Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1963, p. 11

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BMOKIES WIN PRAGUE Tull Smakl IInlm Cam rcpmcnlb llm In Ihh yum world hock clmmplomhlpl delrnlcd Cut turn hm Mundny night lo Ins Itnrl In pre chnmpmmhlpl lnur Thu olllclll Lmh nm ucnty CTK Iden mm lonlnl team In sluvm Urllllnllvl Karen cnnnol endure Ihe IPPEIIIMI ol anolher lllz whlch not our and whlch would symbolically harm our nathmal oneness und l9 Integrity SETS SWIMMING MARK PERTH Anilrllll lumen Snluko Tnnnlu of Japan ul umld Awlmmlnl record of lwo mlnum 189 lecond lor the womenl mylrd backstroke hm hlunday nlzhl hllxsvlnn alms llme also let world no nrd for 1h Illzhlly man no mum evan In bolh cam Iha cllpped menlenlh Incund mm Iha record Ihu exuhv listh hem In Sydney elm day no TENDERS Purchase of Kitchen flyProducts IIAI1D rmmnm or ymrhm of MM bromdudl nu Invlud by In Command HIM CAP 5mm Eddr Unluvln nnlml In mn lrom April 11 In an 1L IBM Iendm wlll elm moo an Felumury 12 um Mm or rm Md m1 nurtur lly Irmllnl rndm phmIM be nrlvhuwl In COMRMNUINU nFFllFll ncar Human Edur om 42 IENDERS TIONF GLIDING US MRICS Arunllnl Hrqu lSlorm with Ind XII ml can Mum Monday mum mlmnnmtnl lur lhn mud cunnecullvn dlr ol com willlnm lny lhc wan Ildlnl Mm Junln LOSER IN FINAL NICE Funu lLTMlCln mlnu Inn wamnn lcnnll pllyu Ann Ihrclly 74 Turunlo MIA Vnnmnm wn drlrnlld In It Hnnl ol Iho NI Lawn Trnnl Club loumumml Monday by Frlncoin Inn at Frnnu preparing In mccl mlddlnwclzhl chlmplun chk Tum Saturday knocked on lpflflllll partner Mundly and the man Ilmyrd nul mart lhnn llva mmulu The Iormcr mlddluwelml champ caughL Ed chkan Lon Annlu with mm Ind allowed wllh lwa lens lllckmln ml Alrnilhl buck Ind Ilrupk hll head Ilnlnfl lhl canvu mined has And lhll week an lho Professionl Golfer lu noclnflon flu or lay muneywln nerL Pllyer ludlnl mnncy winner In m1 hu 10701 or tournnmeml mu mm 1113 Palmer hal 1100 for V6 LEM MONEY WINNERS DUNEDIN HI AHGary Pl Id Arnulq Palmer BRAVES SIGN IICIIE MILWAUKEE AP Mil waukee Bram Innounced Man day lh signing of righlhanded pitcher Run Fiche oi Verdun Que The nyeanoid Fiche won lhrce Earner eariy last season bui ihen was belied pr 14 run in 12 inninls in live appear ance And was Ihipptd to Tar anlo Map Luis where he tompiicd 94 record axninsi International Lenxua opponents WIIIIDIIAW TEAM KARUIZAWA Japan AP South Korea withdrew Iiiondly mm the world speed Iklilnl championship which open her Thursdly Ippnrcnily in protest Ighinsi ha participation of N1th Korean Iknlm rum men issued in Tokyo by Chang ieadzr oiuihe South Kan rmons mnnma m1 LAS yggns Nev 4m mum Fleischer said The mnlu llan banning return bout con tracts has mm in it Ind long been needed This oxmm Tim at World council can lead rezulnlion or rules safety measures and other Improve ments boxlnz cdltor mm may azino and Nathan dirccwrvol boxing for Madison Square Garv den made he Illlemenl upon lhelr return rnm lax weekl aging canvanllon In Mexico HAIL BOXING RULE NEW YORK AWThe Icllnn newly formed World Council Professional Euxlnz In ban1n return ban contract for chmplonshlp fight was hailed Monday as th the most cansmmllve piece of bnxing