Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1963, p. 4

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1mm lrul ur mum Min mm inn mm mun4 VINIEIIIGI Ilrllrb II III jl yr Ancva Im When lrlmo Mlnlslor Mncmlllnn lhus mlnmnlxlml hl pcoplo 1n broadcast lmnrd lmre nllcr he Cummun Market lalkn rollfljucd lmw mnny nnmllnm pcr crlvml llml his word apply wllll equal OBSOLETE IDEAS Hrnnlford Exposllnr We must be ready lo nccvpl change to morlurnllc lomlnpl not ml of ohsw Irie llama and perhaps more lmportnnL ohm ole Mm and collegiate students at the post office each day at noon and creating such disturbance as to annoy customers Joe Somers pioneer re sident of east end of Harrie died at 74 Bible Society collected $14120 here Burton Avenue public school had en rolment of 227 in January with average attendance 180 Allandale Presbyter ian Church has more than 400 books in its Sunday School llhra Barrie Public Liirary set mom crshlp tee at 50c James Hart Shanty Bay headv Sons of Temperance of East Sim one with Miss Nellie lltiller oi Edgar as associate patron it it Strath QC elected president county law assoc attuni David Davidson tenclanfx Liberal candidate tor Simcoe Cenlre arged by this newspaper with labored defence in an ettort to justify larfie payment or cord wood at $250 cord or himself the contention being that with tender tnlriy called wood could have been Alanmists irom time to time point to the steady exodus of skilled Canadians to the United States But like other forms of international trade our traffic with the United States is by no means one way street Barrle Northern Advance Febl 1898 Valleau left town for lucrative po sltlon in Buffalo Officers of Barrle Reform Association were hlacwatt Donald Ross Peter Kcarns llamfiton Jory Charles Plnxlon Slelg lng panics all the rage lrips every week by young people to nearby places llke Stroud Thornton Ivy Shanty Bay and Mldhurst Weather loda is 28 below Tecumselh Township 01 llmer claims County of Simcoe paid foo much $8000 for llouse of Refuge farm Becton Not even worth five lhousandl he told lhlg newspaper Some publlc school 65 YEARS AGO IN DISTRICT Last year more than 11000 Americ ans sought new frontiers in Canada The Influx from the United Sales con tained at number of persons who have the pioneering spirits but according to Gruer acung immigration officer Actually of course the question is not as simple to solve as many appear to think Nonresident members of the gov erning bodies are not the best under any conditions not just In summer resort areas Nor Is the Simcoe County Council motion fair even whensuch is recogniz ed It would permit for example mem Simcoe County Council is asking the Ontario Department of Municipal Af fairs to prohibit anyone from being elect ed to municipal office unless he has re sided in the municipality for six months prior to the election The move quite evidently isaimedat barring represent ation onmunicipai councils of summer cottage owners It will be recalled that last May Mr Justice Stanley Sohatz ruled in Supreme Courtthat cottage owners may stand for office even if they live in other parts of Ontario Thus cot tage owners were provided with the pos sibility of securing voice in the way their taxmoney is spent Simcoe County Councils move is purposed at counter ing thl line And quite probably it wfll receive tfie supboh or other mm iclpal councils who draw large tax rev Enues from summer resort areas Americans Emigrate Too County Council Motion To Bar Summer Cottage Owners The Barrie Examiner lflllN mumt ém um Walls Publisher ifiarriefixamintfj31 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Puhflghed by Canadian Newspapers mm 16 Bayflald Street Barrienontarlo DOWN MEMORY LANE ubllsher Brian Sleight Géneml Manger tummy rannunxn 1m purl We lugzm lo lha export Ill stud further west ml hl ruml olher lnlem In arts In Morin for lmlmre he mm tall In the arm mull mum wul Irnnaparonl glohulu an Illa mm Inlo lhe gmn gun and amp nun mum Imu It 0an In the Mnnlrul mow trynl ah MD pm lngolhor hlphaznrdly mum of In Um nrduly pallcrn of man mow nam Lower lcmpcraluro II um In he