Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Feb 1963, p. 3

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Ottawa Mushers Tops At Carnival llnmu anlrl Thumpm Hunth Krllh Jnmu Cooper lau Wllllnm Mm mm rum Hnnuu Mu ran mama Mnry llnl Donna nwmpwn HIM VII IMNO llonnu YumIn Allan Im Illnne nnnn lnulu nllmdon llmcl Hrnlhmd MM VI IMNO Flul Cllu llnmm Dnvld Ymml lnll Llnxln Mandyln mm MIMI Marlena Wnllmn mum Jnllllfhnfl Dnrrcn thuln quunln Undn lclcr In Cum 1an llnnnu rcmh Gundry Jnc Wllwn quunl Dunn Ilnb Irr Julm Own anhrrlna Ilmk Joan TaliIn lequnl NI dII Alkrn AIIIMI Harm Down llnnlrr mum Fallawlnx II lel mm In cnmlldalu In cxnmlnnllnnl MM mruuy by Ihe llnynl Con pervnlury Mum III Tonmlo In mrrlr Namu an MIMIng In nnlrr ol morn IIIIMW VIII PIANO Flnl 71m ovum mus Culbtll flute chnlnnan Bill Cnldwnll snld the cvtnl wax return 1on warm nmi that film cmde Mn Ms lhrlllinx watch us It don think All races wrnl 0H willmul nny ncrlnu hitches and flu mm lost as did am unlonunnle soul lust year One loam dld came in nboul lwo and hull houu km on Snlunlny and the same team came In In an Sunday only nbaul one hall hour lnln Complete Exams Of Conservatory Sixlccn year old Gnylc Dcnhn horn mkpom NY uvn Iho Hrs prixo In the Junior Do Ram She drove lcnm or three Sillcrlan husklcs mm plnce wlnncr whs nob Wthlc from Scoluville Nww York who drove 115000 loam Blth Poinlcrl and mm The $100 prim and trophy went to Fwd Kyhnlo from lnwa who dmve team nine crossbreed dogs or flu best lime In the Senior Do Ram Second prize or $75 and tro phy want to Roma Goodrow from Stumeon Falls Mm drove Len Coles learn nine Siberian Huskics Twcnlea learns wcm regis tered 11 omr the cxpcdcd number nriglnally cleared by race officials Thme dog team were mush ed by Ihcir drivers la earn their owners three pnzes In the lwoday composite llmc ISL and lsmile do sled races Sat urday and Sunday 1111 was one ol the many nature curac llyn of In Barrie Winkr Cur nlva mansafely saylhls has been record aucndance and the competition within lhe event was paniclpalian record sajg Mr Balslone Thus figure he said was ar rived by spot checking gmups and dclermkzlng their locqlionsjfid numbers Almost 20000 persons made It on to the Ice forlhe Barrie winter Camivnl Vlhis weekend Carnival Chnlrmnn Jack Eat slone said this igurc was still unofficial but added lhal about 9000 were on the ice Saturday not Including those who didnt pay admission and about 17000 Sufldayfi Hérpflld Inbula In the more FRED KYIINLE from Iwn happily accepts lmphy 1mm Bud Thomas 63 Cdtfiixrdl Aitracts Recprd Crowds To Ice Hle 10E Flnl Clan Nana DnnnM lunmy SHADE IV IOMIIONK rm Jnhn 0mm HIM IV CLARINET ln Jnmu Cnlomnn 6le IV EUPHONIUM Flu 71m mm 11mm lmker IM lJndA Import Mu Mnnlon loquall Ule PIANO Flu Clan Homu Horlnnne llnprlmn Ilnuqn Mary Wm EIMIWJ III IIANO Ilnunrl Jim lnquI llannlo VllllnmA lnsl Junmw llmnplll HMIW ll PIANO Flul Lllun mum Chlllllnu Cum Hal nullnrrlyy unmn my mum Mky ugmm llunnu nu wright Pnlrlcln Appleton Inln Ann llnolh Monllwr Mandyrn nqunl Wrndy Mb Inn Fullh McLeod equal Knrrn ernb Curl Comedy had IL slum In hlx cvml also Ono do ulmlnld and heaved hlx mnslul mmmnnd me on My hind Inga Then unny lhlng hnppentd to him on my potan llnl winh Ironl It dmnbkd up an him and slid out the harm nml lhc doz look all likn th am cannon Il wm tun lo wnlch lnu Joy lJvlngilnn Juan New 0le inmfll IIOIIN In In special onlum chm Don