Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Feb 1963, p. 1

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50L MUN an mun chum xlmnln mum at Marked neutrino NWMH Amman Mmu bland H1 NM an Ihwa in In new andnml In le uu mum Urnzll Inl prnmlnrrl polllhnl uylum ln he lnsumrnu who Iolzrd llul lhlp uhrn Hwy sur render lhc mm The Vrnrmo Inn lorrlun minlslry mld II will dnmnml uwlr rxlvmmlon Thu Ihlp wlll he rtlumul In Vrno US cmlk hovering nulxlde Brnzllhm mnorlnl krpl lhu Angonlvgul umltr wr volllnnu thlmfific nay allcmm arm 11 11w ship swung nnchnr In nrmfllnn walcrs wnlllnu or Brnzillnn corvette lo 9mm 10 miles down the count In In lrm Time was xpcculnllon Ihnl tho xhlp hnd hnlml hecmxso run out of no or hm enginu trouble EELEM Hrnzll MP The highms drama at the aulzod Vcncxuclnn Irelghlcr Amanto gut nomad an and todayIla nlm at prcvenllnu President Rm mqu Itntnncourtn visit lo lhu United States thwarted nnd Ic tnncourtn regime apparently um llrrply In lhe snddlc Hon Gordon Chumhl who look over he porllolia Feb 11 Douglas Hmkncss made hi my Iillon clear Monday night at hl Iwn nominating Convention as ngrcsslvu Conscrvnllvc candL Into In his present seal Win WINNIPEG cm Canadas newlyappointed defence minis ler In his first speech since ak lng nfllcn his revealed himsell as solid suppoflcr lbs gov ernment policies that led In the resignullan of his predecessor Hijackers iiim Is Thwarted Ship Awaits Brazilian Escort Former Defence Minister Harkness was given noisy welcome by 40 supponera when he rammed to ills homo Churchill Shows His Defence Policy Solidly Supports Government line 99m Yur No 42 For Examiner Want Ads Te phone PA 52414 he telephone number to call or the Business or Editorial Dept PA 86517 Our Telephones HHBKNESS IS WELCOMED HOME 2mm MP Wlnuwio anl low nitnu nmkm um mm mule lo Mom nrmll about no mil In Hm anul II Ihlrh leI mm hy llrnflllan Navy 11m ELMInn Anxnnlrlul unch nml In Ihnllnw wnrr nhont 3000 yards of lhn Island Human Hclnncuurt spcnl Monday on US crrilnry lho Comman wmllh Iucrln Ricowhom ho was hullcd by large crowds and warmlyzrrclnl hy hll old Irlmll Gov Lula Munoz Hnrln Ho lrnvrx nr anhinqlnn nnd vlsil wllh Pmldcnl Knnncdy Inlrr lmlny all luv cruw Second mule VHmnr Medlnu nnjas radioed that he was the only crew mcmhcr Involvrd In lho seizure The other club mm whu are reported lo lmva carried out me xelzuru with Me dlnn Ruins Apparently were Carnmunlsl lermrlsla nmugglcd nlmnrd bolero the duly anilcd Inst hmsdny for Houston and New Urlmnx Ilnwcvor It will so rnmrfed hag some cl lho 35 £er 1017M lhu Insurgent and wlll nslg naylumrlrn Ilmxll muln nrcsumably with It can lain nnq mag ha 15 crew Mr mm kcra Defence policy must re main flexible to meet chang ing strategic and tncllcal con minus nlpcg South Centre or he April edcral elocllnn Ho made lwn mnIn polnll Canada would ublain nu clear weapons fur 1L3 areas at ham and abroad only In case ncgd or umfrgcncy QypTE FROM PM at Calgary MEL Mr Hal1mm who reslgncd from the cabinet In dispute over nuclear weapons said the cnurcfini qhiucd briefly Prim Minister chlcnhn commons speech Jun mum at lb man who nllemm rnnllo MI Mlmdln nimu 1n lwr null rm npmmmt minty 1H1 Illrulyfiqlll lo In um and mnmm DUNN Vut Irmlnny llmerl Fhl vnlunhlo Ilnlian MIM Inll