somehow Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayfield Street Same Ontario WIK Walls Publisher The startling litical events in Ottawa have created tuatton which could eas ily jeopardize Canadas future The Con servative government was driven from power sooner than anch ated Vital de cisions affecting the wet are of all Can udians are necessarily being held in abeyance lggneral election is to be held in less two months Never before nor likely over In the future will thispeople of Canada be called upon to such important individual votes Therefore it is essential that all Canadian voters be come not just vaguelyfamiliar but gen uinely knowledgeable with what events have transpired wh they transpired and what ould be terest of the country as whole The coming election is no pularity contest as some have been in past It must not be based on question of whe one in the best in Brian Sleight General Manager nonoav searcher is no 421 new post office or wharf The stakes are much higher than that Nuclear weap ons can mean life or death Monetary decisions can mean poverty or plenty Every single Canadian citizen can win or lose The Galt Evening Reporter points out Every Canadian voter should make point of becomingwell informed about Canadas Bositlon so that he or she can speak wit authority when election day comes All Canadians should read and learn everything they can about the ques tion of Canadas future Never before has the maninthestreet All Canadians statesman The issues Before April ther this or that community should get Ishownlsucb interest intheCanadian p013 meal situation So that Canadacau make the right moves in the near future it is the responsibility of every Canadtanto do some sane and sober thinking be tween now and election day MPs Salary Issue Shelved One thing the defeat of the Govern ment at Ottawa has done is to put an end to the members salaryboost scheme for the resent at least This Is sue should be rought into the open when the election campaign gets under way Let the candidates say where they stand on the matter and let the taxpayers decide All parties reportedly were in on this scheme Now is the time for them to tell us all about it so that well know what to expect when the next Parlia ment meets Outside Parliament people who earn $10000 year must prove every day that they are worth it And to prove that the are worth raise they must work her er be more productive more efficient imaginative and energetic Many of them spent their time in pet ty bickering and manoeuvres designed to gain some little political advantage Oth ers made weekend recesses an excuse for playing Imant from their duties Their performance as whole suggests that they were more concerned with party welfare than with national problems balance sheet of the work accomplished is pretty unimpressive document by any reckoning The late unlemented Parliament of course was something quite out of the ordinary Titers may be good grounds for the argument that generallyV eak log the present scale of indem ty in adequate and places hardship on mem bers with heavy family obligations par ticularly But these are legitimate mat ters to be brought before the electors not sidetracked and then used as excuse for salary grab when the votes are safelyln DOWN MEMORY LANE 15 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Feb i048 Simcoe County Council pledged support of Childrens Aid Society with grant of $80000 following annual report by Howard Naphtall managing director Stewart Page presented annual agri cultural report for North Simcoe Floyd Lashlcy for South Simcoe Deputy Reeve James llart clashed with Mayor Grant Mayor ovcr way work being done on town hall alterations Viillam Rusk wellknown Allandalc citi zcn congratulated on Bill birthday Mrs Montagu Leeds 011E elcctcd chairman Simcoe County library Coop Empkc Ilardwarc name changed to Oughs Hardware Thomas Foster honored by Bradford Lions Club prior to moving to Barrie as managcr Can adian Bank of Commerce llllss Louise Collcy director of county recreation wont to Woodstock on invitation for day to outline program to officials of Oxford County In County Council Reeve Lockhnrt of Innlsfil protested charge of cxWardcn George Barr that money was being squandered liar rle