Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Feb 1963, p. 6

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Wr run abrrwl iml hnu lo Ila ulllnu nl mm Mm mlulnlnlnl uw vomn III annmdlnn Inner II II flayl mu limp lhn mu InA rlmlcd TWIIIIMIM nu merry mm his llmm dmlllnl had an IIIIIM Niunrn path 111con pulull Ind pel ll mlf mmmm lmy Canmlnn good lhrlr puke nml unnlily nu rampar uble In wire and qunlll lmpmlul lnmln mlnum mml Hrndinu lnr mppon hum wn mrn lur nlnrlnu tumM Thule vmmlm nhnrvl nl Mllnl 0M mule In nlullo Ivy 1m Mr Mmnull Ian hu mwr Nlmfnlrd my Cnnldlnn um pnlzn de Anll mm nurrmmdlnl Alrm Mrl Vlrlnr Ullllrn llnulmnnr MIL Mlnn Todtl qurdllll Mm Wrnvtr Glllonl Mn Ilkr 0m Mu llrur ulhrlr Mr Campbell Nnnld MIL IL Mngulu Mlnrulnz M595 ymynmvom Allcndlnu 1mm Ihc rlly we MIL II Nnhlr Mu Vlmrlnm Mn II It Ilmrr and Min Inulw ollry And Mu Ilru Man llnrrio nml dblrlrl omen urns mulan mnrc Hum 1000 mum from all pm of Unlnrln uhn wen Bird In lmnmu Ann1mm lnr Cnnndlnn Good Ivy IZtnnnmk nml Dcvrlnpmrul Mtnlmr llnlml Mncnulny The young gir whosat on our nght asked her date if thal player got his penalty or necdllng Actual ly it hneglngf It had lhereslp us in stitches Inn in amuwa remember the story my ousln tells about the first time he saw the Montreal Cunndlens play the Detroit Red Wings in Delmit lie was cheering for the Can ndiens naturally Some female sitting behind him kept warning him to shut up or go home in ally she reached the end 01 her rope and she leaned vnrd and pulled his fedora right down over his eye Being gentleman what could he do or my hut If had been man Women are truly more demonstrative fans Youratruly ofnly hollcrcd once twice And from another corner eame Hey referee youre missing good game Hey ret getting more personal thought you followed the Pied Piper into the water They sure knew what they were doing when they decked you guys out in prison stripesr Then of course there were the three young boy who sat in front of us ranging in age from seven to 10 They were with their parents who were definite iy Toronto fans but the boys were delinitel Gordie liowe fans and they didnt care who knew overhead law choice expressions such as Hey Nevin whats the matter with you are you standing on your contact lens Whats the matter Ma hnvllch are you shortsighted Kelly get at that dime itll be there when you get back Hey there goes Stanley sn oeing up the 109 mm unaw During lntermxssxon we even braved if out for coke and we stood and minded our own business In our allotted square ineh per body One gentleman in our group not only had coke but tree cup of co Iee poured down the back of his sult by none other than the strange gentleman who sat on hls left during he game CHOICE COMMENTS What would War 6ckey game be without the heck Iera who are often more entertaining than the garge We took vote an conclusion none of us ever want colored television We are so accustomed to viewing the games in black and white that it took the better part of the first Period to get used to the vivid colors Not only was without my cushi even have thy dark glasses However the cushion that my friend took along is now the properly of some Torontonian or in the possession of the lost and found department at To ronto Maple Leaf Gardens So Im probably ahead of the game mine is still safely at home Busy Week Ahead For PC Women However discovered halfwa there mind you that had forgotten the most mportont Item my cushion Sittlng or hours on end can he alnful especlally when you consider the facts sat or eight hours on the job two hours In the car enroute two and halt hours in the gardens and another two hours enroute home suddenly realized on the way home had been in sitting