Slmcoe County and Barrie Mum Inrces yesterday to makn major bid to have he 1M7 Inlcrnullonal ow Mulch held an the mm Joseph Cochrana an nghway 400 In In nislil Tuwnshjp annua plowing ch which ma blggcsl of Its Ind In the World sometime ntlraclg 100000 visitors Since m7 is Canadas Ccnlennlnl Ycur man pmple think the figure will much higher About 60 people represeniing Simcoe County Council and our Simeon County Plowing Associa lions wen lo Toronto nlong wiih Barrie Mayor Les Cooke Io urga the Ontario Plowmcns Associa tion in consider Simcoe County ior 1967 HA5 COMPETITION The couniy isni wiihnui com petition however Weliingtun Cuuniy is aisn making bid or the match Onlarios Pinw mcns Associatinn may notiiy the county oi ll decision in iew days James Cooks Oranga villa has agreed to contest Ihe lenrnl nominallun for Duflerln Simme at eh meeting In islon Community Hall Monday Feb 25 at ten commillce yromiucm and area Liberals said they were Jubllunt that Mr Cooke agreed to cnmcsk the nominalinn He will probably be plucd agnlnst Hprvey wan of Sh lb in unite mm his aid bid for nomination and Francis Bud Gardner of Bradford In allnwlnu his name In stand Mr Cooke said he would take steps immediately to diSposc oi all his business interests This Includes James Cnake Con sirudlinn Co le which has been built up in recent years Mr Coolie was born in Euph rasla Township in Gray County in 1916 Unlil he Jaincd the Can adian Army he was employed by an Onkvllle nutu firm Fnlv lowing the war he loundnd James Cooke Motors Ltd Toronto ills ï¬rm later expand ed hunches in ll aid Immo mum MW 5m Alumnum Alherll mu Ml sum or MonL Ink ms mu Tel dn Imvm trn Crmtm Ln chemlul ClllIVY Inucr Conmnlhsm nn rmr Wants To Represent Liberals In DufierinSimcoe Riding mummy atom RfllMN INDEX Innunmh Ann 110mm dun II mm dovm II SimgoeCoumyTrying For19617 Plow Match Ame Aludll mm Cow mm mm my mm Chlh hp mm mm nu dn Hunky llrl Rh hm Horn Drullm lhukm mmnbudn mu Winnipeg and amp oycd Ame Artldu Um TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compllrd by An Invrnlmrnl nnwnunml nppva mm mm Herntnl 5mm llun lth nwmunuy In rwmun HMIH on nllrrmrnl mrlrnrvl rnnl nlnu ll II llrdlltlllulm nu lo rrxlnln lbmlll mm Ml rman lnrumn lur llllmYIl an vuumru ï¬nd an lumlmml In luldh tummy purlan runmlly yum mhvnllal rnlvHul npprrrlnllnn win win lur hKrfIIVllIK lullm Inrnnw nml nulvmullc lrlnvulmrnl All Inlcml uml dlvlnlrndn wlUwul lnrumn lnx llahlmy pylnr In mlmurul In mun cam hm ndmungu mhulvlrrnhlo ll nu Ar Inflrmlul in luvplmwnllnl ymu pom Ilrm Muruin lrwnmlnl your Inmmn ml Iltemenl why ml cunlncl um nl our Ivymnnlnlmfl nowmm Ntlv th AnMun Indulnnu dnvm 01 run down Van Uunnu AND comrmvglmmn mu nub ltmi tnl Bum RETIREMENT INCOME WHAT ABOUT YOUR 1w 2v av you 21 gm in Us Nesbm Thqmson ml sut Dom round Dam ï¬luru Dom Tu GL lakrlJllm an lcw udue rum Han ï¬lddeley Han 011 Mud my mn we MunY rm Flynn 91 Dunlop 5L ï¬nal Hnmnnr mu muI IAnmhxl Imnun Mummu mkuulv Iqu mmnll Imp rumcm my on Ind Mer Inlum N1 mm Nlrktl In Ummu rhunv mm Cluh mu IIIDNI AJA Hdll Iimnr Lalo llul gum INDUSTRIAL nunuu Acflvr Ilm Iln GPA nspresenny helng how in Town hi the King Edward 110ch The Simeon Coumy rup xesentnï¬vcs wcrc greelcd on arrlvnl by Arthur Evans MA Slmtoe Centre Mr Evans is currently atlcnding sessions or the chmtum at Quecna Park Cochrane lndlcated to mcmhm the GPA that he perfectly wllttng to host the renowned plnwing match and the famous Tented Ctty His neighbors have also Indicated their willingnnss to mnpcmte he said The main pclmnn was made by Lloyd Prldham rcevo Sunnidale Township who duhman the cnunly agricul ture cummlllee ML Prldham said the committee had done over 500 persons It was the lnrgcsl Independent auto dcnler shjp in ï¬g wor1g Early In March the Commer cial Tanners n1 Ihls dlstricl will hold scminar Norm Collegljflé rydgcs principal of Mirth Collnginlc sald they ex pect I47 have guest spanker mm the Commerclal Inspec lion Sta he Dcpmmcnc