1534 The premier snld ho had In vcsllnulnd Um procedures under which old charms for whkh cnrparalu power had bun lor Icilcd an granted new life by thc provinrlnl mrclnrys dc pnrlmnnt uf imi Eï¬muumi in 3mm or IIM ur than tum pnmi wllh um1001 79 nhmn fn ll IIIl will at Sal mm wm lip per HM Illa In mm wm up In par rvnl pmlallm and In mun nmmml Od In 2511 Alainl HI WNW It will Inï¬ll llnvn mum mnyauy lellrd llrllminmy nrl lllmmu lnr llw liunl rnr rndnl Hm rmlvrr Inf1 mummlrll III umnm nu Ilmm mmpnml Mu nrl Illuqu nl MAW nr Lhmn or lhn Inn llarnl ymn lhmlulm Tar And MMIIII rowan IML er lnmmr lnr he llnrnl ymr rmlyll TORon CP Premier Bobaru luld the legislature Thursday that he had Instructed vaincin Secretary John Yar emkn last June not to grant any further Applications In revive lho comnrum powers of racing usocinuan charimr TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Illwru noel mm nw Cmnmmy nn Ian lellrd Ncl Imlll or lhu yrnr cndcd Doumhur 1w nmnunlcd In mmm or $1 per mm mnpmd will 37M or 3L1 51mm In lfI Ingvl Irlxlmlhm WM 2Ti9llfl ml lam Impuml Vi 24 mn ml lulu In Im ulm amnunml In nuszun mme may In lml Dmnlnlon mlmlllu nml Slrrl llmlll er lnmme or yrnr cntlrd DvcvxnInr hf2 nmuuw lnl In Sln awn nr 1qu on Inrmnn Mums cum puml mlh mm 41 or um lhnm nn 71 Hum In IDOL In HM rrxullu nnly urn mmlllnrrl Uva anhvn III Slrrl nr Linn Am Inxludlml nlnmlnhd In 777 ml mm In llL nun 11mm nrl th In um null null Im lhl lidhuulml ml lnmnu lnr Ihw liunl yrnr uulnl Imrqur um nmmml In mm In Win prr share In fllllmull Mlh nrl Illrumn nl mm mm June In Um Ins ï¬nal run Kipling was wrong when he wrotcEqst is East and West is West and ncr the twain Ihall meet sald Mr Gllmnur AT ROTARY TABLE New Democratic Inrl Lander Donald MncDonnId tCanadn is aware that hvo lhlrds the worlds people go Iobcd hungry Canada alsn knows Ihak more aid can be given These points and illuslrnllaru closer bond between East and West were main subject uLan address Barrie Rotary Clubs international night was lerLjay at Ie Communigy llausek The speaker Alex Gilmour armor Rotary member ud drcssed the meeting of Rotar lans and several nreign slu denls who are studying at Uni vers Tomnxo appraprialely enough we meet around he table Rolary fellowship in western nation And it is appropriate Roberts Says His Racing Study Showed Revive Plan Not Neat lntrmd Ind ICommnn Indulmu Mlnlnl slam FIFTY TURNED OUT In be lucky number in the board growing conlcsl for Edward Fitzgerald who was picked ROTARY SPEAKER TELLS FOREIGN STUDENTS Canada well Of World Problems CnmpHcd by Flynn Dman SI Er Burl 5mman sunmm or vul lndhu rob AVllllcl thnl BULLETIN rm lnm wme mom mmpnml wiHl MONK Ahllibl lower Alul Paper Ltd Irrliminnry ncl lncomn lnr Hm llkml yrnr rmlrd Drum Mr 1M2 nmmmlnl lo 15 Ir um we ll unv rtl will lul Inunxnu II SL1 710er or prr Limo for llm mull mn SHIN In Inf1 lll MAKKLDW lumlnsl 47 M7Jf2 In HM in said this was year of unparalleled opportunity to study the histaiy social customs and hnpes and asphalluns of rcsppcnvc parts therworld You gucsvs represent an im4 parlant channel contact to us he said Hnw holler discnvcr he Iungungc back ground the way of life than by living and learning In midst This Is education In est sense Your studies cnnlincd In text books ape that he impression you take back wlll he the genuine concern felt ln all see lors Canadian lilo or the progress and welfare the people cl nll parts of the world he sald Our nauon is dedicalcd lo charged in the legismum Menu day lhul Burl Rowe nnmcd to be the