position for 14 hours out of 24 Have you ever tried to get comfortable In Vauxhall Mahovllch finally came through with two goals and saved face for me still think he lends cham pionship calibre to the Leafs In fact would ven ture to say that he ls to the Leafs what Richard was to the Canadiens he always comes through when the team needs that one goal He scored each of hla goals on wide sweeps and gave his team the lead or keep late in the second period Shack well he plays the Clown very naturh ally We had been talking about thls trip for the last few weeks and was sure had everythlng well organ ized right down to the opera glasses whlch never used bythe way The seats we had in the blues were wonderful SOFT SPOT We finally got to see an NHL game between De trait Red Wings and Toronto Maple Leafs on Wednes day evening lm sllll trying to figure out how old war horse Gordie Howe was stlll standing at the end of the game He mustve played at least 48 minutes and 30 seconds of it except for the two minutes spent in tlle penal box gr slashlng Andne ékates with no e363 all wonder how many miles he trgvels In gne gqmej THE BIG LEAGUE BARR EXAMINER lATURIAY FEB SKIBTING THE BAY Anuth hmy met In Item lur mrmbm mo onlulo Im mum onuruun PM On Monday lhl nnnunl mull nl he mrly will llrk II llnynl Yuk Hold Tnmnln ram mmtlnl wllh lhu Womml urxlnllon annual mullnl Ally ude ulll In wedI panel dluuulm uhlrh prnwl huh Aucun dllrlnl lhl lmlmnu IIunr mln Annul lonvmllun ln lnwn In month nn rand wlll bu Mind IV Mu WMII ml and ludlnl nmmunlly womrn wlll IIIKHII nuhktll of Mlerut In all Onl nrlo women wing ug uwon rmiu nu In nu pm will In Mn WM IllImey of Im hm Null mu mnmxlnclnllnl Imlurl prams lion denim nnluul nwurtu mIlm tonunm punhum lnmmn mmm Ind Nan In our Mr Macauly rtmlnd luau nu they wanlb or chndlDl pvt rm every cnnlumtr don Ha MM Iho wnmml dlvwon Tud Cmndfi uubllnh rd by 150 Al mullnl lhln week would Ive on mum mrnl mlvlu uhlrh ll could mlv lna mlm gnKlNO CQMMIITEEJ BymEKNDIXON and acroamed llmlrmi Olmrlvrrl ulm Illl dlmm llcnrlllu ln llurnl W1 mrn Dr IVI lcnlrln nl Tnmlln whn wlll lull on Educa llnn Aldurmnn Mn nmrrun Mmlrou nl Wlmlmr um Ill All Ibmll Wollnvu nlml lo Ma mum ol llnmlllno who wlll 111mm Ur hln Duvrlnpmrnl and DI Dm Mhy In who llnomulnlnulnl ul In Toronto wmnn llm who wlll lllk nlmul llrnlh Elrh llmc lndln II Hnln ml qmllllnl In l1lfllflll her lule and II do no Moro llolulln lo lhl Annual nm nil You hr mm In Ind 11 van ynu ld nvnlL Tunnun wlm donl hm unoth Itllrnwtl to hop their hnmln on much ulhrr mould he lnld In blunl Immunity ll lhu pnronu who would do ll lrlllnx ll lalmtll ll lhua lwn Htll hnu lmn Thu Mug uhlccl to lhls Thus we cant kmv lhrlr hnndl an nunlhm my 1er sum holdan hnnds or one 11 lylnI wlm hls hrml In lhu nlhcr ona lp ar my tire balk lylnu on In John watching TV All Iummzr Ion hwy run nrmmrl bnrflmled nml ll Hwy wurul roldlnu land they wan hnldmu My duuhlrr and my wllu bath mu yuur tolumn IIrnin Iva lhnm nu cyclul nmnk you 0lD FMIHONED DAD Den Ann Lnndrm Our Khler years old SM buy um um Ago My wltl mm thlnk II yummy um Huh revolll incl ko Ill nm Senlm CiUlcns Club Barrie Incl Wednesday nllcr noon In ha Loyal True Blue 11 High Street with approx an lld at our nouKEnl mall cry cvrnlnu wmuiey lm dam lhm yr lmm nnwi Mn Hryson Redfcrn oi Angus was dlnncr guest at he rcSid ence of her ban and daughter Inlaw Mr and Mm Jack Hun Ian Campbell Avenue Mrs George Caulson Angus was dinner guns at the Ruse Street mldence of her sun and dluzhurlnrlnw Mr and Mrs Coulsan nuior clllmns Followlux rho meeting ol lhe Cauldlnn Club Thursday new In reception In honor the nest speaker Miss Violet King was held at the home of th club presldenl Mlss Jane Simpson