leu Islnuon In mlny yam by Nat Flelfghgr andHHnrry Markaon SCISSORED SPORT Sands was born nlud and lrnlned In Saskatoon Ind won hh first skating honor when he lived them He reprcsented Canada In the Winter Olympics The amen wlnl were In corded by John Sand of Man rnll but only in the last sev eral yearl Montrenler KITCHENER cmEwan Canadian skater won only two 50 events the lwmday Canndlan Amateur speed skat ln championships that ended Sunday but may cant lake much pride In cvnn those two Eastem Skaters Poo In Kitchener Events Mr mi Mn Jmu Camp ull lrnnlnnu wprnl week with Mr Ind Mn Cllllanl Campall ML and Mn ll WhileIda mnl plum Tmonln wllh Mr IllIv llnnnld nrnllny Tnmnlu Ipflll mum wlm ML Am MIL mm Mm Gnrdon nlx Inor nmn brunch Ivl Inlk nu lhu Mud book Limrh hodum wue Mu Allan Gnrdlner and Mn am IMmem lnvelllnl hum II Io mumnd lhn ml mul IIIl 1h Pnulellu met Mn PM mmu ham or IM rm Ner mullnx nm wm ll mrmbm pruenl AM on vII llnr Mu Allan mrdlnu rud lhq nrrlpluu lmnn Mu Dor oUuy Swmln uknl mcmborl lo hran MI relnnrmll rlulh nr wool to mnlu rurle Aha am ll nu led Thll lo midi up load new mklu child hfbm cloth Mcx By MM IllAll ML Ind Mn Al Emprlnl hum Alinmurl wm uull Mr and Mn Robul mm Ind IDDI Th0 AYPA Plulu Church enlo ed IIIIlh rldl Frank Ouk ey wpplled ht IleIlh Ind mm homL They murmd to flu dumb bmmml or lrghmenu mi EUm MM Ind wu Symp extruded lo John lnnllnn In the death 1m lher Mr Ind Mn Pnnllnz Ind llmlly mended lhe lunarI 1n Tomato on Suturdly Dy MRS WING CARSON ML and Mrs Thurman and children Almlrn Illa or Uxbrldn vhfled rmnIIy nl Cmonm Ml Vedan dly la work North Buy The Cummunlly held lknlinu puly Thunday night It Mlnz Ilnu rink with good crowd Ilkendlng The chlldren enjoyed Ire chocollle hm Ind pop Iva cents Srcroflflwu In Toronlo Thun dny Ha Attended convcnllan Ilnlhu logIYpry Hole It vnicntine party was held at the Ichoui Thunday nilcrnmn with nevernl indie and are Ichooi childrtn as zucsu The thiidren put on iine program linzlni 1nd contest 1119 Past Oiiicn oiiiciais were very busy distributing anentincst The childrrn also vorved lunch with chocolate milk do nated by the va Ind Schonl Auociaiinn Joe Biullhwalle Tomnlo vhlled nn Sunday with bro Lher John Tm urd party held Tuesday nlzht had nln Iablea Prize were won by Dorun Rlchard Ion Gordla Enslon Dov Mc Nabb andL Scott Percy Cole was operated on or lppflldlx Ncsdny Royal Vlctorla Hospital Banlo 11 prommnz well Frlnk Couzhlln lpent couple day Iltendlnu municipal convtntlon at tho Kins Edward Hotel Toronto By MRS SCOII Congratulaflom to Mr And Mn Tom Park on he llllVlI hlby boy ny nmmn minzn ml skated lhe juvenile boyl mynrd mm In M83 mm mu uzcr cher won the xenlar mcnl Wyard rare Saturday but not the record In preliminary heat with tlrne 35 lecunda lull second under the old record by Sands at Saskatoon In I953 The record went to Enb Baucher lo Winnipeg and Keyln Slmh 141 of Red Deer Winnlpeg lkalen won 11 min In womens events and Edmon ton llld ellhl Hutu saw in women events Saskatchewan hld seven wlnl nix In menl campetmnns Ind Dawn Crack 30 had our Iran 111 mg avenlx Red Deer hnflwny between Calgary Ind Edmonton had tha lnp IkIIerl In the weekend championship