vx with nim Mg It with In ml ï¬IIhLClm Ito and 1m mam an new MM mu uranium plnyod boll In Ku vdrk North York fllrll Hoe hi Aloeth MIMI inï¬eld Am and Inch TIIMMII Hum ludbury nl Klnulnn Mudy hm ludbury ll llullounu Drink llnbr AN Windlor ll 11 HI Oathm II It bl nullnlo bprlmzlklll lltnhry al llunlrumll Barnumr ll Clevclnnd flundul Glmu llalllmnrn nl mm Hrnhry nl llullnlo Cljvnlnnd nl lmvldmu Euler lrnlrllbnll lll0llwl II 0111150 KlllKlloll 101 IZIII55M ï¬udbury Wm MWM SI Mull 130 III um llHuI flnulll II huh llullOflnwn Xlnulnn Sudhury lluhOllnwn Klnnlon Hudlmry SI 14ml Close Victory or Bradford Wntun thlan Huflnlo l7 l7 61 CIMIInnd 11 17118 htsirr IR 73 717319 uhurxh 1010 100 lrlduyl mum Provldrnrc Hodmler Teulahl mm lrmhlcnre Hrrshcy quhcc SprinKlKld Bulllmorc um lvulsuw ru iï¬lné ehamp will be putting his crown on the line for fifth time when he takes on the inexperienced but confident youth SMALL CHATTER Johnny Longden one of those little fellows who rides horses for living celebrated his 56th birthday on Valentines da this week Longden may not be the prettiest Va entine available but he sure is one of the best jockeys around Statis tically Johnny has ridden in 29041 races and piled up an uncanny record of 5673 victories Happy Birthday old boy William Barlow lone survivor at the Montreal Amateur Athletic Associatlon team which won the first Stanley Cup way back when died Thurs day Mr Barlow 91 at the time of his passing was leading scorer on the MM team Jim Brown Cleveland Browns star fullback won $10000 assault andhaitery charge launched against him tour years ago parking lot attendant accused Brown of hopping himover the noggin or some reason or another Now why would star football player want to cool park inglot attendant Gabriel Flash Eiorde junior lightweight champion of the world rates as solid favourite to turn back contender Johnny Eizzarro of Eric their 15 ltle affair tonight The Ijil Who kilows he might have added few goals to those four assists And then agaln he mlght possibly have struck out completely Oh well hes always avail able tor recall Wouldnt be we to question lmlachs motives because the balding leader has shown in the past he has air idea of what hes up to But it would have gem nice to see Horvath limited to little more ice mei was True the un 03 excess baggage but Horvath dldnt seem to get much of chance to prove his worth In hls first two games with the Leafs Bronc picked four assists and alded in Leaf wins From then on was shackled to the bench along with one Edward utzeanrgerta similar bonchtvarmer lly THE CANADIAN NHL MANAGERCOACH PUNCH Imlach of the Toronto Maple Leafs has sent 32yearold Bronco Horvath to Rochester Americans of the lnA ï¬x put LI Icarsunuvu p055 Ie the rciating of said game was not up to par but regardless of what Blake says its not up to him to decide Powers happens to be well respected man and darn good referee For the NHL to lose valuable official because of fit of anger on coachgpart is notyise Its sin the Naflgnal Hockey League will run out of referees before Toe Blake runs out of rash accusations and then what His loose tongue was rewarded with $200 fine levied by league president Clarence