the nuns Vlclorln Tlmu Exprrtn have been mean Inuwnaku In vanqu mrls ut llm cnunhy 1111 um rllulc lhal Mnnlrnl unnw In diluent from lhnt In In mm other plug IL Now llml Brllaln has bten barred from the European Common Mnrkel though pnrhnps only Icmporarlly ll would ho delunlon for Canadians in mum thnl he prelrronllnl mllng system which Hwy urmlly lmnulll wlll an on ndofln llely nr that Commonwullh conlen tube can llx up cosy now lndlnz Ir rangemnnl om lo lhlx country wllh Its Igullerinu ofnmlon economy Ind clouds lrndlng luturcl bought at $L70 Horse driven by Robertson oi Ivy winner of ice race on bay Stealing reported prevalent for first time in Newton Robinson district Mr Tomlinson is trying to erect an ice skating rink at Angus Minesing school showed honor students as Allan Knapp Rosie Knupp Willie Ronald Levi Tracey David lliaw lrene Knugxi George Johnston and Alice Young Uto is John Bell presented to Edwin Smii gold watch chain and locket ln recogni tion ol services as church organist Not so many lady students at BCl as in iormer years Stewart Passed third year exams at Os oode ilal iienry Creswieke was we king on the rail way tracks about five oclock in the alter noonlnear Andertons Brewery stepfied of to what he thought was siding en he was struck by another train and inst antly killed lie was land surveyor and brother at ill Crcswlcke QC Colllngwood group organized or the Klond ke gold rush Antler already on way with 53 dogs William Early Neg ro farmer in Ore given month in county jail tor stealin oats irom Joe Edwards Can It CX lier Street Methodists had Jolly sleighri it sleighs and six out ters through the town tollowed by hear tea in lie 55 rooms Waterworks eparimeni conlinued with trench dig ging despite cold weather as 15 men ave been averaging 15 leet per dlemo Crown Hill cheese toetory is allowing record production 515500 lbs milk ro eeived 40733 lbs cheese made average Price Ml lot with value oi milk 80c cwt iotal receipt for reason $412357 Immigrants from the United States to Canada were outnumbered last year only by those from Italy and the United King dom The average American moving north was 32 years ald married nndflxe par ent of two children lt would appear that ultimately some type of ward system will have to be developed in municipalities where there are resort areas thus giving cottage own ers definite voice in the municipalities governments and assuring spending fair portion of the tax money on the resort areas themselves At the same time it is quite evident action must come to relieve summer cottagers of school taxes in which they have no actual or potential interest in the Canadian consul generala office at Chicago many of the immigrants simply wanted to get into slower pace of lilo with roughly the same standard of living Cottage owners have little chance of being elected unless the cottage own ers organization is such as to assure large representation at the time of the municipal elections Should votes in such municipalities be advance of labor Day then there would be possibility of such representation There are those owners of course who are yearround residents Unfortunately they are quite often more vinterested in the resort development from the speculation standpoint than irom that of regular cottage owners hers who could spend lengthy perlods of flme 1n the south durlng the winter months when councils are most active The Owen Sound SunTimes asserts DIFEIERENT mman lll HWOA LEA LIMA Illrlxlmr Tmrtlllnlt he popullllfln nl IIm mm In oral luvu Ammllua In Dr funlnn mmun thlol lmh drlunlu In Ill Imma llonll hmlnlr an In prflwlvmn IMuKou lul held lm It really The mnlerenso utullal ill mnlmlnnl he mull rnnnunxvtkyn mu in In cuulnv ulnnlled nun Nov lllll Ilhllnro ol lhlnn MM lor IM Mum bl Ihllll urmIlfhnll llxl Fnllh can mm lhr mlnln ur rhnllmulnl mhrnluu yum lmnllru When humllnllxnnnn Iv now try Um rum Ilm lllnm ll IM all lmporlnnl quullon Samollmu only In llnyn or law mm In rrqulml lo Alrnluhlm an cm Hunl Iml nut hun looInn nwglrclnl 0n the NI hand mm mm ru mn In mt lllo llllll unlll can nu mm wnwlclrly nnl Mud Iml hm lhun In In mm