Ilycrs hockey club concluded rapid fire tour of norlr country Aflcr boat tug Nornnda Tigers 54 coach Ilap Ernms turned to President Charles Christie and asked What town are we In Strangely enough Christie knew the news report stated Article from Vancouver Sun on Ron Terry exBarrie junior playing for New Westminster Royals in Pacific Coast Hockey League just recently arrived from Fort Worth Rangers of the Texas Hockey League an Eddie Shore pro crty George Jedi Church D0 ccted president Bar rie Jaycces Barrie Drama Club stag cd two oneact lays Tire Marriage lro osal was irccted by Miss Elsie Rai es featuring Angus Ross Allison Ransom and Kenneth Robinson Mrs Kennedy directed To the Lovely Margaret featuring Rhoda Young Harold Cusden Audrey Iliilligan Wal lace Kennedy and Jane lilnds Mem orial Hospital cam aign funds reached $125000 Club announced change $125000 Club 70 announced change of management and food and dancing policy County Council had brother team Ernest Miller Reeve of Coldwatcr and Boyd Miller Rcevc of Mcdonte RC1 team placed third at Colllngwood mcct Members were Bill Craig Jim Fisher Iilll Linton llerb Illorrow and Don Maxwell RCI sen tor girls basketball team headed by Janice McCualg bcat Bracebridgo 1411 Coach Ccc Cooks Barrie Lions juven lle hockey team swamped Midland 172 with line of Danny Po and Danny lilac Donald and lillly Ilagan scoring moat goals OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ECONOMIC PLANNING NEEDED Sarnla Observer Ross Munro publisher of the Winnie peg Tribune and the Canadian Press correspondent who reported the abortive Dicppo raid by the Canadians In August 1012 made visit to Europe rcccnlly Upon his return he was Invitch to speak to the Canadian Club of Ilramlon He told the audience that Canada needs the kind of rconomic tanning which lr now pros duclo rcruls In tie European coun rich to visited He explained that in many of tho countries In vlsllcd topnotch economic llmnorr are cngngcd with government Help to plan the future Labor unlom and employer orgnnlrnllonr hlro lop ccono mlrta to help them get together The Barrie Examiner Antonino as sound that null rnl mu mun rum ulna warts mm armour om wvnmon nun rnuur wanna nun manor umIn man porn amtrm Ill am earlier an tilii slum can mu 0mm and rm on monthl um hm months if limit trillfl Milli IM ntlllli Mutual you or return Am mr lintvuvtl fathom cum ariYiifTtumn rm inn doem Ilrnt vmm runcm mm Nunm no ottoman Arrdll emu cl um AMI urr Jim ailsum omnm In on to MM cm at lavm no nm on local mu ohuum tamIt nun4 to He said that labor and management have found ways to get around the futile slmdow boxing that dominates labor relations on the North American contln out With the European Common Market there are still notonol but the overall picture Is one of cooperation Planning for country ouch as Can rda could monumental task but if split lulo len provincial planning units with roordlnoted guide at Ottawa then we might get this nations economy on the road to better things As It Is we are leaving economic plan nlng up to the politicians with not or much success in this endeavour all our population growth demands Tho teller al government wna shown the need for If War Should Come Can We ql TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Atomic cocktail For Certain Goitre Cases Dear Dr Molnar Do you rec ommcnd the atomic cocktail for goitret Do all goltres respond to it Please explain different treatmentsPAL Yes recommend the atomic cocktail for suitable cases goitre is thyroid gland which has grown larger than normal The causes and results are not all the same though The bestknown cause ls lack of Iodine Some areas including the Great Lakes region were known as nollre belts The reason There was almost no Iodine In these hence none in foodstuffs grown in these INKS The thyroid gland produces hormone called lhyrorln It has to have iodine lcvcn though in only small traces to do In with iodine locking the thyroid gland following natures desper ate urge to produce even unuer handicap cnlergcs The result Goltrc Use of iodizcd shit new bar put an end to the majority of llmpic goltrcs from that cause However there are also toxic goltrrs which become overac llve from some other cause Cyrlr and lumors are two causes of