MIOWN AT 19th ol lnwma IM nmmunny uw ml mm mu nm was her Ira mnrm ln nnudm and lovrd her She has must rrlnxul and nlmml Inlnrmnl Mano pursnnnlfly and All her nudian wnx lmnmll nlrly n1 cm nnd prnccnlul lo llwrmmhly rnjoy conmt nmmrcnl mm In lnnnln nprnlnz wmz Irm mlri otlei lmlli that lit Math lllul who was nmlchnd by mulvnlcm anMry and Mr nqu The Mnnlewrdl wnl uhrn mule nrrlvnnnncm Snnln Lucln luhsfllulcd or Lust night Communin Con curls prmnlcd thu bcnulilul llnlhln linger Niculcfln Vanni who lhrlllcd large llarrlo audience North Collrglale Already In Rome lhl nrllxllc nnd rhnrmlnx your suprnno has plum among Ibo Import anl Ilullnn Alngm Russc ogne of lamp Beach lnsl years candidate said the moment dont eel NH ln fact it ls hardly likely the olher camps the Fm massive Conservative lncum hem Haber Smith Barrie ln dltnlcd hcr ready to dclcnd hl sent and Ihc Liberals haw been Advised that Ralph Snel gmve ls seeking um partyl nomination fhe IMml meet his arm Ing Nonh Colleglnle at eight oclock Guest speaker will bu He suggested that Kinsmen were perhaps becoming too shy In smnd up and proudly say Im Kinsmen Or could be lhnt we are nut too proud or proud enough or our organlzn Hon Mr Belllnn sald mu lhls nuilude did exlsl It should d15 appcnr immediately and he ta ken up by cnlhusiasm and that Kinsmen should be honest with themselves We owe this cm lhusiasm lo the more than 100000 who have gone belore us since 1920 when he ssochgllon was said In explaining the meaning of Kinsmenship he said that ii meant in him friendship com puny relaxation sincerity hon esi and sincere eiiaris toward the beiicrmeni oi communities and icilnw Kin Kinsmen is sy nonymous with Ihe word ser vice said Mr Bellinn PERSONAL SAFRIFICE crsannl sncmcc ol mllllons nounS such as has already been given and will be given by many The local New Democxatlc Party Assoclalion NDPD ex peds to hold meeting In ï¬le near luluro to select ils candi date or the April lcdernl elcdlon Lewis Murray oi Barrie pmsidcnl oi the association said three our men have express ed willingness run on the NDP ticket in Nomi Simcoe We cannot any yet which one it will be said Mr Mur ray but can assure you he will be oi the same high calibre as the yrcvious NDP candidates in mi ridin strong reevaluation and look at the Kinsmenrecord over the years should be undertaken by Kinsmen throughout the na tion urged National Kinsmen president Walter Bellian last night at tho tan anniversary meeting of the Notional Kins men Club at the Barrie branch Crowd Cheers Encore At Community Concert Kinsmen Are Advised To EValuate ShoWing LIBEBBLS MEET TONIGHT Says Willing Run For NDP éï¬dcd Hhmnmn he However 11 wnn lho omnllc ulrdiom ml were Ibo hlxnp pnlnLu lhc evnnlnz Hut Min lnnnl pmltclcd nn IMMI nly th bolch Inr ywlhl nm Arln lrom 1xmmlo1 Tu CM dl no aol tInlu wnl IunK wllh drmnnuc Inmxly Aunln um luln lmm Mndnmo IthtrHY WM quulnile W9 wrro kl The two Schumann works Ill uslrnml um lho singer poss essed the all aptly helm lng human cmoxivns II was unruly ncrmary to under mmd me lanaungc lo IM In story bring old llcr nud lmce Inllowcd her wltll mp lcnUon lltklu mnldrm the lwll lngwr llu lurlnflbn unlul anlul Mm oi LAnma mm Nkoklln lmnl ml rm lhr Carlsslmls llangdu num was In happy tholtc In lhl old Ind nmxlinr long her excellent sense xlylu and perfect vocal lcrhnlquo were clearly shown Kinsmen clubs and briclly shaw ed the Importance each one underlying the reason why KKns men perrorm these dutics along with membcrs or the World Council of Young Mens Serviu lClubs In reaching thcsu object vns At our lard anniversary it In Lime to reflect over our work and see where Improvement can bernnde Service the cornerstone