Dumanl Irom Sunmu Full mm 200 pounds do 00d or he cfloria hls do made In pulling 400 mund sled anthdog food in SW bags disinnce 50 cc In 3mm sec ands ll was he evcnl llml enn led lhc mos lnlcrcsl and thrill or flu spcclnlors Cheers rose wildly In the dog slrnlncd leaped lo lhélr lccl and began pullan he ltd as mm jusl mlsnnm HnMW IV TRUMPET 1m Taylor um gull no mallcr how lightly lhc onlookers screwed lhcir ranks the dogs sumohow got lhmuuh on Saturday and Sundan Olhnr Hum lhnl Mug Mm well Apparently many lea team mailed the lrnilm and car cnmp lust the west of the chulcs nnd hmkc through the linev upsetting sled nnd driver and even few specta lon at times um gull no mallcr haw There was one consistent and annoying factor for the dog cum drivers however mic oflicnr and announcer Lloyd Shannan from New York con lantly asked the crowd on bolh sides of lhe ropcddl chute to form light linen they were more excited than mg day he said The nexrman vin be 1a nlously lucky to organim he Mr Batsiwne did say how ever that the next chairman the Carnival should not expect to get such crowd next year We had no right to expect good weather in this stormy season he emphasized He said that the weather really had lot to do with the success or failure Di winter carnival than 200 persons who devoted much their lime to working an lhe Ina during lhe two day celebrations Without their help the operations of lhe Carnival would have suilemd lo the exlent there might not have been one and cheque or 5100 from Bill Caldwell or his efloflsln bringing his dog cam In or first place In the Senior Dog lMDfI IV PIANO Fuur mMIru nml on clvlllnn plum well up In Ihr lnlornmll ll mrnn dlvlllnn Thu Ivlllnn UtrmOn llnrmnnle Clubs Jnlm nuu plum lhu lmlnd llul ulnm lhmnrt up Well wu lvm ma nnmllnn rhnm llkhnlll Kim Rulml Clug Tuumlo mun Ill 30 min Muu lhnn I50 Innhlll mm Canada And Illa lulud fllnln cumpclod In Im II mur mm polllhm CAMP mmch SchNIIII Vllhtlm IWIIIIN WMIcr Illd whul cman unlllrnlly and um um ln npoi In allmum mmprlll nu Inl lrnlnr xynmnnll III II mum mlmlnGymnnn Ilc CIMDPIHMMPI hm Snlur my IIvynlrnl Trnlnlng 7mm WrHer lnlllrd palm nul 11 pm nmla 1m lo Md hln many INIHII my nlmndy the Can udlnn Smlvr Gymnullc umnp whlrlyhlnl II nboul 00 an hour 50 nnyoM hml nny lmrnboul In cml lhm lhu NEH The most popular rldc dur lnx lhe lwodny even lumml nut lu be lho wch and Um llellmmcrl We rould have used at lcnsl mm In our heli mplcn mld Mr Haldane One cl lhe plloll 1mm Dominion llcllmMcrl nlm Halal they muld lmvu used one or In more Many people who paid belt 11mm llckd had In wnll up In one hour in lino or the lomlnuto Huh over the bay nml rlly mu Io wrqu lhu Weiler Tops Gymnasts ready to Announce Ihe new Cnmlvnl dale and prcgnru Thu olwleull aloudlnl Ihl Ml lickvu drawn on lhe TCA High will be made puhllc short Iy soon Ihe committee has chnnce to call Iho pcoplo nvalvtd and csuhlish whclhcr armnoiulhcyll tqke lhcnfllfiht The Inst mccllnx ho em ulive or the Cnmlvnl will be held on FR 27 where Ihe agenda will be pmpnrcu or the ncxl xenornl mcolinx la allow nbopl one week Janr As furthnr pma alihc na lionnl papulnrlly he Carnival ls gaining every year lllr Bat slonc noted Ihni when culling lhmugll lhe tickets ma NA ccuncsy Vnighi he malarin nalurnlly were from Barrie and surmunding area The mom we looked the more we noticed person lmm Windsor llamil ton Pclnrborough Lindsay and all over the province quuumn