dunner ml lh pnllrnl When Inch nervnus break down anrnl lI rnlcrml la hnxpltnl um lnhrcncu II Um In an II psyrhml dncp lenlrd mrnlnl Illnm Mnuux hrrnidown Ihcn KM mlld tum It In than mum ol undlnl nu nl Um um mtnlnl lllnuL nut lvohlinl lhu Irth no way In loin our llmxhlu Type Ind length trcnlmcnl depend on the must nest Rood nulrlllon nnd rmsurnnce along with helplnl mo pullout la look II prohlflm rtnsnnnbly nnd refuse in he pnnlckcd by lhcm will bring an end In many nervous breakdown In sumo Instances psychiatric car may lilo peedtd possibly psychoan Once lhe pnlltnl overcome pmblcms nr lnnml haw In mm with hem II can be counted recovmd nnd pm Iny wlll him no mare lnmhlo nlcu new prmuru pllu up an lm Frustrallun over job love or mlrrlage tombintd with worry or anxltly orer any number Ihlngs are among Ihe rcqunnl Misti BIBLE THOUGHT But generally apaaklng Illa term really means an emollanal crlals Tho pallcnl ll unable tn cope with some problem or wmblnntlon of them Phyflcal Illmenls mny con lrlhule Ind exlremn Ialigue one notable wndillan whlch is remclad ln cmollunnl troubles However there may also be good physical health ya ervaus breakdown Nprvous breakdown Is no run medical term It catch Ill hrase And wmcflmcs rank it used becausa Iomebody Is wing to hide the mumwhy even Imuw of some people who use nervous breakdown when no patient ruumes tubmulosis nng dc Isnt It but Dr Molnar Is ner van breakdown lefloun What cause 111 Doe ruln onna health Is hospitallzallon re qulred Tadnyl Ieller combina tion several with the writer uklng almllar qucsflom By JOSEPH MOLNER MD TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Nervous BréakdoWn Is Emotional Crisis OFF WE GO INTO THE WILD BLUE YONDER Ilannvtnluu mm wlm lha annllr and Penn mm up an on he mllm may at eulnllmllnml ml lh lulu lnum nu hellw In In mun Hue Inlandl oldm nlllo mill One vlullnr Ill Vhlnn 71 ymrohl Anlllcun Ilngymnn Illa mu bum In New lhmmmlum lml now In lhe Unllel slum five rmn munlly In In Innu ln me In uld llljlul NEW MIIDOI erl Illnl rnldrntn rthm In mm mm wrnl la Julml lnxl unnlnrr In like My wllh rnmmullnn llrm MLIHIII II Huh vrrrul nmnlnl In lhelr munl numbru llul hu loeml unnl In my Awny flMn lulu nu Iummer Ifun Ilium Mm uvz lrll lo who llwlr humu rluwhn qu truck The err al Iry Inyn lhul thlrlnl llm num mrr lwr Imlm In nlwnl lull nlurlllnl Mrmll and nIllm Ak Alamo why hm mull Ivlllemtnll krlp lhrlr ptan nlcndlml In he and malt lo Hm ml and hnll ny lll pmlmbly puma Ind ulr nm And dcrp mm rurily tawny lmm ha Ind Innqu lnrucrpln mnr Malina englnu They bulld Huh llnku plen nml atomic Ihrdn Imfl ban Knrdrn lrncu nnd lrnme homu lmm llmher cul In In wrmund In cnunlmide Munm Dull non car an among the mm who Imk In lho IMIUII Inlt Huh lmlml Mun curry on he tall rod fishery In nlmnll um um wny hey did xrncrnllon nxa Hm nnly dilrcrcnco bclnx lhu dimly mnr Malina englnu NECUIIITY There wamrn um work on the fish aim and wleld lmy fork In ha Iummcr um Mnklnl mu Ind knllllnu mks mill and DUI gur mml ram wml 1mm he Inm lly lock limp wlnler pHHlllll mxvcmng soul by car you coma to lork In Ihe mad allcr nine miles Depending on which way you turn 60 secondn drlvlnz taken you In Old nonn cnlure or New llonnvcmure lwo rcnlly unxpfllle oquqrt TRINITY Nfld CP T110 lourle who hwds down lhe rand 1mm this enslcm Now lnundlnnd town 15 mulling Juurncyjfllo the punk Ym the calico substitute It Your warning agnlml whnlo wheat probably LI ht cause coarsenm Thl doc not prevail In the come you drink VAniwl physical Illnesses so with emotion or mental ones The sooner they are treated the greater the prospect lullm pld recovery Den Dr Mnlneu nu orcr mm soul have been ad vlsed no to drink coffee bet cause It conlnhu purines am drinking coffee substitute and wonder If this we or me It made rum wheat have been on no to eel anything cnnlnlninu whale whenLMns MLB marhave la remain hosplulited fax 1913 geripdofnllme Peace Security Of The Old Ways mldl lho Inn the mm ulrm Nnrlh Wm Mounlml Im In human luv Iufll durm Iorlu ludlnl Ilm mklmuu And Imnlnm 0mm lhc lmmvlallmu nrlnmnl Ial mlll Mnrlumllh WW llnur mlll and riltlllluy Thru In