of our assoclaum The stone that has held In hr gather that has been hrslrum enlnl in fellowship and more important Kinsmen type or ser vice becomes way of Illa iie said that Kinsmen provide their members with Ihe oppor tunity to practise in act of leadership and Gone are the days when you wouid Join an association ii you sold book oi niila iicke Mr Belllan added that lhls type pracllce provided by ha Kinsmanhns resulted In mnny men learning and pulormlng he sharing responsibllllles and the carrying out ham The wearer Klnsmnn pln has his character underscored Perry Ryan MP for Tornmo Seaman The Progmssive Consurvallve nomination mmllng ls March men He said that uma was one the most valuable thing that any man can give as Umel always last and can never be galned ï¬e Hrs nbiecflve he outlined RUSSELL IDGUE II Hardly Likely nm nlrulrr wni unlnstlo nlly brought back or Ihmv ln cam and vunh mrlnin rnll llnant Lowell Farr mowed lhoughuulnm And Ikill but ncrcrlhclm hrnunhoul lhu evmlng ho lmncd la hold too low dynamic lcvrl nml Inllrd In thaw mo of UN disparitiu Mymnjlnno nnd vulrc Letters of resignation lrom two members at the touching slot at North Collegiate Jones and Mrs Martin were accepted with regret Dr Si Rendnil stated he is prepared to recommend two classrooms and two occupational training shops to the govern ment at Connda or sneclnl vo cational grunt purposes Em had Gord Spring Dew nis Moran and Gerry Tnmblyn The four also look he prizes or the grand aggregate by nona nssoclallon rinks Also compdlng In the and N0 nonspch we Ken Skclly skip Mnc Fondley Ross Slnph cn and SM Kndlsh They won lhdr Hrs three games In the main event hen lost me lourth wlshlnz Hun we could hear MIA Pnnnl In flu tamlee opera would doubt be an excu In and unlorgcllnblu experi To mund out In program were two mum songs Thu wcm mporb or lhclr brie bul char porirnynl or mad Fnuma Mjoun Win dc llzhl Thu llnztrl beauly of lune blended pcrlcdly win lho mnnnlllcml nccnmpnnlmcm Charles Grllfin said consuuv Ian and equipment would ms nppmximalely $250000 This would make North 0011mm commsjle Vschool SKuddart vlco thnir man chnircd the meeting in the Emerson Webb skipped Barrie rink to lhe ourlh event prize in the Timlskamlng nnd Nonhem Ontario curling bon spinl at Klrklnnd Lake The respect oi law was the third important Eoint he toucir ed upon In riei reference to flouting oi the law with your random bingo games which drew quiet smilesmm members he said thvl Nutianal Kinsmen Council has prepnred brie lo submit to the next government to request an mendment oi the Criminal Code Banis District Central CoiA Icgiate will require 18 additional teachers im next ym Tha board authorized Principal Bowman at this weeks meeting to ndvertiset im 16 teachers academic and techni cal or next year and were cllmlnnlrd lhlrd rink from Barrie of Pat Mflmm skip Archie Dulflnult Russ Bertram and Gus Vlnu also compekd but did not reach the mile money mg lump by me was the gmmoUon or direct iei iowship to young men at good character to Lheexient that it would improve and educaia them in the ways and means of the business world and provide them wtié modern operating business ca The second oblecllve he said was the Instruction of each man In the Wailers of his canununlly and making Mm aware of It and slimulallng him award this anrcness and the need to act Central Collegiate Requires 15 Teachers For Next Year Barrie Rink Is Hot In North LEEIHII For Aw lunllhl Wlmlmr Bl Thumnl lï¬mUll Kllchuwr Wlnxhnm Hnmlllml El Cnllmvn Torrmla lclcrlmmuxh Trrnlun Muskflu Nomi my Smxlmry linrlllm Kn mintInn Wlxu lum Moownru llmmimu Mnunl Faml Snull ï¬le Marla Kulnloo Sunny wlth law tloudy In crvnll mu law Hum