snows lnslmclnr lhl Mr Dalston said that with ant these mple and the done ion of their time and equip ment the Carnival authorities and the spectators would have been at loss An impoflant asset of the Carnlval communications was provided by the Army and EMO units along with many private ham operators Financially the Carnival op eralcd without loss he said The committee had to meet un expected bills one of them be ing the plumbing and cleaning or the station Along with in healing for one week or pub ilc use The workmanship displayed by these owners tremendous and they certainly deserve 101 of cred In brie resume of the activ ities he mentioned me most popular event was the dog slud mmpdilion which Is mush mlming event at every cami VB 1h innunillee can plan all lilkcsibul in the inalrkgm ayss la the peep wo nz on the ice whg determine the succesx next twb days in he almllm manner tha weather 13 gain hIm Race held Saturday and Sun day It is noted that Mr Kyhnle ran the race back wards Flmmn um calla nul lwko lth moulan In qunxl blam ln lolalrv lulllhm 0m Incnllmu tlr Al lhe Palm Imund lhm nrlmk ml Hm ulher man In In all yard nut Allnnll nmu nth 00L In lha Tym unnwnn Illvhlm Cmnp Home Gym Cluhl Vlr ulnln Zlnk ylnwl mud 1hrd plnro In lhh dlvhlnn wml lo Hal mm my PT Slnl nl Hm Iloynl Mllflnry Col lrm Klnnlnn advanced um mum Amy took the lnurmedlnlu lrnm chmuplnmhlp They um Cpl Wall llmyhlll Um llnynl funndlnn School at Inlanlry lllrlmnl Klnwnnn MM Cnmp nmdrn nml Trooer lnul Murln nllnclml lo Hm All He Mai Um nnywny In wnllktd Icnzu the who of lho ova Firemen Stop Pair Of Blazes In lin lnh Ia race not because ho couldnl skntn up In par wllh hl mnhvm but bounqu he Irimmi or toll along the Hun Ix up lmhnd nl lhe qulckly dlanMflllnf mum and dechlv wudnt rumm enough wlud up lo boat lhcm Mr Wnntr Um race was ynnmld Mer Human 1b mnla 1w xknlzd um mllu in luur mlnmu pmnds Dlrk Dramas Dud Thomas won hlmmll Iourth and xhdh place in the Pony Buy 1mm Orlflnllnr be old Timcrl rnce Waller Wood on Scar boro cnmo ucond in Um ono mllc evcnl manor of ad lhtre Wm Ilvo mud In that men Syd Timmlnxl mm Port Credit Hnmld Boun snll 65 mm Toronto Dill am 1mm Toronto and Barrie had Mr sham oI mmhy rcpmscnlntlvcs Donald Miller IIumnIn SanInu Club In the Senior mm races camcd hImselI three Iccond plum and 0M thud Suva Tierney son Charles Hcr ncy canum mm place In Iho lmynrd Pony Day Race Slew on wdmr gm lwo Iourlhs In Um Toddler Boyl and Irene Weber mlvcd mm with In he Juvcnilojlrlx Americans and ax71 Canad lam mml tho only one com peting in he lmcmnumnl Speed Skating compeliflons held Saturday and Sunday on Kemp onion pay YoungAnd Old Speed Skate EIGHTEEN YEAR 01d Karen Callaghan Jen was chosen Teen Queen to the Wlnler Carnival Saturday nlzhl at the Teen Town dance In ha Embassy Miss Cal Iaghan In from Orlllla Thu runner were mm In Im wm quickly put Camp Borden Llndn Mulllnr represenllng the RCAF Bar den and Bonnle Taylor from Barrie Judge were Miss 1ch en SpnnM from the Barrle Rb Eileen Eat nrgprcs rillng In Today good day to all Louie vvapmmlalln then mythlna um meonl mm to mu Um mum hwy Ind mun llh tar will Ind chlldnn II dun 1th mm alllying Hun ha howled In mm Wrath Iih mum ta Ilka mallhm lnaumythhuhwm whim The best reasOn in the world for owning Mgate Life Insurance Null IE lor program dlmclor HEB Paul Smlm CFDR mum and Ted Beaudaln reporter Barrie Examlner Exumlncr Photo The Polmars