In In bum Only Ilw um lnnldlul ha Inllulol lml ID mllu mm nl Vlnnlru llrmfl Imuh 1m lull Iver nu nrmphvl by ho For lhl llnIIIrnyrnr um will It lllIdmnA Ilny um puny Nu rluh qulml III nulnlnm mum Ind Ircp Ih lfmmlnn In rpm llulll In Inn by Govrrnnr filmyrm and mum nllrr Nlrlr olu flurry hen drpuly lvv ernor Um llmlwnl Ilny Cum luny It furl lull Incumlnl Kn luh Id hful ml nl Ilungévérnor IN my unduly women nylum and Hunk p0 WINNIPlIO ll lur lnllinl van bull I10 yum nun Ind pruenml In Ill nvmnnl um In Mrnmn Illa lncll palm pnllunnllpnrk 1mm Fan Inrry ulna Inn lhr ml club ha been lnlrn our Ivy lhr lrdrrnl nw mumnl Mulch pnhl mow lur Iurnmhr lho luhl than Allll udJnrcnl 41 lyre chlr comblncd populnllon now In about 710 And many al Ihelr ntllvlllc an nludy In cooperation Last year when new twomam day Ichool wu built It was put mldwny be tween lhc lwn lawns And the men the am pllchcd In to help hulld he school wllh lhe mull ll was complmd or only mm Wllh hlxhu cdurnllon and lrndu being nmphnnlzcd ml the pmvinccn ncw may at life one wonder what will hnp cn In lhm plnm on he maltn rack nmmnx Mlllu of New nonmcnlnro Mm lhu in lkrcmtnl Wflh his algcnmld wsr Mm buy We Mr ermnn pnn llmo lnrmcr church Iny mum und Sunday Ichool anchor Innl mm whether lho young qu will 1ch lo lhclr one lrndc cod lishlnz nlllrmrnls flux hnl willing lo lrrmnmcnd lha IE Old Trading Post Becomes Ripark THE CANADIAN PRESS Fab II 1168 lh iiist Vomenx Insti tute in Canada was formed at Stony Creek 0nt yearn no todayin mm by Mrs Adelaide Hoodiesl oi Hamilton At meeting at the Famers Institute Iha suggested that lnrm women Iiwuld have lilcir own organization to study home management and bet ter Ianiiatinn This organi Ialion oi mrai women wu soon duplicated in other centre oi Ontario and spread to the other prov inccs in 1919 the chcr atcd Womcns Instituics oi Canada was organized in Winnipeg with Judge Emily Murrily the iirat na io presidnn 1955 collicry explo sIon at Asnnul Indln killed lnminm lm omas Edison was $va puma on ha phono Emir TODAY IN HISTORY nmlmu lhe III Ull Nllmluh whn mu Icnlplov ol Inn Iuyd Mru mine hrr In Hnmrnl II In nn Input dmloper 3mm in Inn Illnrkm uho Ill Ilvrn Inn Ilvmkm Mfr hn WM nt nlnl vlmmnl In m1 van IM elmlrmnn of Tm rinmlll Tim In um uly 1m ha mm as mnlslrr Inlorml Han and lulu flnl lord ol Ibo mlmlrally Also held Ill lmnnmy dam mm flu Unl vmlly New 11111anch LONDON TI hm hml Hm alt lmd nude tnuy uhlrh IM Innn lrrnl In Ihp lml fluvnhrmk Ill lnHNy In Frrdnlrlnn II he unwilml hm In Muy 11 lulu ar the dim nnlllll ma nlrl methodl II lnrvllnlwle Aml Ilu ynunurr mm lrll Ihrw nmwnnrhn rcnlrvlnx laml nu ma mike the nlhrr uw ornhyllul prmumwcro ouldnlrvl Il mnmlm lmlh 00d and had my huwcvrr There Wfll nn Innmun re port Milo no lha lnbor pkluro lmlny 71w nhlcr mm lhll Inhl IHII haul he nlllludr nl Mo dtcmlcs mm whzn lhry Mrs hm liKhl lmz lhrir Inn hauls lar mo nlllon And probably would hav been the in lo howl bIK rnnuxh lorcc hnd becn movcd In the mm SHE NEW TREND ll nnlcd ml mm land In he lubur union movement or ymmgrr mumhm to small thclr ohlrr lemlcn TORONTO Some 15 yam ago Mllch Hepburn used the On lnrio Pravlnciul Pollen 1n the hor lmuhle at Oshawa mch 200 And In lhu mmnllma lhe Hunc mcn Mm klllod The Irony ls um lhls llme II was organized labor lllcll whlch cvrmuully nccdcd lhe prolet Ion Will Unveil Bronze Bust he hadnt three men kllltd In lhe Kapusknslng Inbor noLs might now be alive Since the Oshawa Imuble bor has been llcrccly against the use OPP ln Inhnr dil putts no mnllur how vlnlent This has led the governmem use ll only at he most crill cnl limes and Ihtll very clu Hnusly Normally divorce can he launched Ind completed In around slx moutlu whether lng through the courts in one at the provluce where appropriate machlnery exlns or going through the federal parliament In the case of Camdlno who llve in Quebec or Newfounde land But In many or these hungover eases more than two years will have elapsed belore the proceedings can be com leted This has needlessly de aycd many planned remar nages deferred the ucltlement or broken homes lelt the luck Ollhnse 321 were ready hung