hem winnlnl la lim plum In menl com OIIn wrewtlma OIympIc cam punter and long one at Can ndna to eed Ikatou men year orway and Sweden to learn the European tulnlnz methods He lnnlltuted Iyy tern oI weekly compeIItIon In Calgary and Edmonton In 1960 under InternatlonaI Ikutlnx rule where 11mm nae annlnst the clock rather than thlmselves ngnpgsn ls 0P5 Western Candim perhaps sparked by the mining Iden at Rs Olin of Edmonton won the other events and set two Canadlnn record In the pm Cell at Sqqu Valley In 1960 alter maged lg Manlrul HNTEN MILLS ST PAULS EGBERT SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS APTO Wllsnn also uurn lhnl NATO ulrmly bl Aimed ll lnmu In Um Inllh conunuonll Mm no An nltnrl hy mm venllonal mm could In Incl In klml ulher Ilun with rim munlerhlaw ho min min ulrl Wm mnl llnl Mn 10 Im muler um am In any nulbqah such In or lhc North Alllnllu Tr Iy Orllnlullon would Ml In lho handl nl lhl Unl¢d uudrr Ihr lock and In vn tlpll which would Mb uln Irnrdlnl thlr uu In lhc ml Illul WIInn ulna 1me oppom lhn uman nurlur mmnl hut 1an Ihnrl ol lhl Mam hl mud Inlml Ihcm ldnpud by Namfl Labor pmy lor lmllnu lhl lpolumln do Iuml Wllwn and varly how uvrr hrllnvt muIn would not In mllnlllnlnl lndopendanl nuclnr dclcmnl buqu lhl vm upwm proJocL lhl lpgk mun nddvd LONDON CF TM thor urly Im nmr nid nrllllh Inml mum nut with nuclur nape mm um ady nuv lmkumnn um lho uln lyl nuw ludcr llrold Wllwn wildly Indorul lh nJ ndoplrd In Ml Hm lh at unnnl nnaum nuclur am under pmcnl world mm lllll Mn John NoniMEN litr mln Jennell Mu Ion Cu rulhm Ind Mn Clnrmcl nrlh menlly mm day Tomnlu Labor Stand Is Explained Ivy Junlor Farmer held lhl rtbrulry mullnl In Ivy Schnol By MM WILMER WILSON Ivy nInod ucond In lundlnzl or In playom whlch wIII noon Ilka In In Juv enIle hockty quun Hmrlflly nvcninz the Thurman Arenl they hunt Thnrnlon Ivy now play on Inlnsl IAIroy Illzh Icorerl lar EIIIoIt Arnold Mum WIIIun Woods Euchre Club held ha weekly Euchre ln Woodl school wllh table playing ngh prizes were won by Mn Wood and Charles Randall Lone hnndt Kathleen Mount and David Gauley low Esther anncr Ind Veslcy Ruddlck Euchre heldVemy Wednes day evening Coma Ind enjoy the zvtnlng wllh ul EGBEHT UCW MEETS The UCW of Eubarl Unlled Church mel nl lha ham Mlss Esther Downer wllh nlne members pruan ncv err opcnrd lhe meellnx Mu Hill limlley the prcsldcn wnl ln chum Tho Scrlplure ml rend by Kathleen Mooney Ind the lesson by Esther Downer Thl mlnulrs of lha lul mnllnz warn given by Kathleen Mooney ll wnl declrlcd la land box Ilrulll kn Min All Bunny who Mr and Mn Arnald Rogm Lynne and Barry Ipent In Sunday with Mrs Haul Eml ey son Downer IDEM Sundiy In Dun lmn with luv and Mn Downer iWendy Thompson 17 oi Win nipeg won iour event end the intermediate championship wiih 71 points Mercie Pmonl it filed Deer we the junior chempion with to paint and Donna McCenneii l2 oi Win nipeg won the juvenile title will 15 poinll Shannon Form 11 oi Edmon ion won the midlet title with points Janice Brawn oi Seska loan was the bantam winner and iieather Mecxny oi Sal iutoan we the peewee winner Mrs Ryln won IV of her overall the 220 080 um qumer and mu avenka Ior L5 9311 Mn