union Gmnnn nuldltr In mnlwm Ilnly In Hm won han hy um Well Immn zawmmmk lmlay In ltnlhn Amlmu Mar UNAqu iuhhlll Au llnllnn ml upon mume Hm value III In palnllnzn mom Umn mm IIOHTON MP valvide IHNUV mutual an Inrmm Immime In min nlmulc munlerl mm In Holm Im In Junt rm nrmul lodny with lb man nllnmnlml an Inr umnmm mu nlrlklruly Mmlln lo Hui ElfinMn mm In mnrwlivm wllh lhu Ila Dem uhil Ink In Im mu nw mamu mummy nr lnlnlnbod Hullm 5mm cnnverl In llmlfcllm mu lmrn In Now York In 1m 5m lumul nfln hrr Imbnmll death to urnllon nl youth and la dmrll 11110 work Hm aundml he Sll Irrl nl Chnvfly nl St Jnlrph In in 1111 Ind leI In Elnmlll hurt Md In ml Boston Police Have Mans Description Ccrrmnnlos Ior mum llonn weru nchadulud next month Hemlllcnllnn llmurnlly 4m Ml nYwnynlu lollowvd hy Hm churchl hlnlml honor rn nnryzflllnn nr mlnlhlxxl VATICAN CITY AP The anlcan Cnngrcnnllun llllvs Indny npuruml lluy bmllilmlfon lwo Unlml Slnlu llnmnn Cn lhullc llunrrn Molhrr lillxnbclh Ann Srth and John NH mnnn Inurlh Mslmp lhlln dvlphh Italian Paintings Hm Recovered Al lhe snmn Ian lhe ruin of Canadian nrmld forces In Eu rope will be reviewed In Um lluhl at new tumpr and changing dclcnca pcsurcs ln hercnl In mullllalrrnl nuclcnr urea mum Ihe Nassau mecllnx lusl yrnr between Im ldcm Kcnnrdy and Prime Mln Mgr Mnemlllnn riircnurchlu dld clnboh all on till point Two 18 Catholics Approved By Home Slrnllnfly nuclear bombs lot the Canadian Slnrlighlcr slrlku rcconnnlssnnce force would ho released to the plane only In llmq cl need Canada ullilllnx her com mllmcnt by rovldlnu lh planes and In lmlncd pllola lllr Clmrclllll Iald were naked Io Bu ruckulsprcsumahly nu clearllppcdlar lhe battery are in Amcrlcnn custody and will not be handed over unlil an cmcrggncy has prise mle ln the North Mlantlc Treaty Or gnnizallan Mr Churchill snld lhe Canadian Hones Jahn mckel battery In Germany la ready to garlan any task al loled to It tho supreme com mgnder NATO The prime mlnlsiers refusal in commit Canada to nuclear mie led in the resignation oi Mr iigrkness 25 on Canadas nuclear help nlllllyo his pggillqn 111 matrit Examinvr ngrcssive Causervafive pan ly should have new leader In mplnco Prime lvfirdstef Dielenbaker CF Wircphotob NEWS BRIEFS mle lo Mr Cnu Inhl drlnlcnllnn by dlnhnnul lnwym mu my mm prohlom In Onwlo Inn 1le unruly he did not lmnw Jurlnnéuon Mikhail Can ndn found lhnl Um on 01 haanan luwyorl lo prnltd cllcnln nu mull wnuld ho prohlblllve Mlornay 1m enl Lnn lold Hm lrghlalun Assuming the satellite ls in orbit we also are assuming illnl it will eventually return lo lhe nppmximnio point whem iii was injected into orbit thc lpokuman said 7Soaner or lam well lindll The camera will inko picture Rrxlslnnco uued by Woods purely lcchnlcnl term In drstrlhlnx lhu num ber elcclmns that net lhmuxh John Woods II nullvo Cullcnlho om lnkns more Mealrlnn vlcw 1110 klnsm motor purely dc cmllnl an the mmnnw kiss It hlgh ha HI In good If It 10w tho Mu ha The space agencya chief hopes rest with about dozen Baker Nunn camerasradio lelescapes being operated mung the world by the Smith sonian Mlmnomlcal Observa Iary with flunnclal boost 1mm NASA ii nil depend an he ar kio imidc ynu snili Tnlnnn Priluichl lhe only icmuio In hnr cicrlrical engineering dun ii you iccl uii tingling