Campbell and that seemed to be the end of the matter That is until Mr Powers decided Blake had not been dealt with in th and handed in ldsreelgnatlon Mr Blake was heard to say something to the ef fcct that the officials gave the Impression of betting on the outcome of the game The remark was taken to heart and fflnted by French Canadian pa er The ultimate resut found Blake in mess of trou 1e once agam To Blake sometime flery coach who goes into frenzy almost every time his charges lower themselves to the level of losing game couldnt take this mg down For the Habs to bow to the position ere had to be someone to blame and time Blake figured oh the referee couple of weeks ago the Toronto Maple Leafs made the bad mistake of whipping the Montreal Can adlens 63 and to boot they perfonned thisf feat 1n the Hab Town Forum New efeatlng Les Hubs is bad enough gotta do sojn Mon ea is mortal sln nu BARRIE zxmmzn SATURDAY uan ODDS AND ENDS pECAUSE MONTREALfs Toe Blake happens to be hard loser NHL referee Eddie Powers found it ui 31500 yearjob qr sgjt geégnsx SPORTS CHATTER Amtllum lzuun Hlslcm lllvhhn By JERRY GLADMAN HOCKEY RECORD LT 1511117515560 2510 518515156 unmmmu 2121 52901715 Z15 715719l51 Inuth mu uld lulu lexlny Mum and Mr milled ll of our 1mm who mhlllw Invflvednln mdef Jon llynn moralmum or Edmnnlon Euklmou hu ol Inllely not Itth deal wilh Tnmlo Arlmull And In nuw Illa IIPIMIIIIIII wilh Camry TIM uld lung mud hulnnck crumbck of thc EAlmnl ulna UM Ind AM In mm gm mg mm MINHm Cm11m Jnrklc harm and out lhurp Mal Friday nlzhl when Jlm Flnkl enml mnnurr Cnlury Hlnmwlm mid WI much of chumI In at him fungus tin Ptlrrlmrouxh 5L Cnlhnrinu Imlllmrlll Mnnlrul Wnlerl hunt PomM lm Annu mevcr Pulmoan Vanmvr Ldmonlan 5an ï¬lm Hnmlnon nl lelrrbomuzh Nlnxnr full Monhml Humlllnn lclcrboro SI Cnlhnrlnu Gurlnh Frldnyl nqu SI Cnlhnrlnu Guelph Monman ANIngnr hm Wnodxlock 19 II IN I7 KW 1151 73 Gull 1121 MINM Frkllyl Relulll Chnlhnm Call Windsor Woodxlock Parker Deal Takes Twist Randy Gumt Woodnock nl Chaumm Gall ll Wndwr Onurh Junlnr AP Nlnxnrl full 71 ll 51751559 Monhml 21 017013053 Humlllnn 10M £17715 lclcrboro 11H SI Cnlhnrlnu HI 913918933 Gurlph Bil am 12721 qudxlock ml mu MIL you lunllum lurdon Hm nutmun hark lllh Nullmun all unrll nun Monlvrnl Llllmllml ll Nullnnll Mada ltnfllm Icond lnr lhl ah Illlly Mlnn Churi million and Ill Mo Cm um lhe mm mm Mlho winnarn 0m and lllno Ilvlmul um flu ll Lwlu mun BI Imln ddemmln Nlck lolnnd Ill man In Implul wllh qmm ml nlhv In II loruhend bra ml MM mm Aluminum mu urnuml 1000 well Inluw um um mun Wnlvol Iml drawn lvrhvn mm Smlmy Amu Mll mm Don lllnckhurn pawl Illa antrnnrl wllh goal vrr Inrmnnte Elfll uorlnglrmlrr Jammy lllhnl on wllly mlly Knlhbl And CIIH lrnnlnn hm wm lhu ollwr Kimth Ifflrfll Gary Jamll lnXIINI bolh Hudhury mmkm mind 41 wln Innl lnm SI lxuxlt llrmu ln llulT In hon pace with the Kingston anlrnnu wlm hon he thlrd plum Sml bury Wnlvu KInnlon than Mr our mark In the ï¬nal perm all null lh mam In drml Iogk II II Wolvrl llullOlluwn Cnnnlllml min Hume1an Illde Frldny nlnhl In ham unit plnca llnl plm In Ennlcrn Prum Ilannl liofkey Lunqu Bnrrtntt an electric storm floods log detective nonlinn km or more heat wavo