are mm of English polnlen devehped dur lng the last years They an bred primarily for open field performam and have won Thosa who saw the Elhew Palmers driven by Robert Wehle may have been milde surprisw to see pointers run in race Amending to Mr Wehle the dogs do not seem me adversely affected by the snow lee or weather conditions and appear Io have the stamlna and delcrnunauon that mulnd affine jogs Many spectators who lined up beside the dog chutes for the dog slod races at the carnival may have been aumrisad to see doll qlher than Siberian Huy Ides or to the average on lmker the Husky mlxture ot examined and other breeds were emplayed to their ullest extent although the Siberian worn the madam He wenlxon lo conzmlulala the gitlzeru on Barries curling club and Inna UNUSUAL EVENTS Mn Catheart noted lhal un IMM event predominm on the outdoor pmgrlm and re ferred to the Intematlmal speed skating and dog mm recon said Ho added that the bay made an Ideal natural stage or the unusual events 3whlch yaur en ergetic Imallnslve carnival thnlnnan Jack Balskone his mmmlltee the chamber Commerce and the Jaycees have lined Thi particularly bfi cause wiihln one hour drive oi Canadas greatest concentra ion of population including matropoiitan city i600l00 people you have honulliui bills for skiing and strong smth ice on Kempenieit Bay or other winter sport he For winter sports Bane seems to Word and or fine most combating locations and dlmalesin the pmvlnce sald the Han Brian Calhcart Minister ol Travel and Pub city theofficial opening of the Seventh Annual Bani5 Winkr CImWnl Saturday afl emoon Not Just The Husky Husky Used In Carnival Dog Races Cathcart Praiseg Citys Facilities lnsumnco Company that Q71 mm London Lifé All he 1on have bred developed trained Ind candl gocged both Inr field work and used ol Mannadukemd Sepia Marmaduke was Illa winner the Nationll Pheasant Futurity over field 50 polnlera and scum in which over 3000 don mm eflglbje Looompp1¢ Scottsvllle N39 31m Sled racing with polnmi was surfed mean of keep lnz them in condition or sprinl 1ie1d lrlal dd yr wehle He laid their disposition is kind and gentle and they ac cept raining readily Ind ap pear in enjoy Lied racing much hair work iniho The team consisted of 12 dogs Including our naliqnal mail gogble 1an was more nailonal honors In open shooting dog mmpfllflon nun any existing kmnels of any breed in the US or Canada new Helhen omclally announéed the Wlnrer Carnival open and cheer swelled up from the crowd He credked Barrie and in surmundlng area lar having had the foresight to establish cen hea able to amnpdate yam round vacuum Your en thuslmlc tourist mmoflon committee has done worlhy pub yv job He said Bar holds an im porlnni geographical headm and is predominant In the de veiwpmenl Ontario Refer ring to the rich history which this area anion he mentioned he had the honor la shareiu the unveiling piaquu com memoruiing this historic trail iihe Nine Miie FORBES which the Historic Branchol my dn palImam erected near your railway station Today ho saXd your ln duskla and business expanslon has mad your city good place to work hi Addressing Mayor Le Cooke he said Bar rIes cnvlmnment make It load place to live In nddlnt mention of the facimuvavall ably or sgmxpeg recruuo the gncmrnch the dune jumplnz and the ollggr Iqquy agquctlons £115er wark in if AMI para ml

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