Iinside your kiss will nhow LIGHTS FLASH BELLS RING IF YOU HAVE WOWEE KISS Y1K NWTmm Ivy With In to on spokes man lo tha anlunnl Aeronau Ilcs and Space Agency said in an Interview today the search ll lander way MIAMI Flu APIA Irlo 01 University Mluml sluA dents hava dcvlscd machlnn that measures the smoochan power generated by two pm plo kissing Ill cullcd the kissomulu ll creators Including bouncy 18yearold brunette am having lot of Fun with lrlnl runs Cass Disturbed By law Problem Bonding Costs Found Prohibiiive The nnncommunlcallve comA munlcallom sulellih was sent aloft rum Cape Canaveral Fla last Thursday amid hopes it would achieve an orbit Ihat would maker appear to hover monomer over spot In the loud Auanflc While the amund the earth orbit was Ichteved the satel utes mdlo transmission came to an abrupt hnlt Nobody has heard from it since What knan Is that It Is 22300 miles above the earth and that Its In orbit ning the heavens fur the lust Syncom communication satelllte They will search until they find It nllhough with so spacious hunlinggmund they admit It may he while yet TONER 73813399 Syncom Goes Aslruy Scientists 0n Hunl Birds Onnrlo Canada Tuudiy Fabruary l9 DONATE $4Mqu FLRjCIENcE WORK Om born mo Irinl mumInn IIM Inn Intod wllh IhII yruhlem In Inmqu menum Ill he will law mu parllrulmy In Marlo Mr Cuu Inld Mn Whlcber MM lawyer new pnId In AnnuAIIy Inlu Iuml la communal vldluu oI dluImmII Inym um wn null poulhla lhIl annual wu lllhullm would mm In In In cmde In pm or am Linwa Elmer mm ludlmry mammal WI Ill Mr Cull MM he wnl IIIIA 4mm Almul lhn pmblum and wn umhr eunulnnt Imdy lln Una Caption Im Sodgly Um lawyer war bonded rhunld luv 1m lmnknlpl hln rllrnl would III pnhL hach Mnny peopll hm lanl and mum cunllnuu lo luu lnnzu nmounu af money by uusllnu dkhonul lnwym Mr Whirlwr Id Mr UNDER ITUIW nuu Whither lpnnmyl Ilml naked during sludy ol Um Mlornry ucncrnll culmnlu why lnwym Ihnuld no In bonan In tho Inmu manner III lmnurm ol compnniol and other Inulnwmm found IncaMu nulwer la prolng 0m Rebubltcnn leader who flfllnrmeé qublcdby name brushed It all rehash was bull or Ml upon llon as pm 01 nnllannl engi nccrInu week Wood ex plnintd lwplo who um can my lln all In ho 1mm of Icknm Almost SC given only couple of hours advance warning of tho secret acsslon slipped In and out of the Execulive mansion avoldlng mpoflcrs But later than who would talk described it all as minus 3110ng on alumina prlnclplcy anld Tn Ilnnn at North Mlnml Bench Tho touplolmldo the boom hold an clcclrnnlcnlly charged prnbu in thrlr hands It mud mhlulo amount clccldcal current Ihrough hclr bodlcs When their Hp meet the clr cull completed Don narachak 21 from Up NY and Tilnnln have men lho klsaomclcr low dry rum and mm In IHCCEH den Kennedy saw congres slonnl leader 4mlnule brie lng on Cuba and Latin America Munday night at awiltlyullm Whlle House meeting that had all the makings of flighqrnma meter rigged xhng ughu and ringing bells The Iowa qunllty Ids lnshnx sign that lays dead fish Casunnvn cmbrncu will regis nr woww Tho hotlcst smoochan registers wow and cqug NEIL Also being used but will only slim chance of success he saidi the radar apparatus of the North American Air De fence Command The camera are law an the spot when the satellta klcked