcro While armor Defence Min islcr Hnrknnss Wednesday nlghl dolinealod hls nuclear arms policy Mrs Opposition Assails Govt Timber Policy 99 Yur No 44 For Examiner Want Tu phone PA M414 me telephone number lo call for the Business or Editorial DepL PA $65M Our Telephoï¬Ã©s SHE CHALLENGES POLICY DnL um In dayl ul nlrlkl llnn by KnpnnhnInx lotnl Ibo Lumbu and EM TM mu npxmrrmly mm rare In Intldcnl In Ilrllaln In whlch ho wnu rrpullld In hnvo nprnyrd phulaurnphcu wlm ham When she lurncd up In Ilnrl he lnunlnin llmun wnlnr Rushed lnlo he pond nml Philip turned lo phohugmphm um HIMv didnt cvrn ouch hrr Wu The Quan unvcllcd 1mm Inln mmmcmnrnunn hrr ner mlsinn Io name he lnwn nllcr Or he hlrd day of lllo visit In Soth Auslralln tho Queen and Prince Phlllp drove in Vindsar GIN mall pmk In the comm nl lIXImInHI when must of 11 papulnllnn WM um mind In xml lhoqucrn Park racecourse whcre Um mynl tnunle were glvcn lhclr mus tumullumu welcome In South Auslrnlln lyy cmwtl ol bdwcnn 70000 and 10000 chll drcn llenllh Mlnlstcr Dymond sald mnncy collected mm emplny along with maltMm com pany canlrlbullons doesnt he Dr Fwd Evis counsel or ha Hospital Insurance Commission lold the commluca lhnl In sum bankruptcy cnsns Ihu company might hu much as four month In arrears In mnllung collected prnmiums The heahh and welfare can mlltec uppmvcd bill that would hold directh rbank rupl corpurnllon personally rm sponsible or employees has plml Insurance premiums In olher legislMum business licensing or vundon tn sell hunllna and Iishlnz permiL and control of he ï¬shconsuming sea lamprey were dlscussed NEST PAY PIKEMIUMS killed near Kapuskasing In dispute between the settlers and union members Inst week Twenty antlers have been ï¬hnrgcd wilh nnnrcupilal mur Hansen an education student mm the University Alber la sat near the back of Cal gary auditorium with this pln One ml 37 ll lmrlu med 1n lho hnullnl nmn quullon hul that UIII II HIM purrly nIyXIIm only olllm Ixxlknmnn Jnrgo do In Almrllln lold rrluurlcrl Surh nxylmll klply tn bedded lrndillnnnl mm In La lln Alncrlc arrlgn olflw xpokcsmnn vrnllclod uylum wlll he urnnlcd lo lho Inn lcrmrislx who Mimi he Irolxhltr ml and nnllcd In Hrnzll helium Aummlulng In chualn lhny wnuld IEO lrlul nnd voxxlhlo luv to ytan prlmn mm HELEN nrulil AP The Vrnemelnn lrulxhlcr Anzuum an and Iu proCammuan can 1an handed Iar Belem swam cly today In Bruzillnn ruslody The ahlp on ll wny lmk In Venezucln and he mrn wha 501sz her hope or pallllcnl nxy lum In Ilrmll sald at least two courses will be held his summur They are being orgnnizud by May the deparlmonls lugiunul director or northwcslcrn 0n lurla Mr Robert also said some fourwcck counts are being planned lo lrnln lndlans ln northwest Ontario or employ ment with his dcpaflmcnl The 5M lamprey is specks of col um Iced on ï¬sh Ship Betuming Asylum Expected Robert Glbsan LKennu snld the lamprey problem hnd reached crillcal pmporllnns ln the lust low yam and had con Irlbulcd lo rcductlun In lhe Grunt Luke commerclnl llshing culch Lands Minister Kelsn Robert laid the iinusa cnniroi measures have reduced the sen lamprey pcpulniian in Lake Superior by 50 per ceni Eliuris to wipe nut he remaining 10 per cent waulri be cantinued by line same melhodpuisnning oi the Inm nrcy in ii spawning grounds long lo the cnrparalinn and should