Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1963, p. 4

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bm up an umm II II Th an Inn um yu flu mdlul In Ml rmu mun lltudc whnn the motor cul nut He ulck Iy svlcclul Qurons Park to 11m hul Icoultln make Il nml lunk the mud bit 0me 511w Osmond Rowe newly Irrlvcx rtnor In the law rm noyu Srnurnm um lnwc clotted chnlr man of Harrie Navy League Further to the mny duhuu of hose dayL an nnrrlu Exnmlnur Feb 12 10111 Sun day morning Huh alrurnfl Irmn Barrio Flying Iluh with Lyn Iluswonll Inslruc lor the conlrols and Russell Inmlr pnswnuorownor made forced Inmfv glng In 11m hack ml of the residuan Mrl Mnrjnrlc lnmillon High SI Both occupnnls stepped oul nnlnjnml and 0an sllghl Innings WM lune in tho Inno wh ch brushed 11 Iran Ilnsworth hm lak lrnnx Ill my and was znlnlng nl AMMth um um null rm 1mm Dc mum nun and maul ol rum In mun Iumm m1 mummy munn unnml Iu nun Alum IDuni um II Meruxnum IIIlulu Mllu null WAIHIK nunum mun WILIHN Mmmlu II mm mu In In lgubu um nu mm um It My mm rnrr vr lly mu 0mm mun um Ihm mm If mm mum and lIvIIIh pommm pm mun um luv 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN St Catharine Slandard labor plan slmllar to that intro ducch in the Unltell Status by the steel workcrs unlnn cnlllng for weeks va callon every five years for workers with 15 or more years employment 15 being advocated In Canada in two manufacturing industries all the sales in the sample were made by profitable companies alcoholic bever ages and engraving stereoty ing and al lied industries Nearlf all so as were by nroiitable companies 11 the tele hone in dustry 096 per cent agrleul ural im plements manufacturing 095 pulp and paper mills 09 the manufacture of soups and toilet reparations 983 and iron and steel Us 081 The lowest percentage of saies bf pm liable companies were In crude 01 and natural gas production 140 per cent These are among the findings reported by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in an analysis of Capital at Work in tha current Issue of its Commercial Letter The banks analysis ls based on the latest available government statistics on car poration tax returns In comprehensive crosssection of Canadian business 835 per cent of sal es during 1060 were made by compan ies that were operating at profit The remaining 185 per cent of sales were made by companies that reported either loss or breakeven operation For profitable companies the average profit on sales was 38 per cent Many mercantlle bulldings are mere Iy shells with fancy lonlS and it be hooves the fire department to take all possible precautlons to protect the areas where fires are llkely to start and become uncontrollable Firer authorities must breathe sigh of relief when some of these known liretraps are demolished for it is when this happens that the new buildings replacing them must be Fire is an excellent and useful servant but master to be greatly feared Each day we read In the paper of disastrous fires and last year as well as thls year was particularly bad one for children being burned to death There is am le reason to fear that Canadians are uilding up an alltime lire record this year as one considers the number of tires occurring daily The pro Eerty loss is to be regretted but the uildings and homes damaged or destroy ed by fire can be re laced The tragc art is the number Eeopie who have ost their lives when eir homes have been destroyed Entire families have been wiped out in some of the fires while many children have lost their lives while they slept The most recent example of such tragedy was the death of eight children in what has been described as Torontos worst fire in history rm fiuw mm mm uaugmuub new bulldlngs replacmg them must be f1retraps Refuses To Go Straight Repolflon ACQpital At Work Just Being Mare Careful Continual Caxe Needed To Avoid Loss Lives Property Thu lhcorSr Is the same as that it an mam mmmu 46 Vlnm The Barrio Examinér PRIC ES UPJOBS DOWN IL Walls Publisher marrir fixatth OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadlaz Newspapers Umlted 18 Bayfleld Streat Banla Ontario lbhshar Brian 51mm Genenl Manager wzunnsnn FEEL to 1m 45 mm mvltullll ch Mnncuy Inn Vinllrr ralg olimlnatcd In Erlcr play dowm Onllla Aernncn light aircraft on Lake Simcoe took of on ila own Iiier the private pilot irem Oshawa Stan Fraser spun the propeiior becnmo airborne Ind law 70 miles beiore