Undlrhlll wu Wm Doreen Ryan the alyzaMId Iklllnl mother mm Edmonton who Ilnce 1M1 hu Ihlrod thu xenlnr womanl honor with P1 Underhill of Edmonton wan Mr 101 Canadlnn utle of Red Deer wan ihe intermzdiute chum Inn IMP with Iix win in nix am or 30 poinil iiu Junior title mmim Bub Nifihgiaon lsi at MP poniar whiio Eddie Bridles oi Ed maninn wan the Juvenile crown with 10 points and Tom Over end oi Dawlon Cm kleh bare with 15 gainu mi nnior menu individual trophy however with 23 poinil winning the Mud the mile Ind iivemila nvanu WW WWEPWE mum nunwuwn Sand won the mylrd and Izyyrd sqnlqr nenn races mu um us on wxnulpei In me by cl Edmoplan IVY mm mum Irlumll lhl mu wm lllod wllh flu Iu mm Cum hy Cunndn mu Mv lwnu ranan AM Llhrrlu my nppnud lhl ll4 bur bolrdl vnhnllum Enlitllnl lrnrrll Althlbnld Cox uld ll wn lhu tnnlldmrl hello oucunve brunch at lhl UJL ovurnmtnl In mp lull balm Jurlldlcllvn am oh rlln an nhlpl would ombnmn llva 18 In Inlnnlllnnnl ro Illom would hire thllll mum on Mllunnl delem Ind 1mm depmmtnl and UN Inbnr hand took DpMIlil Illmll on In boards Inlhnrlly In qumanlu helm lhl Eu pnm faurl WASHINGTON AP Th0 flupromo Court dMldtd Maudy Um 05 NIlXanIl Labor lull llnnl Iord hu no Jurlldlcllcn ov Inbor nlulon on lonlln llu INN cmplnylnl III In mtn Ind Hm Unllld Sign go vw Datum ammo II with mnlmum uvlul In Ircumw llltd lnlmll 690 now hn 1qu mall 01 1011 In Ihc Illl In In flu ycm lh lundu null hva doubled and now loll lncludlnl rmrvul mor 0000000 Justice Labor Rte Opposed Dance ma mulll lnlblld ho tomle to IIIan 8600 ammoht mnxlmnm wllh Ivnry Imployn who nvod I100 durln lh Datum employee wm old Iodly by Frank Shtrmnn thllpnln In lnnull upon lrullu hair uvlnn Ind proflllhlfllll lund um Imnll fllol plant hu bun luccmul plonurlnl lhc pmcmion 01 KM dun lnla uro bxlqucuu or blank urqnu Ind HAMILTON CPLA 000 000 maunllln nl hm lurnncl llul dull may be procemd Into mmmerclll deal In In nelr future tho resull planner lm mmrth urnled out by mlglnn Ioundrlu Ind Steel Am SMGONV South VM Nlm AHA Vlalnamcu prlen lwo Wainmm num Ind French nun who kldmpged by un BRIDGETOWN Dubdon Romaninns Earl ol Avon larmer BrilLsh prime minister Anthony Eden 1ch hm Mon dny for 11 VicHan homa on Ecquh Islmd am lrcnlmcnl mlld heart Illack In week Lord Avon 65 nld all on well ho will lptnd our week then balm returning lo Brillln Can Make Steel From Flue Dust as yr CONSERVATORY TO MOVE WRONTO CPLThe Univer Iity at Toronto he Ioid ile ecre Royal Conrervetory at Music rito and buildlu to On terio Hydro Electric Power Commission or $150000 The conremlory will vecete lho building by erch 31 and move to the exienelvely renovated old nicMeeter University Building on Bloor Street CNE WANTS GOULET NEONTO GP Canudlln ringer Robert Goulet may rter in thin yeerl Cmdien Notional Exhibition grendltlnd rhow CNE oiiicieir nid Monday they ere lnterertod in lettiol the rinuer but expreued doubt ebom blinl able to eitord him 10 DISCUSS COMPLAINT NEWMARKET Ont CPD Donlld Findley president of the York North Prolreuivo Con lervetivo Alsociltion Inid Mon day the euocietion executive will discur complaint thnt the iederel nomlnltlon oi Cherie Hooper Saturday took place et en