NUWONK OFIICH AWDSS CANADA AND ABROAD weak one of the girls rc flfld lo move to number any could the names pm Pl who contributed anywhere mm so can In 51 lorJhe unwell Km When In hanmed west opened Ihe 13ko was shocked lwn small Items which could not haw cost more than 35 plan And then then wax funeral for nnolhet employee several months ago This um woman collected $1 from everyone The Em basket of mtAllnwcn mm was Ipalhcllc sigh Den Ann LII en ccrtaln woman who works In our omce love to be In charge of ofï¬ce notions Whenever she hears lemons who ill of chh In family or an approaching amine she takes right over OFFICE DONATIONS Du anu Thank you for your point of View You write well but you dont read so hot Id like to make Iwn points You are mnlmlng childs lava or his pet with the panoply or an extravagant uneral am not opposed In flowers or beau tiful caskets am oppos to people hocking their eyebal lo put on funerals which are be yond their ï¬nancial mums ES did housework and like writing column better You my lh dead cant smdi the flowers nor can they see the plush lining mstly casket Well they cant hear the ser mon either Mayba there should be no religious services either Why do you go back to house warnFORMER ADMIRER According yen Wmhow we treat people when they are alive that counts agree In part but lee Its also Immnanl to treat hem well when III has do parted All this gets the nod from you but you are against spendlnz money on flowers and beau um cake qr loved one Dear Ann underl Are you out of your rhlurlr was shocked When read that you think We fur grand to have funeral or calPowder Pull was her name Sharfly alter that you published letter In your cal urnn praising crazy mother whn had lovely funeral for their cocker spaniel The kids sang 0h where oh when has my little deg zone N3 uni aver knawl unclly THE BARR EXAMIEER WEDNESDAY 53 29 ANN LANDERS You kuvplng houw In 51mm mmutimm emu lot of money nnd ocuuimmlly it may coat mom than you hnvu on hand flhnt llch lho Amwcr may be 3colinlmnk Home Impmvomonl Dunn money you cxm lmrruw law intvmt for rvpnlrl or for extra lxwlrooml mum carport modrrn hunting new and upluflntn plumbingthing that mnlntnln or lmprovurynur Immu nn Invent mrnt Junt call at your nrnmt Immch or The Bunk of Nuvn 8mm 80¢ lhe mnnngcr He will wnlcumo the opportunity to tliscuu how Bwllnbnnk Home lmpmvununt Loan mn Ravlp you Mnybo loom nthulo dried It Or womout wcmhcr nuippinx 0r unxwinu band of lermllu Whnluvcr it wmu pluuuinum Ionk properly can be expensive11nd of ammo the longer WI left the mom coolly anh Mom lhls goon or pocflnz pairlfl cyumlglinx gonmto ï¬nd mining mortar too €ZaZBHNK Home Improvement Loan Confusing The Factsé About Funeral Costs dszBHNK mm NOV scuun Anather c5559 STREETCMI 18 ENG WRONTO CPD One of the dlya nldvfnshloned unclean nowadays used only In rush llama has been donated in un oula Electrical Railway ELI lorlml Assaclatlon museum ll Rockwand out near Guelph Known as the wm car wu nnmud allu Peler wm Cleveland counclllm Dear Trudy Your husbandl punlshlng behavior is nymp lom 01 deeper problem You two llle help of marrlaxe counsulnr or clergyman man who really cares about hla wile would not make such un reasonable demands Hed be de lighted to let her sleep lew ex lrn hum He doesnt care for church mom or vlsiLlng friend He spendsmost at his weekend in bed rapding watching TV and just sleeping cant go back lo bed dmug the day because have too much work Do Shave the right to sleep until 800 am on the days my husband docsnl have In 20 to work7TRUDY 0n Samday and Sunday ha doesnt go to work but he gets up just me became he cant sleep He expect rm to get up on those day and get him tho same bl breaklm do all my owp work Ind dont have mp energy same woman have Id enjoy IIeepIng lew extra hums but he 1mm my duty to get up and make him breakfast whether goes to work or not DEEP PROBLEM Denim TIdim gel up 600 8IIL Iva dlya week fix my husband big break Keep yup ear to the ground and mum you hur of an ap pmachingmvent that will kil gcr an 0115c coilminn grab the initiative Then be sure in you postum lispoi Kiygn gradthe race on the ofï¬ce bulletin boar The contrast in pines dam will Ispuk more eloquently than anything you could any Dell Hm Although your snsplclnns seem Vialgrounded you cant accuse the woman without scald