over mm the last session oi previous Parliav meni Thus the misery oi those disenchanted marriages must now wail lo he examined by third PArliamenl before lire now unwelcome marital ties an be bmken Such cruel stale oi aiinirs has never happened in Canada before When our new Parliament meets here this xummer no matter what In makeup it going to find the parliamentary equivalent may Jain yum plam asked withrlah overs and the disbdolhs bo ulmlng to smallnwul When our 25m Parliament was abruptly dissolved two weeks ago It left ycrllahle mountain the nallanl busi ness unfinished here was al mast ho cash In um govern menls till last yearl budget was not yet upymved next years Iestimates were nut ye sublet many bills were not passedj the unempioyment 1n surancd fund was mnnlnl dry But the worst ol all In terms or urrlble hu In aunan which need not have been there were In lea than unhappy married couple len 11111 in Parliaments divorce OTTAWADid yuu ever come back home after vacation leci ingigood Ind anxious inzei io nelher again with ynur friends andilhen have the zip taken out oi xau by the mmmilinoi loh mm work Iwnitlng you like my all the dishes and pan pile dirty in th kitchen we yam umaovan QUEENS PARK iOTTRWA REPORT Parliament Leaves Mountain 0f Work PATng NICHOLSON Younger Men Take Lead Labor Circles mull ll soul only 15 Into Knpuxknslnl nl lint gupicqucnlly 10 nd It By DON OHEARN NM any md nur pronlo hm mcnl lhe hluhhnl nlllludo mo ouan hrtlhrcn Iluy though lhev Wt Inlnn Ilnmvy km or running Imus And now he federal party Xls back In the wall and hungry or unds would likn to gel ll hnndl nn the pol lu chance inrc not good In acl ghgy colll hard1ybu9rse Relations hclwron the And provincial PC Kroun In ccnl year have been lnr lrom love ulfn permumne mo Imnnnnl the moment It could mean flow ble N0 LOVE AFFAIR 11 nice to have mnncy Pmmler Hobart and his pro vlnclal PC parly Ire finding out Just how nlcc They lMsld lhtir bundle for the next provmcinl elccllon winglime nun Howard limuid wage their arm palm against Quench Premier Lesnaa and Ncwiaundlnndn Premier Smnilwood and no iurther penalize the victims than premlen omissions lhe old lendmhlp eel It Ilipplnx It will be nalunl or lo lixhl in lhe only way It knows This cnuld mcnn exlmvnnnl wage dtmnndslo give the men wage Increases in one gain Ihal the oldslers have mm In But two New Democratic Party MP3 Amold Peters from Kirkland Lake Ontario and Frank Howard imm Skeena BC have Ilana held Parlia ment at haylhemaelvea mas terminding and execvting this blockade on divorae proceedings which has canned so much need Ina aulierlnz Almost unaided these two miailst MP have elevated the state above just one type oi uniortunatu dis crlminatlng against lhe unhap piiywed couples oi Quebec Ind Newtaundland alone certainlyresret that no many people are now xuiiering inconvenience and hardship the result at their divorce cases being held up Tomnw Doug laa NDP leader told me But he did not explain why the mi Jorlly opinion oi his party can cua had not overmied the two mavericks in their determined blockade of all divorce case right no to the bitter en Nobody disagrees with the proposillnn that Parliament nhmfld not serve 11 divorce court But certain province reluse this iacility to hairrul denu than Parliament dainl thg right thing by filtering ii len chudren In midair and canned manyv victim to cruelly Inxioul and ovar wrglgzhl Criiic oi miniism irequeniiy pain to lha absence human understanding in the socialist lyalem which raisuihe mil to position oi rareeminence above line human being and which subordinates me interest or Iha private citizen in the doc trinairu demands oi the state ihil principle was vividly dem onsmted and miserably Ini iered in Hitlers Germany it ha hallmark oi the Commu ni5l imam Bnl In our Canadian demot yncy the state In Intended to um Ind protect Una Individual clqzen nnd give lllm naede my ammo VICIORIA GREY TRUSY COMPANY ORllllA vq no dnslra IERM yr AMOUNIS $100 to $50000 PAID 0N GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES INTEREST lo

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