next lieutenantguvcrnor and his son Lennox had falsi licd nn affidavit in 1901 to re vive one sevnml horseracing chnrlcrs strung Iogclhcr for the Vlndsor Raceway ML Hobart said Thursday hat study last spring had shown that he rcviver pmcnd urea were nut Mn and tidy way dealing wilh rating charters when other mcmod um nvailnblc Kr Addhon Gnhl MIMI IM lrrlhuinnn m1 Immnc Inr llu Hum Ir rndrxl Drc 1102 mxmnnlnl lu $1517196 at £07 hlmn nu Imwnrrd in HF incnmr 5110 of mm shim lur the anl rnl rnr ll nln th lxrllmlmny ml Imnnm lur llm liscnl yrnr rudrd Dec Hm mnnunlrd In snXJJul or IIUIH mm llnml Mlh mum or to DJ mt 11mm Mr In llIrnl yrnr Anlhu Illlnrrlul llmuL IIrlimhmry ml Inrnnw nr II IL Mar rmlrxl nmmhrr 31 ML nmmlniwl In $1140000 or muumm nlmu cm pnml will ammo nr mo per mlmlmn Kim In lmL uummm Mlnlnl lnlp llrlllmnmy ml luromc or In hm rnr rmlcd Drcnnhrr Jl um mxwmml In 1010001 Or vrr mm umumrld wllh ml Iluumn NAOMI or II 15 par IIflll Dr NW lMl lllrnl yrllr lul Ilmry Tub lelld lnllmlnnu net lnmme at Aral yrnr rmlnl Drmnlnrr IL IN nuwunlï¬l $115031 nr low per lhnm compml llh mwm I7 per phat IPGI hos prom horn 01ml lhms mum ulna MEN In ll whlle llle flmlu mm unoclnlod rampan lu mman In mono cm band wllh MAW too that aneaslem dignitary Mush Laharry India serve as president of Rotary Inlnr nationnl Racing charters WM 11an muuxcl betting rights can be ycstcrdny as one OK 10 ï¬nal ists to appear the Arena Show of lhe Barrie Winter Cur nival tonight From let an lb 111 an an lls tru nre not iii In ln cnncluslnn Mr Gllmnnr quoled mm best seller by Wllllam Ledcrcr Nullonml Sheep makes much ol the fact that our wemm world sullen lmm what he calls Hollywond complex ln ll outlook on the rust of mankind Our lncllnmlon to dlvida lhe wurld lnlo good guys and bad guys to see all lssucs In the stark shade of black and while to ponllllule on problem and peoplu about whom we are woelully mlsln lormed or dangerously un dcrlnlurmcd Funcrnl servlce or Mlu Irena May Ines 49 formerly Dur 1un Avenue Hume who dlcd In Turunln Hospilnl Weston alter Icnulhy Illness was held ccmly rum Jmncll Funeral Hume granted by peclal bill In either the provincial lexislalun or the House Common Furquhnr Oliver 1LGrey South sald Mr flobnru had waited unlll your Tory cohort got all Ihcy wanted baton stopping Ihc practice He naked why public tnlnmenl had not been madn In June Miss Hines wns born In New Llskcnnl Mme hnr pnrcnla llrd nr le manth nllcr Lho wnu ham She Hm Dmh the rm hnr We luncml Icrvlcu wax conduct rd hy hr Nev Ice 01 Alllxmn nurinl wax In UIe lnm lly p10 llama Unlnn CemeA Izry peace said Mr Gilmour Im sun speak tarall Canadian afgood will in saying that we dn no regard material advance ment as the cxclusive pwvlnca part all the globe We are mature enough know that wilhoul pmzrcs In Inlemnflonnl terms ours II hollow prosperity he said Opposlllon member uktd why he decision to disconlinna lhc revived prncllce had not been made earlier Mr nob add the declllon had been nn ndmjnhkrnnvo mnltcr She was nrmnmbc Ctnlrnl Unilnd Church She LI survlml by her luHIer John DMcy Hims narrlo luur hmlhm Villlnm Nur with Cunnrcllcul DArcy Jr nnd Stephen nnrrlu nnd Mnlxrlce Unllon nml Ilmr Mm Wllllam Hum lIlhrl llnrrle Inhlrr him Hnllry UJHInn productled 1mm judge Gard Roach Mel Walk or and Mn Wendy Hick looking at Mr Fitzgeraldl beard Examiner Photo URINE THE RECENT mm Elm lhl um mm in VIM MISS IllNES OBITUARY him of Pakistan Dr Raddy indin Constantine Am nurgis Greece aiu Ukl Ni geria Samar Pain man BSlngh inflia