Hurrch mu ronnldorulyh Irlnlng Thur day Colder Wind normwcxt mlo no VfxlliVvarr thrnno Pnrfly cluudy wllh smutml mowllur flu Hqudny Vlndl norlhwul According to lhe National Em pioymenichrvlce oiiicc lhere need or wnilcrs and waii ress Course Preparation We being made in initiate this course on incntion outside oi schooii Selling up of lhls course de pends on the number of appli cailons receiver It hoped to have 15 application to sum lhe class Mr Marcellul said We have are many problems In cs ahllshlng this course however eel he lhesc will grndmlly be solved sallslndlnn cl nil concerned The great amount of paper work Involved The maple an the cgursn lgave prompmunq we ln um bccame lnvélgei wbglhqr jug wish to or not Tcmpcrnlur near live above In the lower Lakes regions and In as aw us 25 hclnw In lhu norlhem rczlnm onluhl Toronto Hnmlllnn London Windsor Luke St Clair Luku Ems Saulhem Lake Huron Nln guru Lnke Ontario Vnrlubla cloudiness wllh low mow llurrlu Thursday Much colder wlnd wut lo nurlhwnsl Algamn northern Lnka Ilu ran Gearxlnn my cloudy with occBIlnnll Innwmuulls and can nldcrnmn rllllnu Thursday Cnldcr Vlndu weal In nnrlhwut 20 to 30 Nolh flay Sudhury llnllbur lag Ilmngngnl Seventeen uppllcants are well Ing lo slnrl classes and ls probable another class may 51ng on March The clerical course me Barrie Business College apners be successful with om Wu pauls in class 20 WAITERS ll ls ell mas people sllll unending the courie wlll complete ll Although we try not let Pro gram nllccl me day school work It luund that It namcllmcs dmicult lo kncp tha lwu snparal Synapxh Won wcst In northwrsl winds are bringan cold arcllc nlr Into the prov inco Snawsqunlls nnd consideh able drillan forecast or the snowball nrcn mulhensl nl Lnko mn nnd Gggrllpn Buy of Canada and to eliminate thu filled hugpremium that ex The last objective he outlined was the hope that every Kin men club wauid carry on its service work in the community in which it thrived He said Then never any community ihat is rich enough to wanuni no services Service are always needed absence of Pratt who was an the 5in on busmggs Mamiin co ordlnitor Program reported to ï¬ne board Two classes In basic tmlnlng or skill develnpmenl are In pro zress The second class hcï¬un th wllh 32133201110 reporilngl said thll move would fnean Kinsmen club could then run such tund raising mllvlllea with nul running aloul the law Kinsmenshlp should mean un derstandhz toward every dy was another objective In sald In organizaum where all can Mn and be ac cepted as equal The ad that anyone can Join us is lnrward step towards unlversal undel mandim Tllllu ll IA UH YOUR HEADQUARTERS run IMPORTED FOOD Klndl MI vmm vl nn llullln mm Impmd em Klndl lmnlkl Jim hm nmlllu DARRIE DELICATESSEN WEATHER Trmprulunl nlln Thllndnv John MacKenzle CLU of Orlllin is In Tomnlo alterdlng the jelh Annual Meclinz of hr Llfe Underwriters Association Oman Mr MHKEnzlu is represml Ing the Llle Underwrlsers Amp clwllon Slmcontuskoka of which he ls president The local Lira Underwriters Associaian Is one of 76 such nouns or Lila Insurance salesmcnsmss Cam ndn devmed la lralnlmz and ed ucnllng Hie undcwrilm and In raising hclr protessinnal 5H The national mulinl ls balm held at the Royal York Hoke until Frldny Accompanying Mr MncKcnzlu In meeting Walker Mmh Icson scermry treasurer SimcmMuskoka The Life Underwriter Aim clnton or Canada has some 11000 members 105 of which are member the locnl 5150 elation TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um NATION KXNSMZEN Pre sident Waller Roman cut the Ward anniversary cake £2ch Representing Underwriters At TorontO YOU CAN WIN DOWNTOWN BARRIE ON BAYFIELD ST ASH YOUR BABY BONUS