lnto orbit and another spot 160 degrees around the world the NASA alllcial ex plalnnd whlle there may he some false nlnrms chance of eventually locatlng Syncam are 800g oi mighty small point oi light that shouldnt be them it might no them and be somequ hut it might be the 5m Inst Rehash At White House Was It Top Secret Talk For he Inympnu ghuhktsso mgymcmn AmPm I963 Mr Carla um bingo unmo mduclad lor lndlvkull pm tolmmerml proem mwfimmm mu not mome hmiu my mu lwn um um becmnllll d11 rllmtm oi nllhy book mu luau Dr Cu um Ema unmo Inducted lar lndlvldunl hmfll 1m bNlpnlnll Mr envllnr ud flu nwlule mun ma munle Ilnblu In Inen am In Onlhrlu would al marl lulu yqtglch nu pn Iw mu ulmu my II lwlc MD brhlml Ilmcklfll numb vlnlrnl alum Iuy Iconum mu uluruml by Mr Sam Ho 5n lhn poplhjllly ql auch Ho be ponlhllll ol inch rullullamhlp mm lnmll IN Ila luaurd mm In In nhooll ho mlwd lo 200 lo 170 Ilmlrnln bucnuln you wnuld hm lmvo flood chance of Ilndinu hm minimum Inw yurnl out Ibo tlnumm Ho mid Ilml banding wax Inuoduml tho lnw prom Alon llm bondInu mnumnlu cuuld lllcn duldo who Ihlll prudlco lnw Iv Qulnrlu In not our llmlhcrl lemma WE nmjgl hh dclqul III II Um Savch troop unnl wl drawn Slennll ha Mnod Republl CM In qucsuonlng whcuur lhu odmIanlrnllon has dona enough about Mm and has Auntsch Inning lgluckadp may be my Them was some speculation that lim session was an dim by Kennedy to slam mo door on any charge lhni his arcixn Kelley was more partisan than ipariisnn Amnng boss who attended but declined mix about the White iiouso mcciing was Sen John Slennl Dun Miss who hands in vrrpmdncss subcom milicc which pins to start an Investigation ihis week lo icarn nil lilo incu Russian miii lnry Ilrcnglh in Cuba Senator Gnome Smallqu Dam Fla remarked ho dldnt hear anything particulnrly new about the am sllunuan and he Sovch mlmnry power there but the gemml cellng wan Ulnllhings looked Ilflla bet ter other irons snld Sonata Dorm cmlc lender Mike Mansfield Montana Kennedy was aided he brldlng by Secretary Dv ence Robert McNamarl Centralrlnlelhgenu rity Chlel John McCone and Sec rotary Stats Dean Rusk amiss cunm murmur He said brathought Kennedy has been dhlurhed by some nf lha criticism mzpubllcans have been nlmlng hl lorclgn and In trying to pull But he added he viewed It as an alleran to qulet some of he attack on he administrations Cuban policy he sllunuan In Cuba and Latin America WOMEN TOSS CASH BOUQUET HIIA than wax Iherry he lm lunch Ind mnmmnth recepflon Ink when 2000 guests were welcomkd by Premier and Mn Jnhn Rn Jqsl Va gcrlcfal lnlqllIgcnca TORONTO cmm 0n IIrla pvanclll government xnl Lhe bouquet Ind an no men dIrl without when the traditional carnage were pulled out this year by the Ontario Progressive Consen Itlvo Womenl Assnchllan The women decided Infield to done Ihe can Ike cor nxesaboul $1M Ihn Ca nadlln Save the Cullan madam burn magi Nahum um In San NW M0 M4 Jywu puny also said the councils lnnhllIly to mnkmup mind has cut the payroll on lha bulldlng pmch mm 500 lo 219 Ind asked the ally to pay hack $250000 of what It culled wnsled overhead cost caused bycouncla ndcclslm Gvenl unld design thanzes urgtd by the ar chilcch over the past your up peaer to be taking the nhllpe ol crccplng cancer that In be Ina lalsled upon us TORONTO