tho Ilnrrte Buy My Falmns 0m Gnorginn nay Intermediate Hockey Lenkue wlll dn bmlto with In nrmltnrd Mels Express the Bradford Arena tonight TM znme well the ol lowlnu lhru ullur Impart nnce la the Falcon nlnre It mean brth In lhe Georxlnn Bay playofll present the nnrflcllu nm men one point up an Midland Flym In lho Ilnndinul nnd Ion wouldnt benf gulch htlp 11 hprulmycn nllmuuh re ï¬lled to strandpinto Ilnlsh yin nu madly Ho dawn and Mari Lmnnx mk high triple and male or he girls with 6831241 For the boys was Barry km 596 Ind James Bristow 25L Kempvlgw Junior Leann Sunrflnu Flinlsoncs nu Ready Dopey Snagglepms 26 You Dear Goofy Goon ls Kempvlew Bowl Teen Leanne standing Uncatchablcs 100 Sharla 83 Unlucky Five 70 Al ley Cat 56 Corvette 53 Whlz Bangs HullOttawa Ends ThreeGame Slide The Iflyearnld Toronto pri vale school simian did it in day with polished singles vic lary in the North American championships 3rsr or Canada since 1947 That year wns anomer blonde Barbara Ann Scam Mist Griner was solid firs In the mnmings compulsory figures winning ï¬ve at the six ï¬gures over two other Cana dim and three Amaricnns Ihc liy Till CANADIAN PIKE Gnnerrhns pu arm hack on on he map in the world of worn ens ï¬gure skating Falcons Travel To Bradford With Playoif Berth Ht Stake Wendi Wins QSinfgles Puts CanadaOnMap Peggy Robcruon In bu gal Jack namluonot Gilbeys presented the trophy in Muriel Fendleys rink alter wnn fly DENNIS ORCHARD VANqoqun 3cm andy BOWLING NEWS GILBEY TROPHY WINNERS The In ankrr Tmth Irnl In May Ilnmlllun Mar wllll NH Tlmwy Elm vale llnluhlni In llmnrr up PMMMI any llmrlry ul Elm Vale Mk lhlrd lwrnl II day Mull mil Mm llllnhlv 011 Elmvnlo Mlll IIFGMNI anlrr hall mm In Inks Illr klur and III rlll Includnl qu rmlvic Mun MI Mill MchhIIr lrrmlnn wulmd up llw um lung lmw mm mmvnln yrllrnlny wit nlmz lllr OKrrlr mevy In the ml luvm n1an wni nupmml Mum home Mr 11nt will Hm Mm lard Mlsllu nl Hm Menu marrow lull hm lo Hm Harrie Vlnlrr Fnlr lln 1mm wllx lro hell ml Sllmlny 11m thlu arr nnnlhrr gmup guy wm mnmllnk mmcl In Hm Huh rflrnl Mitten Thom lnrlmlv lmk to lmk Vlrlmiu mrr luv Fnlnm durinl II lnllrrn nrrnl lrnglhy lmiuz nhrnk Thu Fnlcum lma Innle up prnrrd to lunch llw pain wlwra Hwy nnlhe haw lmmmml hm Knmr III Theyve pmwn In Hun 11ml llml My mm mm up wllh 1hr llrrwnm ulwn nrcw Inry und might ccrlnlnly Hm llmu In llhlHl Ihlmwhn Consldtrlng Burriea 570 shell ncklnfl COIIIwamnI Shipbuild cn Ins Sumlny Bradford wlll nllll ï¬rm In put on pressure mp he mltmn Ilcpml pcrlor mnnrrx by RH lluherlsnm mu ï¬lmman Slllllh Moo File and umclnlly Dun lllrll Ihoukl make mlngs exciting in my live Icml The Bradford allan lealum lurk upslandlnu cilhcns mu Forhnn nob lInssnrd Dun Gib son Stan nmrninxlnn nml Gnry Vany Mindlng the ncls or Iho Expnssmrn wlll chmpnhlo Hill Orr Personnel such as tho nhovc clm cause consldrmhle min In ram unable to rlsc ll Mcnslon dlc In All prohabllillc It will be laugh hardought conlcsl ls usually In case In Barrie Ilmdlord hookups and he Ful com will lmvu ln go sum to DEE up with 31 vlclqry Creemore flce Wins Trophy High men rollers won on James 778 315 Slew Simrmc 757 297 and Bob Lynn 5M 1sz For the India it was LinA du Fleming