Colller Slrccl Club members assisting the hostess wrro Mme Show Mrs ll Simon Mrs Blair Mrs Tompkins and Mrs McPhrrson VALENTINE DINNER GUESTS RECEPTION ANN LANDERS clly Ind dulrm Wedrflnl nlvmmu bizMun brldn pulls comm ohle pu llen vlnlLorg and luvdlm In Item lnumt la vumen mum at pale Your htlp In ulpplylnl Mn will be null 1mm clued Plane phone The Burris Exlmlner ll PA 56537 Ind uk or Elleen Dlxon or Andrey Coulxon II lhn an unl Deplrlmenl Nola gr Inunded In cover llge align chlll Ill the anour or FOREIGN Itudenu look llrne of from Miles at the Winter Car OnejTrack Minds Leading To Trouble SPEAKING 01 PEOPLE AND PM Imnnl runny ml lmvmun m1 mm name that Hum Time Me In klml hmled mm an no nu Dur Ann Imam Wu an up In our nulu In deltlu My Imuhnml Ilkrn lu gamble and III Urn In rm rumlnmly lle IWMII lm rnld mlIn NHL Later frl lrltm mm Hum Ind Ir uhnne n1 mm In mm mnnnzm AH mum on aim up In ymgm dun vlnlllnk In rrp In ryn nu llum mmmm IhnuM ml lo mu In wnmlor mmmd In oHHr pmplLPI hulllrl and lulu Enlurhm llleWfl mm My cumin nml wm called an yulcrdny They hmunhl 0er Km uungnlcrl nlnnx Dm IIxycnrold two llm rnl luv rnl cnrnmcll ml the mar lhlngn lfclh slmk lnzclhcr mul II VI Irmhlr 11w ullwr yuunmrr mm nur Imp mum poinlu lllllld and Ill plrklr Rho Kn Ilck Wu bull to vnll lhv val In lbs middle nlght lIcm Ir rIIIMrrn nut in MI vel hen llwy nu gutll Thank you III WIT HILL Dur lrllr Im nlm Ir In myran bojnke llvrlr thll nur canary xllnl nvrrnl nmnlhl nun and MW null llml ll WIII JInl Ilmnl Hm llmo hrIn 15 mum Ml Worship Mn nr Lu Cooke and Mrs Cooke were host nl luncheon party at their Slra bane Avcnun residence today ruck mlndnnd the lrnfllu II prclly lmnvy nm Ann Lumim You have mrnnnnul your column lhnl pnrrnln nhould nnl nllow lhclr childmn In much lhlnn when lhny lsll In ho hum of nlhrr pmpll an whh youd prlnl nnmvlhing nhnul ymmz rhlhlrcn Mm ml pm Mum Im one In looking FOOD FOR PETS The delegates are expedqu looking lorwanl lo the conven tion as the mom Quebec Wln er Cnrnlvnl will sllll be on next week It ls understood that due Io accummodallon llmllh films thls will be he lust com mcrclal convonliun allowed ln Quebec City during camlval time rccoplion was held in Fel lowship Hall Collier 51 allow lug lhc organ Milnl and sup rano solo con an at Collier Street Unllod Church presented by the disllnguishLd husband and wllo lcnm ol Douglas and Ellznbclh Ellioll Pouring ccfloe far In occaslnn were hlrs lnunr Anrsou ond hlrsu Plcklcs Present nl the event were mcm her Colllcr Street Unilcd Church Choir lhlr wiws und husbands The rccapinn was tunvmcd by Mrs John James molal convcncrl CIIEON PARTY Among umse mending will be Mr and Mrs Robert Armstrong Mr and Mrs Wilcox Mr and Mn Ham DoViIbiss Company Mr and Mrs Rod Snider Imperial Badman Oorpmaunn Mr and Mrs Horace Pratt Mr Pm president mm Aummotlve UmUed Is Ind vice president of the CAWMA and Mr Wilcox is dlreclor RECEPTION Barrie will be well represent ed at he annual mnventinn of the Canadian Autonmtive Whole salers and Mamflactumn Asso ciation which opens ml week end at tho Guam Frontenac Quebec Cfly Imately 70 members in attend ance Mrs Seal reported the sick and shutIn members Following program of gum cs musical cnlcrlnhlment and drugsong with Mr Simpson at me piano allemoon lea and refreshment were served AT QUEIIEC CITY Diva Ball last night to pose with ha Carnival ngen Janice Peacock and her two Your Innhum mumll Ilka rumpululvo IIIIYHII who ml ulym Unmhml Ammmmul mu In lhI Innr nml Mme advhr nn uu Mp1 MONEY WOIIIIIIIR lJnr Woulm Hy nll mum rn la hull mul 51ml ulyln1 Mk mnmy 111 we hell and II III Im 51 down Ilmllrm ul Em InIUI nu mu want In lnko pmHlum nh ml my mu lrlnulu Inuk My Imhnml ny lhnl hell my mm