crashing in swamp north oi Cobouru it was pursued in the Air two planes irom Harrie piioled by one Capping and Weller Clemence wilh George Ludo nn Examiner new ed itor and Hill Why 1an openior éossengerr The name week Pliol topping lowed Rose Cown Harrie lawyer at 70 mixh Irma Kempenieli no In demonelra ion of riding on mow ire imi nirrrniir Fridn Feb 11 mm ktd the Mill iyiriiulny Siri Silieriock or many em manager of ilurrion Mem muill iiln and rueiodian oi ihe Masonic Tom in Manager may Livingston of Tim iynn drug niore iiliul 1rmcrhilun or llalllill in He 4ihe unior uild oi rinily Churn wllil Mrn Allen rny an preslrieni heiri bridge part in he ierirII iinlle ilaby Jenn or en was one year oirl 0n Fell 10 1047 when line was nix weeks her life was Inveli iyy emergency iilihl from Harrie to line iial For hick Yillli run by Him feri hill ml Fred Taylor Shaniy iiay made one of lhe iirnl nerlai surveys on rotonl iur archnroiugy ni Simme Jnuniy iiIrouuil nrlnngmncnix mule by Kenneth Kidd ooksinwm of Royal Ontario Museum ice iixillng was popular on ihe bay He hired with line clichu ni whileiinh were JMIKI edgier Alien iioilgnon Mimi Pilgrim Vlllon and Iinrr Weel all of the Nii iinnio rin nkippml full Mleredllh Iclr thnledy 5nd the shorter work week that the plan would expand employment opporlun dos because companies would have to ndd mu to keep up oulput lcasl ln lheor lhal In true But Industry had to spcn more lo produce the some amount or goods would not the goods have to sell or more And In the long run would ll not mean price up Ind jobs down all the profitable companies in the sample the average return on lolal In vested capital was 78 per cent and the profit on not woth was 837 per cent lhe mtlo nl Inventories to sales was 15 per cent and or recelvahles to sales 101 per can Profits are an important factor in motlvntlng the economy and croatlng jobs the Commercial Letter says With out adeguate corporate profits growth is lnhlblte Profits are necessary not only to rovidc tax revenues but also to permlt payment of satisfactory wage rates to render elflclont servlecs to renew the tools of pmductlon and to flu nnco tho research necessary to ensure future development The samplo or the analysis compris ed about onoilllh of all corporation re turns including all those reporting as sets of $1000000 or more of current year 1960 profit of $50000 or more Re turns on capital are analyzed in the 51 114 corporations in the sample that re period profit air transport 45 per cent wholesale trade in llvestockand grain 438 per cent fishing 618 forestry 67 and ag ricrrllure 879 Few stores ordinarily employ sprink ler systems and the lnflammability of the type of stock carried is factor that can not be overlooked Fire walls between buildings are of ma importance as they assist in con ning the fire to one bui ding but these are not 100 per cent sure when both building and contents readily burn and should fire authorities not have power to say that some living quarters over stores are too dangerous for habitation And why should insur ance companies not say more often This place is too much of risk for us tovln sure This would surely lead to the re habilltation of some of these dangerous firetraps Barrie Fire Department is ver dilig ent in making ins ecilona wharet con centration of bul dlnga is great because thera the danger is greatest It is not of much value to keep your fin era crossed when you know that certain buildings are of flimsy construction and madeof very inflammable materials that would be an easy prey to flre Were the con la ration to break outwith heavy wlnd in can soon be auto control and the ganger to adjacent building can be grea of fire fetaldent constructloh and are accordingly less dangerous ummdmvemployee llll to II In mm wu lad In no homm lhnl Mr Wltlllell KIM not plan all llu hlnmc rm Mnllumrnl ml lho xnvrmnwnl Tlva up many lIlnn unnmhullni In llw un Irul llllirulllu nmt lll lm mnny Ilnll uvunnlullnm Aural lnl ullh lno mlny vuicu lIIIVI omnloymml nvlllnnlly do nllnrd In pmml Innmmnl rmplurm rww nuly mm lnr mmny In nrunlullvn and In dllrkmr In operation mum Illan ml lhnl mm mm lnlmrvml ln nmh way In mm mulmum Irkan he Iwun dllmonl nny mmml omplnym nur pm lhl much Wnddell lo Km Clvll Srr vlu MIMIHon ll mm very lnltrullu Ame wilh Mr Wnddell Hut lhv mrlhmll an my mm and lrrml rmplnymrnl If ml unnum lnclury 1th lnr lhn awn mcnl mpluyu and mph lnmnmml