paid to the hospital insurance commlssian regard less of bankruptcy card Mr Hankm was un animously nomlnatcd ProngA slve Conservative candidake In Calgary Nonh CP Wlm photo nmrnlionl Ihown klnl Irwin um lho mnwnyl slmkpllel Itl wluphow Tlmln Hm pull my mxldc olflclnln 1116 ml GM Guler nly lnkc 0mm nr ward mnklu and collect the manoy nfler llw moklel nrc rlcllv NI And my nnly clung 40 in th The cum glrlkall re pnrlrd la he nlxml ll you nldnro calling on househoIdA Inkan bumen bull and $1 cnch nnd pmmlnlng box mklr shortly pnlcm the major Incan llvu to research and wilhoul measuro reward or our Invcnlon will bran the luluro Ifnlznls had nIIoncd wholly EwnédCanndIan IIIms and Ca nadlnn suhsldlnries In Iunlgn compnnIcs lo carry an re search in In counlry Cnna dlanbnscd research was not grant In comparison with that In he United States but was zrowIng sicaging med Wédnns ny lobo hm nu Toronlo housewives out nll mugth cent Nth ll untenls were dlscurdcd lhls surely nclar would no longer apply and virtually any one could ultcmpl lo lmilule drugs for sale without bclng queslloned la llls znmpu lcnc COOKIE RING ON THE PROWL TORONTO CHA gang of conllidv arglsl was re In 110th that under the pres ent system any company can demand mnnufacturing ll ccnce from the owner or druz patent But Ihe company or person demanding the licence mus Show that he has the ablL fly and he facililles to manu Iacum he product Ctpr mmm ucs omrclmon and not palenu Ihe clcrmlnlng factor in spccl lo prices Mm hon patent ulnnc will not reduce drug prices but it cnud have dclrlmnnlal ef fecl on Ihe uality nf medica tqysuppl MrtCondcr sald lie was commenting in statement Wednesday night on the restrictive trade prac tices commissions recommen daiions or an end to patents greater use of generic rather than brand names for drugs nnd changes in druggisis 5211 qihods 011AWA CPIAbollllon drug patents wnuld do nnlhlng to Inwer prices and could bring Canadian drug research lo grindlng hull Stanley Gander general manager of he Cana dlnn Pharmaceutical Mnnuhw lurcra Associnllon says Says Paténfs Ndf Drug Cost Factor Barrlo Ontario Cmadl Thuridny Fobruafl 2l I963 cam In no unlenud Muu lhalum monnl In In width 00 wllA mm unwound mum Nmu when unitMu lbs newmm uld 11m Inn volumes ppm on We cueml Inhl lln uecuml lmllrd mm damn union who ncllrd nlvnul 200000 ruhlu Inbaul 123000 In In your Fly onva mvlvwl ll 1m Imprlnomnml eurh MOSCOW tlleulcrll 11m Iluulnn Mpmm uun luu lrnltnnd VI men In Ihvu lnr lendlnn rlnlp bully pmmllnn mm lhe manulntlum lnunlnln pom Imllnnl up on and mlm IM newlpnmr Merlulmyn llmlyn nmmd ww 11m pnlml bonll Hm ml nlnn drlnyrd III III In Mlnml wlm nmclu mavch mm lho Icn Wnlnmlny and llmd in he ram lhu mlulnn panel bonl htdied lhc Inn and repelled ll uund nolh Inz lwxncuxlnrd nccchcrnfl nonnnzn wnn nvcrdun on 11 mm mm Mlnml to Great lnnuun nw Iluhnmlu nnd emu lhmxlhl the ovum lnro might hnvo mm mm ho plane Five To Be Shot For Illegal Gain lhu Ham was mu Wednes day nlghl in lho Sin Flor Idn bclwccn Key Wu and Cuba The US Com Guard hnd no nunrnm lhnl tho Huh Imd nnylhlnn la do wllh um 523 ml 0mm vesselor wllh pri valu plane lhul dllnpplurtd Wednnsdny ym an and nolsnm lcllcrcd Sulphur Quan nllm ulnlnd search south Key West today or ram and ulqu survivor lrdmer lhnt vanlshnd nIur nailing Feb with 39 men