Jnim Chin North Borneo Phlil Chee North Borneo Marcel Pcheiie Quebec DrSingh lndin Dr Dnyai India Hashmi Pakistan Dr Roberta Ghana Swarm indin Chowdhury india Lloyd Brown Jamaicr Tomorrow aï¬emonn Its back on Iha lee or couple hour helon leaving Jar Toronto at Today the vlsltmf will go tn dehurst or tnur the park and the Slmcae County Museum This nlternoon they willnltcnd the events on the Ice and this evening they win takeln the Arena Show Coum dlmlor Frank De Vcnno former Cnnndlnn Army Mnlor reporln Hudles calun all aspect vehicle flylmz induxlxlnl and household urcldcnl prevunllnn OAKVILLE Nelve Junior Cnnndlan Army ollinen mm mm Canada are riding his Meg poli Toronto Pallca The Ioldlerl all unit Ind camp accident prevenllon ol Iicm row the huge cilyl allecu polica urn studying the causes and result ve hICII accidents ï¬rst hnnd Clnd in civilian clothes the flcm rlde with the trnfllc can stable purely as observe studying methods mm and girlvcr control and gathering mvnluahle practical knowledge The police duty in all pm at twwwcck accident prcvcniion course being unarmed by the Ontario Snlcly Lcnxuol Snicly Training inslliule or the De pnrlmcnl oi Nullanni Balance it in um inurul camso conduct ed by the Saicy League and include representatives mm the RCAF and HM Royal Cun ndlnn Nnvy nulqu lhn polka prowlcrcnr our um pupllx visll lam Tur nnla llnmlllnn nnd Oulvlllo dusulnl plank and hear 1m tum from Itndinx snitly c114 mm on lubjml muting from fin prevenuon ln prolocllvn clomlnx nnd munldrnl rnllic problrml lo the hand In ex ploulvu lnklnu part In lhu mum rum Cnmp Harden am In nln llnbcrll bl lho lloyn Cnnndlnn Armoured Corp School and Cnplnln Tlukcy Roynl Cnnndlnn Army Scrvlcn Corp mm demll lhls week Soldiers Ride Traffic Detail hula mm dab untu mi bury llmln blmdthtmhnuwn Guests of he duh Included or wlves and girlfriends many dropped an along the way The 10 llnallsln will display their hemd lanllh the Bar rie Arena when the judges wlll plck the winner lnr the overall contest The judges are Gard Roach Mrs Wendy chk and Mel Walker They will be on the Ice night to announce the winners from among Ihe ï¬nalists of ha conlest Flnalisls are Bryce Bowness Robert Saunder Jordon Aber cmmblc lluss Malclan Arthur Gable Edward Filzgclald Hur old Starr Bruce Butler and Willlam Coles Forecast Issued by the Tar ontn public wellher cum 430 am Synaplh Temperatures will modernle slowly In southern and cenlrnl Ontario mulch and Sunday as weak weather dls lurhance moms through ll re glnnx Some llghl snow is ex peeled In occur ln Ihc pnlh he dislurhnncel Forum ltmptrnlum Low l0an hluh Sunday Wlndsnr 15 SI Thomu 15 London Io Kllcncncr 10 Mnunl Fortsl Winxlmm In II Trcnlon Klllnloe ln Musknkn Nurlh Hny Sudbury 40 IS Mmmncu 1n Snuusmnihriu TImmlm inmnia Windsor on don Hamilton Lake St ClairV Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Onta rio Niagara Georgian Bay iiburlon regions clouding over with moderating lcmpcraluru ionixht Cioudy wilil light snnw and little milder Sunday Wind wuiheriy is Sunday Tlmngnml North Bay Sud bury regions Cloudy wilh tow periods of snow and not so cnId lanlghl and Sunday Winds light Algnmn White River ult Ste Mnrle regions clouding aver his afternoon Cloudy with occasional light snow nlghl clearing nhou noon Sun day Nul quite no cold anlghl wlnd lllzhl Cochrmm nginns Partly cluudy wllll cw brILl innw llurrln lnnlghl and Sunday cnn linuinx very cold Winds Ham monument Mm him 70 Amid Hm Don mm hm purdmlu 05ml or II WEATHER The official program 