such enlargement The atomic cocktail is used in some of there The cocktail essentially Ir rmnll amount of Iodine which has been made ra dloactlve and lhcn dissolved In glass of water since iodine automatically Ir conducted to Ihe thyroid where that element Ir needed so Ir the radioactive Iodine There its radioactive properties quiet the ovcrncflvlly It Ir indrcd turd lnsicnd of surgery the same end result being achieved by removing QUEENS PARK part of the gland and leaving only the amount of gland tlasua needed to provide enough thy mxro Thus for some goltres admin lstertng iodine alone may he successful treatment In othera the atomic cocktail or surgery may be necessary The atomic cocktail Is usually confined to patients over the age of 40 It does not by any means cll mlnals all need for nursery guilre may be of such site that It lnterfcres with breathing and rwallowing Dr there may be special characteristics whlc make it mandatory to act Im mediately Thcn rurgcry la the nnswcri Thats why recommend the alomlc cocktail only In suitobla KIWI Dear Dr Molnar llcuso dis cuss lack of pigmentation In the skin My skin Is getting worse and seemingly there is nothing that canbodonc Is It from lack of vltaminst II It hcrcdllaryf MRS This Is called vllillgoIoaa of pigment in palettes ol akin llcr edity mbnbly la factor Ccr laln Infections can be in volvcd Damage to the skin for from revere runbum some times can leave areas where pigment will not accumulate rulflcicntly And olher times no rpcciflc cause can be detected hope It will make you fch boiler to know that lThcre ls nothin harmful In health In this con ttion 1Somctirnea It clean up by itself in the In terim cosmetics are probably the most satisfactory answer Drugs have been tried but with out dependable rucccar Wasieiul Methods Blamed 0n Govt TORONTO 0nu rcnron for the need for great rhrkcnp heron Ihnkcaup lhnl prolinbly can only come through It change In governmentIr ward and In efficiency To give 1an Ion rxmnplrr The advertising account of the drpnrtrncnl of trnvrl and publicity In lootu amounted to uremic This account VIM Illl monl four axrnclrr loilnwlng the old political approach of lprndlnl Ihn rnvy Mound Anyonn at al who knows tbo ldverllrlnl tnlrlnrn will tell proper plnnnlng not only In tho Glasscd Ill rcporls lull also in the more recent roa port of tho auditorgeneral The pace of world affairs on well as domestic rffnlra has reached the point where more of us need to know more Irrclscly the courm we are taking ra ther than jurl rely upon luck and part experience PUNE El Fort William TimerJournal Orpouonlr of fluoridation in the city of Imonfo who were on the losing and of the plebiscite which points to flunrlfl er In the drinking water by the middle of next year may now feel lurflflcd In drinking beer lrewerr have announced lhnl they will cllmlnale the fluorider be fore using Toronto water to make beer rcommy an hrtnunl this sin rbnuld not be Iplll up The bullncu ll then too small in be Important to any good agency While the overall Ac count Ir worth the top effort at to turn hr Queens Printer In lbrory Lr rcrnonrlble fur all printlnl BIBLE THOUGHT The will ah are the path um In on menu are of It thy rillll tin are pturvm for on munPulm lllll The path of life which Is In Christ provide Joy In Illa rcnce Inlay and also How ul eternity done by govcmmcnl deport menu it cnrrlrl not lhla rcsponllllll III to the client thnl It Invllu fcndcrr on all lulu Il door nut llowawr do any thing beyond that Mort pcrtlnrnlly ll dounl All on the quality of the la iivcrod printing And ngnln an anyonr who known the printing business can Icll you there In great deal of rllllcrcnco In the Innilly and rcalllllnl coal in pr nllng It Ir only for printer to hld lEGION BINGO avnnr WEDNESDAY Jackpot $230 IN nonrnnnr II lellllyAIl IOUNM SHARE THE WEALTH noon cars reolon HAI comes between we had Parliament Count On The Indians TODAY IN HISTORY mus REPORT no Are Qualified lor MPs Pensions ray rarmcrr mcaorson OTTAWANearly onefifth of all the members of this part Parliament are now newlyqual Ifled for the MM pensionend mrny of them may well be drawingft before Easter To qualify for this very gen erous pension an MP must con tribute me year and must sit in at least three