NI 23m Enrln Dryden 733 208 mi Pam Sim one 687 um in high double and singie with ms 155 while Ken Masters topped the bays with 324 185 Brldionl Plaza Mixed linwllng League Sinndlnns Pin Up 56 Cheer ios ii Baby Dali 41 ï¬Cal 40 Sirikeouls 39 Tom Cats 39 Opiimisls 38 1M Shots 36 Hiaw erg 24Cumcsnz Ailey Cats 31 RockcLs 2i 510p CANADIAN SWEEP One American dance cs Will be decidnd today for mens singles dance teams andpairs Miss Bunkn moved tram outh lo scmnd place with tree skaling exhibition that drew cheers from crowd at 2000 Her unique triple salchow jump Hm only shaallcmpls came of almost perfectly landed everything she sald allnr he performance Vania rs Shhn Ken wnIthy imshcd third lead mind up Easily FridayK night despile comeback by free skfxgpr PgtraBurkn of Toronto lheladios secopd schedule Barrie fluxling Clublast night From left Earbnra Harris team In Anolhrr qumler Iinnl maul rm llw tummy Imnrlh metln lunl lullncy ml DI Hm Us 97 11m IIIJr MKhvry maul urn nmml lnr IMPM In um Ivy mn Irlmle lwrr rull Ihlllhvllll lulu lhe mu vln Inlllnn l0 gal llrm tall nun llnmlwn rmml Ihe min lrplnynl 11w plnun haw umlrslnl Ilml Armory um am no dim In nlluw lhrm In lulluw ll mll many mum Ilwy pmmml In mm llw Humnrn unlhlnl nm rllllwr 11w purple palvl In nu nlny muhlnl llmul lhuu up MM nllnrwnnl leï¬nlv Irlrnlml unmln vlnl Mm WM 1713 Hv 61 llllkltm mlslul lTli Ilmhhull IJIIIIIIH bl Izmrmm mmurd nr In mulch Iln lamp llrLL mrnl Armory wllh II hrmy mid and hlzh loyuwmlmu xlvr NEW YORK MI rno Sn law mulwn upm lhlslrlrkrn Huy Hunmm Amlrnlln llm mm luprnnk Inu mnnlcur Frhlny mum mul rnlrml Hm mnH nalu Hm UR nullnnnl lmlmr mull rlmumiumhlm nluuu wllh lhutk McKlnlry Drlmli llnl mm and llnlnlnn Mum Sump Archer 25 alxlhrzmktd rm lrmlcr rum Nrw ank has 11 rrmnl Including umn knorkoula nithnnlwn Imhmnn rdn rallun anur Eastern Nnm mm Camgo nl Quincy Man has dnnu most Ma llghunu in Neva Sculln He comes Me with II 3634 record Including 31 kmckuuls Canada has In sknluu here lhe US 15 nflcr an ankle In Jury dropped nm of half pairs from competition The world championships begin Feb 27 at Comm dAmpczzo Italy NEW YORK AP Cann dian Blnlr Richardson Bap list Ilihlc sludcnl outside ha ring hope In crack the mid dlcwclgm rankings Ionlghl wifln nn upset over favored Joe Ar cher Mndlsan Square Gan don The yrnr old knyn spe cinlis mm Sough nnr NS CHM undcrdinx he no rounder la be lrlecnst Mum nlly by AHCTV slnrlinl 10 Ana the figures Miss Burka 15 was fourth with 6911 and nppnrnnlly Ino far back avar Inke bath Miss Kcnwarlhy and us champion Loxmine Hnnlon Basin But the dark Duwhborn hon ors student pkkcd up 40 point an Mim Kcnwonhy In an no and place and ML Ilanlun was thrust to distant fourth Scott Upsets Roy Emerson Canadian champion Paulette Dean and Kenneth Ormshynf Toronto took top place on the cards or all live Judge for hclr perrormnnce of he required loxtrol walil quick dance and blues Their puinl total was NM The secondplace brother sislcr loam Dl Donna Lee and John Mitchell Vancou vcr drew 959 points and Mis Schnnlz and Urban Miss Grincr was 7452 possible 900 paints in the gum which occupy about huurs of her daily seven hour practice scssinns succnedchn pruvcnling Cuna