Al mm In In In llm mrnnllma rnnl Ilril nl um um Inn Ibvul our um ml the anallyn rrpulnlnn You Am pmrnlly In ryrlo uhlcll IA ummmlly Nmnul whrrn lnmmnllly drwlnpnwn In mnrenml nml luvlnu Hm nut I1 nmnlhl nhuultl My All ullrnmnly happy mvlal llnmc llc llld nlnnnllc lllv Lmk for nlnnry TM Innn Mu lnld lul ka Ind new ml rnnl or you may nllnl nlnvnlll anly ml mnllo lmslblo in lth nlortuwnllnnnl ryrl hul lnlrr In lhn yulr us wrll Krplrmlwr klnlwr And mrly Dncrmlwr prnmlm Inllul no nmuulunlllrl when bmlnm mum mu cun mnrd krnp yuursrll In pmillml In ullllu lhrm Romunlic and nlomnllc nlv air will be undcr no aspects lhmughoul must HM your ahead and here Is Indiculiun um hclurc number year has mllcd around you will lmve made highly enjoyaqu hip possibly durlnz Muy or June Avnld nnxlctyespcdnlly duh lmz Novunbor You have no must for lcnslun plenty Sun or opllmlsm chlld born on this day wlll be cuurnxwu nnd tompclem ny la lilllu Ion sump mm 10 mixed DAY TQMQIUHJW leth ulmulnllng dnyl Buslnm and Ilnnnclnl nllnlu Ihould In on um upgrade and you may rmlvo flame uncx reeled rccnxnlllnn or DIN cl nrls Dnnl Icnllcr your uncr gm mwcvcr Direct lhcm lnlo conslrurllvc channels ron jun nnmumv It Monday ynnr lerllulny llu ntxl lwo moan Immlxu much In lhr wny luh ml wumxnml Ilmnns will also be bkmd In hnnnrlnl nmllm dnrlnu um Innm pcrlud not Imwmrr In Iphll ul upllm hm yield In ulrnvuunnl uhlxnl The planelar influences lor Sunday are ex cp lunnlly gener nus rclallonship should be congcnlnl and lhc uspecu also Ivar outdour pur suits short trip and group no llvlllcs generally tomorro blrlhdny your horoscope lndlcales lhnl whilo buslncs matter may have been somewhat on he dull slde lalcly you have of lhls wwk entered highly sllmulnllng cycle In Iluse con ccnu Im your best foot on word lhurclorc slnco sllpcrloro and competitors will he scrulin him your cllorls clnscly Financial mallcrs now lake an upward swing loo and should cnnunuc nu hlgh or at least seven months Guests Included Han Brynn Calhcart and Mrs Cuthcart of Toronto MPP Arthur Evans and Mrs Evans Bradford Brigadier Mougk Corn mandiné Officer of Camp Dor dcn and Mrs Moogk Group Captain Hilton Com mandan Olilcor oi RCAF Sin linn Camp Borden and Mrs Hilton Ed May Industrial Com missioner oi the City at Bnrrlo and Mrs Mny Earle Little president oi the Scuiur Chamber oi Commerce and Mrs Lillie Bill Brnlihwaite president oi tho Junior Giamber of Commerce and Mrs Eraitlrwaite Mr and Mr and Mrs lleber Smith Jack Balstonc Winter Carnival Chairman and Mrs Batslnne Add to social note ron mmonnow rqn THE nnmmAY princesses the 10H 25 Lalonde Dr Pnddl fieégiyu pdiaL Sauna Carnival Quee WHAT THE STARS SAY ESTRELLITA Marking the 45m anniversary of their wedding Mr and Mrs Herbert Bishop of annnlo enterlnlned relatives and friends at npcn house at their Park chnslur Rand msldenc The cclobranm were married in the Methodist Church on Sar numn Avenue Toronto Jun 29 mg by Rev Bnltuur The bride is the daughter of the late lllr and him Gemgo While oi Toroui0Thc bride groom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs William John Bishop Greniel Among the many guests al tomling the celebrallcn were lhnir son law and daugh or Mr and Mrs James Pet le Jnmes and Karen Pcille grandchildren Mrs Wharton all of Toronto Ailision Bishop Wesley Bishop Norih Slreel Mrs Edith Bishop Cook Sirqei and Mrs Bishop oi Tor onto sired Barrie somo gxgpllcnt new tqwnrd Iho end of mu lunily to travel In July and or August ronoxro Itemmam of education must rcaHz that here is maxc lo llle lhan Jus hkaInarnhn snys the pres drnl of he Canadian contmnce on the am Arlhur Gclbar Tornnln Iold about 00 women Ianchnrs mm mis Ontarin lhnl the prov use has more nmnleur