different Par liaments As our normal Parlia ment lasta between four and five years this would mean that rnfrdmum of say is years rep rerentatlon In the House of Com mom would entitle an errMP to the pension But our recent Parliaments have not lasted for the normal length in June 1951 we elected Parliament which was dis aclved within eight months and again In June rest We elected Parliament which vas dis solved within elght months and again In June 1081 we elected Parliament which was div solved within eight months In which lasted barely four years Thus Vibe crop of new MP5 who were first ccted to Parlia ment in that 1957 election are now eligible for the pensionII they retire or fall to win re election TORY FLOOD The 1957 crop was the first wave of the flood of new Con servatives who come In on the chienbaker surge There were also small handful of repre sentatives ol oth er parties newly elected at that time and four of these are now eligible for pensions These are that flu NOW SHOWING By THE CANADIAN PRESS Feb 18 1968 Royal assent was given to terms of the union of Newfoundland with Canada 14 years ago todayIn 1949 cndlng years of indecision and negotiation In 1943 plebiscite In Newfoundland indicated popqu support for the union On April 1919 Newfoundland entered Confederation Canadas 10th province Newfound land Illl then was consid ered Erlleinr oldest colony It having been claimed for England by John Cabot in NW imltellan Ilcnalssnnce painter Mlchclansclu died mldcfferson Davlr war Inaugurated president of the Confederacy low knowing he will skimp on the Job And the people In tho dcpart mcnls who receive the finished Jobs of course are not printing specialists MAKE BRANCHES Every day it seems more and more of those Instances of sloppy methods come to your attention here Here for Instance Is another one We have recently been devel oping rigidly departmental ircd cfle scrvicc The civil service has bcen management aludfcr mndc and establishing lob func tionr and catcgurlcr etc It has been trying to apply big business mclhodr but with out the flexibility in applying them that big business has The result Ir that the slum lure of the mnchlncry of gov ernment is getting no rtcld It is rrsultlng In worte fine of the great wcpkncucr lr that It Is almost impossible to upgrade an able man so that he has poritton and salary to keeping with his capacity In many rarer If such man Isnt upgraded the government rcrvlce loans Idm So what vnrlour department hrrull have been doing la cstnb llrhlng rnmplclcly newand un neccrrnry bronrhcr Tomorrow IOAS Infants The emfo The shape The silky cnt foursome In the New Demo cratic Party Douglas Fisher from Port Arthur Murdo Mar tin from Tlmmlns Arnold Pc lerr from Kirkland Luke and Frank Howard representing Sheena 80 The great body of Conserva tives who were first elected In 1957 and were still MPI at dia solutlon two weeks ago new cover the whole range from cabinet minister to back benchcr They include cabinet newcomer Marcel Lambert from Alberta and cabinet old lhncr Ray Ollurley fromQueA bec They also Include well bked and able group of back benchers from Ontario Heber Smith from Simcoe North Doc Rynard from Simcoe East Gordon Aiken from Parry Sound Muskoka Jim Beskln from Soth Renfrcw Bobby McDonald the former Tiger Cat footballer from Hamilton and otherr Then too Guelphr Alf Hales recently promoted to be parliamentary secretary lo the minister of labor is among this group Altogether there scent to be MPa who qualified for the pension by their service In the est Parliament MPa contribute $240 year to their pension fund until they have paid in maximum of $4000 which takes just over it years They draw as pension yearly sum equal to 75 per cent of theirtotal premiums AMAZON STARTS HERE The River Amazon has he source In Lake Nlnococha 15 000 feet up In the Andes SHOW STARTS AT 100 pm LAST SHOW STARTS TWO TH MOST filliiOllS PLAYERS lllitllllf Trapped between new love and on old crime air ll Clamum Ind Plur 2nd be GLENN SUSAN PETER WllllillNCH Hltl SHIRLEY FORD MACLAINE They called him the 6V STRANGHR WITH GUN iHllE lllllSltl lliCtlif SlllUGlltilSSf lacnuke Awe mm COORDINATE SETS Sim TJJx Reg 200 nellncaton 15 MINUTII Tomorrow 3J5 pm SAVON DRUGS BRYLCREM Reg 90 47c One To Customer