dlan sweep of the top three plucings In Fridays sknllng US nationals champlons Sally Sch1m of Boston and Sum Ur ban Buflalo NHL placed Ihird ï¬lter their compulsory numbers Richardson May Crack Rankings June Weslgate Jack Muriel and Vera Thompson This rink efcalcd Inez Stephensonl your 87 Exnmlher PhooL lInul lrrmnm um harml hum Mill MNIU hecnmn lhry muhlnl uel VIM hum Hm Mm lnmul lnncnu which Immllu nuch Illlll lnr NATO rnnnlrlrm In nlmilnr mm hul rnr Um nllirlul llnlm wnn moved hum II wuvhl huchry loumn mm ulunuln Snrlnun fuln mm It mrld nlplm nkllnfl rllnmplnnnmm It Lhnmonlx anrn George Hauler urcrrlmy moral llm Inlunnllunnl 5km Unltm mid Fvldny lho Inllnn unvnrnnwnl hm nluml vluu rommllinr nun Cum munN lInsl Ztnmmy He mld Um uyxnmnn mlmtll ll IHU hnx brrn pull on wllrlhrr In nmmwe um rlmmxulnmhhm undrr hue mmmlam mnrel lhrm or mm mm to Inulhcr Illfl DAVOS nllflilnd AP Tlu wnrld lunrmluullnz chnm plumhlps schalulcd lo bcnln Fri 221 nl Carlin Hnly mo llm Inlrxl lnlrmnllnnul apart Nrnl lo he Jmpnrdlmd by po lillcnl wrnnulinu In Gnll Bah Mndcr scgond non Inc nlghl mu In lhc third period led It or the Terriers nnd nthnr loam Mom In overtime penalty raw mushand lumble la wuh the loo ond place Chntharn Maroon brought the Terriers la wilhIn In Int he tintrs the lap of the league tho lirsl plnco Windsor Bulldog spread lhelr lead In six poinl nvcr Clmlhnm by sweeping rum bahin Io defeat lhe lhlrd nlacc Woodslock Alhlctlc 53 In Vnudslack The same Vsnw ighllng majors lwo mlscnnducls and By THE CANADIAN PRESS nle cellar dwelling Gnll Ter ricra pulled on polnl closer Fri day nlght In hair bid Io oust Kitchener ancrlm Tigers from the Hun playofl spot In lhu Ontnrlo Hockey Assaclnlion Scnlm series Politics Enter Figure Skating Broadly the plateau cnh be quated with 270 pattlng vcmge for hitter In baseball You can stick in the blglime yumellmes falling shnrt the narkI you have other nttrl hum But genernuyspeaklng renchlng it is assnram that the couch js galng to consider you prettyhnndy guy to have around Sd fur Ithhlstm cgmpaigï¬ l4 player already have scored 20goal qr more Thomas longstriding Frank Mahovflch the Big is at the lop nl list with RC =lwn beï¬lnd ls Delmiis Gar die Ho an indalaugable lul uy iuz CANADIAN miss look as the National lockey League will produce an vkher armidable may of zogua nen this season Waiter Craigs nurmmc won lhe OKnclc Trophy Barrio Curling Club last night The unnvum cmmmn UNr KN IUWZNIIUN ovzmum 27 TORONTO ST WHEEL AHONM WIIEEI ALAN 1N0 011 MIIOIIII Galt Pulls Closer To Playoff Spot MURDOC CrOprlxOf Top Scorers lI ll Clmi Your PA 82202 HARRY OKEEIE TROPHY WINNERS Jnnhnry nund lhe Mr 71 IJrr Cmmlry Cluh murne In 61 Frldny lo wil Ml llrnl mum um ank nuynlon nml Menurrl wllh young llulcll llnlrd llmhmor nnd Hnrnlllfpme unrle nl Jnck IS Morin qua ml 141 71 In In Inl rnuml nnvl mu llnl wlm llx ulhrr pr nl IQI The Id was In 06 mm and an nxllaicun nnnr lho mum In Ike cut all polnh January Leads Tucson Tourney TUCSON Arlz MP Doll Jnnunry wllh IZunderrnr 132 look lllernke 1ran In an halt In lhn $25000 111mm opfn in tournaman In Woodsto Alhlcllcl were outplayed lhmugh the game hul led at he and Ike mend period Jntk Cos tello Hm