CF The can mmnw companybuilding 1hr nnlol £28000 city hall claims that cily councfl has Wasted $250000 by maklng changes to thgoriggngl dulzn sum was made by the MIan Noncross Cnnslmctiun Company In mm read by Mayor Donald Summerville at gauncu Kneeling Iv Kroner wankd was Council Director Dr mmmnn made the formal awards dinner an occasion to announce that donor has pm vlded $4750000 am In cnnbla Canadlan studenb to undertake advnnce studies in medicine adenine and engineeflng 10mm $ECRET man said the 8011011 the donorwho asked um Idgnllty bejmpt secret hqm The three Canada Councll medal winner schalnwrawr Leonard Breakingkon com poser Claude Champagne and artist Arthur Jamardomed the rank of 10 other medallist named last year when the medal was first Introduced er pre sented tho medal large menu3925 dIscs our Inches in diameter and wulghlng pound eachand the $2000 clash award that goes with Says City Council Wasted $250000 OTTAWA CMThe Caan Council has honored three dis tinguished Canadians with its highest award or contributions to Canadian cuiiure and at the same time announce it has re ceived 34250300 giit to extend its work into the iieid of sci ence Largest Gift To Council Must Be Used In Canada GRANDMR KROEGER BHLKS Vlaluhbie recognfllog No More Thin 7c For Copy11 Plan Mainly cloudy with ugh pmw Low tonight as High tomor row 17 For wmplde IIm¢ mary please turn page two gum mndmoum wand Ila 11m hm alum amp was India mu up Im IM Km hauntu anw urnr MM In nun an M5 Local Weather Dr Lima 71 was onn ol the ormlnul Group ol Seven IHI cianan said that by Mr palnllnx ho had might Cunn dlnns 5m Hill cuunlry In new way Dr Champagne flycnrold native 01 Montreal was laundod us master porhnps wllhuut equal In our country or lhc clnrllylargd ulflhflum Ml orEhtskfgl ml 1L autumn lhn cllnllnn desalbed hlm mnn who all lib day devolvd hlmscll becauso nil urnl bin and Intellectual can lo the 3th and humanl Tho 74 year aid rector ol Queens Univeraily was praised in the ciiaiion that accompan ied his medal for his radio broadcast during iha gonad World War when he reported In the country on lha aciiviiiea oi the Canadian toms In that time he was special assistant to Primailiiiniuer Mackenzi mug Among his other accomplish menu ML Brnckinman was xecognixedior contributions as tho lira Chairman the board of governors oi the CBC lecturer in Jaw the Univeh sin of Alberta and leader oi Earn doingnliqq aigmad Ream1M to Mr Broddnglon as Dear Brock Gen Vnnler called him Ihe masher orator arggng us IonlghL mu palm ur music it not ioniy in the intrinsic value but also in the quality of their expression that the ntive efforts of these men are knawn By their manner they have helped to imbue thu Ca nadian people with sense at GovernorvGeneml Vania re ferred tho three medallist as men dedicated to the com munication Ideas whether by or pain or music The the largest cched since he caunclls estab lishment In 1057 was estab llshed by the ledeml govern ment with two $50000000 undl one or univetu bulldlnx grants and lhe other for scho larship awarded annually from the $1000000 Interest the fun produces and endursemen of the council in work and the place it has been able to aka In ma lilo of the cgunlry

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