Fusz no munrnl Iinyloytu an own wnrlml mm underwmhnL lmny Inlvl Aml mm nvtrpnld Mum ronmhulu In ununploy nl lnulrnnro mm lln mvl mm Inch llnl Allahpt name do MI Dear Slrl book Km an 1am lhnl Tony Purim had with Help at Alleran nbaul MI chlldhood Ind mull 11h Ind About lhou who lrltd lo rtlorm hlm and filled flu his unrelnrmtd Ind unrepenlnnl crimlnnl Illll mnln IIIXII In Inlnnllqn lolnl Ruhnl hm done Ind will do Woknu which are rlm lllva Ind lnexmublh hul In Illa umlllve mum and Im mlnr So far In hn hid nlna tonvlclinm and mm lwulvo And hull yup prhon 0n luvlnz prlwn lhcrc wu nu quelllan nonm golul 15th Hr ululcd help in find lab or my mlslnnce cvtn when he needed ll When he wul oflcrcd lhe opportunlly learn lnl buslneu and hcinx puid while he dld he rtluud lm medlnlrly became he mink of hlmscll cflmlnnl by vou lnn Thorn worg hrca Interesting lhlng about Haber Allenon 0m was his lack dcslrc to go strnlghl nnnlhcr his rclusnl to nuribule hls crlminalily tn outsldc mum and he lhlrd his crilicnl nwnrcncu of own character Thrsc addcd up In wellInlcznled criminal per wnallly llnbcrl lrsl xlnlo from his mother In order In buy lce cream lor his lrlends Robert all gull ly about lllls but hadnl the courage la loll her lhc lrulll ll disliked school mainly be causn Ichool meant nhcdlcnc aulhorlly and hnl ho didnt like He was always hungry poorly clothed and an early made up his mlnd Illa poverty was not far hlm Rnhm Allerton sponl his child hood in pnvcriy and much nl hi manhood in prison child he lived in lwu dilapidated mom with hil lamliy wilh his ialhcr working or iew dlys than out of wurk and his mother trying desperately to feed and cloth her large lamiiy Their rclalives iriends and neighbours were in and out of prison rcxuinr 1y and Hobort lather wnn lho only honest mun he knew The Courage bl Ill Convlclnnl by Tony Puke Ind Ruben Allellon AT THE LIBRARY LETTERS TO THE EDITOR THEWEFENBAKEE 19396119 $61 Hnan 139 FEM rm Exams KITCHENS HOT OUT or THE OVEN In In mmxvuluuy Mhllw Ilvn In ollvtr am when Ihc um pm villl lllllmllf unhm In nummml euwlur we nhnnM mvn lha mm In mike Tn nrromplhh lhll hm ulwuld In nulcm ullry drlrrmlnnlhm Inml humlnlnu lnnnulu whmhy npmrnlnum zummmnl rmploym luntnln mm mum mull rrprurnlnlhr lur um and cnmllllonl ul rm In mull Thu pmcmllnu mm Mr Itd an npcnly nlhll In that In revivch innmln Hm ulumalu onwlvrm hm mmplrln umlmlamlnz ul nlrllllllonl ml rlzhh ol Hm mull rnnrcmflt Um my cuman InIcnucmlnn nmrmi Hm uncul pulvllc II In Inv IIIIINI uan do nnl Vtqu my haul Im Ilmrlmr IIM ml mm In by Ina wall mum In lhm ram when mflnlnn omploym wmk Hm umvllnllon Mmlll Mu pnld fnr rompmhlu work In Hm prlvnlr mm In my my Ian know ml II null wlxllnx Irv nmm Ike Inf nhllnllnnn ml rrnpumnrllfly Um wmhcr In prmln lndmlry Wllhln lhe In cw ycm luv mm have lendlrd hund nm of peoplu by lhelr dlllrll npcmllnnl Thm um lhn mm who prey on on amUnnI and he Invullny puhlr lhey In Ihe ml flnnnrlnl mlnlpuhlm Wnll Slml Among mu mun Ipulllan an lhu than pennyrnock Inlenmm mu mm uhn Inked MWI nary Ind at Innunl mm Trujillo Ind do 01 Wall Sued Kim he Inside new at how lbs Securlllu Ind Extan Commlulou upon the hll Ile mnnipulnlorl Also du crlbu lhu ransom why Conum has rnlkd or he rsl major lnvullflnllon WIN Slml in Iwcnlyllva yr an For the Family glm clcnr understanding your own rlzluls II wrlllen wllh Ihe mlnlmum ol legal arms so euy to read and undcnlnnd the nulhor In In Amnricnn Illa Clnudlan reader will llnd that low the law not Ippllubla here mnlnly In the use nldivorrc and Annulment ol mlrrllxc llowover fill may Ier ll vary Inlemllng nu Vllclldou 01 street by 1mm nluk lie point out the risk you Ink when you sign louse let Junior drive the iamlly car or buy dog The amhor polnis out the right you have whtn on not hurl ol Ihc ball park nvenl gadget ilnd wallet or visit dociori Mr Bernard also live vital incl about not linz divorce buying on time changing your name and mak inl wilL The nulhor illusi rulcs his points by citing npi and tomelimu enlcnnlnlnl court decisions In his book Law For The Family ML Bernard lawyer glves intarmmlon and zuldnnce on lhe many phases law In volved In Imlly me Law For 1112 Family by Will Bernud You my lmly lle imllh The Security and Exchange Commission has employed band or govcmmcnl lawy accountants and special inns gnlors to delve Mo lhcse InA ands crimes In book we learn Ihc Ianlaxlh stories ul some mesa mnnipuhton the men whom