aboard The chernflonn ofï¬ce he said will remaln opcn and haul cnllccled will be bumd perladlcnlly to the par lIcipnllng agencies ex pected nboul $110000 wlLl be shared Patrol Boat Checks Flare As Clue To Vanished Freighter Don Kesier president of the Sudhury and District Weiinre Federntion said Wednesday tho appeal was unable to attract enough other agencies in the man tn make it truly united appeal He said £113000 had been raised or piedgnd since the campaign started inst October He said lamt data or goal $750000 had been set back several times SUDDURY CWThe Uniin Appeal campaign or wciiaro agencies in the Sudhury district has been suspended because oi the Inability oi he appeal in meet the agencies require mcnts The agencies dcpended on the appeal far In bulk oi lheir iunds EY VF Flu MWAn Relating to the camrnlsslnns kcommcndntion for greater use of generic drug names Mr Condor said this would result in more imports and less drug manufacturing In Canada Mlde ram sexnus medical consiflemunm Why Outlaw Brand Names for adlan unilateral action in abolishing patent pm tectlon ML said This doglnthmmanger al titude would certainly be de crin In sclentHIc circles amund the world and could dn nothing but help to iower Can adns prestige abmud of drug research In Canada grlnqlng helm In pin Pan mud lo dual In uprpért man unded TM In Mr hunt Imvflmy unlll hm who awash upon ll new rm anonIn nld Hue Inl Iwu mum um Jowlnh mulling Judah Immdlll Mmu In Innd Among lbs mqu In number and mg palm hm 1m cur 01hr unlrnml la dulh um namnl flIKrup In nuzdnnnv Zinger And YKuxnlevlrh mu mm llu cue ul one Hm mull Im pellqu mmld hr Knvlrt nuwr apm Ilncn lhu Inth nonlrnm ur nuch alltnm mu lnlmdured In IWI rroduclllm thief nl lAnlnurnd nclnry whrrwho wnm wm lr ulllrn1ymlugrrl with no nd double lmkhrtpln 5er WAI nHonuI The lrcluhlcr Indrn Mlh 15 000 Inn at mollm nulplmr tn llrnumunl Tux Fri or Nor Mk Vn crvw mrmbcr unl pmannl rmllo mcslnuo um um dny ulvlnn Um lMpl po Illlnn mllu Iaulhml New Orlumn She novcr wnl hum mm min 11m Houmn Post reported that he dcbrls was recovered near spol where he nnvy had laid prncllcu mInc licld Wash lnxlnn and Key Wm nnvnl arakumcn mld however lhnl lxo mlncs wnro nnl cxnlnslvo nml lhnl all wcm rccovrnd nllrr he ucrclxu Coast Guard hendqunh on In Miami qud ll Wfll In ormcd Sulphur Queen was Mlch on Illujnrkcl and an all can Search nlsoplckcdup mu lumber and they will be examined lhvy cnmo from lho missing vosscL 11m llfajnckcl was nund In lhe Gull Slrcnm ubaul mile anulhuul of Key Wrst Marine Sulphur Ween The shlp movement were dls closed barely day nller word tlmllatcd lrom congressional and dlplnmnllc sources that lhe Sovch gnvcmmcnt hnd prom lscd Monday In wllhdrnw rev ernl thousand ll troop lrom Cuba by March 15 The larccas of he Early do parluxe is partly based on the arrival In Cuban walers of our empty orflishflyflloaded Soviet nhlps One already has docked source said Wednesday night and lhe lhrcg other are ap proaching Ihe Island WASHINGTON AP US sources repon some Russian mops perhaps many as WOOmay ship nut 01 Cuba wilhln dayx And American nIli clul hnpc mm at me Russlnm weapons will be leaving loo Expect Bed Troops To Leave Early Dr linichlson inn don 0nL medical health ni licar said yesterday the pub lie is being sadly misled into believing Ontarios new meal