CHEGUE AT WOOLWORTHS You Have 12 Chances To Win All Bailats Remain In The Box Each Month For The Next I2hMonths And Eath Month The Prize will be Increased By $509 Enter Ihls MOMM Start On Schobl LIIn Early Summer Construction on new public sthool near Grove slrcet exlem Lion and St Vincent slreet is expected to start by early sum mcr George Mngstatie usi ncss administrator for Barrie Public Schnoi Board said last nizhi fIr Lnngslaflu mm new will will be slx rooms and win accommodate appmxlmute 150 sludcnl mm Grade to chcnlures at $138000 have been Issued Mr Long sulfa sald Thu srhonl board has seven acres at land and the Parks Bunrd npproximnlely three ac Inst nights mccflng the Barrie Public Schoo Board new qulcr Dyer was sworn In trustee He raplnces Gordon Tes key Four ï¬rms an Intelmed 1n lb construcllon and it ex pL cd lhe architects will sub their plang soot Thu acres Bunrd res The central znne conlmnce ol Ihe Ontarln and Rural School Tmsloes Assoclntlon wlll be held In Bnyvlew lllxll School In lllcll braung theanniversary or Klnsmen across Canada Inst night the Kinsmen dinner ln Barrie The other gcnlle mend Hill on Feb 27 the board was told ard granted request by Canal Rny Lacey that the board pay 01 buses Io take the Safety Patrol to see the Ice Cnpndes in the Kllchener Ar enn on March The cast npgroximnlely $200 maln alter the meellng so that arrangement could he made to Walt schools In regnrd to re pal replacements etc or budget purposes Trustees were also to sched ule vlslts la school out ol the city that an architectural lrm can be chosen WOl McCruken In marge Grey and Simone Forester Rgscue Instrumon mum Four semen and our cor ponds are taklng the eight week course held Thursday evenlngs the nrmvury men In the picture are Lorna Curler left pas pmldent and Hendy Lamb right prcsldenl Examiner Photq Rescue Course At The Armouxy $30 BABY BONUS DRAW BARBIE EXAMINERl WEDNESDAY FEE 1m youuuecmmng cnmpllm underway by the Barrie Mo dd Allcraft Club or its sum mer flyan pmmm Club public relltlou mnn Do Near mid Wem tryinz Io Intelm the youth Banlo In model airplane flying and pen hip zlvehe1n arm v1 no nation my could no set also when meeting of the club on Sunday it was decided lohold ï¬le to raise money for hardlop auxlace on one 01 he Lying clmlem 1119 nine prim will be hand carved leather purse The mem bers also decided that nine wili be held at every club meal lng amen member In pad the Imasury flle prizes these intermember raffle would be anything in mnnedion with mo del airplane building Ind lying President Ron Nelson laid that hardtop surface on the flying circle wouid menu easier lake01 and landings Ind min imize the chance oi may it cpuid also man man pro nounced accidenu But that is beside the point he said The BMAC repnrlnu for fun ï¬rmer acEgduIa oiflyo Toronlo man was arrested In Barrie war he trled to pass forged chenno for $1560 at he Cunadlnn Imperial Bank Cnmmme Peler llcrnknvlch 58 appar enlly hnd all the necessary ldenllllcnllnn drlver licence and lhe owners ptrmlt for cur but the actounlnnl It the bank was susplclous lle man nd to null the man unlll pal lco delecllve Run Pickurd ah rlvcd Further lnvcsllgnllon revealed the man had obtained lhe per mh and he llcencu by an al leged break In at Motor Vnhiclc branch In Hamilton and All lhe sumo an wroke hlm sell cheque under someone elsnl name He will before Magistrates Courl Frldny mornan to lute chqrgu nl emery and nun lug lo Turnnlo or slmllnr chun and then llumlllon or charge nl than and posscsxlon cl motor vehicle permits in activilles and ma member an hulldinx many plane as possible or summer Lying pm grams Aircraft Club Seeks Recruits Man Tried Pass $1500 Cheque