01 Bar rlcs Winter Carnival lsLlng all cvenls planned or Sunday It as follows Kempcnfelt Bay events mart lng time 1230 noon Siarl of lnlemallona sled do we 20 and 30 miles Fish derby or cash prizes Barrie Boy Scout suryivnl dc manstratian lin can curling Skiddoo rides Airplane helicoplcr horse and sled dog sled and akidoo rides lnlcmnliona speed skating meet Refreshment booth Rotary Club oi Barrie Be sure and buy Florida draw tickets Log sawing contest ice snulpiurinz demonstration and display Army Field Hospital display Army Signal demonstration illnbile snack bar service av aiinblc Munlmll Than Henry Dauhle nriumbnrn vclernn of Docr War and winnrr of Ihe Mllnnry Crmx In no Flnl levl Wnr LandonEm men Hm nlre crllic lunrh magnxlno lnr yrnrl Shotéun shooting demonstra lun Aribhlcar saloly demons Inn Dclnycd parachulu drop wea Umr pcrmillingl Kiddie eres Fly cnsiingr Free TCA courtesy light draw llckcls available Imlvnl of CN special excurs lnn steam locomotive mm Tor onln lhlfluCnmmodorc Adrian Have KL relch chlcr ol navnl pcrsnnncl nnd mm mm bar lhc nnvnl board In lawn MémmID Marble llrrd umml manager In lnguxlrlnl 12cmin Dgpk Lynm Mm lrvlnu lllumnl Mmllry 50 lurmtr mn lnrIcnnue pitcher hurt nllmnnl Aqualecr diving perform IflCLS 10 pm OldMme speed xkab lng championship mu Horse and cutter haw Flnrldu drnw TCA courtesy llixhl druw 50 tickets lo be drawn Film in MI events nlbol Alrey an mtlnllunzlcnl cnzlnncr and execulho nsslslunl lo Slawl matnu manner No rnnda Mlnu llmlcd of hurt nllnrk II THE CANADIAN PRESS mummy 3an In lmup lvwhullnn Mnyw Mn may Amindmoirï¬m lmkc uranium In moimm mu cl loollnl or lhu vim Snowshoe obstacle race CARNIVAL EVENTS DEATHS The new Koala pIpe organ at the Collier Street United Church was heard to la fullest advant age In redial presented under auspices oi the Church Choir Featured at the consul of the organ with It 2464 pipes was Douglas Elliott of Yorkrninstcr Park Baptist Church Toronto Assisting in the program Was Elizabeth Etllolt noted soprano soloist at church and concert Acmnlln In ll Hndu pmldrnl he Canmllnn mm the mmpnny runcu llm nnw mrnllfln lo rravlllo le Domln Inn whlr cmlnmm WI lnslcr dellvrry nml lMllnr nervlcc In nddnlon the mummy cumu be In bell cunlpcmlvu posh lion flurrlry olmlnl In lomm And he commntr bellor Muuwnm vnlun They presented thoroughly delightful program which was cnhanccd by the tremendous personalities Mr and Mrsr Elliott Vtsl Hnnd of Canada Umlml hm btnun be mmulndum hwscwnm In new 65000 aqunm loo addition ll plum on John ilml unrrlo 1M nd dlllan modem Ilnlecvel ranslmrllon or no produulon Ind Include lwmlarey ofllru run1 II In Irmenll lhe wnm hmnsinz ollm nml oulbonn molnr manulmurln Mililm mm the Inn hu npchrd In nnrrle mm 1937 Wnl Hm almln LM nllm unnle Hm ol nlnlry kn pm And Alumlnum mak In uuulll zlllwnn nnd EIK rlul nwnunm nm Imwarm nroducl la lnclmlc Mink In Cumin In It nude mark will In nnlln mm IIMIIINI sled rmkwnvr nVIvmd by mm group II mlrlnyl Inml popular PHI Mr Elllult opening number was me brllllnnl Toccata from Widort Filth Organ Symphnny schdllalhg keyboard arpeg gloq over majestic pedal mla This was lolinwod by two groups from the Baroque period with authentic and extremely elicctive registration employ Ing the uruann ample reaourc es Chorale preiude Let Ail Iaxether praise our God and tho Prelude Fugue and Chu canne Huxtehude with two miiiar Chorale prelude and the impressive Fugue In hin ior neiectcd mm the work the great organ masher Bach When producer across Onl uric are holding