evldence how much he called nor does aha ever ow recelpL What an be dune about thin HOBNSWOMLED 145 BRADFORD STREET Reporting on the TV unfer ence on Communication held in Monlo memly lugs Jack Column tinted that most ed ucatian day included session on sounds showing new trends in radio with tape recordings and also experiments In educa tion and entertainment through nonnd techni on She also sold him amonl various work Ihopx held In TV and the small child suiting in the decision that pnrenlslshnuid he the ludm In providing and sel ecting suitable program or their children the February meeting at St Marys Catholic Womens Lennie Father iohn Weei ink Iva an inspiring talk on in 0qu ieaspngrLgnl Guest Reveals ngmg Secrets At Februaqr Méeting 0f CWL Why seltlo lor less lhnn the best 30 see the 63 Acedlenl Its trash exciting styling leaves other cars In Its clnas looking downright uninterest ing We the car man can point out as his own with extra speclnl pride The lines are tree flowingsimple and uncluttered Shown herel Just iew oi the new styling ieeiures responsible tor Acediens refreshineg original personality While youre admiring more at your Acndlen dealers re member Acedlnns irisky end lunctlonel car loo Slzzllng pertanner Familysiled anti very blg en savinast 11 models In ll series all wonrlng low low price legt lo have iun Acedinn will meet you more than hell wrryi Whlnfl In Miami mu ml FUNCTION Ill IUIH T0 WAHII HIT TOMMY AMMIIME NIIUW AN Look how Acadlans taken rash 39113119 sgylelflllg evident In 951mm Mgrans I1D Mrs Padlleld reported um the my 01 Recollecllnn would be held on March 20 with guest speaker Father Frank Sumvnn 01 Port Mchdmll Mn Decnrie thanked mem bers fur thelr generous responge to lhe and shower when maven button of load were gathered for nmlï¬cs in need She also reported that several knitted nut llts had been dellvercd to the Childrens Aid Society Mrs Wllllam Moran reported 71 visits had been made to the Royal Vlctnrln Hospital In Jan uary by Mra Ruben Gold and Mrs FlnclveqL Mn Corbett stated that 19 visits to shullns had been made mm mm Acadlans taken rash new approach In stylel Its evident In this neat smet molllno below thats artand parcel the more modern look of every Roadlan Mrs Leo Mchnn president said lha rummage tale wouid be held on March The hlzhllghl the evening was the cake decornllng demnn kallon by Mrs Muma DurlnE the nodal hour that 0L iowed Mrs Godln and M11 Eleannr Dorian were the lucky winner the hzauulully dec mm MAN IIIGGINI 0N CI mmvonx AND ï¬ll DICK Mil IIIOW 0N CF10TV CHM WKAL lllTlNM TIM M10 CIIANNH KEENANS Dunlap and MUSIC TO Clulcnlcmu The Melt mu AllTime Sheet Mule See For All Your Musical Need PLEASE YOU ACADIAN Family Favourite oraled Valenlinu and 01ml wlnner Illa cook book Re Wlllnm Donovan and hercom clkes Mu Calvefl was 11 freshmen were flnltd by Mn mmce Thcml cally nu need In moming headache upset you md ruin your day Asmm can make you feel Better flat tha in mlnutc youll feel like diffcrcnlpmonl Just take two Amman labku with half glas of water and by the time youve ï¬n ished dressing that muming headache should be gone llld youll be able to start out Next Time You Wake Up With Morning Headache You can Feel Fine by Breakfast Time Acadians interiors are pcrt practical and eyepieaslng Step in youre rewarded witha rich look of luxury The spacious dimensions let everyone sit pretty In superb comfort Bucket seats available on some medals Ynu can always put ynur confidence in Astm for AmmN has brought an relief from headache to millinns morn people than any other brand of pain relicver And rcmcmbcr loo ASPIRIN isgood not only for hcadaches but for muscular ache and pains aching in juinu and arthritic and rheumatic pains the day feeling nally ï¬ne Iumonl Sport Duluxo convonlhlu Intulor Acndlnu lanvos llsolf opnn Io ndmlmllon whichnvor way you look at It Wu wouldnt have ll an other way Handsome lvlm brings vlahl bruoty look Acadlnn nll om Slnco Acadlnnl luch lpml CM many Acndlau cwnon add how Inkllh whuol NI In Mnndnnl oqulpmonl Cnn you Mama lhnm whon my look so Imam GENERAL MOTONO VALUE PA 61885 Beaurcyougct genuinc ASPIRIN Luck for the package with he Bayer cross So for an lidrrEniiiga an and other miner ache and pains always lak ASPIRIN and ml bcucr fast well as for the discomfort and fgver of cold or gyippg 09 ac