Education st Ilme the mulch was held In Simcoe County was in 1950 number or omen dele gnlcs spoke In mm or having the internaunnal mulch here In cluding George Llsk represent ing the exwnrdcns oi the counly Mr and Mn nuke and their two children reside on 500 acre farm in Mono Townsth where he breeds thoroughbred horses and has large herd of Brown Swiss dalryAcgmle If he successlul for the numlnnlion Mr Cooke will run agalnst ha new Pro gressive Conservative candldate Ellyood Madill nlsu Orange vn Teachers Plan Hold Seminar 235 13 16 175 noun Hi Nonndn Nil 0M Nflv Mun Curv Mtln Pam IAcllk Fell rm Pipe Ill Hth Que Nn Gu Run Ink Sllldl Foodl Simmon Shh hhmlnllln Slrvl II TarDom Tm Fin Tnd NFL 1er Unkm flu IWH OlsW 7mm Nun mm Mk mum DI nllmy wumr New nmco Mum Nnnnrull Nunlxlln ovumh qumm mwcmn 4119px mum nu uv 1M mi The Slmcne Cannly Plowmenl Association was reuresented by Jinn ergjnol Collinzxyn When Mayor Cooke Banlo addrellscd members lha QPA he mud that Barrie had guns lnr 1n expanding accommodaflon lncllflles and would he prepared to hnndle any number people or the gathering He snld that everyone In tho city would he most willlnzfn co erale Néxt year Ihi Halcï¬rl bung held In Peel County onthe arm 01 Conn Smylllo on Highway 10 Erna amuunt nl prellmhlary study Ind conï¬dent that the cognlyoqld In xggd joh At the Ontario Swine meet lnzs last week John Gellauglm oi Alliston was presented with gold watch by the Ontario Swine Braden in recognition at hlm the Premier York shim Breeder tor the vlnm in mm lie also receved the John Duck Memorial or his win at the Erln Champ lonslllp Show ihe Gellaughec herd orlglnally operated under Gallauxher and has been long recognized as one of the lending swim herds in the pro PRESIDENT Emle Dodds of Oranxeville was elected pmsldnnk Omario Swine medlngs last week Ernie also pmsldenl of Zone Yorkshire Breeders whldl covers Simme County and mate two sales year at stmllng this year with one in cnrlylApril Parker Peacock was 9130M lo the Omnrio Baud as new director mm this area CHANGE DATE 119 Zen Yorkshke Breed ers changed the data at their Spring Sale mcemly when the announcement the eledlon was mader will be held in Barrie on Anrll HOG PRODUCERS lhe ISLmM jun Eur ducen at their annual met last week had PM For shaw speaking on Swine Nu¢d4 Klan who Indicated some poul hIe chnngcs In the type of hog that would be marketed as well the different Icodlnz pm KE 11 was also the final mm lnnllvn day or mmmiuu member for the markcflnz board Swmtcen were nomin ated and It was declmd an ac clnmnï¬on thus requiring no clmlon Top Breeder Gets Watch so ovglop gm In mi°t5¢ THE WALKER GIRL Tn mm Nu Spying lemon WM ah Rm Illm 9km loppcd mm Iluvolm Moon of pallloy poand calm Both lack and Iklvt monquman lex LOOK OF LINEN LOVES THE blouu of pallloy polide comm Bolh lack and Iklvt monqoclllan lex luud Ilmn and polllally Md SI 20 Beige Navy Tan than Wallna Whm Good Tune In anlmm myan WALKERS Second Bmle Scout Troop held meeting last night and muted ï¬ve boy Plum were Ilse compMEd or tho Annull Scout and Cub Hum Ind Son yon by thd loyghtln Roll Robenmn nick Laue Tom Wybum Peter Johnson Ind Hugh Bolhner were mus Thu annual meeting at Um 14 es division of the Barrie and Dillrlc Real Estate Board was held at the Communiiy House re cenlly and the oillcers melee ed Dr mu They are Hop Hopkins president Mrs ta Scandrelt mummy Mn Orca Bmwn Nonn Hesketh and Waller can direclan Board ofï¬cials hava laid they was leaned with the results 01 lhe aka Multiple Listing Sch vice put into eiieci JBIL 1961 And laid it will ha of great scr vlce in Ulu vendor and purchas en in the Barrie dlslrlci Real Estate Board lieElects OIficers TRY EXAMINEII WANT ADS PHONE PA um Second Barrie Scout Troop To Hold Father Son Banquet PrelbyuHIn THIS CATERFILLAR WENT FOR CHILLY DIP IN THE BAY yu Inc LI vm um ed Scouunaslu Doug wum uld thn cub will come mm lha Scouts tonight mm the Cub Puck Second Bmie wu one oi the troops