drama child born on his day will be loyal and slncm BookLearning Not All In Life Couple Celebrate 45th Anniversary Cathy Pinin 7er infant fiche train Quebec my warmer Photo We Carry Selective line of MetW ll MYF LD ITREEI grnoroul nllowmw will be xlvm or your present tulle on UN purchuu ol on lhcu flna now llvlng room suilu CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS Quality living Room Furniture AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES Nineteen orelln students and on mm Quebec are gueslsrak the homes of Banl Rolarlans this weekend The University Torantb stu dents arrived in the city last evening to attand tin Rotary Club dinner meeting at the Com munily House Aiter dinner the students were guesis at the Winter Carnival Bali held at the Embassy Hail Blake St This morning the entourage was taken on tour nl Simone County Musucm ioiinwed by visit in he ice surface of Kem penieii Bay View Ihe ouldom activities VISIT MUSEUM Mr Gelber was panelist conferencn sponsoredby Um Ontario Federallnn 01 Women Teachers Assudaflum Lenore Gm of Petcrbar augh can re chairman said teacher rellrlnz mm Ihcir busy community and teachlng llves ollen expefltnce let down and dont know how lo cupy their time Rolarlnns are entemlnintz slu dents in helr home as weekend guests Baiwn oi Pakistan is at Ihe home of 110an Anxeioii Hoigm 5L cohosi an Cy EI ston and Del Cole Arinn ni India is dating aHhe home ai Bill Caldwell Castle Dr cc hosts are Waller Camille and Jim Smith Constantine Amnur sis of Cream at he 11nt at Dick CampbellTamnio SL hosis are Jordon Abercmmbio and Ernie Roiman Kain Ilka and Albert Uhiam oi Nigeria are visiting with Bill Clarke of Codringtnn SL cohosis are Aw us McKay and Lean Garrick IL Saptnr Paklrlonr and Slngh of Indla are guesuol Sydney Cox of Cud rlngkon SL whosu am John Baird and Derry Smiun John Chin ol North Borneo guest Don Marshall of High land Ava cohosts are George OConnor and Art Powell Philip Che of North Bomeo Is helng entertained by Dr Peter Dean llolgnte st and cohusls are tic groups than any other area oi similar size and population School boards should associan themselves with group in volved in drama ballet and opera so the school children learn at the opportunities in lite that await them Students Attend Carnival Weekend The cnnluence ends Sunday MeKlNNON FURS Lid Dunlap LADIES FINE FURS Bellzr For Millet Salter and Ronald Slewnrl Marcel Plcllcllc of Quebec ls at lhc home of lllr and Mrs Embcrwn milla SL whosla are Frank Hearsay and Jae Jewell Drl Slngh ol lndla Runs Ted Fraser of Slllr ley Ave cohnst Yvon lllcherd and Re McFadden Dr Dayal ol lndln is vlslllng wlth Denls Shenrd Palnswlck whosls are Gnrdan Mason and Gearge Mul holland Hashml ol Pak lslan guest John Stevenson nl Shanty Bay Road whom are Verne finally and Sam Steele Dr Rnbcrls Ghnna host Dr Russ Tumbull Peel SL co hosts Bob Eezzanl and Clem Kramer Mchra ol India guess at the home 01 James Vellcll DC Baylield SL and cm hasls Lloyd Brlslow and Harold Mlcks SW mop is vlsiling Charles Wilson 01 Owen 5L ctrhosis Clili Elriek and Dick Steele Chowdhury oi India weekend guest oi Stan Hodge RR Bar rie cohosis Carl Mitchell and Dr lnek Woodsiuck Lloyd Brawn anJnmaica guest of Tom Kerr Willlnm SL ce hosts are Jack Webster and Bub Williams Each oi the students visiting Barrie has received scholar ship or one years study abroad thraugh the Rotary Foundation Fellowship for international Un demanding STUDENTS FROM INDIA ARENA SHOW The students will nllcnd the Arena show lhls evening with their ham and wlll lake in most of the Sunday Carnival events bemrc relumlng In Ton onvo late amnnow aflcmonn IA lH ll Dunlnfl

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