two or Windsor Icmnd into empty net In the lnsl minulo play lrwln Grass Bud Hillmnn and Tom Mlcnlcll wm lbs other Wind wy mmksmm Former Snrnln am Rex Mulhnllnml scared hll flnl goal In Alhlcllc unilarm while Ran irulmm nnd Gerry nlehorzo added lho omen Referee Hugh than let tha game the end of the ï¬rst period nflcr being sacked on the rightnm wilh slidn xiuylgevgnled minmm Th Tamers trailed until Hill Wylie and Muddcr scored In Uu thin period Lioyd Mer cer and Kcilh Wonnil scared Ihemhcr Gal goals Jimmy Connolly scoml lwlco Iar lhe moons Slnxlc went to Bob Seymour llnrveyNnIh and Ted Power mm Am AHEAD For comparative purposes 115 Season the ZDgaalmbeuer match misconduct The Mn mam drew 75 at the 91mm ulg ln pggalglc law who has pallbd 20 or more or the last 14 seasons counting ll year rink from left George Sutton kaig Clare Mills and Merv cha defeated rink flawed In Ihls class are players wflh 15 lo 19 goals so far Each the 51x clubs has minimum mi 15 games let in the sched Neil with In Parker Mnc anuld Vflnrwea lintmate say ballet dancer could score 20 playlng alongside Hawe But here no bemulnz MacDon alds cflon this season The Marjumer has came up with some big goals and carried his weight as well as anyone might expat least another 10 player might be considered within rea sonable strikingdlstance the select wbrnckel CASH AND CARRY lUMBER 149 STEEL ST AT BLAKE ST PA BUILDING minim THORNLEA mm Impound virtually unknaun uulildfl hvmo lulu lcnnsylvnnln mm to both Npulallnn and Ill Saturday nlghl when menu Mnnllnl Flash Horde or 115m Innlor lemwclgmrcmwn The 21 ymr od llllplno lmwlly lnvnml lo win hll lflh defence ol the 130mm dlvlslnn cmwn In IMoundu Odlund who monks English fluently unld chdcn nn 3mm mo curlm In Canada then my more than 400000 MONTREAL 1C Incl linding mission Swedish curl er look to the let the Town Mount Inan Club hero Frl day to get the feel of the Cann djnn game flle 21 members of the Swe dlsh party lncludlng ï¬ve women joined members 01 lb has club In tnrmbu 11 rink or mixed outing They will vlsil other Cunndian nnd US cflles Par Ddlund Slnckhnlm insurnnco executive nnd Ihn presidan ol flu Swedish Curl lnx Association said In ch den we have no mdoor rink and only two of our uuldwr rink are covered We have cw mulch nuldoor rlnlu but mas at our Ice 15 naluml The Inc condlflan ol lho lca hm makes ml dillcrcncm The average number at gun scared in each game this sea snnby bnlh clubsis 53 Jn each 01 the we prevluusycan worked out to We better 0111st gap 32 game perrormers In the NHL we 23 in number The previous season It was round 20 For what wan0 slnllsllcs show that Ihere has been same thing 01 general letdown on the attack odule sends Chicagos leading Black Hawiu against llie Canndiens in Mnntreai and New York Rang er against the Maple Leninin Taranto tonight whiiu Bushml Miami but resurgent Brninsgo against the Red Wing In ran alteran game at Detroit Sunday ï¬ght lié lrlronlreal1 at Dctmjt Toronto at New York and Hnslon Chicago Ht Iunior Crown MANIMJAIFgohnny my Young Belle Aims by Herb Shannan or me and schedule honor Exam lner Pholo Swedish Curlers Try Out Montreal PA 9721 qultkly ya cannula1m Take Shocking Chancel DONT