llIEIIllyetlcked convention tour in demrndlng now convent on on the round that come delegate were not irom the riding HONOR CANADIANS UITAWA CF Cnllldl Council medal were presented by Governor General Vlnler Thursday nixht to three dlr ilngulohcd Canndlunl or their contributlonx over the yearn to the arts humenitier and racial rcrencee The recipients were Arthur Lisrner 77 one oi the orlzlnel Group oi Seven Claude Chlpokue 7i deen of Canadian cemporero and Leonard Brockinxton 74 any known writer scholnr Ind lore mer government Idvlrrr WOULD USE INK MONTREAL CPlA police reheml cllllnl tor oi lode ible iniu wn accepted by Montrealr lur industry Mon day to rtemp out theitl thlt have cont insurance companies 3203000 here since the rim oi Iho year The lnlt would be ap piied to eoclr pelt used inu eemblinz iur piece with epocirl eyrtem oi coded mark lnu thnt could he reudily iden tilled ii stolen jacket or rtale we cold NUN ARE FRIZED we DIBBAR LAWYER TORONTO CF Wlllllm Hmld Swayne as Welland hn bun dishmu ram the Law Society Upper Canndn lnr mlmlnz cllentl mm fundl spnkumnn nld Mon dly He said the mlety lound Mr Swnyno guilty mm Mann mllconducl In tailing to Account or the funda WORLD NEWSIN BRIEF pm reported Monday PREMIER RESIGNS TEHRAN Reuters Assn dollnh Alum resigned Monday nllhl Iranian premier to clear lha way or the larmatlnn of new ovummenl Alnml resignlion was accepted 1d he ruhxequcnlly was asked by Shah Rezn Pahleu to form new nvlrnmenL TOWER COLLAPSE NEW YORK AWA water lower collapsed atop nix Ilarey hulldlnz In Brooklyn Monday rsmnshlnz flours Ind zendlnx tom walu Ind debris cascndlng down on the buildings occupants Ono per Kn gong Int TO KNOW EACH OTHER HAMILTON Bermudl CF The British parliamentary con lerence was oiiicilliy opened in Bermuda house or assembly Monday Home Secretary Henry Brooke heading the British deiegation said the conference will ennhiememberl oi Parlia ment and member at the United Stoies Congress to let to know one another not to da cide Anything HONOR CONDUCTOR MONTREAL CP Can dinn conductor Wiiired Feiieuer L1 to he the est ol honor at the innugurnlon thin ll Montrelil periorminl um um ire Pine des Arts The rr nowned musician in lo receiva commemornllva piaquu hon lugrwipr known deagnand an ulnar vhf misalnl Nina wire admmed lo halylllh two In Ierioux condition BAN FESTIVAL MASKS ROME AF The prelen ien carnlvnl season an and police are reminding citizen 101 in wear festival mask on the streets in the pm palm inund themselvu unlhla in on with muked blndilry amid cumin raveny WEST SIDE GOES EAST MOSCOW MP Tho Broad way minim West Side Story Will be pmductd ior lhe iirsi lime in In Soviet Union by the Nalianai Open Theatre in Yur 1w me In the Unlted Nation force In The Congo will replace them with 500 man In April the lat elgn afllce announced urlnn Mrlchlavémeuls In III In quarter éenluw REDUCE TROOPS STOCKHOth 1A Swe my has 700 men THE HARM EXAMINER TUEGDAY fEBflUARY 1M If evn Armenia Gmhyn Kap lanyan the producer uyl III was allrncted by the mualuli humanlly and vivid Ind naval runn El vxnéen rX um HOWEY ELECTRIC lee Shotklng Chancel DONT

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