meetings In their respective counties In re view the winicr when induslry Ind cicci members in heir Disv trici when Producnrf Commit lm or 19C Omclnls the Onlnrlu When Produccn Mnrkcllng Board nil visn lhnl nnnnxcmcnls nnd dat hnv been ï¬nalized or near ly all the 36 munuc Involv Undtr the When Produccrl Markuan Plnn each toumy dads producm to county commluce and mm the tnunly commlllcc one rnprcscnlallvc AT COLLIER UNITED Manufactures Housewares PLANNED PAHINYIIOOD DOM Wheat Producers Meet Next Week luvlu Rum YMVHCA ll 000 nu Plum no IIwmrl BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP New Pipe Organ Géts Full Test SUNDAY 9111 BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEB 10 Shanty Bay Bay Tops His Class GUTHRIE Spccial One On student Fred Veenema of Shanty Bay leading grade ulna Barrie Nonh Colleglale twice at School Area of 0m were told other Oro nud enla In grade nlnn at Barrie North are making satisfactory 91021151 Manley Clement said In his report Howard Campbefl pmlded over the board meeting held It Gumfla school to have 15mm period 01 instructions eadl week drew In safeiy prunufluns The board directed the nuperlelon princlpal lnauzurah the following report mm chair man Howard Campbell Mr Campbell recently attended neetlpg of scyml bu up for hamh are II which may rezulatlmu were db cussed Dake or the next board med is Maxd 11 at No 17 Mb Mn Elllolll ï¬n number was Hear Ye Israel mm Eli jah by Mendelssohn Mr Elliot relumed to the organ or three numbers Noel Grand Jeux at Duo Duqutnl Bcrceusa Vlerne and Outbuer of Jay Ascension Suite women After lntcrmlssnbn Mu El Ilou sung Depuh Jam mm nuke Chamenuer and Alle Runs Exsultale Jubilnte Mo zart She completed the arm with Come unto Hm from the Messiah HandeiL Closing his program the organ Mr Elliot brnughl Hay dens mum plquam Muslcal Clock and ended wilh the Puxun and fiery Finale Irom Maml Duprel Variation an NDeL in nu has mm Iuhl imnn In Ihclllrr ou md Wanna In or um dnul mm Ihh Inruumlm new lmlm II lmmly uluuble luv my mum willl hem mnhlem III lull llllNd In lwlp nu enjoy Iivinl Immugh mm mm in rm TWays To Hear Better PLANE TOLL HIKES ANKMIIL hukey AllThu dunk loll In Hm mllhlnn ol Ltbnnuo Alrllnrr Iml nuldlh mllllnry plane Mr Anknrl Feb mm In In Thurhr Two more vlcllnu lled nl lulurlu All 11 venom aboard bath plnnu riled nnd the dulh lull nl lhnm In or Around Uhu Squnrt wlhm lhu plnnu ltll plle cuunler nilndion in the City there was load al lendance The iull glory of the Kenlu organ was expiniicd in every degree by the lllenlcd urganisl bringing out the high quality and excellent voicing the 19 rank ni pipe from an three nnri pedals lnlluwlnu are the Annual mrdlnu lthtdulld locally néw Ilnnxll Vllr 7a Mr Elliot played piano Ic companlment or we Mrs Elliotts solos Charminge manmr Ihe has very mull volt of lust mm and or each 50 reducer or uan them ducted to lhl Distrch Wheel Producerl Com mlllce The province divided Into ulna dmrlcu whlch an rcpre unlcd by no cummluccmcn 111m are npproxlmmly 16000 rhul producan In lha prov Cl Th dislrlcl commillcemcn nu nr More Mart each yur IIch producer member the Ontario Wheat Producer Markuan Donrd In most um Iocll martin will be allcndcd by bond of an rom nnolhcr dhlrlt pm at plm lo obtain In un derlandan mnrkcflnl prob Irml In olhrr Arm Slmroe Ftb 21 130 pm Slmmo 01mm Coopcrnllvl Board Room Barrie Dulmln Feb II 130 nm Slmcoe Dislrlcl Cooperallvu Board Room Ilnrm In the am WW IImmNn lEnVllR 1mm nu mum In tun ml Nam A46 my MAICO NEW FREE BOOKLET WEImil