the SEC has bmught either to Jun or lorccd to In an coumrAy With his usual skill and with real deal or research Mr mark has unravellcd same ol the clcvcresl crimes of Due de cndc the youth of 16 who led the country leaving our hunk In an PIP Tuesday February 19 to Saturday February 23 Mr Bowman trnvcla com Io coast paanng tho Canndian scene and In prlmnrlly rcmgnlzt cd or My ouleandlng landscap as Ho 11 Includan In lhll ahnw lng lovml appealing mung Lllhagriphod roduclkm In MI colour or alml all by °m Inglbllisn Incll mm at any on GALLERY SHOWING 0F ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS by the Noted Canadian Artist BOWMAN Thll II your opporlunlty lo punth An Ollglnal Oil On An EATONS Budon Account are pleased to announce EATONS OF CANADA EXHIBITION SPECIAII The mist dangerous result of rheumatic ever Inflammmlon The chmac erslc pntlzm or severe sore throat to de velop first wllh lllgh aver fol lowed In about wan la 10 days by the kink becnmlns sore and swollen Them ls very likely lo ha mild levu headache wealt ness There can he substanllul vnrlallnn in pattern In some cases Nat all sore Ihmau are duo Nat all sore Ihmau are duo ln strzp not all strep tlmuls lead to rheumntlc lever But once rheumatlc lever la ldentl fled carelul treatment In re quired ln addltlon Ihemltcr lhe pullent should bcwnre 01 ev cry Illness whlch mlglll threaten new strep lnlectlan or 11w upuf the old ona Rheumatic levar Is In Inflam matnry dlsem which appears In be related to form strap tococcus lnleclIon the beta hegolyllp atrgp gchnlcqlly What In Iha prognosis or lullerer wllh modmlely levers heart damage Can such person ever re Lug lo normal useful life By 03an MOLNER Mn Dur lJr Molnar What are the cause Ind eflecu n1 rheu mch even XlV He named thls vast mm Louisiana He wu aasllnalcd by mntlneeu among the colonlsls he was lulde In leule lhl dull In 1687 By THE CANADIAN PRESS TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH ml Ponce de Leon nailed lo iound Spanish colony In Florida Feb 20 1363 Explorer Rene LaSulle ar rived ln Canada 2177 year ago today1n 1m and scllled ll Manncal Htlre ccived grant land at La Chlne luler anhlnc so named because ol his nm billnn tn reach Chlna by My of lhe Wcstern Sea In 1651 he discovered he Ml slsslppl Della clalmlnl Ihe Mlsulaslppl the rlvcrI lhnt catered It and Ill lhe land wilered by them or K131 Frpn haul Caniilitulién iii lured by the Brlllah Ins11 Amerlcan Outlines causes Rheumatic Fever TODAY IN HISTORY man are duo strep thrusts fever But up Nun unto lhe Klnl eleml Immorul Invlllhle lha only wln Gad honnur Iml lnry for ever and Iv ArumL Tlmolhy m7 Pralso lo God the proper nllilude an crcaluru When ha patient Iiiuwcd in get up he lilould mainiain xlrcme caution ngainsl colds keep nulriiinn and ml level which will mninlain his resis lance against germs it is now regular and mast uxeiuii pm lice to xiv longacting peniciIA in once month for pcrind oi years in prevent iurlher map lnieclions nIs fiat usually 1h first al lnnk of rheumatic fever nut de Vnslales health ll repealed ones Thus can say um slnale attack rheumatic ever does not mean lnvnlldism recurring snacks um um added up Den tnl exrraclluns can lend Io them The precaulion use lulln drug or other anuhlolic More durlng and after extracflon la guard alulnst unm nlllmma on or the heart Flnnlly pallenu whose hunts have been seriously 1n valved limilln their mlvlly branches of the American Hem Assoclallon In good many areas have nr can rder you In course showing how do can serve nncrgy In ominary daily laxkshnumwork and the Ilka tn mm main nfl the hurt rr asy tn conv nce pallcnm of lhc Importance this but gelling up too soon can be coslly ta hcanh Salicylutes asplrlnlype drugs In Ilrze dnse are given or in mm In4 stances netulds ha colusual Inc 1110 choice may dupnnd on how well patient tolerate one an the other When ha patient Illuwcd heart valvps wllh subledncnt formation of scar tissue which in lurn prevents the valve lrom upenlng aner cloning properly The result An Inelfldenl heart lhare are of course other causes of lha lama lype of damagc other possible cunnquencel of rheumatic fever Include phorea SL Vltus dance and ear or kidney Inlecllom In short 11 nnly dlscue hut wlIh vlgllancc and careful treatment pmapeclrol cur Ira good Bed rcsl In essenllal unlll gmpltongs have dlaappured It BIBLE THOUGHT

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