inspeclion legislation is effectivei lie is concemnd about absence of regulation inr posl morlcm inspection CF Winphoto BILL FARCICAI Shannan Wall uynrulvl mum Mull In Imm nn Mr mm which an claim ulnr my Mmfll burned wllh hl fll In bhflc Inx rcllcl mm per pupll of average dnlly nl lendancu and equal ncron lho pmvincc 113521131 Ms break down 015M ncw xyskgng Apar Ihc retercnce lo he Mal incmasn In grant this year It contained Iew spcclfl ï¬gures He Indlcnled be new plan designed not so much to Increase overall grams to cnsum mnre equal dislribullon of such grant an are made oymrjï¬s rum The premicrn lengthy an naunccmenl made no menllon 01 Increased taxes or other measures In Increase govcrm mun lncamc mm as changes he amount esllmnled lo be nid In school grants 1963 wil be increased by more lhnn $32000 000 The haul of provincial grant this year he said 15 ex pected to he 3131300900 out thy pmvindal govcrnments la educnllon hudgcl ol $395 CLAIMS ACTOR BURNED flNKLES mummy iir Robnrts wim was educa ion minister or three years un lll last Oclgbcr said there will be changes In provincial xrnnu his year to provide more gm dual transit the my plan mm uur 1961 lhe same lime the pm micr rejected request by lhe anan Catholic bishops On lnrlo I01 system or separate high schools and teachers cal legcs He suggested Ihat sy em credits or rellglous ln strucflon ouulde the high schools could be studied as possible substitute GRANTS BECHANGED lilr mom told the legisln ture the new system incorpor ating some features oi current educational grants and some new concepts is major step towards luller equalization of educational opportunity lur every child in Ontario To be called Ontario Foundauun Tax Plan will take eflecl In the calendar year 1M1 WRONTO CHThe Ontario government will revamp II sys lem grant or education he gInnlng next year In bld to Ernvlda equality or all schnol cards public and separate rum and urbanPremier hurts announced today Bobarts Outlines New Idea For Educational Subsidies Nol Moro Thin Per CopyI4 Plain nrlnl durln Hm MW at lnnnhlnd In Wall Mk IM rhnlllnx with rlenda II Nth Duch nlm IM In Ran Fund1v when llmnl lunch odmutlh mile ulllzIdlMIJg ur Rm bnlh mile wuh lM cl nr nplle her mum 11mm muldnl bu ruched or can Hunt erovmoi glow Mods Scanered snow mu umuvu current npnrnllnl costs ac cording lo formula whlch will compensate or dIIlcrances In populnllon and naschmcm sul nrlcs mnlnlcnanco coal and other man which vary rum Area In um school lax equnmnllnh grantthe luundqun 01 um new system lilodesignui la zunmnlen tn pach Ichool board he mqpl um buxden mm to cover such spe clal expenses dab charges capilul outlays from ult mnt lunds and transpomlhn chargesup lo 00 or cent or he most needy St on boards graded ncmrdlnl In specific lormuln Local Weather corporate tax adjustment grant or all elementary school three part systemoi equaiizntian grants dcsizned to recognize the existence wide vnriatlon in local nbiilty to support education The principle behind equallzallun grams one lax lhnrlng Mn Robun snld They all Into than hr20 ct Ingmar special grant designedw encauraga school boards to pro vlde such services textbook evening classes milk and aux lllary classes nnd lo uaiherap rely sllmulnle Ihe board to ex perlmem on way at Improving the school system PREMIER ROBARN