um wu out on the ice Sllulduy Ind Sunday giving ireliming Ind cooking domom slruiionx Scouimnier Wilson nid lint flu oopie showed grant interest scouting 9er Liculnrly when Ippiied to living in the outdoors 0n Saturdly Ross 1nd Norm Robertsonom Wybum Allin Wheeler and Bev Golden was under Ihe supervlslon 01 nm Paprch 1nd Sundly Smut muster Wuson took over Alsn out an the Ice were llllrd Ind Slxm Bmle Troops who bull lamlo shelter out evgrggegn baugh Somo Cky Council members won unhlppy um the Finlnce Committee dld not pmcm report on the rnposcd nle 01 gropcrfy to La qvicw Dllry It lhe ropon wu presented or the ï¬lm Um Mondxy 1pc clll xcsxlon wu pissed un Inlmousb the F25 11 meeting Report Acdeptecl At Presentaï¬on Tonlghi In home aven In will be hed by the Firsf Edglr Scout Troop It RCAF Smlon Edgar Sixth Barrie Scout Troop and the Cub picks put on pu enu night It Central last 111 good turnout was rem ed IndMn Velml Skcwnrl Cub muler or Pick said The scout put on lmmen don performance and the cub were Hko llule Innll Tomorrow night Pick will Put on parcnls nigh lo ennhe he pmnls not close look rezulu puck meeting AP GREEN BEANS 4mÂ¥zw59c LIBBVE FANCY OUALITV TOMATO JUICE CHOICE CUT CASE OF 24 TI IAVI Roi Prlu In ISOGAVE 1k PRIME RIB ROAST AaP POTATOES 4m5$ SHORT or CROSS RIB ROAST mum POTATOES fruitrqnd Vegalubos 3M Um no IAVI 57 DIMmil Cvw Hm II MI no Lung uh BROCCOLI BEEF ROASTS LE UCE 19 INCED BEEF CHOICE WHOLI WNlTI II III IMl 14 Ind Wt NI dud WILL TRIMMED CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND BEEF SHORT CUT Mani mmn WEDNESDAY ran go 13 Hu nnyonwever wondcred the bulldozer oflen mn It the end lb elrth hmler on the bi would ever go of tha nd Ind through the 1m huppcned yumday shortly before pm Driver Llan Doblnsan nld he wu dual push ing Ilng when Ill denly go whit he described tha most waul leelln thll lhera wu no more en under ha run pm at the luck And the cuterplllnr d1 ped And dipped Still Mr Dobrnson remained In his tenlike ï¬llet unlng down with the Ihlp uld he moved ule mu Into raver Ind tried to luck oulbu2 the bulldozer inst my ed 911m gala no deeper the timeML Dohinson Ic qulred thl rick feeling nut loader wu moving nonhwnrd Ilong the md by the hay Ind the driver In the lncIdenL Ind uw Mr Doblnum WIVC The unidentified driver quick Iy moved nlonl the barrier And hooked ohlin on cm bum ot the dour men Mr Duhlnson no out tired Ind wary Ind surprised the motor wa sml going In He 01 the In It was Immng lnrwney RESUME CUBA LlNK MADRID CF Olllclall of her Alrllne announced lights lrom Spnln to Havana halted during the Calm crlsl lasl lall wlll resume soon Then wlll be one light every two weeks Bulldoier Slides Throuth Bay Ice It took nnd truckTIoIHHVl nunmud qrrmum rm 1m Al ï¬lm lu 114 CHOICE QUALITY ILIC COTTAGE ROLLS 59c CA 2771345 6339 uvz COOKED HAM mm 59¢ MhlumhlhIAVIOOI BEEF llVER FnlIHLV GROUND ALL AM IIUIm BLADE ROAST 229 9t SHOULDER ROAST 47 WHN HT PICKLI WPlflNGNY VAC FAD RAISIN PIE BLADI DONE REMOVED Rog Price 69oGAVI 10¢ cum lhn nanlend lolder Ind Inolher bulldozer to hull out the Ihrcequarler submerg ed nln lnn bulldozer Another quullun wu also lll awercd Howlhlck the Ice on the buy Nelr lhn Wm 11 twq And hllfjeet puck Mr Dohlnson suffered no eflecu other lhln alight us nervousneu 49 Film covering Auxirllh New Zealund and in Cook is llnd will be shown in he downsuiu huii oi the Public iiJhmy beginning 911 In aY Shown under the lusplce he Ban1e Ind Dlxlrlol Film Council he Illms cover not only the scenery such the Con Reef And ï¬le lnhrior of an country but 1110 the Inhib Inu One fllm duls In with the In of the rum lrlbll aborigines In Ausmla um deal of tlme Ind effort wu spent In obtllnlng thesa photos Slmlluly Ispccu of New Zuhnd covered wen covpraze 1339 C091 Iallndl 34enm79¢ The list mm our cnvmd Israel Ind ue Arab eonntrlu Mm hm 50 people turned out Ind It expected um mum numher will In to nithll ï¬lm Tour Australia Through Film JAN PARKER MEATV u45